The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1907, Image 1

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    P l VK
B 5Jt tVcrrT,frfcr,i
Eight Pages 1
All I
Home Print 1
j $1 a Year
'' m in AHvnnrA
We are Pleased to Announce Our
I IWareh 30, 1907
An all day and evening entertainment
for our friends and customers.
Four of our talented lady musicians play
ing in unison on four pianos.
An electrical display in the evening.
A Quartet of Colored Singers.
A sure Treat.
Albright Bros.
Damerell Block, Red Cloud.
, y'Vr'W-J
THE NEW WATER SUPPLY. works is about :m foot, ami the engin-
curing problem of piping the water
Ute SplMs NMlhWSt f TWH Seem down to the plant Is a simple and com-
tO Be the Only StiltlM- parutivuly inexpensive one. For this
,, , , . ii... i. ... purpose Mr. Toinlinson favors the wood
After all is said and done, the e.- l
,.,.! :. .,,,.' pipe such as is used in thu mining dis
pense to which the city went lust sum- '
1 A . f ,. . tricts of the northwest. Tins pipe is
nier in an effort to secure water at the
. i ... ..... .w i..,c.,i.t h'uliranlc for twenty-live years, and
present site of the water works has not " . ., . , , ,
, , . :. Li . j.w....v,. co,t-s "lot one-third as much as ion
resulted in any appreciable increase.
, l4 . . ,, ., . . . ii,. !? It is bound with steel wire and
and it s probable that, temporarily at '
, t lt ..,.i,.i ,.,...,.! eoated with a preparation of tar which
least, the water from Crooked creek ,
... , . , , . prevents deeav. The interior of the
wl have to be used in emergencies. r . . , .
, , . . , , fllllf ,,, pipe 1S s smooth as iron pipe, and t
It has long been known that the ..... . ' l
., . ti i m,... .i .... i... ' c'"n ',0 joined in such a manner as to
springs northwest of Red Cloud, on the J
. i .i r ii.,....,. i..,i i absolutely prevent leakage.
quarter section south of Henry .Man- Jl p
, , a i . ..iu.,.,.,1.. ..r "lu water problem will always re-
rer'h homestead, gave a good supply of .
, t ., A i i ?. . ... i...,, .... miun R bugbear until the effort to se
water, but the How hud never been ac- h
A , , .ii ... i..,. ,vi...n cure water at the present location is
uratelv measured until yesterday.w hen ,..,.. , ,
. ,, , . , . .,:,.., i.f. abandoned and the eltv makes up ts
Street Commissioner 'lomlinson, at his ..... . , '. .
... .,. .,.:. mind to try for water where water isto
own expense, went out to the springs , -
... ' . ,, .,, (ll iiu. . be had. The springs northwest of town
with a-meter and tested the Unw. l "
rp, . , k.,.,.4,.,1 i,, SLl'm to be the most feasible solution
The main springs are located about' .
., .,! , , i of this vexing problem.
JO rods apart, near the east line of the ' H ' J
southwest quarter of section ail. lied
Cloud township, and are about a mile . Swallowed Carbolic Add.
and three quarters in a direct line ' I'Vaukhn Correspondence,
from the water works plant. ' T,,li nineteenth-months-ol.l uhlld of
There are two large springs ami nu-' " ,"i,;, M "j"1 . v"JC about
merous small ones. Mr. Tomlinson 1 t'tuf l-ronkll... ulImlKNl.m,,
measured the How from the south one. I ' ',l 'u ,,0,l! "f ". " was
which wells up in a natural receiving f t( "J"' '' KJ W .
basin, and found that the stream a iK.ttle of carbo lc ci(l and
. ... .. .......... ....... . .. Wednesday and before beliiLr disi!ovir-
measured H) cuwu inciies, giving ,,,.. . t , 7, , ,
How of IU gallons a minute. The How J"' 1',,.I!,C ""- tntH of tW bottle
. .. . ..i .1 ....,.:.. l 10
OI tlie norm spring iikikiui a uumu
inches, but the formation of the ground
is such that with the facilities which
Mr. Tomlinson had at baud ho was un
able to secure suHicieut pressure to take
the meter measure. However, he states
that the north spring would undoubt
vieuncsuuy ami neiore iielng uiscovci
e little one lingered in great agon.y
until Thursday morning when death
came to its relief.
