The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
5 $1 a Year
1 in Advance
Home Print
I t
Aftcnts Work Territory With Usual
Rlue Hill Leader:
Till lightning rod and gold brick
Kraft is still being worked and prob
ably will continue to till end of his
tory. We don't know us to the gold
brick game ever being worked in this
locality but the lightning rod agents
have worked it here in the past and
did again only a couple of weeks ago.
A party composed of four men and a
woman put up at the hotel here about
three weeks ago and remained about a
week. They went out in the country
nearly every day. and they were very
secretive concerning their business It
was reported they were selling some
kind of however, and there the
matter stopped.
Shortly after they left a note turned
up for Suoo signed by Aug. Hroschand
purporting to be for placing lightning
rods on his house. The note was pre
sented at both banks here, who refused
to take it, and thus far no more has
been heard of the note. It is a ten to
one. chance, however, that the note will
show up before long.
When questioned regarding the mat
ter Mr. Hrosch stated he was not aware
of having given a note for that amount,
lie stated that the parties came to his
farm and desired to put lightning rods
on his house for the purpose of showing
his neij,.. ...,, and would only charge
him three dollars. They induced him
to sign an agreement or something of
that nature, which Mr. It rose h suppos
poses is the note that has recently
come to light.
It is stated that the same parties
Business College Notes
The (Wee club is doing some nice
work each Thursday evening,
Prof. Deitrlck gives an entertain
ment in ltlue Hill Saturday evening.
A few of the boys are closing up their
work in college ami will go to work on
the farm.
Miss Iteckwith and Miss Itarlow have
Another Phase of those Disappearances
on Farmers Creek.
Kinioit C'liuir: Having noticed your
last week's item from Farmers creel:,
regarding a very strange family, who
came from the east not long ago, hav
ing strange delusions, if this late ar
rival is Mich a strange family, and
things that disappear from their farm
are delusions, I have known several
want to believe these strange happen
ings. This strange delusion, which per
chance is not a delusion but a real
man of about 'MO pounds seen pulling
staples from the fence of the strange
family's pasture, and when disturbed
took a westward (light, mid music of
jingling nails and staples in his
pockets and the thump, thump of his
J. IN. Steward ti Son Are Brlnftlnft Some
Fine Stock.
.1. M. Steward it Son of Lllhopolis,
()., who last fall bought a large tract
of land, about 800 acres, on the Rcpub
lican river southwest of Red Cloud,
last week held a big sale at their Ohio
home and disposed of all their llv
safe in the sheltered lane, shaded bv
I 111II1IV t.l'IMiu.
, , . , 4. ... ... o , 'strange families in twentvllve years ninny trees.
been working for the county Sunday ... ., . '., If nerfhuiice von were tvissin.r tbls
. . ... . ., ,.,. ... , .of resilience on Farmers creek, thev. ' pi icnaiuc jou wire p.issing nils
school association under the direction ,. nlace at this strut n?i bonrof tin. ni.rl.t
. ., . ,.,. too, having moved from the east, at in-1 1"11 "l i"ls suangc uotu 01 mi rtiignt,
nt not. nomas. 'tcrvalsof from two to twciitv-flvc .V" " hnvo seen oneof thlsstrange
fill... . i t a. .. 1 a 1 1....1 1..l!
i ne .sumems m.u micni-i-. ...m u,u, R( ()f i!tmntQ Uuy? n()t iu,jJ?
pictures taken Tuesday morning, lt.s oi.uj.ners, believe the so-called delu
good,of course it would be good; C bar-; h,nMs ()f U(e strui,Kl, fmnlly of ,,lU. p.
he Schult. took it. 'rival. They have good reason to be-
Close Ktnigh has been doing some lieve these strange people, they having
writing for the district dental associa- imd .similar experiences.
tion,of which Dr. Morrison is the presi- )10 llv,n(, OI1 rmers' (:m;k f()1.
dent. Close is real good on the urn- Uu.nty cJf,lt ymm ,s htJH ,,,,,, f,.
c ' I some fancy porkers he lost last fall.
l'wo calls for stenographers this fai!tt ia js l0ling fol. eattle, hogs
feet which did not work slowly until I stock which they do not Intend to
bring west. The Canal Winchester (O.)
