The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 01, 1907, Image 2

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    "Ghe CHI&F
Knlcrfil In tlio I'oMolilre M lied I'titurt. "-en
m Second CIm Matttr
Paul C. Piukrb
Wltneoo Continues to Answer Qucs
tlono About His Railroad Financial
Operations at Interstate Commerce
Commlcsion Inquiry.
Now York, Fob. 27. An assertion by
E. II. Harrltnaii Unit Stuyvosant Klah
was deposed from tho presidency of
tho Ullnoib Central bceausu of miscon
duct as to tho funds of tho company
was a leading leaturo of tho session
of tho Interstate coinineico commis
sion. Mr. Ilarrimnu was tho only wit
ness oi tho day anil tlio events
brought out by his testimony make
tho hearing a memorable one.
Other leatu-is of Mr. Harrlmau's
testimony follows:
A continued refusal to nnswor ques
tions relating to individual stock
Explanations of tho transfer of 300,
000 shares of Southern Pacific stock
to William G. Rockefeller during tho
attempt of James H. Keenc to secure
control or the road and delayed an
nounced of tho dividends In Union and
Southern Pacific.
Attempts by the government to
Ehow that the Union Pacific charges
unfair rates, stlllcs competition in the
vast territory traversed by Its lines,
nd that Us dividend of 10 per cent
and Its cxpodlturo of ?2 10.000,1)00 on
betterments canio from an unfair toll
on its patrons.
An academic discussion of railway
regulation by high authorities on eith
er side, that ran from a plea for legal
ized combinations of railroads under
government supervision to a sugges
tion that the government control rail
way stock Issues.
A charge and an admission that the
inlEconduct of the railroads created
tho popular anger that moves deter
minedly tor their regulation.
A charge that no other country in
the world Is so hostile to largo trans
portation interests.
An assertion that the purchase of
(Southern Pacific by the Union Pacific
Siad given the southwest ten years ad
vantage in development, that tho fail
ure of tho Union Pacific to st'euro the
Northern Pacific left the northwest
en yoars behind where It would have
fooen If control had been obtained.
All this ended in a remarkable
fceno where the government and tho
man stood confronted. The da,'H
events gave a vivid and Intimate
realization of the problems of swollen
wealth .and railway regulation. It
made notable contribution to tho finan
cial history light and dark of tho
Mr. Hnrrlmnn'B examination was
conducted by Frank P.. Kellogg of St.
Paul, special coumiol for tho govern
ment. The witness created laughter when
ho declared that ho had bought Union
Pacific at 2f In 1S08 In expectation of
the dividend In IDOli.
Harriman Shown as Rail Colossus.
Commissioner Lane then began a
sketch of tho enormous requirements
or the Union Pacific under Harriman.
He begun with tho Issuance of $100.
000,000 in bonds and traced Its pur
chases out to Portland on the coast,
on to the Orient by steamship linos,
back to San Francisco, to Ogden, to
New Orleans, to New York by steam
ships, Into tho Northern Pacific and
out again, Into the Alton, the Illinois
Central, tho Santa Fe, the Haltlnioro
and Ohio and the New York Central.
Ills face paled and his voice grew
more Impressive as ho continued tho
wonderful recital.
He faced the witness and, pausing
for a moment, said: "Where Is that
thing going to Btop?"
Tho master operator smiled and
then, somewhat nervously, said: ''I
think it has stopped. I would go on If
I thought wo could realize something
more than vn have got from thoso se
curities. I would go on and buy somo
mora tilings."
Lane Supposing you concentrated
two or three more. ..You might tako
somo other lino and go right Into
New York?
Harriman Suppose we had a line
from New York to San Francisco. I
suppose thnt. Is what you mean;
would It not bo a good thing not thnt
wo have any Idea or doing It, but
would It not bo a good thing?
Lane Supposing you got tho Santa
Harriman You would not lot us got
ii 11 i m
It. I tiling you would brlns? out your
power to enforco the conditions of the
Shorninn anti-trust act pretty quick.
If you will let us, I will go and take
the Santa Fe tomorrow.
Lane Then It Is only the restric
tion of tlio law that keeps you from
taking It?
