tym"" i : I Homes! Do you want, ono? Wo Imvo just, listed several nioo homos Unit nro bargains. Land is advancing very fast. If you want to got it homo boforo it gets too high for you, rou had bottor got busy. Or if you want to nuiko an invest motit, now is tho time to buy. Tho Hoonor you buy tho moro profit thoro is in it. Thoro will bo u boom in Wob.stor county land this fall. Colorado Land Wo have for sale in Colorado as pretty eighty aero tracts as ever you laid your oyos upon, plowed and fenced in, level and nice, within fifteen to twenty milos of DKNVI3R and MOULD Kit, from from ono to flvo miles of railroad station and smaller tpwns. Prico ?(!." per acio; one-fifth down, balanco to suit, with perpetual water right. Parties who purchased land last fall can clear now live or ton per cent on it. To seo this land Is to'buy it. City Property Wo have tho finest list of good, now property ovor oll'ored in this city, at prices that will surprise you. Farm Loans Wo can loan you money on your farm at 0 por cent on flvo or ton years time, with option to pay 8100 or all of It at any interest paying date, or by paving small commission wo can mako a loan at f por cent with option. j. p. hale:, W. V. BEAL, Assistant. I fleiasy jotes prom -1 GATHERED FROM LEBANON. (From the Argus.) Will Foster delivered a bunch of hogs Monday that brought him sHM&.ll. ,, , ,. . . , Low Breakey sold twonty-two mules , from us bunch bat .may, for winch lie took in 91,210, or u httlo bottor tl.a t tl.K) ouch. Alrs. J. A. Adams was called to Paw- nco City, Saturday, by a telegram stut ing that hor mother was dying. Sho . arrived a few hours boforo her mother e,0('' As Hoyt Lull, accompanied by Mis, Edna Abbott, was driving from town Suuday, tho team boeamo frightoned . at a bicylo and ran away. Tho buggy . was overturned and badly broken up. SUPERIOR (I'Yoin the Kvpre.ss.) Mrs. Will Shank was called to Ot- i tumwa, Iowa, Sunday, by tho death of hor mother. .1. W. Thomas had tho misfortune to crush his hand while at. Now Tuesday, helping to erect a monument. It is reported that Mr. Calder has baud boys Friday night and t hoy had caught three beavers this winter on a good practice. Mr. Snapp it a cupa- tho river near tho Kansas line. hie iif-tructor and tho boys all like A wholesale grocery linn from Beat rice., with a capital stock of iVJ.'i.OUO, is Ono of Franklin's landmarks passed asking that an equal amount of stock out of existence last week, when Char bo subscribed hero, and they will move lie, tho old familiar family horse which to tlds city In the death of Mrs. Cady, tho old settlors are reminded of her in many ways in tho early days of tho town. Twouty-slx years ago tho llrst ladies aid society was organized, and as she CALUMET Baking Powder The only high grade Baking Powder sold at a moderate price. Com plies with the pure food laws of all states. Homes! 15he Real Estate Man I Neighboring Toians j tf OUR EXCHANGES 1 was tho only church member of tho town, and being a Methodist, the to- doty was named tho Methodist Aid so- i tnfv in lint- linnni ' S. A. eariek mot withquito u .sovoro ac(j.(loMt fho mn Sat(m W,0 wopklllK , tho IIinohlllBiy tho baok part ol his jumpors Kot omiht , a puioy whi(., .0J)L winding and grind- iiu, until he Wlin ciQiGl insoniblo. A bolt was thrown ofF in tho mixup and stopped a portion of tho maoiinory at. tractiug tho attention of the miller down stairs, who wont up and released Mr. Yo.iriek. Ho was taken homo and a physician called. V FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) B. .1. Hilsabeck is demuioly hobbling about on crutches duo to an accident I received while hauling lumber yostor- day I3,jB Coburn.'living out near the state line, received a telegram Wednes- day, announcing the death of his fath- or, back in Illinois. Pi of. Snapp. of Mod Clou 1, met the Mr. Furry has owned so long guvo up tho ghost. Tho horse was .!! years old. Probably tho greatest shipment of live stock ovor