mviwfcwdTtfUHm I i Pawnee City Man Killed. I'awnio City, .-Job., b'vu. 115. I Lohmlllcr of this city wnn lolled ny ' fmit Rtock tr-.In. IIpIii'5 n " trim j-omowhero nnd tho ttnin not ptoppln,', Lohmlllcr jumped off nt a cross. us . Just east, or the dopot, striking ou his head. Rock Island Files $6,500,000 Mortgage. ' Lincoln, Fell. 20. Tho Chlcatj), Hock Island and Pacific Uallwny com pany, acting for tlio Itock Island Im provement company of New Jersey, filed with the secretary of state a mortgage for $(5,fT00,000. Thc mort gago runs to the Hankers' Trust com pany and, under the ngroement, the money Is to bo used for tho" purchase of equipment. FACTORIES NEEDED, SAYS MANSS Ashland Is Told that Farming Com munity Mas Reached Its Growth. J Ashland, Neb. Feb., 25. -Ily invita tion of the Ijuslness Men's association, W. II. Munss of Chicago, Industrial commissioner of the Hurllngton, vis ited Ashland and conferred with the morchants of tlio town concerning tho futuro growth of this city. In hla talk to them Mr. Manss impressed up on their minds the lact that the future of tho small city In eastern Nebraska dopeuds solely upon tho changing of the character of Its buying community.' Tho agricultural community about tho town has reached Its full growth and tho business men can look to ilt tlo increase In iho iuturo in tho popu lation of their surrounding rural dis trict. Increased railroad facilities have developed tho mall order houses of tho larger cities which are limiting serious inroads upon tlio local mer chant's sales. This problem can best bo mot by converting tho small city In to a factory town. Many manufact uring concerns are leaving tho larger cities on account or high rentals and tlio difficulty in obtaining labor and aro looking to tho small towns In Illi nois, Iowa and Nebraska for suitable locations. Mr. Manss demonstrated that the financial returns from tho lo cation of even one factory would bo great inasmuch as such an Institution employing 100 persons at an average price of $1 a day moans a payroll of $000 a week. Mr. Manss held that this was a larger sum than the entire amount of money spent in Ashland or any town of similar slzo in Nebraska by tho farmers of tho surrounding community. They Differ In Many Ways From Those of Our Own Country. Hot water i not "laid on" (piped) at foreign hotels, says tho Travel Maga zine. If you hear a gentle tap on the door In tho morning, you may Inter pret It as meaning that u copper ewer of hot water has Just been set down outside for your personal use. If you tinier a bath. It will be pre pared for you accordingly, and a sweet voiced maid will give you notice when Hie fi&tt&nift ,uer (U i m t kI u position to wait and watch ami yet pre serve hla dignity. It wns early In the afternoon of March 2!) that Loder, in response to a long standing Invitation, lunched (juici ly with the Fraldes. Helng delayed by some communications from Wnrk, he was a few minutes late In keeping his appointment, and on being shown Into the drawing room f mini the little group of three that wok to make up the party already assembled Frnldo. Lady Sa rah and live. As be entered the room they ceased to speak, iflid all three turned In his dlrcrtbn. In the first moment he had a vague Impression of responding suitably to Lady Sarah's cordial greeting, but he knew that Inimod.av.y anil uncon sciously his eyes turned to live, while n quick sense of and satisfac tion passed through him at sight of her. For an Instant he wondered how she would mark hi avoidance of her since their last eventful Interview: then instantly be blamed b'mself for tho passing' doubt. For, before all things, he knew her to be a woman of the world. He took Fralde's outstretched hand, and again he looked toward live, wait ing for her to speak. blie met his glance, but said nothing. Instead of speaking she smiled at him a sinllo that was far more re issuiin-,' than any words, a smile that in a single second conveyed forgiveness, approbation and a warm, nliuiMt tea dor sense of sympathy and comprehen sion. The remembrance of that stnllo stayed with him long nfler they were seated at table and lar Into tho future the' remembrance of the lunch itself, with its pleasant private sense of sat isfaction, was destined to return to him lu retrospective moments. The delightful atmosphere of the Fruidos' home life had always been a wonder and an enigma to him, but on