Hnrrininn I would go on ns long ns
I lived.
Andrews on National problems.
Chlcnuo, Feb. 27.- DlRcussiti'? nn
tlonnl problems before tho depnrfnent
ef superintendence of the National
'durational association, Chancellor B.
nenjamln Andrews of the University
or Nobraska (Wended President
Ttoosovclt's Interpretation of the Mon
roe doctrine. ITo also urged adequate
defense of the Pacific.
Trying to Prove Alibi for Adamn.
Wallace, Ida., Feb. 27. Bit by bit
the attorneys tor Steve Adams are lay
ing tho foundation for their theory
that the defendant was not In the Mar
ble creek r.'Rlon when Fri"' T lor was
murdered, but was In Spokane.
Union Pacific and Burlington Lose on
Appeal to Highest Court.
Washington, Feb. 20. The supremo
court decided tho Nebraska tax cases
In favor of tho state, ulirmlng the de
cision of tho court below and assess
Inn costs on tho railroads. The de-
clslon was announced by Justice iy uy uie rmes comnnueo ai a mui
Holmes. Justices Pockham and Mc- K 11 n0'" tho visit of Secretary
Kenna joined In a dissenting opinion. Hoot to tho capltol, and It was very
Justice Iiolnios snld tho suit had generally understood thnt the admin
been instituted by tlio railroad com- IstraUon was responsible for the com
pany in resistance of tho tax levy lor mltteo's action.
J HOI as made by tho various county Williams, minority loader, opposed
treasurers and confirmed by the state ' rule and regarding the attitude of
board of equalization. Tho company Speaker Cannon said: "There was a
did not challengo the validity of the timo when you yourself, Mr. Speaker,
tax law, but complained that, acting wnxed eloquent and earnest In opposi-
under tho Influence of political nglta- Hon to legislation like this. In thoso
tlon, tho equallzaUon board and tho days you were a Samson in conflict
county taxing authorities had so In- and a Solomon In counsel. Today
creased tho valuation of railroad prop' Samson Is shorn of his locks and Solo
orty as to almost double tho aggregate
payments of the railroads In the state
over tho paymc ts made In 1003; that
It lind t liken Inrnrstntn lnmlnpsc: Into
consideration lu arriving at values;
that railroad property was given a
value 20 per cent higher than other
property, and that tho board lmprop-
erly took Into consideration the value
of tho comnany'a nronertv outside the
state and arrived at a conclusion bv i
determining tho average value of the
property per mile, tho result being fur
In excess of tho actual value of the
iNOiirnsKa property, mo company at'
tacked tho proceeding as a deliberate .
attempt to fix an undue share of the
tax responsibility upon the railroads
and an effort to tax property without
duo process of law, which would
render It. unconstitutional. On all
these points the federal court found
for the state, and the supreme court
affirmed that verdict.
The cases are tho Union Pacific
against Fink, treasurer of Douglas
county, and tho Chicago. Hurllnyton &
Qulncy against Hnbcock, treasurer of
Adams cotmty.
In the Burlington caso the amount
of tax levied under the new law for
the yenr 1004 on all Its property In
the state was $(501,520.31, In all coun
ties whero the assessment exceeded
$2,000. Tho Burlington, however,
tendered for the bulk amount of taxes
for that year but $1-11.710.78. which
that company clnlmed was a fair as
sessment under the law of 1003.
Similar assessments and tenders were
made for the years lfor and 190C. Tho
j totnl levy for tho three years on this
basis would bo $l,0l)9,r)(i0.93, and the
total tender made, by tho Burlington
of $1,33-1. 132.31.
Tlio total levy mndo against tho
Union Pacific for VJiM under the new
' law was $314,311.70, and the tender
made by tho Union Pacific under tho
old law of l'JO.'f was $248,271.34, or
$0,120 less than the levy. For tho
threu yearn the levy under the new
law would be $1.033.)S4.28, while tho
tender made by tho Union Pacific Is
but 3744.RM.02.
Three Dead in Denver.
Denver., Feb. 2(5. Mrs. Benjamin
Wright and her ."-year-old daughter,
Genevieve, were found dead and
Wright In a dying condition at their
home In this city. Traces of cynnldo
of muaseiuiii were discovered, indi
cating double murder and suicide, or
a triple suicide.
