fffSfafCai IfiittTiMV ittflffftiW iffftfrKttiH THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Subscription $1 a Year in Advance Eight Pages All Home Print X PXSPJfU&gXUtSPWtiiHX) (jjRSsvyM'JPAvwwMvMipjvgestjt VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, XEHUASKA, MAKCIL 1, IJM7. I'MttlSIt J) idtmaitaiiwfSa jfaKSr.vfLs fc" 1 t i !i . ' - ;- I3 1 ' M ij 1 1 ;: 2 v t I School Notes llXiXtXsXiXtrX-X-XX'XX O. W. DUDLKY, MU'T. The literary society 1ms been organ' i.ed and meets in the main room every ! best legal talent in the state and is do Tuos av ovenine-. olarod to be constitutional. If this bill jze(j The high school has been organ into u chorus with .Miss DtteUer as leader. The chorus sings three limes a week during opening exercises. Red Cloud needs an athletic Held. The high school has already received challenges for base ball games, but has been compelled to reject them be cause no grounds are available. Miss Ward, who was out of school a few days on account of the illness of her mother, is again in school. Miss Albright had charge of room three du ring her absence. Superintendent A. A. Ueed of Supe rior has lately been appointed State high school inspector by the board of regents of the university. Mr. Ueed has already assumed the duties of his new olliec, though he will be nominal superintendent of the Superior schools until the close of the year. Attendance in the south ward du ring the last three months has been verg light. ''' two weeks the total attendance ranged about fifty. The mam cause, of course, was the diphthe ria case that terminated fatally. Had the disease spread the board would quickly hnvo closed the school. How ever, this one case was not sulllciont justification fordoing so. I f the schools should be closed every time a case of this sort occurs, regardless of the prob ability of its becoming epidemic, our schools -vnn''! 1ir'iyjJtnj(.df,'!ippcU. Many south ward parents whose children are in the primary room do not seem to feel that it is necessary to send them every day regardless of whether or not the sun is shining. An attendance of 10 to r0 one day and lfi to 20 the next certainly approaches the limit in the way of irregularity. Pupils in the primary room should be taught by their parents that thoy should at tend every day. Punctuality and reg ularity are certainly commendable in business, and if these virtues arc fixed firmly in youth they will cling through life. Senator Hesse reports that the bill providing for free high school tuition for country people has been recom mended for passage by the committee on education, hence it Is reasonably safe to assume it will readily pass. The bill provides that a tuition of three BJKJ iil Limiw MAKES TTIHIE iky If you want to drink real coffee, buy a sealed pack" aee of Arbuckles ARIOSA and grind it in your own kitchen as you want to use it. Roasted coffee loses its strength and flavor if exposed to the air, and even its identity as coffee after finding. Loose coffee sold out ofa IjagTbin or tin is usually dusty and soiled by handling. Don't take it! s Coniplici with iOI rrquirtrnf nil of the NJool PofB Food Law, Guuantco No. 204 1 , filed l WcAiotfoo. Wm 11 ml dollars u month, porpupil.shnllbe p:itl to the high school district in which the pupil attends. The money is to he raised by a county levy, based upon the prospective number of pupils who ox Ipect to take advantage of the provision. The bill was drafted by some of the goes through it will mean u much heavier enrollment in our high school, as well as increased revenue. We have heard but one man say the bonds would fail to carry. It scarcely seems possible for them to fail. Usually the average American looks after the school first of all. Improvements in education usually precede all others. Red Cloud has lights, water, comfort able churches, good walks and cheerful homes, but her school buildings are not such that one would care to point the stranger to them. If there is one thing that a prospective citizen of Red Cloud who has a family of children would consider above all others aside from peculiar business advantages that the city might all'ord him it would be the schools. The vital point is not that our school buildings are not ornaments to the city, though if any building should be beautiful both with out and within, that building should be the school but it is vital that chil dren's health should be jeopardized by being crowded together, deprived of plenty of pure air, in rooms that can not be adequately heated 1 r (iTit'mii .. ...v .i,..,i.i.. i.,. i..i.ii ,.r nil.. iim, .mi. nt inf. t 111 ll if t-n 1.11,; n ,.iii . ,.... i iiiu.i.niMiw v him investigate. If every voter will visit the various rooms, before the April election, the bonds will carry by a big majority. 1 1 is very evident, from ( the spirit of public .sentiment in the , South ward, that many will support I the bond issue on the ground that the Houth ward buildingls unsafe. Many of us believe that the building would stand many years yet. unless Red Cloud should experience an earthquake. Rut be that as it may -and only the opinion of a practical builder is worth consideration herethe sentiment is general thai the building is unsafe. That alone justifies its abnndonnient. School cannot be successfully conduct ed there so long as many of the pat rons persist in refusing to allow their children to attend every time a- storm threatens or a wind of even ordinary violence prevails. TO LIGHT CONSUMERS. Pay Your Bills at the Superintendent's Office. This is a city plant, and all should be interested in seeing it a paying proposition. To do this it is necessary we should all put our shoulder to the wheel and push. It is pushing when you come to the olllce and pay your bills. For if you do not come to the olllce and pay it will be necessary to hire more help, and more help moans more expense, and more expense means a higher rate for lighting or involving the city. And none of us cares to do either of those. Again, it is not right to ask our taxpayers who do not use the lights to help pay for extra help to collect your individual bills. We have made a few rules that we are going to enforce if wo have to. but we hope we will not have to. as follows: All bills paid within the first three days of the month in which they are due, 10 per cent oil'. If all bills are not paid or provision made for payment to the superintend ent before the first of the next mouth after they are due, the superintendent will disconnect the subscriber from the line, and before the subscriber can again have light he or she will nave to pay a line oi i in aiivuuce with the light bill. We hope none, of these rules will