The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1907, Image 7

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'A' -
Tribute to the
liven John Philip So-:i, iiu .jK'iu i-.n.lmastcr, who has no use for
Phonographs, lias lp n loivM to ri-i-.nizt' the Phonograph as a for
midable competitor. I hi- tuo-stpp kinr sas that people will no
longer go to concerts H thr can h.ivc music in their own homes so
easily and so chcapK .is they can with the Phonograph. This is an
unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The man who has
a Phonograph has a concert in his own house. Even a king could not
have more. At our store you can hear them any time.
The Victor Gramaphone.
"His Mnjsforis Voice'
t.U. PATtUf Ft
The Victor Junior $14.20
The Victor Z 21 .20
The Victor No. 1 26.20
The Victor No. 2 34-20
The Victor No. 3 M-2 0
The Victor No. 4 54-20
The Victor No. 5 64.20
The Victor No. 6 104.20
L p
The above prices include 12 S-in. records with each machine
The Edison Phonograph.
The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00
The Edison Standard Phonograph '. 20.00
The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00
The Edison Triumph Phonograph -. 50.00
Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen.
Compare these prices ivith anyone s, and
remember we save yon the freight.
Newhouse Brothers,
1 Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors.
1 to ti.U ,ni r.tUI'.
Tho senate ulso passed tho Iiouhu
bill prohibiting in the trnln service at
night of telegraph operators loss than
twenty-one years old.
Tho liCfiHo voted to accept tho
amended nntl-pnss bill and reported it
for passage, it prohibits railroad
pit'ses for practically everyone except
bona tide employes of railroads.
Tho senate bill, intended to forbid
tho Issuance of special llfo insnrancu
contracts, was Indefinitely postponed
by tho house.
Tho senate hilled the house bill re
ducing sleeping car rates '.V, per cent.
Jury In Poncn Murder Trial Returns
Verdict of Not Guilty.
Poncn, Neb., March 127. The trial
of l-'rank Ht.nk for tho murder of his
sweetheart, Uesslo Newton, canto to
a sudden and unexpected termination.
Kivo physicians from Poncn and Sioux
City made an examination us to the
mental condition of HrinU, and unan
imously agried that ho was suffering
from melancholic Insanity, and at the
time of the tragedy was unable to
distinguish between right and wrong.
After the report of tho medical ex
ports, both hides rested. Tho Jury
was Instructed by the Judge and re
turned a verdict of not yullty.
Superintendent of Omaha Cemetery
Charged With Desecrating Graves.
Omaha, March 27. Daniel ('. Cal
lahan, who, as superintendent of Pros
pect Hill cemetery. Is accused of being
responsible for shocking di'seciatlon
of graves, was taken before .Judge
Crawford In police court for prelim
inary heating. The testimony re
voided double burials, one witness, a
grave digger testifying thnt he fell
throng!) an old rolUit while digging a
ginve for a new one.
Strangles Her Daughter.
Akron, ().. March '21. Mrs. .lames
Hemphill stiangled her daughter,
Helen, aged nine years, by hanging
her with a rope. I She then secreted
the body in a box. When her hus
band returned fronlWork he iIIm-ov
civil Mrs. Hemphill In the act of
hanging herst.ll to a bedpost. Aft r
he had cut her down she declared she
had sent tiio little girl to heaven,
where she declared she thought sdio
ought to be. The woman showed no
sluts of Insanity '.previously.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There in a dim-use nreviiiliiur in ttiia
country most dangerous Idealise so deccp-
live, mimymnidcii
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy arc often
the result of kid
ney diwase. If
kidney tumble, is
thekidnej joisou
tft IiIoihI wilt nl-
ArwTlflHTWII"' .- ---
tack the vital organs, canning catarrh ot
thebladdci, or the kidneys themselves!
break down and waste away cell by cell.
ltladder trouble almost nhwiys'tesult '
front a derangement of the kidney and
a euie is obtained ciuickct by a "ptopcr
treatment of the kiunevs. If you are feel
ing. badly ) on can make uo'mistake by
taking lir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the kidney, lter and bladder remedv.