Two days' treatment
free. ItlnirV
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, nerfect assinilbi-
that the north spring would undoubt-1 U(m (f flMMlt Inuri,JlMMl U1,ptttltl.f ,)o
edly give a greater How of water than jmt fnU t() uvaU ymu.M.lf jjf thu
the south spring, und that the two. ... s . . . , .
when nronerlv concentrated in a ee
ment receiving basin, would furnish
100.000 gallons every twenty-four hours
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
Piueules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
lty turning the north well at the water lundVeds of years for Hladder and
works ihto a storage basin the surplus Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
flow could be stored for emergencies ,lnys? gjt (Juaranteed to give satisfac-
ouu..uuiia iiiovioi, nomine
zens' Convention.
At the caucus in the court house
Monday evening T. .1. Ward acted as
chairman and Henry Gilliam as secre
tary. The proposition to vote bonds
for a new school house was indorsed (
and the following ticket was nomin
ated: Kor Mayor C. .1. IMutt.
1'or City Treasurer .1. O. I'.utler.
Kor City Clerk L. II. Fort.
For City Kiiginccr (Jeorge II. Over
ing. Kor Members of School Hoard V. It.
Kultoii and K. .1. Overing.
Kor Councilman First Ward. V. N.
Itichardson: Second Ward. A. McCall.
The liopuhlicau city convention met
yesterday afternoon and indorsed the
nominees of the Citizens' convention,
with the exception that Win. Wolfe
was nominated for member of the
school board in place of V. It. Fulton,
whom it is understood does not expect
to be in the city during the greater part
of the term.
It is also said that W. X. Iliehardsou
will decline the nomination for coun
cilman in the Frst ward, and the va
cancy on the ticket, will be tilled by
appointment when Mr. Richardson's
otlieiul withdrawal is received.
The present city administration has ,
done more good work than any previ
ous administration for years, and we
had hoped to see it receive the eudors
ment of tin; Republican convention. but
the sentiment of those who attended
the party caucuses Wednesday evening
was in favor of indorsing the citizens'
nominee, who are all good men and
will make capable city ollicers.
Little Children Nearly Cause a Confla
gration. The prompt action of .lack Wllmot
Wednesday afternoon saved the home
of George Clark, in the south part of
town, from destruction by lire. Mrs.
Clark had gone to neighbor's and left
her two little boys, aged respectively
I and 0 years, at home alone. During1
her absence the boys began playing
with matches and carelessly set a I
small bed afire. The bed burned so
rapidly the children became scared and
ran out of the house, leaving the door
open. Mrs. Clark was just returning
home and saw the smoke pouring from I
the house, .lack Wilmot responded to1
her cries for help, entered the house j
and carried out the buiiuiug bed. The '
floor had caught lire, but was easily
extinguished. It seems that peopk
will never learn not to leave small
children at home alone.
Christian Meeting
The Christian church of this city
will hold a series of special services. !
which will begin on Sunday morning!
March 17th, and continue through, the j
week. Song service every evening at
7::i0 and preaching at 8 o'clock, by ;
elder l. A. Thompson of l'lattsburg. '
.Mo. Khler Thompson is an able and
eloquent preacher and has served as
state evangelist in Missouri and state
Sunday school evangelist in Iowa and
Kansas. The following will be his
sermon subjects, beginning with Sun
day morning: "A Glorious Transfor
mation," "The Fate of Two Wicked
Cities. Phe Hypocrite. Moralist and
Christian's Rewards," "Christianity
Compared with Secret Societies."
Business College Notes
Get our
and we would always have a bounte- tion m. ,,,
ous supply of pure spring water. The guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's
iail from the springs to the water i (iruj, store.
The Agricultural class has finished
ond Civil government is taken in its
stead by the normal pupils.
Qnly two more weeks until the spring
term begins. Then is the time to start
is you are going to school this spring.
Mrs. Paul Dietrich will finish her
school in the country in two weeks and
will take up teaching in the college
Prof. Dietrich appeared at the ltlue
Hill Sundao School couventon last
Sunday. He says that the ltlue Hill
people are the best kind of people to
talk to.
Now Is the time for young men and
women to begin to plan to go to school
next year. Make your plans now and
carry them out nnd success is sure to
be yours.
Miss Itarlow has all her extra time
taken up in doing stenographic work
for the college. Miss Harlow is good
and promises to become a stenograph
er that the college will be proud of.