this day lie mwiiioiI to irrasn Its meaning by a Persian gulf, round which British In terests and Influence center, and the consequently alarming position of hun dreds of traders who, Hi the security of British sovereignty, aro fighting their way upward from India, from Afghanistan, even from Ihiglancl her- self. Following up his point, he dilated on these subjects of the British crown who, cut off from adequate assistance, can only turn In personal or commer cial peril to the protective power of the nearest consulate. Thou, quietly deinauiilng the attention of his hear ers, lie marshaled fact after fact to i.omonstratc the Isolation ami Inade quacy of a consulate so situated; the all Siit arbitrary power of Itussla, who In her new occupation of Meshed had only two considerations to withhold her from open aggression the knowl edge of Kugluiid as a very consider able, buf also a very distant, power; the knowledge of Persia as an Immi nent, but wholly Impotent, factor In the ease. Having stated his opinions, he re verted to tho motive of his speech his desire to put forward a strong protest against the adjournment of the house without an assurance from the govern ment that Immediate treasures would be taken to safeguard Liitlsh Interests In Meshed and throughout tho province of Khorassan. The Immediate outcome of Loder's speech was all that his party bad de sired. Tlio effect on the house had been marked, and when, no satisfactory re spouse coming to his demand, lie had lu still more resolute and Insistent terms called for a division on tho mo tion for adjournment, the result had been an appreciable fall in the govern ment majority. To Loder himself the realization that lie had at last vln Heated and justified himself by Individual action had a pe culiar effect. Ills position had been al tered in one remarkable particular. Before tli's day he a!o:ie had known himself to be strong: now the knowl edge was shared by otlici-a and he was human enough to be susceptible to the change. Tho first nnnreclutlon of it came Im IHHHHHIHHBHHiHHmnnHHIIHHHMHLjg Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias heen in use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of - and has been mado under his pcr- s jCJ&"ffl'? sonal supervision since its infancy. itaf7Yt -CtfcAM, Allow no one to dccelvo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Jnst-as-good"aro hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ugainst E.vperhueni. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of "' d niilntfm'-Wilfl.!ltfMnAiHMMMfc' &w fty y'xt fft k&Zt Flie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUB COMPANY, ?T MURRAY STKCCT, NEW YORK CITY. new light us he watched Kve often nioatoly uftel. llu L.Xl.itement of the It is ready. You aro not expected to under Its Influence and I lit hlmseir drawn Imperceptibly from the position of a speculative outsider to that of an intimate. It was a fresh side to the complex, fascinating life of which Fralde was the master spirit. These reficotions had grown agree ably familiar to his mind. The talk, momentarily diverted Into social chan nels, was quietly drifting back to the Inevitable question of the "situation" that In private moments was never far from their lips, when the event that was to mark and separate that day from those that had preceded It was unceremoniously thrust upon them. Without announcement or apology, the dour was suddenly Hung open and Lakeley entered the room. His face was brimming with excite ment, and his eyes Hashed. In the first haste of the entry he failed to see that there were ladles In the room and, operate tho water valves at all, and It crossing Instantly to l-raiue, lam an Is doubtful If you would succeed If open telegram before him. "Tills Is vou tried. olllclal, sir," he said. Then at last ne From a variety of vacant rooms at a glanced round the table. Ladv Sarah l" lie exclaimed, "uun hotel shown you you select the one you prefer, with a definite agreement as to price. You are not required to you forgive meV Hut I'd have given a hundred pounds to be the first with accept humbly and thankfully, in bHnd, this!" He glanced back at Kraide faith, whatever room the clerk deigin to assign to you. as in America. It Is expected, however,, that you will order your breakfasts at the hotel, being free to get your other meals elsewhere ir you prefer. r.lectiie light switches are not com monlv