It corrects iunhililv to hold mine and
siAildiug pain in passing it, and over
come that unpleasant necessity of beinjj
compelled to go often tluough" the day,
and to get tip many time during the
night. The mild atid the exttaotdinat y
cfTec' frf Swamp-Root i soon realized.
It stands the highest for it wonderful
cures of the most distressing eases.
Swamp-Root i pleasjmt to take and i
sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-doilar sie bottles. You limy have n
sample bottle of this uoitdet ful Hew dis
covery and a book that tell all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Hiiigbaintou, N V. When
writing mention leading this generous
offer in thi paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remeiubi r the name, Swamp
Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and tho
address, Uinghamtou, iM. V., on every
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
' Fresh Hread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BlsNSlS, Proprietor.
Affidavits So Widely at Variance!
Court Will Not Pass on Tnem If
Insane, Prisoner Goes to Asylum,
nnH If Not Trial will Proceed.
j Now York, Mnrc4i 27. Harry K.
Thour mnr niivnr Dentil ftlf'O till- Illl-V
AAA... ...MJ .jvi. (,.- www .w .r
a empanelled more than nine weeks ago
to try him on the charge ot murder
in the first degree. Justice Fitzger
ald unexpectedly ordered a commis
sion in lunacy to inquire into tho
'. present atate erf mind of Stanford
Whites slayer, ine decision oi uiu
three disinterested men named to con
duct the inquiry will guide tho future
action or tho court mi to ordering
Thaw to an asylum or directing that
tho trial shall proceed.
Justice Fitzgerald announced the
nnnolntment of the commission pri
ll vntely in his chambers. Evelyn Nes-
bit Thaw was there with tho lawyers,
and it became her task to break tho
news to her husband In tho Tombs.
rueful when she left tho judge's
' . ... ..1...I....1 .........,. i. ,.n. ii....
rooms 111 IIIO C11111IUUI uuiliut unimiiib,
tho young woman was smiling and
cheerful when Thaw was brought to
tiro hospital ward of tho prison to
meet her. Thaw received tho court's
'iKHceislou philosophically and said ho
Jj'( knd no doubt th commission would
tl him a sane man.
I Followlnc are tfce commissioners:
L ...
Moman .1. O'Htien, a lormer justice
of tho appellate division of tho su-
nrenie court: Peter H. Olnoy, former
district attorney of Now York county;
Dr. Leopold Putzt-l, a practicing pnysi
clan and authority on mental disor
Tho lunacv commission will bo at
tended by District Attorney Jerome.
The lawyers for tho defendant will
he prcsont and tho commission may
direct and compel tho attendance of
probable that Thaw will be asked
first of ajl to submit tQ. a rigid physi
cal examination. Having undergone
several of these since his incarcera
tion, ho l-s somewhat nervous on this
subject, but it was said by his coun
sel that ho would do anything in his
power to aid the commission in its
work, and he hoped for an early opin
ion as to his sanity. Thaw's lawyers
and the defendant himself were down
cast when first made acquainted with
Justice Fitzgerald's decision, but all'
were manifestly pleased when the lat
er aunouueement as to the personnel
of the committee of inquiry was made.
Mr. Del mas in particular declared that
Justice Fitzgerald could hardly have
selected a more generally satisfactory
committee, one whose decision could .
command more respect. District At
torney Jerome seemed pleased with
his efforts.
Tho law under which the commis
sion is appointed provides that the
commissioners must take oaths as
referees and may compel tiie attend
ance of witnesses. The statute then j
"When the commissioners have con-i
eluded -their examination they must
forthwith report tho facts to tho court
with their opinion thereon. If tho
commission ilnds the defendant insane
the trial or judgement must be sus
pended until ho becomes sane and
the court, If It deems his dischnrgo,
dangerous to the public peace or safe
ty, must order thnt ho be, In tho ,
meaut'me, committed by tho sheriff)
to a state lunatic asylum, and upon;
his becoming sane he be redelivered
by the supetlntendent of the asylum
to the sheriff. When received into nn
asylum he must he detained thoro '
until he becomes sane. Then the su
piintndeut must give writteu notice
of the fact to a Ju'dge of tho supreme
court of the district in which the asy
lum Is situated. The Judge must re
quire tlto sheriff, without delay, to
bring the defendant from the asylum
and place him in the proper custody
until he Is brought to trial, judgment
or execution, as tho case may he, or
lie legally discharged."