Times, after giving an extended ac
count of the sale, has the following to
"Mr. Steward and son reserved u
ear load of the choicest of their Short
horn cows and heifers, including their
inagnitleent herd bull .Masterpiece, a
a nucleus around which they expect to
build a herd upon their new ranch, in
family escorted by a strange gun
which the two hundred pounilsevidcnt
ly thought would work rapidly if this
strange man got near enough.
Here is another happening which
people would do well to look into. A , the great west, second to nonu any
farmer was moving anil while away I where. They also took a tine hit of
with a load of goods from the house i choice brood sows. Mr. Steward and
he was about to vacate, there disap- son have achieved an enviable reputa
pcared from ihe place a top-buggy, tion for square dealing. Their guar-
last week and the Remington agent and chickens which have disappeared j " ,I!,"I,!SS1 ,llul "" fmu, " iw went without question and the
says they need lots of them. Come to from time to time during the last hoUM'- hen he returned to JH't the blood of their herds was the result of
school, become a stenographer and se- twenty-eight years,
cure one of these positions. Another one of these strange people,
The social given by the T. L. S. C. , who has lived on Farmers' creek for
I society of the college at the home of twenty-six years, is looking for a nice,
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow,'ksyuth of town, fat steer that has been missing for
last night was certainly a success. It about two weeks. The animal was
was to be in the natureof a hard times worth S7.". Also di(rerent things that
party and was given In reply to the one have disappeared in the last twenty
given by the A. O. T. S. O. 15. two six years.
1','5-pound shouts
weeks ago. Harry Itarlow met the col-1 Twenty-six nice 1
lege students with a hay rack well till- that disappeared itbou
goods they were gone, and he is unable ' a careful selection and a number of
to tind them at this writing. I years experience in breeding along an
1111 in ., ii ,i f , one wuii a nigu ineai in
mind. Their llock of Shropshire Dowiv
Will stop for want of space, but o
nrtch for "Farmers Creek." Timimi.
here.was .ie v'-timr He states tlftry
came to his house and wanted to put
lightning rods on his house free of
e'l.irge. the only consideration being
that one of the party would probably
be at his house a week or so to show
prospective buyers, and all that was
asked of Mr. Itlohm was that he feed
this party and a team free of charge
during that period. He then signed a
contract to that effect, as he supposed,
but as he is unable to read Fnglish.
cannot say just what It was. At any
rate a note of SUM' turned up bearing
his signature.
Mr. Itlohm states he intends to light
against the payment of the. note and
endeavor to tind some law by which
he can escape the payment.
New Officers.
At the regular meeting of the volun
teer lireiiiiin Monday evening the fol
lowing o Ulcers wcr elected:
t one year ago,
cd with hay and four horses to pull it is the cry of another farmer that has
and drove them out to the farm. Of lived on Farmers' creek for many
cour;.e we had a good time going out years,
but when we got there the T. L. S. C. Two fat hogs weighing about aas
era i-ii ni'iiiri'Mtii. A tlllltlir till' irnnd tllill LTS iwiiimlt. mwili .till iinii f.iiii.i' llniwii.
have been working from Red Cloud and , m, tHs wurc a , Swi,k. ma,u , ,s thu ()f mmwr m
John Itlohm. ten miles southwest of ,...,,- ,,..,, t ,.., ... ,. ,
man by Misses Portinier and Olmstead, Still another cry from another
and a solo in Nerwegian by Miss Lena strange family: Ten head of cattle
llermansou. Miss Hcrmuuson re- driven off from his own place, but
spondeil to an encore and sang "Walk-' danced to the time of S10 for the pri
king Through the Rain." A duet by J vilige of driving them home.
Misses llines and Harlow, Misses lteck-1 Thc ufOI.CMli,i families believe,
with. Iiarlow. llargman. An-nii l'ctui- l,Ueked by their own experiences, that
son, Means and MeiVord, spoke pieces ,,, lato arrivals statements are true.
aim , uiss uarrs sang a solo. inei. are a few old settlers n ' ('.rant Turner: ladder man, W. II
i.. r. v . song vwis ceriainiy a roast on ya .auei. L.ree. wi,() 1)0,.j1Hps (i t i)0,.. trustee. Ridge Leggett
ine noys. rroi. uemcic gave an in
Chief. .1. (). I Sutler; first assistant.
Tress Harwood: second assistant, Chas.
Itushee; secretary, Henry Diederich:
treasurer, F. W. Studebaker.
