The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1907, Image 5

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V 1 ir
Says I
to Myself,
Says I,
Is the place
Pure Grocer
ies to Buy,
Says I.
C. L. Cotting is in Chicago.
Dr. 13. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Tvt cows for sale. Inquire at F.
Al Kuhick c.inie down from Mc
'ook Sunday.
.Mrs. Qharley Grout is on the sick
list this week.
Jesse Harlow toolc a ear of stock to
St. .lot Sunday.
For Rent A farm of SiiO acres. In
quire at this oillce.
Dwiglit Wilson went to Lincoln Sun
day for a week's visit.
Seph" llosencrans came in Wednes
day from Helviderc, 111.
Grant Uailey is expected home from
Umaha to spend Sunday.
Twenty cars of stock were shipped
out of Red Cloud Sunday.
Frank Hutchison came in from the
west Wednesday morning.
Darrell llurden is suffering with a
severe attack of pneumonia.
Charley Walter has resigned his po
rtion at Tnber'b billiard hall.
George II. Overing went to Sioux
City, la., the first of the week.
Will Starke of .Milwaukee, Wis., is
risiting his brothers, at Amboy.
(io hear the Angells tonight and
Saturday night at the opera house.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton and
baby visited in (Juido Rock Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L... F. Hobbs enter
tained three tables at whist last night.
Mr. and Mrs W.J. Vance of Inavale
are tne parent, of a baby boy, born
L. II. Hlackledge left the first of the
week for a ten days' trip to points in
Miss Zephyr Crcssman is visiting
with her brother, Dr. Crcssman, at
Oglesby, 111.
Dr. J. W. Moranville is slowly re
covering from ins recent severe attack
of pneumonia.
Will Serivner is moving into his
residence property, south of the high
school building.
Miss Vernon Storey will entertain
the members of the tenth grade to
morrow evening.
Lew Hobbs, who has been operating
a cigar factory here for about a year,
has closed out his business and will
seek a new location.
For Infants and Children.
Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature- of
Mr. and Mri. (). 0. Teel were in Su
perior Wednes lay to attend the wed
ding of a nephew.
I. 13. Crown, former deputy county
clerk, is confined to his home with a
paralytic allliction.
Fred Wallin lias moved his black
s nitli shop to the old dow building on
West Fourth avenue.
W. I!. Saunders has moved into the
residence recently aeated by A. (
Slaby, on Seward street.
Al Slaby lias bought the Dennis
Llndscy property, in the south part of
town, and moved into it.
C. II. .Miner went to Chicago the
first of the week to buy goods for the
spring and summer trade.
County Commissioner Chaplin re
turned from St. Joseph this morning,
where lie had been with stock.
1. R. Harrington shipped two ears
of stock to St. Joe Monday. Iloyd
Harrington accompanied them.
George Iteardslee and Will Wolfe
went to Omaha Sunday to buy farm
machinery for the spring trade.
Harry l'ond came in from Salina,
Kan., yesterday. He says John Dick
erson is doing-well down there.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith arrived
from Topeka, Kan., the first of the
week to attend the Throne-Smith nup
tials. W. T. Iiohrcr has gone into the real
estate business and is liiahingaspecinl
ty of western Nebraska and Kansas
Ju.lge Clarence Reed was distribu
ting cigars on Monday on account of
the arrival of a boy baby at his home
The Citizens' Hand will play at the
Christian Kndcavor basket social and
entertainment, at Woodmen hall next
Tuesday night.
Glenn Waddell arrived Wednesday
evening from Illinois with his house
hold goods. He will farm the Orville
Ferguson place.
Mrs. D. F. Parker left Wednesday
to join tier husband in Ohio, after an
extended visit with her father, Post
master Hacker.
W. 10. Rife came over from Heatrice
Monday to bu present at the Fisher
Rife sale Wednesday. He was accom
panied by Mfti. Rife.
"Hank" Richmond, formerly of this
city, now publisher of the Fremont
Herald, was elected president of the
Slate Kditoriul Association in Omaha
this week.
Pine Salve Carbollzcd acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for lOeema, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
The Juniors of the Congregational
church will celebrate the 23d anniver
sary of that organization, Sunday
evening, March lid. Look for program
next week.
Henry Ciauson and Roy Morgan went
to Itloomingtou the first of the week
to testify in the case of Druggist Mal
lick, who is charged with selling liq
uor illegally.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kubick came
down from Republican Citj' Saturday
for a brief visit. "Rudy" is the mas
ter mechanic of the lturliugton round
house at Republican.
Henry Gilliam has again gone into
the turkey raising business. Last
Saturday he received from Hlooinfield,
Iowa, three bull' turkeys, and by
Thanksgiving time expects to have a
flock of nice, jniey birds.
The annual meeting of the Red
Cloud Creamery Association will be
held at the court house the first Sat
urday in March, at 2 o'clock p. in. We
want all stockholders to be present.
Hy order of the President.
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. 10. S. Garber and Miss
lOtliel went to Guide Rock Sunday
morning. After a brief visit there
Mr. and Mrs. Garber returned to their
homo in Heatrice. lOd says he is well
pleased with his new location.
Among those who shipped stock
Wednesday morning were: John Mer
rill, car hogs to Kansas City; S. R.
Moyce, two cars cattle to St. Joe;
Hub Henry, cattle to St. Joe; Lyman
lOss'tg, two cars cattle to St. Joe.
The mcrelmuts and band boys are
so well pleased with Prof. Snapp's
work as director of the band that they
have raised his salary 810 per month.
In return, Prof. Snapp is putting the
boys through "a course of sprouts."