made at ono time from this county wont out of Franklin last Sunday morning. Forty cars had been Trust Making Powders sell for 45 or 50 cents ior pound iiml may bu idea tided by this exorbitant prico. They uru a menace, to public health, as food prepared from them con tains large quantities of Kochclle salts, u dangerous cathartic drug. J ordorod but tho number actually ie coived fell shy to tho extent of half u dozen and thirty-four was tho number really loaded. A largo American eagle was shot on Albert Hayes' place out south of Mloomiugton this week. lie mearures nearly sovou feet from tip to tip and Is stl.ll nlivo. Phil UoniioU brought him down after eight shots had been poured into him, the first ono apparent ly crippling him. Seven of , tho high rollers from our neighboring town to tho west went to Oxford last Saturday night and indul ging in too much culivouer got oxtia hilarious on tho tiaiu coming back. Three car windows wore smashed inul now, to pay tho (Idler, a bill for tf'JiiO has been sent them by tho Burlington and it is claimed tho boys will have to dig up. Dr. Cross, for tho committee, has re coived tho preliminary blue pi hits and specifications for a waterworks system to cover Franklin. The plan provides for a main within reach of every house in town at an outsldo cost of SlllJOO. This might bo lowered on a call for bids. The committee will decide upon tho next step just as soon as they can get together. BLOOM1NGTON (From the Advocate.) L. D. Haynes, of Franklin, who is now in his eighty-third year, was a caller last Wednesday. Tho chief engineer, C. E. Harrison, of tho Salina v Northwestern railroad was hero yesterday morning and filed with tho county dork the profile and location of that road. Tho slander case of Ella Nelson vs Seth M. Green, of Campbell, that was tried in tho district court last Friday after wo had gone to press, resulted in a verdict of $500 for tho plaintiff. Harry lvliug and Quoona Crane fooled ovory one hore, including hor dad. by quietly having .Judge Losoy marry them on Wednesday night. They loft for California tho next night. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) Mr. and Mrs. John Dudek returned homo from Omaha, Saturday. Mrs. Dudek has recovered her health. Valentino Minch and family left last evening for Ft. Collins, where they will work this season in the beet fields. Young Peter K'tber mot with an ac cident Tuesday, ti load of wheat pass ing over his heel. No bones wore broken but the wound is most painful. Mrs. Nels Berg, who has been under going treatment in tho hospital at Omaha for some time past, returned home-Sat unlay oecoinpanied by her ion Joe. BLUE HILL. (From tho Leader.) ('. A. Pioctorof Hastings has pur chased the Star livery barn here. Tho Order of Eastern Star gave a farewell reception to two of their mem bers . S. Ashby and daughter, Miss Buulah, last Thursday evening. T. W. McCluie wont down to Nelson last Thursday, tiom wheie ho drove to a neighboring town and purclnscd u high bred stallion. Mr. McCluro says tho horse is perfect in every respect and that ho cost him $1200. INAVALli Will Toptiam has improved tho looks of his houso by building an addition. Tho work on Charles Stoner's houso Is nearly comploted and they will soon move into their now dwelling. Mrs. Charles Latto and son of Kan sas aro visiting Mrs. Sadie Tloldrego. They will leave for Arkansas in a fow weoKs. A largo number attended tho leuturo at tho Christian church Tuesday night. This was tho last uumbor of the lecture course, Spring is hero. Fruit tioes aro in bloom and somo of tho men in our town are getting ahead of (Jood Friday by planting their potatoes on March '27th, Mr. and Mrs. Frey (formerly Bessio Dickenson) loft Wednesday night for Lincoln, whore they will mako their future home. Tamos Knight and family have moved into thoir residence on sixteen and (). street and will bo ut homo to callers alt' r March 150th. William Carpenter Is now acting as Postmaster and wo understand that tho blacksmith shop will now go into tho hands of Chas. Dickenson, u No. 1 blacksmith from Rod Cloud, Te Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Lnxatlvo Bionio quinine tab lots. Druggists refund money if It fulls to euro. