The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1907, Image 1

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    ;:fij -
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$1 a Year
1 in Advance
Eight Pages
All I
Home Print 1
NUM15ER 12
' Front Yards. Back Yards and
We are Pleased to Announce Our Fifth
iau( T'.-.-ii
An all day and evening entertainment
for our friends and customers.
Four of our talented lady musicians play
ing in unison on four pianos.
An electrical display in the evening.
A Quartet of Colored Singers.
A sure 1 reat.
Albright Bros.
Damerell Block, Red Cloud.
Where Shall the New School Btilldln
Be Located.
Considerable dissatisfaction is being
expressed because tin school board is
asking tin people to vote bonds for a
ni'w school house before deciding upon
a location. Tin1 First, warders want
the building located near the eentcrof
their ward, while tbe Seeond ward
patrons favor a location nearer tbe
center of tbe city. As it is proposed
to use tbe new building for a central
grade school for ail the uity we believe
the building should be located in the
South ward as near the Fourth avenue
line as possible. The .size of the
ground is another matter about which
people dilVer. Many people have a
mistaken idea that an entire city block
is necessary for the requirements of a
school building. The people of Wed
Cloud have become so used to seeing
the high school building occupying an
entire block that they can not realize
that a smaller ground would .suffice.
In the cities school buildings seldom
occupy more than a quarter of u block,
anil where they do have larger grounds
but a small portion is used as play
grounds for the children. Of course
an athletic Held for baseball and foot
ball would be a nice thing to have,
but it does not necessarily have to be
connected with the school building.
In fact it would be better if located at
a distance from the building, as such
grounds should be fenced, and fences
are a disfiguration, no matter bow ar
fiscally they arc built. I,et us vote
the bonds and trust to the good sense
of tbe board to secure a locution that
will be fair to all. ,f- V.,-
, rfrb
The Commercial Advertiser culls at
tention to the fact that some voters
are complaining because the site for
the proposed school building is not
determined upon before election. No
doubt there is such complaint. How
ever, it is evident that some are more
deeply interested in the value of real
estate than in the welfare of the
schools. Of course it is to be e.vpcct-
TiSfi'IfIIItSIII IrI?I?2S4ItfI,JlIrIK' i .Maximum average daily attendance
- - '', in one. room l!
School JNotes ?r no., wa..
Average daily attendance. Sept.... Ii'
Average daily attendance. Oct ....-'Oil
Average daily attendance, Nov ...,:! Ill
Average daily attendance, Dec ioa
Average daily attendance, .Ian 'X
Average daily attendance, Feb.... M7
Average daily attendance during 0
mouths :.'0I
Average daily attendance per
teacher to
Maximum average under anv one
teacher '. :
.Minimum average under any one
teacher ' :.'."
These statistics clearly show that
the average, attendance in the North
i i. . . .. ... . .
ed that the former consideration will ' warn is more uian ilouiilc that in the
mulce strong appeals to property own-' South.
ers. To expect men to overlook this The only way to get an average of
consideration, other things being :i" pupils per teacher in the South
equal, is not to be thought of. Unt 1 wartl is to give three grades to a
there are other things that compel at-' teacher. To do this means to reduce
tcntion. i l'u ""th ward .school to the plane of
A school building should be located , the rural school. Is this what the
as near as possible to the center of "m desires who wants separate ward
population. No man should object to schools maintained? Or would he pre
this for private advantage. There is' f' to send his children half u mile to
no doubt that the location of the ! ll I"""' school rather than a mile ton
building will affect the value of prop- ?' "'. Many children are. coming
ertv and probably eause the town to two and some even three miles. If
mow in a narticular direction. 'Phis' this is true, there is no reason why
will be the case, no matter where the
site may be. However, no one should
favor a particular site solely that his
property may bo enhanced in value.
To repeat, the South ward does n't
contain enough pupils to justify a
building to be used exclusively for
that. ward. Here is the proof: taken
from the monthly report of the teach
ers, including the mouths of the cur
rent school year:
Average daily attendance, ,,.. ion
Average daily attendance, Oct 104
Average daily uttenduuee, Nov 1 10
Averuge daily attendance, Dee JM)
Average daily attendance, Jan '.5
Average dally attendance, Feb 71
Averuge attendance for 0 months.. 117
Average number pupils per teacher 24
Minimum average daily attendiuiee
in one room 14
the remote sub
their children a
parents who live in
urbs can not send
mile or even more.
After talking to various men and
I" listening to various opinions pro and
eon, one is driven to give this sugges
tion: Listen to reason. If your ob
jection can not face cold facts, discard
it. Fonder this: Is n't it advisable
to send a child 11 mile to school, pro
vided the school be sufllciently better
to make up for the disadvantage'.1
Pineulcs" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for Madder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, SI. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or money refunded. Uet our
guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's
drug store.
Number the Houses.
Now that Ued Cloud has begun to
assume metropolitan airs, why would
it not be a good idea to put up signs
on the corners giving the names oT the
streets, and then number the houses'.'
