The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1907, Image 8

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    I fieutsy Notes from
(From tho Hovlow.)
John Ztotflor and A. U. Gray brouKht
in two muliml ducks tho foro part of
tho wook.
Taylor Ready Hild lite farm to Mrs.
Emma Onntott Monday.
Monday night Hoineono pried open a
window In Dr. Myors' barti and took
ono of Ills Iiomcm out. Tho inlsornulo
Btnak also broke two louks. Tho horsn
was lookod fast to Ids inungor by pud
loiksulso.a padlock on tlio bnm loor,
but tho purty went through all ofthr o
hu 1 tho horse was gone Tuesday morn
(From the Sentinel.)
Last Tuesday night tho Odd Fellow
lorlgo with commondablo zeal started a
now mnvo to build a hall.
Tho old soldiers colobratod Washing
ton's birthday last Friday with a din
ner in fjonkliiig's hall.
Miss Carolyn Arnold, procoptross at
Harrison Hall, slipped on tho icy stops
of tho hull Wednesday and sustained
rather painful injuries.
Petor Cochrane is critically ill at
his homo between Kivorton and Tim
vale. Ho has been Biok for several
I.J--..1I .. VA... tftAB...l
i by Our County Reporters
Fay Arnoson nnd John Sutton wore
shelling corn last week.
Frank Siobort has boon moving his
barn and mnking several improve
ments on tho farm ho recently pur
chased. Mr. and Mr'. G. N. Blunkonbnker
were in Rod Cloud Saturday.
A number have boon west looking at
land Blmor Robinson, Anson Pound
and Alf Coulsou. Wo hoar that Alf
purchased some laud aud several town
Mrs. Mary Sutton has boon visiting
at home for several days.
O. A. Ltittii was in Hod Cloud Tues
Uncle David Paul is among tho sick
this week.
Mabol Waller is clerking for John
Groenhalgh. She will mako a good
Captain Blaino is very low at this
Tho mombors of tho Christian church
aro building a belfry aud vestibide.
Thoy have a lino now boll.
Mrs. Ruhl left Thursday for her,
homo in Republican City. A short
timo after arriving homo the baby took
sick. Mr. Ruhl loft for that place Fri
day. W. W. Peak has moved his family
over on G. A. Wells' farm, oast of town.
Tho J. J. J. club gavo a farewell
party at Mr. Hutchius' Saturday even
ing, in honor of Miss Brimmer, who
has been hero some time for tho bene
lit of her health. Miss Brimmer in
tends to start for her homo in Iowa
Spring moving is about all done.
Rufo Douthitt and wifo and Davo
Fishol aud wifo visited at J. II. Green
halgh's Monday. ,
Mrs. Leo Sprachor has boon on tho
sick list, but is reported much better.
Mrs. O. Mocnts is seriously ill with
tho grip.
Mr. Schadley and family havo moved
into their now home, formorly occu
Perfect In quality.
Moderate in prioe.
Neighboring Tomns
plod by T. Killough.
Charlos Guthrio ia seriously siok with
inllammatory rheumatism.
Gilbert Donny is reported nick wlih
Prod Roitsalt's baby hashadtiBovoro
attack of pneumonia.
Mi-h. James Uroonlmlgh and Mrn. H.
Dontli t,t, wore elected delegates to rc
preHont tho Eukloy Sunday school at
tho district convention to bo held in
Blue Hill March 10.
John Davidson's mothor and sister,
Mr. Nornuin of Perkins county, mo
vhlting rolativos in Webster county
Leslie aud IIuzol Finney and Llllio
Crozlor attended tho party at Koiizhc's
last Friday evening.
Oliver Hudson aud brido aro living
in Mr. Sohutto's house. Mr. Schutto
will board with them.
Married, at Nelson, February 28, by
Rev. Day, Ralph Hubbard to Rosa
Killough. They will livo on tho Ben
nett farm.