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2f cents. Dr. 11. K. Asher, the veterinarian has decided to locate at Hluu Hill, He will, however, make frequent regu lar trips to Hed Cloud, and will answer calls at any time. llliKUWATiSU CUKKI) IN A t)Y Mvsile Cure for Khciitnallsm nnd Netirnlitia radically cur n Hi I to.'ldav It nrtlon upon tho Mtuit If leunirkalile mihI m)sterlous, It rmiovcs ut mice the cause and thodlsc'isi) lm medlatclv disappears;. Tlie llrst dns greatly lien Hit. 7.1 r-ins hiii tl. Sold by 11 K.Uiuck. tillUglSt, Oil CloUl) Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. -AT- PLURIB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. NOTICE OF ELECTION. School Building Bond Proposition. Not'ee I- hereby given to tho qualified votetN of the school District of the Oltv uf Hed cloud. Webster County. In the Suite of Nebraska. being District No. a. purMiHiit to a resolution adopt d by thi' Hoard of Kducnllou of said IMntrlci. at an adjourned regular iiieutliiK thuteof Februarv llUli. ltXiT. and based upon tin- petition of more, than one third of the uualilicd voters of said school district, that on Tuesday, tne 2nd dny of April, 1IHIT, h( thogciicral election to be held lu said City of Had Cloud, mid In said School ills, trlct. Websler County. In the Stale of Nebraska, and at the usual voting places therein, to wit: In the First ward of said city at tho F M. Hank building and In the Second ward thereof at the Fireman's Hall, between the hours of 8 o'clock a m. and T o'clock p in. of said dav and date aforesaid an election Is called autl will be held, and at such said general election 011 the dale aforesaid mid ut the time and places In said City and School District aforesaid, there will I e and hereb) is submitted to the qualMed voter', of said school District to be voted upon, the following proposition, to wit: Slnill the Hoard of Kducatlou of the School District i.f in,. 1 iiy of lied Cluiid. WebMei rowdy. In the Stale of Nebraska, tieliu; School District iiiiiubci '1. for and 011 behalf of shIiI District. Issue ihe bonds of Mild District lu the sum of Twenty Fiu Thousand Dollars, of the denomination of Five Hundred Dol ars each, for the purpose of putcliaslnj; a Bite, bulldlim a new school house, furnishing (he necessary fur nlturc and apparatus for the same la the hirst Ward of the city of It. d Cloud, lu said District, ami to Install a healing plant In the ichuol building In the Second Ward or said ( Ityof Kcd cloud in said District, nil ihc cost thereof not 10 ex-eed the sum of Twenti Five Thousand Dollars The entire iiui'iuut and each hiiiI all ol said bonds 10 be dated the day of their Issuance and to be payable lo bearer at the otllee of the County Trcaswcr of Veht r county. Ne.iraskn, IntheCilyof Ited cloud, Nebraska, at the ex titration of tweut) years fiom the date thereof but to be made payable and ledeiuiable at the option of said School District at- nu tluio utter the expiration ot the ears from the due oftheissiia ceof the same. In sums ol I'le llutidied Dollars or an multiple thereof, said bonds to draw not to exceed four ami one hall ( I'j) per cent lutetest pet annum from the dxtc ol IsHiianro of the same. paable annually, which said iutertst pigments shall becvldciict'd by Interest coupon 1 otes executed and attiii hed to sal.l bonds also ni utile to bvaieratihe otllee of the Count) Treasurer of Webster counu. state of Nebraska. In the Clt) ol Kcd Cloud. Nebraska Stild bonds to be sold lor not Us limn par utile with acciiuil interest and the protieds ther"of (o be used for Ihe liurpose of purchasing a site building a new k mo. Ihhim' furnishing the iiciessar) furniture and appautius f r the same in the Urst warn 01 sfini cii 01 lied ( loud !','.., .""