Remarkable Vision.
An old woman who hail been In the
Infirmary with sore eyes told a neigh
bor that the doctor took out her eyes
and scraped them with Inures. "Non
sense, woman," replied the other. "Ye
shouldn't believe all yu bear. The. doc
tors would only be stiullng ye." "Oh.
but yo know It's no use saying that,
for I nwakenod up out of the chloro
form and saw both of my eyes lying
on the table!"
His Clover Son.
Tho Dad My son, I want to tell you
that the secret of my success, as It
must be of any man's, Is hard work.
I Tho Son-Sb! Dad, I don't care to
hear other people's secrets, and I am
too much of a gentleman to take ad
vantage of Information gained that
way. Say no more. Cleveland Leader.
Twenty-four Republicans Vote With
Democrats In Opposition to Rule,
Senate Passes Santo Domingo Treaty
and Three Appropriation Bills.
Washington, Feb. ZC Ship subsidy
secured a marked impetus In tho
house, which adopted a rule that will
probably Insure tho passage by tho
house of tho Llttauer substitute for
tho senate bill and result beforo the
final adjournment lu positive legisla
tion. Tho rule was reported by Dalzcll In
thu shape of a resolution providing
that the compromise bill shall bo con
sldorcd with debate limited to ilvo
hours and that the final vote shall bo
taken not later than next Friday aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock. Tho rule was
adopted by a vote of 1GS to 122, twenty-four
Republicans voting with tho
Democrats In opposition to the rule,
as follows: Ilurton, Campbell, Chap
man, Darrah, Davis, Fordney, French,
Grab", Hedge, Hlnshaw, Hollidny, Hub
bard, Klnkald, McCarthy, Madden,
Marshall, Murdoclc, Nelson, Prince,
Stafford, Steenorson, Townsend,
Wconis, Wilson.
The rule was agreed upon unexpoct-
mon has grown fond."
DeArmond (Mo.) snld It was a bill
In the Interest of tho rich and power
ful. Ho called attention to thoso who
were pushing tho bill now and their
views on the same subject only a year
ago. Tho poor and humble, ho said,
could not get a hearing and instanced
the labor bill In Illustration or his
point. Hlnshaw (Neb.) thought tho
bill would tend to decrease the ship-
ping Industries of the country and ho
was opposed to both rule and bill.
The conference report on the Indian
nppioprlatlon bill was adopted, as was
the conference report on tho bill pro
vldlng for the allotment and distribu
tion of Indian tribal funds.
The senate passed the agricultural
appropriation bill, carrying nenrly
$10,000,000; tho postoiTIco appropria
tion bill, carrying $210,000,000; the
pension appropriation bill, carrying
SMo,000,000, and tho bill authorizing
the establishment of an agricultural
bank In tho Philippine Islands. The
pilnclpal fight over tho agricultural
bill took place on the Boverldgo
ninendiucnt lequlrlng the packers to
pay the cost of administering the meat
inspection law. This amendment was
defeated on a point of order. Mr.
Beverldge secured the adoption of an
amendment which requires tho date of
canning and Inspection to appear on
tho label of the can containing meat
By a vote of 43 to 19, tho senate
ratified the Santo Domingo treaty.
This was one more vote In the affirml
tlvo than was required. The ratifica
tion of tho treaty followed a debate
in executive session, during which
Bacon (Ga.) condemned the treaty as
worse than thnt negotiated in 1905,
which now is supplanted.
Lodge secured the pnssage of tho
Philippine agricultural bank bill. An
amendment offered by Senator Culber
son declaring tho Intention of tho
United States to abandon the Islands
ns soon as a stable independent gov
ernment should be established was de
feated. The senate also passed a bill grant'
lng a service pension to army nurses.
The sundry civil bill wns reported
to tho senate. It carries $H4.o78.S01.
a tint Increase of $10,047,547 over tho
housu bill.
Chicago Sub-Treasury Looted by Thief,
Who Secures About $175,000.
Chicago, Feb. 20. Ono of the larg
est If not tho largest thefts from
Uio United States treasury litis been
unearthed In Chicago. Somewhere be
tween ? 175,000 and $200,000. It was
lenrued, completely disappeared
from the local sub-treasury last week.