turned on by a push button or Ladv Sarah rose and stretched- out her hand. ".Mr. Lakeley." she said, "1 more than understand i" There was a thrill In her warm, cordial voice, and her eyes also turned toward her hus band. Of the whole party Fralde alone was perfectly calm. Ho sat very htlll. his a Hal key, as In our buildings, but by a small, thin figure erect and dignified, division, when Fralde. Mingling him out. took his arm and pressed It affec tionately. "My dear Chilcote," he said, "we are all proud of you!" Then, looking up into his face, lie added, in a graver tone, "but keep your mind upon tlio future: never be blinded by the pres ent, however bright It seems." At tho touch of ids hand, nt the spon taneous approval of bis first words, Lo der's pride thrilled, and in a vehement rush of ambition bis senses answered to the praise. Their, as Fralde In all unconsciousness, added his second sen tence, the hot glow of feeling suddenly chilled. In a sweep of Intuitive reaction the meaning and tho danger of his falsely real position extinguished his excitement and turned his triumph cold. 'With an Involuntary gesture bo withdrew ills arm. "You're very good, sir," bo said. "And you're very right. We never should for get that there Is-a future." The old man glanced up, surprised by the tone. "Quite so. Chilcote," he said kindly. "Hut we only advise those in whom we believe to look toward It. Shall wo find my wife? I know she will want to bear you home with us." Hut Loder's Joy In himself and his achievement had dropped from him. He shrank suddenly from Lady Sarah's congratulations and Kve's warm, silent approbation. - v to be continued. How's Your Liver? It will pay you to take Rood care of ycur liver, because, if yen do, your liver will tike good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach ache, headache, malaria, etc. Well liver keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There in oaly cne safe, certain and reliable liver medicine,' and that is CATARRH small brass lever. Many ol the best hotels have a reading light in tlio headboard of each bedstead. Piccadilly. A theory as to the origin of Picca dilly was put forward by Archdeacon Hlckerhteth many years ago. He had discovered a Piccadilly among tho . Chllterus, tho central one of three con leal hills near Ivlmrlioe. and ho learn ed that this hill had at one time been j mot as his eyes scanned the message that meant so much. Kve, who had sprung from her seat and passed round the table at sound of Lakeley's news, was leaning over his shoulder reading tho telegram with him. At the last word she lifted her head, her face Hushed with excitement. "How splendid It must bo to bo a man!" she exclaimed, and without premeditation her eyes and Loder s Thembrfs Oujnik JHlfmHiffiW rflBg83 w riwu hbi l& II xLB a. E& i WlW G i 0 A 0m Ely's CftEAM Balm This Romody is a Spoclflc, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. QIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It clonuses, soothes, lienls, and protects tho diseased incmbrano. It cures Catarrh and Ifiund nTtn. (i n.iljl ... ln TTmlI tf-inif.l-lt Jr ','' Ito-ttnrfm tho Rmis(m of Taste nnd SinUsr Q I Easy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs. rt Applied into tho nostrils nuil absorbed. Large Size, f0 cents at Druggists or by mnil : Trial Size, 10 cents by moll. . tf I ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. Now York, i An Insinuation Feared, f'lorgyman Madam, you must bo consoled with the thought that your husband Is at rest. Widow Do you mean that lie didn't have any before he died V New York Press. known alt-o as I 'caked hill. Might uot London's Piccadilly likewise be a Peaked hill? No doubt the hill lu Pic cadilly la not remarkably peaky, but, then, the same tiling might be said of tho Derbyshire peak Itself. There la another Piccadilly near Aberystwyth, and yet another near Holton. Hut In the provinces one always suspects bor rowing from London In such cases. .There are Hyde Park Corners in pro vincial towns that have no Hyde park io Justify them. London Chronicle. All must respect those who respect them.s.ives. Ueaconstleld. Economy. Lady Shopper Have you any of your one dollar goods marked down to 00 cents? Salesman None loft, ma'am. Wo have tho ?l.r0, ?'J and !?'J.."j0 grades nt tho regular price and tlio $." grade marked down to Lady Shopper- dive me tlio $5 grade. New York Times. From Exporienco. Kill I shan't rend any more novels. They all stop when ho wins his sweet heart, nnd then It's Just the best part. Father-Little blockhead! Who told you that was the best part? Floli. What a different world this would bo If wo wero all as smart as we think wo nre.