!'.! .,,)M5'',,:. .,"".,1,,"..,"Va11.,11 ,'l'V"r" lilHlll lu the school build ng lu the M-mml Ward or sHd i iy or Hed cloud lu said Dis Iriet. And shall said llimnl ot IMucrttiou of said District, or such oilier olllcersas ma) be dunged by law with the tint) of levying im.-s of said District, for the time being III addition to all other tuxes. Uvy or cause to bo levied anuiiall) upon all the tnxnhlc pioperty lu said District a i thx sulllclent to pit) ihe Interest uu said bonds as the same nuituio mid to furnish a sinking tiiml for the pnjniout of the piluclpn! of said bonds, And be II further resolved that the vote on said proposition shall be by ballot lu the form following, to wit: (Vote for Out) for the llonds and tax ( ) Against the Ilonds and tax ... . ... ( ) . -. A Ho It further resolved tlnit In case a majority or the vote cast at such election Is lu favor of sucn proposition, bond and lax. that said Hoard of Kducatlou shall proceed to the Issuance of said bonds for the purposes tpecllled lu the foregoing proposition, and as provided by law. and It shall be the duty of Ihe President ami Secretary of bald Hoard to sign said bonds, mid the coupons attached to the nine. and said bonds shall be offered lu the open market and sold to the hlvhest bidder for not less than par value, and the proceeds of thes-leof snld bonds shall be paid to the Treasurer of said School Hoard and kept by him In a separate fund apart from other monevs nod to be known as the School Hulldlug Fund, and shall be paid out only on the order of said Hoard of Kducatlou and warrants drawn against the same for the purposes herein specllled and no other. Dated thlsil-h day or March. 11X17 lly the President or snld Itonrd of Kdueatinn, V. H. FT lTON. Attest- I.. II. HOKT. Secretary of snld Hoard of Kducatlou. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Courthouse Bond Preposition. It was moved by Commissioner II. G. Sawyer and seconded by Commissioner T, J. Chaplin that the rollowlng preamble, resolution and order he adopted: UK IT HKMKMHKUKD. that at an adjourned meeting of the tegulnr .lannary, 1WQ7. session or the board ot county commissioners of Webster county. Nebraska, tield at the court home In the city of lied Cloud In saIiI county this IVth day of March. 1907, tha snld board bolng duly convened and in session ror the transaction or all business that might properly come before It, and there being present W, Hlchard, chairman, and W. 11. Anderson. T. .1. Chaplin, J. O. Over mo., mill II n Snwvnr. I'nmiiilsnlnners. and I.en I DoTour. county Tlerk, said board being rojulnr ly convened and called to order ror tho trans action of business raid resolution was presented : WiiEiirAM, unaer tne iswsor me siaie or ,e btaska, It Is the duty or the board or county commlsfioncrs of said county lo provide sikf and suitable courtli use and oilier nrcesarr blilldli gs for said county, nnd to provide suit ntilo ofllccs for the several county ollicers. a.ui courtrooms and unices for tho accommodation' of the several courts of record In said fouiily and fire proof vaults and safes fur I he safe keep Ing of the couti'y records, and .Vnsui'As. the 1 reent con thowe of Webster county is an old frame building and whnlh In sulllclent and Inadequate lo nccommudarr thn several olllccrs of said comity, an 1 the vntilw tut rein are not lire pro fund are Intuit unle In sle and constiuetiun and 11 (lord no proltctlnit lo the records of said county stored iheieln In case of lire, thereby cudangerliik the title to thor leal ctale lu said touiitt and other valiiHblu rights and property of the said county and tli cltlveiis thereof, and. Uiikiitas. a petition has been presenlcd t( this board purporting to be sign1 11 by n liirco number, to wit: overHUn' the legal volets or said county, asking that prolsloii be made fora suitable courthouse and countv olllces. and the board deeming the