The authorities hero and in Washing
ton have been working night and day
on the robbery since It was discov
ered. Chief Wllklo of the United
States secret service has loft Wash
ington for Chicago to take personal
charge of tho investigation. Tho
stolen money wus In bills of $1,000,
$3,000 nnd $10,000.
Vlllnreal Escapes From Prison.
Kl Paso, Tox., Fob. 20. Antonio
Vlllnreal, editor of tho revolutionary
organ Hegenernclon nnd head of tho
St. LOuls junta or Mexican revolution
ists, who. has been In prison here
i' nd'ng before the
Unltnl fct.i lepartment of justlco
and departni'r of labor and com
merce, escaped and ha8 not been re
captured. " Fifth Lcjlslator Stricken.
Jciffcraon City. Mo., Feb. 2G.-Repre-
BOntattvn Klrkpntrlck of Cedar county
vas "trlckon with a mild case of
Binallvox and was removed to the
--ncy hnrpltal. This makes the
fl V urn connected with tho house tc
contiaet the d I sense.
Secretary o? Treasury Elected Presi
dent of Carnegie Trust Company.
ashlngton, Feb. 27. Secretary
E! aw, who was elected president of
tlio Carnegie Trust company at Now
Vork when nak0(, w,mt effcct h,3 ac.
ccptance of this position would have
upon bin political future, said:
"Whatever Shaw presidential senti
ment now exists has sprung up spon
taneously, and unless It continues to
grow In the same way, my nanio will
never lie mentioned in a national
convention. Meantime I will not de
cline appropriate tasks nor refuso to
do my snare of tho world's work. For
more than thirty years my homo has
been at Uenlson, la. While governor
of the state and domiciled at Des
Moines, and whllo holding my present
position and domiciled at Washington, '
I have always registered from Dcnl
son, In. For a time my "uturc place
of business will bo In New York city,
my domicile will probably bo In some
convenient suburb, but my homo will
be In Denlson, la. There will I vote,
thore will I spend a remnant of my
days, if 1 live past retirement, and
there will I bo buried. During all the
years of my manhood I have taken a
more or less part In political cam
paigns nnd my Interest In them will (
not Inc. though tho opportunity to
participate In them to as great extent
may be lacking, and It will be for my
party to determine whether I am again
Invited from tho congenial fields of i
personal endeavor to the perplexities
of public service."
School Destroyed by Fire and Seven
teen Inmates Die in Flames.
Montreal, Feb. 27. Principal Max
woll and sixteen children perished In
a llro In tho Hochelaga school of the
Protestant school commission. The
first was first noticed by workmen
employed nearby. Tho teachers were
notified and the work of getting the
children out or tho building began.
Tho kindergarten department was lo
cated on the second floor and it was
hero that tho loss or life occurred.
Tho children were started out, but
found tho lower hall full of smoke,
nnd refused to descend. They re
treated to the rooms whence they had
The fire by this time" was making Its
way upwards and the smoke growing)
so dense that even tho experienced,
firemen could not stand It. Captain
Carson tried to get Miss Maxwell to go
down the ladder, but she refused, and
rushed back Into the back part of the i
building In search of the children.
Later she was found lying on the
floor, with a child besido her. The
deaths wore caused by asphyxiation.
There were no firo escapes In tho
Passengers Given Fearful Ride Owing
to Paralyzed Motorman.
Dubuque, Fob. 27. Suddenly strick
en with paralysis, Motormnn Carl Car
ter stood powerless at his controller
while a heavy car on the Union Elec
tric line ran wild through tho heart
of the business district. As he passed
signal after bIp.p.iI without stopping
the passcngero in a panic at the in
cieasing speed, called to the conduct
or, who stopped the car beforo any
damage was done.
Carter nzt, control of his car at the
top of a g-ndual Incline. When ho
startod to sMit off the current ho felt
a sudden twitching on the right side
or his body. In a moment he was un
nblo to move either motor or brake.