In announcing his decision to ap
point a commission, Justice Fitzgerald
read a written memorandum. Ho
based his opinion on the conflict of
affidavits from the opposing sides,
saying they were too diametrically at
odds to permit a decision-other than
in favor of an impartial inquiry.
Sharp Recovery Is Feature of tho
Day's Operations In Wall Street.
Now York, March 27. A complete
reveisal of sentiment marked trading
in tho stock market. Although Lon
don prices were lower, the New York
exchange soon after the opening
showed a much stronger tone than for
some time past and quotations wero
advanced sharply on very heavy buy
ing. The bears began to retreat on
rumors that further government as
sistance for the money market was
imminent, and when the formal an
nouncement camo from Washington
that such assistance was to bo given
the shorts began to cover up their out
standing contracts. At the sumo timo
there was a renewal of purchases for
investment. Tho trading was wild
and excited, as tho bears sought to
cover. Accompanying the upward
movement was an industriously circu
lated rumor that an enormous pool
had been formed by the greatest hank
ing houses in Wall street to support
prices. Tills report, which lacked
continuation, made it appear that
$50,000,000 had been subscribed by
bankers to buy stocks with the ob
ject of putting a stop to the recent
precipitate declines. Tho extreme ad
vances reached to over seven points
in most of the Ilarriman and Hill
stocks, to six or over in St. Paul, Ca
nadian Pacific and Smelting and from
three to four points in a large number
of tho most active stocks. Tho ex
treme gains were pot all hold and
tho closing tone of the market was
rather Irregular.
Conference Report Is Adopted In
House by Vote of 58 to 25.
Lincoln, March 27. The house con
curred In the report of the conference
committee on the terminal tax bill.
The vote was 58 to 25. The bill will
now go to the governor.
Tho senate passed the house child
labor bill, amending it so as to erempt
from its provisions boys who work on
farms and other boys between the
ages of fourteen and sixteen years
who have an eighth grade school cer
tificate. Tho house concurred lu the
senate amendments and the bill goes
It Need Not by Any Mcan3 Point to
a Short Life.
The heart Is perhaps the organ of the
body least known by members of the
medical profession, and many a man
who has been told he would die lu u
given time has outlived the doctor who
pronounced bis tlo-nn.
Heart disease is coming to Inspire
less and less terror lu tho average
man, ami nine men in ten who are al
lotted ten years to live double that
time to die of an entirely foreign com
plaint. "Some years back," says Dr. Warren
Schoouovcr, Jr., In the Medical Rec
ord, "heart diseases were a cause of
great worry and fright to the laity as
well as to the profession, hut now they
are bundled so successfully by the phy
ttk'lnu that the patients live on under
proper therapeutics until the end of thu
term of their natural life without much
difficulty from the diseased organ. In
the practice of one physician was n
case which was under tho care of hl.s
grand fa tiier from 18U0 to 1S.I, his
uncle from liri to 1H8U and himself
from 1882 to 181M, when tho patient
died at the age of ninety-three, having
been under the care of the first physi
cian for twenty-six years, the second
for twenty-six years and the third for
eleven years, ti total period of sixty
three years." ,
Do You
When vou hungry and
want sometlng nice in the
meat line, drop into my
tnnrkot. Wo hare the nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, and game
in season. We think, and
almost know, that we can
please you. Giv us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
. f-
Do you know that It will pay YOU. as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial tint! Goal at ouryardsV Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because we take ospooial care
of and protect all can be classed as
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188.
Offie 119
1 ;'j
' M.J
KM WI1iWMiWMWiWWMIIW'IMn 11 1 miwuT 1
. v"
.it JUL iiiJ ji'i
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