sun u lo be necesar) ttM proicr In be done nt this time. Therefore, be It resulted by (ho board of county c inmls'loners of Webster cuuut. No braska. lu regular session rs ufo'reald ai iheeourthoiiwoln lied Cloud in said countv on till, l'uh day of March, ll7 that a specla: eiectlon be and II hureby Is eal ed ami ordered b said hoawl to be held In sHd couiiM ot Web sleriittho various voting precincts thereof on the.'Mlh dayor April. Ill ',. for the purpose of siibiiilliltu. and to submit to the legal voter of said count) ihe propi sltlon wlilelt Is set out fullv lu the following lortn of notice which Is made a part of this order tuul resolution. hlclu said proposition It will be necessary to carrv mr. In order lo eniible bald board to jirovldc n'sult ablecounhoiise for said county, and stiltnhU ofllces. rooms and Miults for iliuaciominodntloa ot theeouriK of record, the county olbces and connlv records Snld tironoslllnu N to vote for the lunnnrr. nr Ihc bonds of saldcouulv lu the sum of ecntT live thousand dollms ( ITfi I X)) for the purpoKe of obtaining funds to purchase the material and labor and construct s.ii courthouse at Hi. county seat of shIiI countv of Vutcr. all s authorised bv article 1 of chapter 18 of the com tilled statutes of .Nebraska, nmfi. ami particular ly sections W,. sC. 27 and 88 thereof: 'Jo tht I.kjuI Vnters of Ybttr tiratkti: County, X ollce Is hereby gl veu that nt a special tleetlo k to be held In said countv of Webster oi luesdin. the ,tnili da) of April, IMC. theie wit be siibuiltttd to Ihe legal voters of said countv ror their iicceptancc or lejectlon the Mliwlnt proposition, to wit Shall the board of county commissioners of Webster county. ebrnskn. tor and lu behalf or said (own), Issue the bonds of mild eouniv Ir. ihe sum of seven!) live thousand dollars ft;.rn(0) of the denomination o! one thousand dolhi- itl.Of))eaeli. for Ihe puriose of purchasim; material forand milldlng. construciliig. furnish Ing arid completing a courthouse building li saldcouo'v lu the city of Ited Cloud, the emiiur scat of said county on the prcseut courthou'e siiuare therein all the costs iheieof not to ex iced the sum of seventy llvv thousand dollar, (175.(1011), ihe entire amount of ihc proieeiN ,.f said bonds tube pii)able lobeaier nt the oflli e of the treasurer of the stale of Nebraska at Mr coin. Nebraska, at the expiration of in ca; Irom the dale thereof, but to be made redeem able at Ihe option of said count) of Webster at any time after the diite ol the Issmwce of tli.. same, in the sum of one thousand dollar'. ( tl.noo) or any multiple thereof pauible on tbe lirsl da)sof Januaiy or Jnlv in each tear .Mil said bonds to draw I percent Interes.'peranniii front the date ol Issuance of the same, pimiiie seml'iinninill) on the llrst da) of .liinunr an I Inly or each jenr. which Inte'est pawncii . slmll be evidenced bv liueiest coiiions execute 1 and attached to said bonds imvahlt. to bearei at the said treasurer's olhce of tho state of Nebras kit, Kach or said bonds and Interest coupons t bcdiiled ,lwy lltst. I'.hi? Thesaid bonds to I e liigollated at a sum not liss than their par ulms mid to be sold onlv lu ihe auiouuts ueu'ssan nt the times' needid for the construction of tin. said courihouse building, in d tlie lutetest i pons thereon which ma) be uialuied at date of sale are lo be clipped therefrom so that sal i bonds will draw inlciest only from dale i f sal.