have to be enforced. Ospaii ISrititoniiis, Supt. . - Send Your Cattle and Horse Hides to the Crosby Frisian Fur Company, Rochester, N. Y., and have them con verted into coats, robes, gloves and mittens; better and cheaper goods than you can buy. Never mind the dis tance, "Crosby pays the freight." See our new illustrated catalog, page Itf. If interested send for it. Business College Notes The glee club has its new books and from now on will do some good work. Fred Spenee was a visitor Wednes day, lie is on his way to Trenton, Neb., where he is going into the ab stract business. The spring work is going to take some of our boys soon, but others are planning to start, so our numbers will not be lessened many. Prof. Dietrich irave an entertain ment in Uosemont Friday night and in Lawrence Saturday night, besides speaking in the Lawrence Methodist church, in the Runnel school house and in Mt. Clare Methodist church on Sunday. The social given by the A. O. T. S. (). It. to the college students was the finest thing of the kind ever held in the college rooms. The Ancient Order of Ten Sweet Old Roys knows how to entertain and serve an audience. The stereopticon program, the guessh.g games, the refreshments, the toasts and all made us say, '"Twas the best time we ever had." When Prof. Dietrich came home from the Commercial club meeting Tuesday night he found a real nice ., basket full of the best good things ! i. i ii... ...!. l 1.....1 i... iresu irom uiu tsiirisiuui ivmifimir no- , t . -"-k Did he enjoy it'.' Nothing but the dishes was returned. Ask him what became of the rest. Such little things as that arc what makes life w irth living, especially the life of a nrin who tries to cook his own break fast. Mr. Dietrich is sorry he could not give the Indian club drill, but will give it some other time.' Thanks! Frank U. (Samel gave the last num ber of the college lecture course last Wednesday night, and "The American , Roy" was surely the cap sheaf of the I whole course. He understands the boy ! bettor than anyone we have ever heard. He told the real truth about the boy. his parents, and all. The pictures were the best we have seen, and the lantern man is an expert. ICverything drove home the responsi bility of the parent, the teacher and the pastor with telling force. We love to be told our faults and Mr. Camel certainly showed us where we stood. m PURE. Of course we twisted, but that was j because the shoe fit. We will try to ' be bettor, Mr. (Samel, next time you come, as we want, you to come again. The college lecture course closed last Wednesday night. It has been a good course, as the Midland is the largest and best, lecture bureau in the land to day. The ijyccuilto gives it the high est rating of any and each town where the numbers appear puts them at the top notch also. The college wants to thank those who have by their encour agement and attendance helped to make this course a success. One thing is real interesting, perhaps. The very people whom you think would be most interested in something to upbuid the town did not attend. Frank II. (lam el's lecture, "The American Roy," ought to have been heard by every profess ing Christian, every school teacher, every Sunday school teacher, every pastor and every other person inter ested in boys. Rut was it? Figure up how many school teachers and how many parents or pastors were in last iVediiesday night's audience, and see if what is said is not the truth. Some of the leading (V) people of Red Cloud never darkened the doors of the opera house during the whole course. Rut to those who did attend, we can say that we more than received our money's worth and thai each of us Is a better man or woman, a better boy or girl, because each invested so small an amount in the course. It seems that Wednesday night's lecture hit the fel low that wasn't there. The course has been a success financially, besides giv ing all school children three of the best numbers for 15c each, a treat that no other course gives. The city of Red Cloud is beginning to see that when the college takes hold of a tiling it is sure of success. MARRIAGES. Frank W. Kpkcs of Ayr. Nebr., and Oracle Johnson of Rlue Hill. Married by Judge Kdson. Oliver W. Hudson, of (Snide Rock and Delia M. (Sarduer of Rlue Hill. Married by Rev. Priestly. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative- Dromo quinine- tab lots. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. VV. Grove's signature is on oach box. 25 cents. Thelabel on this M The if ml ffr-g by examining the label to see that it says PURE , CREAMof TARTAR For Pure Food Dr. PRICE'S Cream Baking Powder A PURE, CREAM OF TARTAR POWDER MADE FROM GRAPES RAILROADS MUST PAY. Burlington awl Union Pacific Tax Casrs Decided hy U. S, Soprano Court. On Monday the I'nited States Su preme Court handed down a decision in favor of the State of Nebraska in I he cases wherein the Kiirlington and Union Paclllc Railro id Companies have for three years sought to evade the payment of their just taxes, and dis solved tin injunction n gill nsl the col lection of the Haine. The court upheld every contention of the state, and as a result the Kiirlington and Union Pacillc railroads will have to pay something like StlOO.OOO in back taxes and interest in the counties through which the roads run, together with about $17,000 in court costs. This decision will give to Webster county something over S-7,000 with which to pay outstanding claims, which sum will more than sufllee and leave a handsome balance in the treas ury. For more than two years the county commissioners have been han dicapped oy a hick oi iiiutiswiiii which to do business, owing to the long de lay in deciding the tax cases, which has greatly embarrassed the member. of the board and county olllccrs. The decision will also cause a better feel ing among the taxpayers and greatly aid the new court house proposition. For a 'i)t:clu1 Election. At the regular meeting of the Com mercial club Tuesday evening the question of the court house bond elec tion came up for discussion. After thoroughly canvassing the matter the members voted to ask the county com missioners to call a special election for some time about the middle of April. Wu do not wiub-t'j Hst up our personal judgment against that, of so intelligent a body as the Commercial club, but we believe that the lost, haste there is about this matter the greater the chances for carrying the election in favor of the bonds. Man.au Pile Remedy put up in coif venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trou ble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Can Says TARTAR New Pure Food Law protects you you protect yourself tf ji i i o M V