James Bromwell had a big livo stock
salo Tuesday.
Bon Hudson has been sick with tho
grip for tho past two weeks.
I'oarl Gardnor is working for George
Iloit, in Cowlos.
Will Peak aud family have moved on
tho "Doc" Wells farm, recently vaca
ted by Orris Hubbard
Fred Odonreidorhas rented his farm
to C'lydo Albin. Mr. Odonroider will
visit tho Pacific coast.
Will Finney has recently sold four
valuable horsos to a party north of
Chas. Molley has roturned from Wis
consin. Will Cling has his barn complotcd.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for the week
Tuesday .March nth.
Kllmlieth Hall Hoight to K. A.
King, w2 nw aO-1-10, deed
Juliet l. Walker to Dauou 15.
Whitaker. lots :. 4, Ullc. lft,
Red Cloud, vd KidO
Hannah lluaulilcr to I.udwny It.
Osturblad, lots ft, 0, lllk. 1ft.
Vance's add to (luido ltoek. vd '.'fttl
Israel Selienuerliorn to Henry
Stuiupenhorst, so ao- l-ti, wd .... OMIO
A. S. Hosmer to Adulburt T.
Walker. lots 8, 0. 10, Bile, lit,
Smith fc Moore's add to to Hud
Cloud, wd 1000
Fred I In pica pr. to Henry Conies
no :il--l), wd
Klso Hose to Henry Conies, ne
O-IMl, wd
F. C. Shelley to (leorge Topken.
se se n:.' se aO-II-U. wd
Olon J. Lane to F. C. Shelley, na
sel, s2 set. a-:i-0, wd
A. S. Ilosmer to William Wolf.
lots), lllk. a7, Keb Cloud, wd..
Robert T. Potter to James J. and
Battle Cary, sa swl, US, iiX! nw
'wl't H
T. W. Harrington to Daniel
linhof, na nw ai-a-'., wd
Paul Jahnke to l.ouis Blnlmum,
k'J se -4-3-H. wd
Joseph F. Duukworth to Lewis
Aubusliou, ea swl, w.' sel,
S7-I-I1, wd
Lawrence J. Houlton to Patrick
Conway, set sa ne t-:t-10, wd..
ft loo
Dora Miller to .lohanu Bom-, w'.'
nw Hi-:t-!i. qod
P.iter Nelson to .lohanu Hose,
w'J nw lO-Ii-'i, wd
Mamie Call Daufonl et al
Pitney, sa ne sw lift-:.'-1 !, qed
Agnes K. MuCull to Joseph F.
Duckworth, sa sol ne I sel, se
ne ia-1-ia, wd
IJulph B. MeCall to Joseph F.
Duckworth, lots 7. S, H. in 1-1-ia,
A. II. Keeney to M. II. Farnham
sa ne na se ,'() l -1 a, wd
Charles T. Kly to Frank W.
Bailey, pt lllk. ft, Talbot's add
to (iuide Itoek, wd
Susan A. II. Sweezy to Samuel
Fuller, sw t IIKI-IO, wd
William M. Wegmann to L. M.
Mead, na nwl uwl li-l-ia, wd
(arrett II. Ilasebrook to Karl
Fovak. ne l.VII-1 1 . wd
Mary C. Chevalier to Uaclore
Pavelka, e'.' lots 1, a, lllk. to,
llladeu, wd
Krnest W. Roberts to Mary S.
Crcightnn, sel sa net, 1H-I-11
Waldo F. Crowall to Orville J.
Holmgrain, se ne na se, se se
aa-l-U, wd 4800
Orville J. Holmgrain to Lee
('.tlniiiliiu. lot in In I'j.i.m wil tun
Of the Milking Strains, coming to
BLADEN, NEB., to be sold at Auction,
Sale will begin at 1 o'clock, rain or shine. Sale under cover.
