The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1907, Image 5

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While in Chicago recently wc picked up a few bar
gains in Fancy China, Tablets, Box Papers, Books,
etc. We will place these on sale for one day only,
Saturday, March 30th
at prices that will compel you to buy, We shall also
include in this sale, to introduce it, the
Battle Creek Sanitary Soap,
used largely by Physicians, Nurses and Dentists, and
is a housenold necessity for the prevention of conta
gion. There will be many articles in this RED
TAG SALE that will interest you. Come in and
March 30th, one day
. L. COTTING, . Druggist
'Will Overman is homo from Lincoln. '
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, I)amerell
John Myers was down from Itivcrtou
Tho Rurlington depot at Orleans
hwried Sunday.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mr-,. 0. II. Miner.
For Kent A farm of .100 acres. In
jairo at this otllcc.
Mrs. A. C. Slaby was down"from
Riverton Wednesday.
Lucius Frisbie is home from Lincoln
for the spring vacation.
f). i Winters of Lincoln visited with
"Red Cloud friends Wednesday.
Urn. Jackson was down from Uivor
n Monday on legal business.
The term of the district court has
Ween postponed until April 15.
M rr,. J. N. Rickards went to Hebron
rke first of the week for a visit.
Kd Storey came down from Hastings
this week to visit with relatives.
Mrs. Fred Taylor of Rivorton visited
relatives in Red Cloud this week.
The high school base ball team will
go to Superior for a game April 12.
Alfalfa seed for sale by W. II. Ronen
vrans, at Piatt's lumberyard. ' 12tf
V, II. Ilosencrans went down to For
mosa. Kan., Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Thomas and
daughter are home from Wray, Colo.
Al and Fred Rushee of Holdrege
waited with Charley Rushee this week.
Mrs. Fred Peterson is still very ill
At her home in the south part of town.
Mrs. Vincent of Hiverton visited at
the home of Harvey Vincent this
,M. S. Marsh of Grand Island is shak
ing hands with Red Cloud friends this
Mrs. L. Romford has bought the
tordfeld residence on North Cedar
.John Weesner, principal of the Web
er, Kan., schools, visited his parents
Frank Hadley is again in Red Cloud
after an absence of seven or eight
Miss Stella Deisley and Mrs. Claud
Rtickney were down from Inavale,
(). A. Nelson, the veterinarian, has
purchased the livery business of Roren
The suggestion of numbering the
houses seems to be meeting with gen
eral approval.
Kay Arneson and Mrs. Sutton were
iown from Walnut Creek Wednesday
Tisiting their mother.
Elsewhere in today's pnper will be
found the proposition to vote bonds
for a new court house!.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
..Slgnaturo of
S. M. True and Rev. Hill were down
from Inavale Wednesday.
Howard How of (libhnn, Neb., visit
ed relatives here this week. He came
overland on his bicycle.
A man named Scott, from Hiverton.
either lost or was "touched" for his
watch in Red Cloud Monday.
Kd Lowrey was in the city Monday
on his way to Inavale, where he form
erly worked for C. II. Waldo.
Joe Holcomb, who has been visiting
with his sister, Mrs. Arneson, returned
to Clay Center Thursday noon.
Miss May Hummel, formerly an em
ploye of the newspaper olllces in Red
Cloud, was in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Moede and children niid
Mrs. Charles Eldridge of Rlue Hill are
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Peter Moat, who lias taoil employed
in Shcard's barber shop, has gdne to
Geneva, where he will make his honk'.
Red Cloud Aerie No. 1537, F. O. K.,
held a big supper Wednesday evening.
Roast pig was the principal article of
Mrs. Prather of Rloomington and
Phil Grout of Almena, Kan., visited
this week at the home of Charley
Governor Sheldon yesterday signed
the terminal taxation bill. Resse and.
Renkel voted against the bill on final
The new plate glass three-chair case
for Mercer'H barber shop has arrived
and been placed in position. It is a
fine one.
Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Ackley came
down from Omaha to attend the fuuer
al of Mrs. Aekley's father, Colonel C.