Hose company No. I Foreman, Rert
Person; llrst assistant, .lames l.asley:
uo.idemen, Win. Rohrer and Tress
Ilarwooil; hydrant, Win. Scrivncr:
trustee, (Juy Day.
I lose company No. '.' Foruiiiiin, Reach
Robertson: llrst assistant, I5d Fern:
uoz.lcmcu, Fred Wallin and II. Died-
i erieh; hydrant man, SanfordFox; trus
tee. Al Slaby.
Hook and Ladder Company Fore
man. Clarence Ivier; first assistant,
Mrs. E. M. Gard Has a Yery Excltlni
Mrs. K. M. (bird took an involun
t try cold bath yesterday morning which
she will not care to repeat soon. Mrs.
(Sard arose early with the intention of
doing the family washing. The cis
tern at the (Sard home is reached
through a trap door in the kitchen.
After drawing the wash water Mrs.
(Sard failed to close the trap, and in
crossing the room fell into the cistern.
The water reached to her shoulders,
and she was unable to pull herself out.
The rest of the family were still in
bed and Mrs. ( bud's cries for help were
ilnally answered by her young daugh
ter and her husband. Mr. (iaid at
tempted to extricate his wife from her
pel lions position and once almost . suc
ceeded. He Ilnally called Charley Orout
to his assistance and their united.etl'orts
resulted in rescuing her from the icy
water. It is said that in his excite
ment Mr. (iard forgot all about a lad
der which stood just outside the kitch
en door.
diau dance: Then the girls gave 1'rof.
Dietrich the long looked for initiation
into the socieiy.Mr. Dietrich says that
the next time he goes out to Rarlow's
he is going to examine the billy goat
and the cistern so that he will have the
lay of things.
The clothes looked bad going out
but some got worse as the evening pro
gressed until Ray Palmer had to wear
his fur overcoat in the house to hide
spots that his clothing did not hide.
Refreshments were served, good corn
bread and real cow's milk with cookies.
The writer did not cat any cookiesand
don't know how they tasted.
l nen .mss .Miiuti nariow lavoreu us
with some good recitations. Miss I tar- f
low is good on comic pieces. Mr. Die
trick reeitod also. Yes, we got back '
O. K. and must thank .Mr. and Mrs.
sheep was sold entirely, as they will
keep no sheep in the west. Another
feature of the sale which elicited much
praise from the big crowd was the
generous act of C. It. Steward in turn
ing over the entire house to the ladies
of the Cotta society of Mercy Lutheran
church, who furnished one of their
abundant spreads, for which they have
u long and famous record. The multi
tude that ate was uiitintingwith theii
praises, and undoubtedly added much,
to the great success of the sale, as the-
man to give good prices must be well
fed and in good humor. i-rMr
"Mr. Steward and son leave a host
of friends who regret to lose them, but
wish them abundant succeess in their-'
new home.''
The elder Mr. Steward will not mow
out here at present, but the son. C. 15.
Steward, Is expected to arrive today.
!rt one. of those clocks wo are gir
ing away.
Rarlow. Harry and the T. L. S. C
our good time.
Holland House Sold.
On Wednesday a deal was perfected
by which the Holland House became
the property of Mr. William Kofod of
Omaha. Mr. Kofod is an experienced
hotel man and will no doubt make a
success of the business. Mr. Morrison
will retain possession of the hotel for
a month or so until the now propriett r
can make arrangements to move from
Omaha. We understand that the pur
chase price was S.",0(i0. The deal was
made through N. P. Klowgard.
A Riot of Fun.
Mirth, music, song and dance, is the
principal timber, which is the founda
tion of the name Nashville Students
was billed upon twenty five years ago.
Anil enc-h year, the management has
strictly adhered to the foundation
principle laid down by the principal I
owners. The Nashville, students school
has turned out more first class per-
formers than all of the other colored
shows combined. Such well known '
stars as Krnest Haydeu, Cole and
Johnson. Williams and Walker, Hilly
ICersands and many others, have at
one time or another, sailed under the
Nashville Students banner. The pres
ent company is equal to any, and if
you are looking for an evening's fun
come to the opera house, Tuesday,
March Rttli.
Mary Dark circles under the eyes
indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid
liver and kidneys. Kxercise and Rocky
Mountain Tea will make you well aud
beautiful. .15 cents, Tea and Tablets.
0. L. Cutting.
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