THE OFFERING is one of the best, both in breeding and individuality, consisting of 1 5 big, growthy
Bulls, and 1 5 Cows of the useful kind. The bulls are a strong, growthy lot, ranging in age from 1 0
to 1 8 months old. Three are Scotch and the rest are from 3 to 5 Scotch topped, every one a good one.
The Cows and Heifers are a grand lot. Every one of breeding age raised a calf this year; 6 will be sold
with calves by their sides, and are re-bred to pure Scotch bulls, and every one a guaranteed breeder.
The entire offering is recorded in the American Shorthorn Herd Books, and a pedigree will be
furnished with every animal sold.
In the past 20 years breeders of Shorthorn cattle have not passed through a more solidly encourag
ing season than this. Prices are getling on a remunerative basis, and because we feel sure as breeders, we
have a great future.
With all my former sales in Nebraska and Iowa, I am glad to annonnce to those who may be in
terested, that this is the most useful offering I have ever put in one sale. The cattle will be thin in flesh,
and for this reason will sell far below their value, but my past experience has shown me repeatedly that
breeding cattle in this condition will prove most profitable in the future.
We extend an earnest invitation to all stock farmers and breeders to attend, as you will have an
opportunity to lay the foundation of a Shorthorn Herd at very reasonable prices. There will be 5 richly
bred bulls that will be herd bulls for all the females sold in this offering. Come and see the cattle on day
of sale whether you buy or not, as every farmer and stock raiser must improve his stock as his land be
comes more valuable, and this will be your opportunity to buy some good ones cheap. Come and see
them and be your own judge as to their quality.
8 months time will be given, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum.
Don't forget the date, March 23, 1 907. Sale under cover. No postponement.
Catalogues will soon be ready. Send for one, to
lltlle J. Holmgrain to Loo Colum
bia, lot !l in l:M-10, wd
Benjamin F. Barber to William
M. Crabill. nwl na ne 1-1-11.
4 1 t
Carl Harms to William HulVreeht
ease ia-:i-ia, wd
Lawrence J. Houlton to August
Broseh, wa ne l-II-IO. wd
Benjamin F. Woodhead to Her
man Reining. na ne Hit-1-0, wd
Uosalthe Ayer to F. M. Miller,
lots 1, a. S. lllk. 4, Talbot's
add to (loide Uoelc. wd
Caroline Barfkneeht to Wilber
J. Boomer' se 10-4-0. wd
Henry ICoehler, trustee to Adam
Itenker, sa nw l-:i-t, qed
William Wolfe to Bobert B. Ful
ton, lot 0. Blk. a7. Bed Cloud,
I'Mmutid ). I'arker to Isaae It.
Colvin. w-J lots 0, 10, Blk. 10,
Vanee's add to (iuide Boek, wd
Otto Sehroeiler to John Young
et al. nw ll-l-O, wd
i win
1 100
John Young et al toOttoSehroe-
der. ne ia-1-0, wd
Margaret Britten et al to Peter
M. Britten, nwl ne ll-:(-10, wl 10000
I'eter.M. Britten to Frank Itrit
ten. sa nw 1-.'1-I0, wd
Peter M. Britten to .Margaret ..
Britten, sa ne l-:i-10. wd
l'eterl. Britten to Henry Brit
ten, na nw I -.1-10, wd
W. S. Ashliy to orin W. Talior,
part lots It, 1. Blk. :i, Morey's
add to Blue Hill, wd
August Martin to W. S. Ashliy,
pt lot :i, Blk. II, .Morey's add to
Blue Bill, wd
Charles V. lleskett to Henry Bio
luium, nw t O-ll-O, wd
Win. M. Wegmann to C. H. Ham
ilton, ptswl sel, 7-4-11, wd....