While there are many persons in lied
Cloud who know, practically, where
everybody else lives, the majority of
the people do not know, and as there
are many new families moving in it
would be a great convenience to have
the houses numbered. The cost would
be comparatively small, and the plan
of numbering is simple. Where streets
run straight the system of numbering
by hundreds, known as the Philadel
phia system, is the best that is, with
every block change the hundred. In
lied Cloud, in numbering bouses on
streets running north and south the
numbering should commence at First
uyuuuu'itud run each way. The block
north of First avenue would be the
101) block, the next the MOO block, and
so on. Place the even numbers on the
east side of the street, odd numbers on
the wcst. On Webster street this
would make .Miner's corner :t0l-:tl)n
North Webster, tbe postotllce Ito.l, and
so on. Oricc's corner would be 'Xi,
On the opposite side of the street the
numbers would be even. 1100 to WVi,
Tin: Ciiiiik ollice would be IK) North
Webster. The numbering south from
First street would be done in the same
manner. In numbering east and west
Webster street would be the dividing
line, witli the even numbers on the
north side of the street, odd numbers
on the south. Corner houses would be
numbered according to the streets on
which they front. Thus Fred Maude
ville's home would be 'V.VX West Fourth
avenue, while the new Catholic church
would be l()l-lo:i North So ward street.
This suggestion of numbering the
houses may eause some people to smile,
but it would be a great convenience to
strangers in our midst, as well as to
many of our citizens.
Terminal Taxation.
'I'he terminal taxation bill has been
passed by the house. This bill gives
cities and towns the right to tax rail
road terminal property within their
corporate limits, ami is in addition to
the state tux already levied. This
will not add greatly to the taxable
property in Ued Cloud, us the Hurling
ton depot and eating house are outside
the corporate limits, though the round
house, ice house and eoal chutes come
In for taxation.
lied Cloud's A$cd "Stanford White" Al
most Comes to (irlef.
There lives in Red Cloud a hoary
hcitdcd old sinner whose licentiousness
has caused grief in more than one
family, yet he has up to this time es
caped the punishment usually meted
out to men of his class. l,ast Satur
day, however, this old vulture came
near getting what was coming to him.
and but for the Interference of by
standers would have received a justly
deserved thrashing, if not something
more serious. It came to the ears of
one of our hard-working eitiens that
this old libertine had enticed his llf-tccn-year-old
daughter into taking a
buggy-ride with him, and the irate
father immediately started in pursuit,
of the hook-nosed old devil. The
father anil his friends were so close on
the trail of the old rascal that he did
not have time to curry out his sinister
designs, and when he was finally
rounded up the. father of the girl
started in to choke the truth out. of
him. but bystanders interfered and
saved his neck, and perhaps his life.
Some day this hook-nosed, rut-eyed
old libertine will go a step too fur and
his repulsive features will 110 longer
continue to be an eyesore to the com
Serious Accident to Employe on Damer
ell 8 Steward Ranch.
Mart 111 Itulccr, who recently came 1
here from Ohio us an employe of .1. M. '
Steward iv Son. the Shorthorn breed
ers, had u narrow escape from death
Wedncsda'while nstnga disc' burrow.
The team hitched to the harrow made
a sudden start, throwing Mr. linker in
front of the discs. Ho cried out
'Whoa.!" and the team stopped with
the discs resting on one of his legs,
which was severely cut and will incu
Need Looking After.
pucitate him from work for sometime
It was witli great dittic.ulty that Mr.
I faker was extricated from his peri
lous position, and had the team taken
another step forward he would have
been cut to pieces. Medical aid was
summoned from Red Cloud and -Mr.
Huker is now resting comfortubly.
Spring is here and it, is time to clean
up. Why not get together and set
aside one day as "cleaning up day"'
Other cities and towns are adopting
this method of beautifying their streets
and yards. Monday, April I. would
be a good day for a general clean up.
Let everybody gather up all thy old
tin cans, brush, rags, manure and
countless other kinds of trash, put
them In piles, or barrels, or boxes,
where they can be conveniently loaded
onto the city's scavenger wagons 11ml
hauled away. A member of the city
council makes this us a suggestion,
and says he believes he can safely
guarantee that the city will furnish
teams to haul away the trash provided
the citizens will gather It up. Tin'
improvement, in the appearance of the
streets and yards would be startling,
should there lie a concerted effort on
the part, of the citizens. In San Fran
cisco recently :j0,t)00 people spent an
entire day in cleaning the streets, ami
cities and towns all over the country
lire following suit.
After the clean up. let the ladies or
ganize a "village improvement society.''
to suggest and carry out plans foi
niuking lied Cloud the prettiest little
city in Nebraska. Dozens of haudsomo
new residences will be built this year,
and there will be u great opportunity
for beuutifyingit lie streets by having u
competent landscape gardener arrange
the parkings in front of the residences.
Fell In the Cellar.
Sam Foe walked Into the rear door,
of Pope's hardware store Wednesday
forenoon und, us Mr. Swart, hud run
the elevator to the second story. "Mr. '
Foe suffered a fall of about eight feet,
to the bottom of the cellar. Although
he was badly bruised and received it
"jriprained ankle, It is thought his injur
ies are not serious.
Two days' treatment
free. King's'
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges-
' tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
Makes the finest, li
est,best flavored biscuit
hot -breads, cake and
pastry Renders the
food more digestible
and wholesome
V..ltHf-lT lf4 fffcE-&
a mi --v- tTvittonlmv AxiJatwrj