-Gnrlnnd (Tex.) News. In this manner came the news from Persia and with It Loder's definite call. In the momentary stress of ac tion It was Impossible that any thought of Chllcoto could obtrudo Itself. Invents had followed each other too rppldly, decisive action had been too much thrust upon him, to allow of hesita tion, and It was lu this spirit, under this vigorous pressure, thnt ho made his attack upon the government on the day that followed Fralde's luncheon party. That Indefinable atlentlveness, that alert sensation of Impending storm, that is so btrong an Index of the par liamentary atmosphere was very keen on the steady southward advance of Itus;da Into Persian territory from tho distant days when, by a curious irony of fate. Husslan and Hiitish enterprise combined to imiko entry into the coun try under tho sanction of the grand duke of Mosovy to the present hour, when this great power of ltussla long since alienated by Interests and desires from her former co-operator had tak en a step which lu the eyes of every thinking man must possess a deep slg ulllcauce. With his usual quiet persistence ho pointed out tho peculiar position of Meshed in the distant province of Khornssuu,. Jts vast dlstaiiee. from tho Imperative. An Infantry soldier named Selielber died on the last day of his leave lu his home in a little village in upper Aus tria. Tho village burgomaster, lilnihelf an old soldier, remembered that the commanding otllcer of Schelber's regi ment should be notified of the death, and he proceeded to do so In tlio fol lowing letter: "The undersigned village burgomas ter requests on behalf of the soldier Selielber two days' more leave, as oth erwise his Interment cannot take place." Vienna Press. For over 00 years tills wonderful vegetable remcJy lecn the standby in iiiuuvinds of lnircs, and is today Uie favuilte liver medicine In this woiul. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, anJ does not irritate tiie bowels. It carer, constinatlon, relieves con :ivtion. and pa.i.ics the system from .in overflow of I I'.c, thereby keeping !lirt boJyi'i pesft'ct health. P'L-e 25z at c!l druggists and JtV.!.'!S. lest It. -r-:7w!rrrT5Z&x&2u INFLAMMATORY KHKU.MATISM CUHKP IK 3 DAYS Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. rays; "41) wlfo lino Intlaratnntorv Hlionnintlsm In eerj muholo and Joint; her Mitt'erlne wbh torribli and her bni), mid face wero swollen nmntbu yond rccoRiiltlou: bad been In bed six wooki onrt had eight phjMclann, but received no benefit until Mie tried iho Mystic rnro foi HheumatlMtn. It pave -Immediate relief and she wax able to wait about In three dnys. i nrc Riiro II BftVt-d her life." Sold by II. B. Orlne DniRglnt, Ited Cloud. KR$jm No Opiates, Conforms to A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure In 0 to 14 days. 50 cents. All couch svruD8 containing opiates conjtl- pato the bowels. Bee's Laxative Cough Syruj moves the bowels and contains no opiates. HOLLISTER-a Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A 3ny Uedloluo for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Ilenowod Vigor. A Hnoclflo for Constipation, InillKOitlon, LlveV nnd kidney Troubles: Pimples. Ecemi, Impuril Ulood, Bad Breath, Hlueclsh Powels, Headache-, and Ilaclcnclio. It's Kncky Mountain Tea In tno let form, .T pnf a box. flonulnn made by EIoixiCTtn Dnuii Coupany, Madison, Ws. .',! flEN NIIRRETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE JL JL JL JL LJL JL K& VD ingVackad GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. k DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MOST SEVERE CASE BEFORE MORNING. FOR SKLS BY Tho medicinal virtues of tho crude gums and reslna obtained from the NativoPino have been recognized by tho medical profession for centuries. Pine-ulea virtues of the Native Pino that are of value iu reliov- Backachc, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles. "?. !3" Ir nkr ?j$& rs HENRY COOK iW.LHIl To Cure a Cold in Om Day Tab Laxative Bromo Quinine Taw.ts., -'uo;iiiM.ui.tiaBi(an. This ;5giahfire,v-'-' 'r Cures Grip In Two Days. on every fnnrt dot. 35c w A J ( igmi&S&i&B!a&