Henry Bloliaum to llenreuh
Seltutle. w'i se ao-Ii-O, wd
.Martha lmdsey to A. C. Slaby,
pt Blk. II. Kaley - Jaekson'.,
add to lied Cloud, wd
A. C. Slaliy to Oliver I). Hedge,
pt Blk. II. ICaley - Jaekson'.-,
add to Red Cloud, wd
(ieo. (i. llnllVle to (ieo. J. Iten
..... ..
.nil o
., .-.
10 i.i
ker, ea se ea ea wa se 1 s-:i-o,
Mortgages Hied, St:io:i."i.
Mortgages released, S1H0W).
L. A
Myfctlu Cure for IthcimiHtl-m nud XkiuaIkIh
rmllciilly curtH In 1 to.'lduv. lis lu'tlon linuii
ttiu hyMtim In rcmnrknbli) ami niyMurloux. It
removtK tit once the caum- ami tho 1Uoino im
meiUuiuly illt-iiearH. Tliu ilrsi doso Kirtuly
bciftllH.TS Dents ami 31. Solil by II. K.Uhiue,
ilruzRlht, Itt'il Cloud.
School Building Bond Proposition.
Notice Is hereby Kivcn to the qiinlltlol voters
oi tnc ncnooi ijimnci oi uio city oi lie u (Jioim,
Webster County, la the Slute ot Nebraaku. buluR
nisirici io. 'j. purMiHiii to n reeoiiiilon adopttd
by the llourd of Kducalioii of vnld DlNtrlct. at
tin niHrnirruwl rinrttltit itiiintlnir tlniitrtf lnt.rnn
Kith. lUtj". mid bad upon thf petition of morn
xclmol dlstrlut. that on Tuesday, tne 2nd day of
iiiiuioue-uuni ur me iiuautiea voters or baiu i
1 ..fell lilt ill lllf. ..AlltiVfll vfkftlldahtatfk &!. !.
said City of lied Cloud, and In said School DIs
,rlct- Webster County, in tho State of Nebraska.
nnd at tlio Uhtial vulliiK places therein, to wit: in
the First waul of said city at thu F. .t M. Uank
buildliiKaiid In tliu Second ward thereof at the
Fireman's Hail, between the hours of 8 o'clock
niiu. iinii , nv iiiu unuifii uicuuuii ivi uu jiciu ill
a. m. aud 7 o'tlock p. m. of said day and dale
aforesaid, an election is called and will be field,
aud at such said uent'ial election on the dnie
aforesaid and at the time aud nlaces In said
' City und School District aforcsalo, there will be
mid hereby Is submitted lu tlio qimlllkd voter.
'ni of siittl School l)lhtrlc;t to tiu oUh1 upon, tho
fnllnii'ttiip liriiinihtf (fill to.u'It
I WWJ t I .li.ll,H.H .
shall the Hoard of Education of the School
S.'iOO Dlhtrict of the t.ity of lied Cloud, Webster ' To Mary Genereux. Non ltesldent Defendant:
County. In the State ol Nebraska, belnir School you aro liercbv notltleil ihrn. on ih t"ih .in
. District number 2. for and on behalf of ssld ,, "ro ,,i nt0,""-u u,llt Ul ' l'n
Mi()( District. Issue the bunds ot said District lu the of Fcbrtir.ry. WJ.. Henry Genereux filed petl
sum of Twenty Fivo Thousand Dollars, of the tlon ntiniiist you In the District Court of Wcr
'"""J!. ster County. Nebraska, the object ami urnroro!
f,ew school house. fuinlshluK the ueeessary fur
nllure and apparntiis lor the same In thu Klrst Krounds of jihyslcal Incompetency and extreme
Ward of tlio i itv of lt(d Cloud, in said District 1 w......., ,...
and to ItiHtall a heatliiK plant In the school
bulldliiK In tho Second Wind of said city of tied
Cloud In snld District, all the cost thereof not to
exieed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand
Dollars. The entire amount and each aud all of
said bondhlKbudaie.i the day of their issuance
and to be payable to beaieral the olllco of tho
county Tieasiner of Webst rcounly, Nebraska,
In the Clly of llcrt Cloud, Nebiaska, at tho ex-
I'llllllUII ui "Wiu; ' ni'i .ua . uw ,ii,u, .