A tissue builder, reconstructor, builds
up waste force, makes strong nerves
aud muscle. You will realize after talc-
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New Sorin&i
The cut in this "nil gives you an
idea of the new style in Men's Coats
for Spring. We have quite a few of
thes models in stock anil would be
gltul to show you the different pretty
New Hats
For Spring now in stock. Come in
and see them.
Cciiii?lii 1907
Home of KurpHilicimct
We are still selling Overcoats at 20
per cent discount.
First Door North of the Post Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska
iiig llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
what a wonderful benefit it will be to
you. 115 cents, Tea or Tablets. C L.
Webster county's delegation in the
legislature does not seem to be very
enthusiastic on the temperance ques
tion Senator Thorne voted against
the county option bill, and in the
house both Resse and Renltel voted to
indefinitely postpone it.
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths (i'O of a tube of ManZan
you are dissatisfied. Return the bal
ance of the tube to your druggist, and
your money will be cheerfully return
ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold
by Henry Cook's drugstore.
On Wednesday the Nebraska senate
voted to memorialize congress to ex
tend the right of suffrage to women.
The vote was 10 to 1(5, Lieutenant
Governor Hopewell casting the decid
ing vote in favor of the memorial. Our
Senator Thorne voted for the memo
rial. The Angcll's Comedians have been
holding the boards for the past few
nights at the opera house with a good,
clean show, splendid specialities and
everything new. They will be here
the balance of the week. If you en
joy a good hearty laugh don't miss the
Another Dig Homeseekers' iOxcursion
to the Great Panhandle of Texas. J.
P. Snyder Land Co.'s private ear will
leave Superior, Neb., March .", at 8
a. m., Tor licrcloru, lexas. Join us
on this excursion. I'ir full particulars
see W. W. Snyder at the Hotel Royal,
in this city.
Saunders ltros. are making extens
ive improvements in their lumberyard
which will add greatly to the conven
ience of their patrons. Since taking
charge of the old Traders' lumberyard
the Saunders brothers have greatly
increased the busiuessaud added many
new improvements.
Postmaster Hacker has received
orders from the department in Wash
ington to raise the rent on small lock
boxes to 15 cents and on the. large ones
to (10 cents per quarter, beginning
with April t. The department evi
dently intends to uiaku the box rent
pay the building rent,
C. M. Storey returned Saturday
morning from Prcscott, Ariz., where
he has been spending the winter with
his son Dick, who is now division su
perintendent of the Santa Fe railway
between Prcscott and Phoenix. Mr.
Storey states that Dick lias not been
enjoying the best of health this win
ter. Howard, the youngest hopeful of
Rert Kaley, believes in busting the
egg trust. The other morning his
mother missed him. "Howard !" she
called. "Whatchcr want?" came a
muflled voice from the hencoop,
"Come here 1" "Can't. I got ter hold
this hen on the nest till she lays an
egg I" replied the ft-yenr-old.
Frank and Roy lOtherton were given
a hearing Saturday morning before
Judge IOdson. Roth pleaded guilty to
the charge of resisting im olllcer. Tim
former drew a fine aud costs amount
ing to SUa.fir., while the latter got off
with an assessment of S7.:i.r. Itwth
fines were paid. Considering tliu
gravity of the offense, the defendants
have reason to congratulate themselves
upon the. leniency of the court.
The pastor of tliu Congregational
church makes the following announce
ments for next Sunday. Preaching at
10:15 a. in., subject, "God in History."
ltible school at 10:50 a. in., subject,
"God's Covenant with Abrain."
Preaching at 7::i0, subject, "Lessons
from the life of Washington." The
pastor will enrich the discourse by ex
periences lie obtained while visiting a
few years ago the home and tomb of
Washington at Mt. Vernon. Come and
let us pay a tribute of honor to one of
American's greatest sons. All cordial
ly invited.
Last season, Frank II. Gamel was to
lecture under Y. M. (J. A. auspices in a
Kansas town, and the boys of the or
ganization were pressed into service to
sell tickets. One youngster offered a
ticket to a business man, aud the bus!-
ness man asked gruflly, "KhV What
you got? What's th'iK all about any
how?" The boy was a bit rattled
and not having been any too carefully
instructed in his duties, could only
stammer, "Why Why, I dunno. It's
sontelhin' about GamblinV "Gamb
ling?" shouted the business man.
"Yes, but they aint a-goin' to do none
of it down to the church." Collego
course next Wednesday.
Complies with all requirements of the I'ational Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204 1 , filed at Washington.
Advice of the largest coffee dealers
in the world is alway lo buy the old
fashioned Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee in
j!- Pac'aBes' Don't ask for a pound of Mocha and Java, or buyjbj; ihejirice,
for Coffee fluctuates and you cannof get the same coffee for the same price all the time
"PJess yoiLgqyJoo much, for it. M -t of the so-called Mocha and Java Coffee is simply
masquerading, and is not nearly as good coffee for you as Arbuckles' ARIOSA, the blend
f lne SlHJiSI1 Coffees most suitable to the taste and health of American people. By the
looks there is no difference between roasted Java and Brazilian Coffees ; many people drink Brazilian but pay for lava.
1 he principal dillerence is thai Arbuckles costs you less. It is a mistake to believe that a high price guarantees
quality. When you buy Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee, you get a full one pound package of the leading Coffee of the
world. Its sales for 37 years arc greater than the combined sales of all the other packaged coffees. By giving better
Coffee for the money, we have built up a business exceeding the combined businesses of the four next largest coffee firm
in the whole world. If your dealer will not supply the genuine, write to arduckle bros., New Yk Qy. 4
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