Tho car dashed down the Incline,
narrowly missing passing vehicles,
tho drivers leaving the track In tho
nick of time. Conductor Johnson
rushed to the front and found Motor
mnn Carter lying holpless against tho
sldo of the vestibule. Johnson then
fchut off tho current. The entire right
side of Carter's body Is affected, lie
Is In a dangerous condition.
The Last Resort.
A man wont Into tin oculist's tho
oilier day nnd, complaining of fallhiK
Bitfht, yot ntted with a pair of spec
tacles. "Is this the weakest f,'l"s for my
eyeV" he asked.
"Yes," replied the oculist.
"Supposing I can't see with it after a
few mouths?"
"(let a stronger then."
"And If I still can't see?"
"Oct a still stronger."
"And If the stroupest glass falls?"
"In that case I think lf-1 were you I
should buy a small, Intelligent dog and
a couple of yards of string."
' -
Out it cannot make a Pair Skin or a
Glossy Coat.
W'omon with good
complexions cannot
bo homely. Croams.
lotions, washes nnti
powders cannot mnko
a fair skin. Every
liorscmim known that
tho Biitiu coat of his
thoroughbred comc3
from tho animal's
"all-right" couditlon.
Lot tho horso cot
coat turns dull. Cur.
rying, brushing and rubbing will givo
him a clean cout, but cannot produco
tho coveted smoothness and gloss of
tho horso'a skin, which is his com
plexion. Tho ladieswlll seo tlio point.
Lane's Family
Is tlio heat preparation for Indies who
dcairo a gcntlo laxative mcdleiuo that
will glvo tho body perfect cleanliness
internally and tho wholesomoness
that produces such Bkius as painters
lovo to copy. ,
r &.
r-f2vr, Ti'iMjrrir.a
r til Quo
add myiw
ll HOf:vV55 HI
Q tfbrtfclW
(SL:!'j-ll;rcs Pcunds to tho Bushel)
"T-i':'r7T-r-v nrc situated in the
s-5'ih-S Canadian West,
Tlc UK where Homesteads
f'V W of 100 acres can be
tSp nhtnineil KRRE hv
M everv settler will-
iime to
itli the
I M W''yvi'fl fjJI itUlll!.L.UU ibU
i xjuj&wsxm
I iViVfoVflStl During the present fi
year a larue portion of 9
New Wheat-Growing
has been made accessible
to markets by the railway
construction that has been
pushed forward so vigor
ously by the three great
Railway Companies. Grain
growing, mixed fanning
and dairying are the great
For lltcraturo and information
SaperlntrmU'iit of Immigration
Ottawa, Canada
or the following authorized
Cunadinn Government Agent,
601 Nun- York Lire Iltilldine
Oiiiitliu, .Neb.
Mention this pnpor.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyono tending n nkctrli nnd description ranr
quickly ascertain nur opinion freo whether at
Invention Is nrolmbly patent nliln. Cuiniiiiinlrii
tlonsHtrlctlyronildpntlal. HANDBOOK onl'atentp.
sent freo. Olden nuoncy for nccurinu patents.
Talents taken ttiroiiu'li Jlmm & Co. receive
tptcinl notice, without clmnjc, In tlio
Scientific ftitcrican.
A hnndsomrly HlnMrnted weekly. T.nnut cir
culation of any nrlcmltln journal. Terms, (3 r
year: (our nioutkti, (1. Hold by nil newsdealer.
MUNN & Co.36'Broad New York
Branch onlco, (K5 K St. WashlUKtun, I), C
u -.mnMrg-T,TCM'jn;,rniIiirtTB'T', f"T H 1111 lifff
Six Companies
Soo policies represent
ing over S2.000.000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, No. SO;
Boll, No. 08.
ngalnst Firo, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, soo
agont for tho Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho best in
surance company inthe sSto.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, 00 I for lazy livens,
makes clear complex'ous, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Sold by Henry
Cook's drug store.
To Mothers In This Town .
Children who are delicate, feverish
and cross will got immediate, relief
from Mother dray's Sweet Powders
for children. Ti.oy cleanse the stom
ach, act on the liver, making a sickly
child strong and healthy. A certain
cure for worms. Sold by all druggists,
tlfte. Sample free. Allen. S. Olmstead,
Lelloy, N. Y.
V '