but to be made payable and redeemable at the I
...,. option of said Scliool District at any time ;
S.iO tiiT tho exolrtition of tle vears from thodmu
iilratlou or twenty years noni ine irate tnereor.
of the issuance of tho satiie, in sums of Five
Hundred Dollars or any multiple thereof, said
bonds to draw not to exceed four and one-half
O'j) percent interest per annum from the date
or u
Itoiianro of the same, navablo aunuallv.
which said Interest imnuents shall bo evidenced
, bv Interest coupon notes executed and attached
, to said bonds. hIso pajable to hearer at the olllco
of the County Treasurer of Webster County,
state of Nebraska, lii, the City of Had Cloud,
I Nebraska, bald bonds to bo, sold for uoi los
than par value with accrued Interest nnd tho
proceeds thereof to bo used for the purpose of
i.nrchBslnn site, bulldlnu a new icrioo. bouse.
furulshliiK the necessnry furniture aud
apparatus fur the same in tho First
Ward of said Clly of lied Cloud
in snld District, aud to Install a heatliiK
phiut lu the school bulld'iir: lu tho Second
Ward of said i Ity of lted Cloud In said Dis-
trict. And shall said Hoard of Education of said
lilHiilni. nr such other ofllcersas luavhe clmrired
1 bv law with the duly ol levying taxekof aald
li'lstrlet. for the time beiim In addition to all,
other taxes, levy or carue to bo levied annually,
UI.0 ii i,a taxable nronertr In aald District, a
I ...w a... .11.. I... i . ... ...... lt,. ill, ..... t .... .ul.l
as the same mature nun to rnrnrsn n sriiKinu
iiuiu lur iiiu n) iiiuiii ui mu iiiii(;imi ui cnid
And be It further resolved that tire vote orr
aid propoklilnii shall be by ballot in the fuim
following, to nit:
(Vole for One)
For the IloiaNaiid tax (
Annlust the llonilMuid lax ( )
( i
lie It further U'S'ilved that in ease a limjnilir
or tliu vote rust nt such election Is in favor of
Mini proposition, bond and lax. that said llomd
ot Education shall proceed to the dinner nf
said boiidi for the purposes specified in the
forcKolin; propovlilon. aud as provided by law.
and it -hull be thi duty of the 1'rcsldcut and
Secretary of snld Ilonnl to hIrii said bonds, tttt.I
the coupons nltnclied to tho me. and snld
bonds shall be offered In tho open ir.arkot and
sold to tlie liUliest bidder for not lms than par
value, ami the proceeds of the nle of mild bonds
Khali be paid to the Treasurer of said School
Hoard and kept by him In a separate fund apnrt
M'Jnwl HuIMIiik Kiind. and tholl be paid out.
iiuiu uuirr inont'TN ami io oe Known iih ine
only on the order of said Hoard of Education
I al111 wananls drawn iiksIiihi the same for the
purposes heroin dpecllled and no other.
iMieu mihon uay or .Marcn. nw
Hy thol'iesldentof snld llonrd of Education,
Attest" I.. II. FOUT.
Secielary of eaid llo'iitl of Education.
Leial Notice.
In the District Court of Webster County, Ne
braska. Henry Oenercux, I'lalntlfr, I
JIry Oenoieux, Defendant I
which are to obtain a divorce from you on tho
"""" " "J.
on are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the Sfith day of March, 1IXJ7
Dated this rub dnv of rohnmi-r im
. l HU ' ,ms ', '!''.or H!"r"nry. m-
HKNIt CKNKItEUX.i'lnliiilir.
Hy E. l Overman, Ills Attorney. mchS
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
I ' .
.SssaiNmmwiwa '-'