Mr. Pierce, reports thai Clyde has
learned more in the college this winter
than he has the past four winters.
How is that. Don't you want a taste.
Every student that conies here and
tries to do the right thing goes away
with just such praise.
Prof Dietrich gave an entertciumenO
or a part of one in ltlue Hill last, Sat
urday evening, as the snow kept away
so many who had purchased tickets he
decided to give back all tickets and go
again in two weeks and give the real
thing. He goes to Riverton this week
Friday night.
Conrad (Juiriii stopped this last week
to begin work on the farm near Camp
bell, Conrad has been doing fine work
all winter here in school and his teach
ers only wish that all young men would
take such an interest in their work as
Conrad has this last winter. He will
return next winter. Of course he will,
he knows a good thing when ho sees it.
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths (Jf ) of a tube of ManZan
you are dissatisfied. Return the bal
ance of the tube to your druggist, and
your money will be cheerfully return
ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug htore.
Two Little Stars.
Recently one of the Chicago's prin
cipal theaters was occupied with a play
in which thcemotional leading roll and
comedy was played by two little chil
dren age five and six. the hittle Perry
Sisters. The press and public were
loud in praise of their wonderful abili
ty. Those clever little girls will be
seen in Harry Shannon's scenic comedy
drama "The Ranker's Child" surround
ed by a strong company of players.
Elaborate costumes and special scenery
is used to properly mount the play
and adds to the beauty of thus urrouud
ings. At the. opera house one night
only, Wednesnuy March :J0.
Jreiiuous W.OrmyeJlnnd Lulu Wolfe.
Married by Judge Edson.
Arthur Lacy, Woodruff, Kan., and
Marian Greenhalgh, of Cowles.
August II. llriukmun nnd Florence
Itrown. Married by Rev. Smith.
.lohn II. Hnrdwlck and Gertrude .1.
Rerg. M arried by Rev. Austin.
County Commissioners Order Court
House Bond Election.
The voters of Webster county will be
given an opportunity to say whether
we shall have a new court, house.
Wednesday afternoon the board toqk
up the petition presented by the Red
Cloud Commercial Club asking that a
special election be called to vote, upon
the proposition to issue ST.VOOO bonds
for the purpose of building and furn
ishing a new court house, und unani
mously voted to call a special election
to be held April MO.
It is thought, by many that, the
amount asked for is too high, but con
sidering the high price of material and
labor, S7.".O00 was thought to be the
uiinniuiuui price at which a modern
building could be erected and equipped.
It is not the interiiou of the board to
use the entire amount if it is found
that a suitable building can be erected
nt a less cost, and the taxpayers may
rest assured that the money will not
be used extra vigantly. We certainly
need a more substantial building than
the present one, ami the amount asked '
for should build a building that would
answer the purposes of the county for
the next thirty or forty years.
Cattle Moving Out.
K. C. Stock Yards Journal.
JI A. Curtis of Guide Rock. Xeb.. who
had on the market today a carload of
cattle and hogs says that fed cattle
have been moving out of that part, of
Webster county tit a lively rate during
the past few weeks Mr. Curtis thinks
that in uuolhcrjuonth all the fed steers
, will be gone, and as no summer fecd-
ing is done there, that will end the.
I shipments of fed cattle". "Over two
, thirds of ., tin! Jed catt.le have been "jv'vJ -
cd to market," said Mr. Curtis. "As;
a rule the farmers arrange tohuve their"
cattle marketed by the time the spring
work gets under way. so that they will
Miave nothing to hinder them in sced-
' ing time. Corn is thirty eentsii bushel.
but alfalfa is a little high
now brings eight dollars a ton, as a
! rule. The farmers are preparing to in
crease the alfaifa acreage, as they find
it one of the crops that pays best." ,
Prehistoric Relic.
Franklin Sentinel.
Mr. YanDyke, on one of his recent
trips to Phillips county. Kansas, dis-.
covered and brought back what seemn
to be the petrified remains of an an
imal unheard of today anywhere with
in less than a thousand miles of Kan
sas. It looked like the body of a seal,
which if so sheds a flood of light on the
character of animal life in northwest
Kansas in prehistoric times. The fos
sil was found about ten miles south
west of ltloomingtoii.
Fifty Years the Standard
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made From Grapes
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