L. Winfrey.
Ed Kellogg, one of the pioneers of
this vicinity, now a resident of Wash
ington, is visiting with his brother
John Kellogg.
Whenever you get hungry drop into
Will Latta's short order house, just
north of Spokefield's. Everything new
and up to date.
Sparks from an engine started a
prairie fire Monday which came near
destroying the new house on tho Starke
ranch at Amboy.
I). F. Parkerof Hamilton, ()., stopped
in Red Cloud Wednesday to see his
wife, who is visiting with her father,
Postmaster Hacker.
Tomorrow Albright Rros will hold
their fifth annual opening, and the
event promises to be a great entertain
ment for all who attend.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Graham and
Hugh Graham arrived Saturday morn
ing from St. Louis for a visit at the
home of Frank Graham.
I will have some extra peach, cherry,
apple and plums on hand to sell soon.
Expect them about the nth of April.
Come and see them. A. G. Gm:i:.v.
Wanted 30 head of cattle to pas
ture, 40 cents per month. Albert
Wright, 3 miles west and 0 north of
Red Cloud. apr 12
Newhouse Rros. have just received a
handsome new line of bracelets of the
latest patterns, as well as a full line of
the famous "Swastika" pattern jewelry.
Faster and faster thu pace is set,
Hy people of action, vim and get,
So if at tho finish you would be.
Take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cottlng.
Mothers who desire to have a decent
place for their children to attend
school next year should go to the polls
next Tuesday and vote for the school
At a special meeting of the city
council held Tuesday a new pump was
ordered bought for the water works.
It is expected to arrive here some time
next week.
Pine Salve Carbolized acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Ec.cma, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Waskom have re
turned from Indiana. Mr. Waskom
leaves today for their home at Halsey.
Neb., while his wife will visit here for
a week or so longer.
One of our rural subscribers in
formed us Saturday that the farmers
thought the merchants ought to pro
vide them with a place to hitch their
teams when they came to town.
The Red Cloud newspaper men are
making as much fuss ubout the water
supply of that city as though they ex
pected to drink some of the stuff them
selves. Guide Kock News Letter,
Are you tired, fagged out, nervous,
sleepless, feel mean? Holllster's Uoeky
Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves,
aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep.
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cottlng.
Hubert Schulz, one of the prosperous
farmers and stock raisers of the north
part of the county, was in Red Cloud
Wednesday on his way home from St.
.loe, where he had been with a bunch
of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. N. II. I taker, from
near North ISrauch. were in Red Cloud
Monday. It was Mrs. Maker's llrst
trip to tow in over two years, she
having been too ill to leave her home
in that time.
The dedication services of the Sacred
Heart Catholic church of Red Cloud
have been postponed to April II, on
account of non-at rival of church furni
ture. The services will be held at 10:.'U)
o'clock a. in.
Mary Dark circles under the eyes
indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid
liver and kidneys. Exercise and Rocky
Mountain Tea will make you well and
beautiful. 35 cents, Tea and Tablets.
, C. L. Cotting.
North ward people should be lis
deeply interested in the proposed new
school building' as are the South ward
er's. Good suhWol buildings and com
petent Instructors are the best asset
any city can have.
Ladies who owil property or have
children of school age are entitled to
vote for members of the school board
and also upon the bond proposition,
next Tuesday. A'o have no doubt they
will all vote "right."
You cry, you laugh, you scream all
at once when you see "The Country
Editor," at Red Cloud opera house,
Wednesday evening, April 3rd. Re
serve your seats early for this produc
tion. Prices ",'5, 35, 50c. .
Dr. II. E. Ashor went to Kansas City
Wednesday morning. Mr. Asher re
ceived notification that he had received
Just Received, a
Car Load of
White Lily
Special Prices in
15he GR.OCER
All tho Phonos
Copyright 1907
lloutc olKupptnlieimfr
handsome; no Gloves or Haberdashery of any sort more refined
or more exclusive in styles.
Men's Suits, $5 to $25
!For the best things in Men s Wearables come here.