- And shall s.ild board of eounl) couimsslotie -of the said count) ot Webster or such ollicers of said county as ma) be elnirged bv law with th iiul) of le ylng taxes ot said riiiu for the t me being. Inaddlilou to all other taxes lev't I or caused to bu leled annually upon all taxab l property. In sMld county, nu umoiiut of tBxe suillclent lo pay the lutciest on said bonds , the same imiiuies And shall the board of countx i'oninilsloiie-s of sHd ouiityor such othei ollHer.s as ma) be charged b) law with the dut) of levxlng ihe bu es ot said e unit) tor the time being, lev), oi muse to be levied lu addition ( all oilier taxi . in the )ear IIHI7 and each )eai then after a uv upi'ii all the taxable propert) lu nld coun snillcieiit lo pny not less limn ten peri cut m r mme iliiin twenlv nei tent of the pniuip.il ! said bonds aiiiuml!) for the irlod ol ten u.i- or mull a stiiliclcnt nmouiit is inNui to pa a' l bonds And be It further icsoived. Iiml the vote o said pioposltion slmll be nv ballot In the folhrv lug form, to wit: (IITK Ut. 1IAI.I UT Knit HOMi t.M.ITI S. To vole for the ssn ,n(i(. f Wlmr five thin and dollars (fT.'i.UcO) ot bonds ol v elister count . Nebraska loi building mid tiiilshiug a eoi tiuiiso building and foi tin kvy of it tax 'on i tiiMible plopertv lu said eounl) lo pnv Ihe mu ct mid prli cituil of the sahi l.oncU puruaui the resolution iiml notice ol this eieetiou- Make a cros thus i, i w llbiii the s,nnie 0i posile the vvoiils oi ihe bonds and tux To vote against the Issuance ol seveniv !'i Ihou. and dollars i K.i oooi of bonds ot e'bsi. i (oiiiuv. leiiskH, fur building and llnishmg . ( oiiiihonse biiildliiK and against the i nt a "f"" onds pursuant to the resolution and tax suiui lent to p'i) the inieiest ami priuelpi' notice ot this election: .Mtikea cross inns i) within tho siiiiue op posite the woids Against the bonds ami tax Korthe bonds ami lax ( ) Against the bonds and tax ... .... , . The snld ballots to be pupated, procured and dellveietl to the propel ehi tlon mil ers as re united bv law bv ihecoimt) ncrk of said eounl r at the time mid In the manner iciiilrcd by imi ami Mibsttintlii h tin1 snnie as In othel eases -ami the votes on said pioposltion tobcicceivcd cotiiited ami the letuius tliereot made and can Viissed by the ollicers ami persons lu the oiniiv and lu the form and manner ieiiilred bv lav's ami substantial!) the same as is required lu general elections. And the said countv clerk Is further ordered to procuio mid deliver lo the pioper election otlleeisihe iiciessar) poll Imok.s, and other iiinterials and supplies iilxcsmii) for tlie submission ot the snld proposition accoid lug to the foregoing retoliitleu at the specla flection called as aforesaid, ami that notice, id this said proposition, tesulutloii and election be given by publishing the foregoing lesolutloit and notice of this order lu the Webster County Argus and the lied C'lomJ 1'iut.r, legal news papers published In and of general circulation in said county of Webster for at least four ui I consecutive weeks prloi to said Tiitsday. April :uth. 11X17. and posting uput each place of voting miring iiic uay cicciiou a cop) or raid resolution notice ami order, The polls of which said election shall ho open at the hour of 8 '(dock lu the forenoon ami continue open until t) o'clock In the aftcrnoea of the saltl day. On the question, shall the resolution pass ami be adopted, tho vote was as follows: Aje, Illchaid, Sawyer, Anderson, Chnplln and Overman, No, none. Thereupon the samo was adopted and ordere 1 iu uu uniue i lecuni. Attest: l,KK DeTOUII, County Clerk. V. HICIIAKI), Chairman I. ft.OYKUMAN, II. (1. SAWYKU, T. .1. CHAPLIN. W. II. ANDKHSON. CommlhKloner, (SKAL) Awlrcatlcii for License. Notlc Is hereby given that a petition signed by thirty or more resident rreehohlers or lbs Second ward or the city or Hed Cloud, Nebras ko. Iiib bteii tllcil with the city clerk or sal, I city or lied Cloud, praying that a license be granted by the city council or said city lev Charles U . 1 ushee lor the sjiH or mall, splrltotit and vinous liquors on lot one (I), block one (t. Williams' addition to the city ot Hed Cloud, Ne braska. That action will be taken on said poll Hon by the mayor and city council on the 1st dayof May, 11)07. or hi the first meeting of the council thereafter. L. II Foiit, City Olerk. 1 .1).'Uc,.ft,.,,lci1 cl0,,a Nebtuskrt, this ir.th d bf Mnrch, 11KJ7. V J' 1 ' s & -' s ' milMWAHWmMIHUWRnvlJtMiAUiJll, MaWMMWmWtH J :$MtMjvwtteUH