JYour pockelbook will fare belter if wc do your Laster Uut-fitting.
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
First Door North of Post
a federal appointment, hut did not
know the nature of it, and was unde
cided whether he would accept.
An alarm of fire was turned In Sun
day at church time. A small prairie
lire itt the south cud of town set lire,
to a pile of poles and It was feared the
high wind would cause the lire to
spread. The damage was slight.
Mrs, (leorgia Keeuoti of RepUhlic
City, Kan., stopped In Red Cloud Sun
day to visit her brother, Homer Mor
gan. She is on her way to Kt. Collins,
Colo., called there by the serious ill
ness of her hlster, Mrs. llattle Hender
son. The union meetings at the opera
house last Sunday were largely at
tended. A committee of representativ
es of the business men and the various
churches was appointed to see what
could be done toward organizing a
Y. M. C. A. here.
Eire at McCook f ttesday destroyed
the Oil house in the Hhrlington yards
and spread to a livery stable which
was destroyed, together with four or
live head of horses. Two dwelling
houses were also badly damaged. The
loss was about SUO.OOO.
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths (JO of a tube of ManZan
you are dissatisfied. Return the bal
ance of the tube to your druggist, and
your money will be cheerfully return
ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store.
'The management of the Oherlin,
Kan., opera house stated Saturday
night after Mr. Colsonand his company
had closed their performance of "The
County Editor," that it was one of the
best shows they had had in the Oher
lin opera house. Will be in Red Cloud
Wednesday night, April 3rd.
(.leorge Williams, living in the south
part of town, skipped out Saturday
night with a horse and buggy belong
ing to his wife (?) and through the
efforts of Marshal (leer was captured
at Huit Oak Sunday. The woman
went after the horse and buggy, which
she brought home Monday. Williams
also came back.
The home of "Hud" Dellart, in (Jar
field township, was destroyed by lire
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dellart went
to church and left the small children
at home alone. The house and con
tents were entirely destroyed, but the
children escaped unharmed. It is dan
gerous proceeding to leave small child
ren at home alone. Mr. Dellart has bu
guu to haul out lumber for a new
Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Wills are making
a thorough canvass f the city in the
interest of the new elty directory and
are meeting with a great deal of en
couragement. The directory will be a
very useful book for everyone. One
thousand copies of tho book will bo I
printed, 300 of which will be sent to
tho directory publishers in tho Jprlnci
pal cities of the Union, tho balance to
lie sold to tho resldents'of RcdCloud
and surrounding towns.
WHEN you come forth in all your Easter
splendor you'll appear a Perfectly
Dressed Man, if your Suit, Top Coat, Hat
and Toggery comes from this store.
J You can take your place in the front rank
of .good dressers and stay there.
jjThcrc are no Clothes betlcr pthan ours; no
Hats that are newer: No Neckwear more
Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Oscar Rurroughs was in theeityover
Sunday. He says their water works
system is working nicely hut the water
supply is not sutlicient. They will be
obliged to sink another well. lie also
told us their municipal lighting plant,
was on a paying basis and that duriug
February, the llrst full month the
plant was in operation, the receipts
execded the expenses by about 845.
Some of the citizens claim it is chenp
as kerosene. RedCloud is quite proud
of the metropolitan proportions she
is assummiug. Franklin Sentinel.
Mautfan Pile Remedy put up inco
venlent collapsible tubes with no..le
attachment so that the remedy may he
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving iilmont Instantly
bleeding, itching oi protruding piles,
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence originated
with Ueo's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons, whick
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold by
Henry Cook's drug store.
It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask today for Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder. It cures chilblains, swollen,
sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c.
GtIIM11E! nswrai
Most healthy,
vigorous men and
women in the
United States are
raised on good, old
. fashioned Arbuckles
ARIOSA Coffee.
mind what the others
you want to be well.
Say things to the man who tries
to switch you from Arbuckles
to coffee that pays him big
profits at the expense of your
Compile wilh all requirement! of the Ntionl Pure
Food Law, Cantee No. 2(M1, filed fttWuhiavtoQ. J
4 i?
' W i
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