The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1907, Image 4

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Does Not
Color Hairx
Aycr's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even to the slightest
degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop falling hair. No
question about that.
Does not chanfle the color of the halt.
Formula with each bottle
Ehow it to your
Atle him about it.
mill II III limn
Indeed, we believe it will stop every case
of falling hair unless there is some very
unusual complication. 5omcuiinK icauy
affecting the general health. Then you .
should consult your physician. Also ask
him about the new Ayers nair vigor.
mdoby tho J. C. A7er Co., Lowell, Mc.
Business College Notes
Miss Ihnma I!argman is a new stu
4f nt this week.
Frank Hutchison was a visitor at
the school this week.
The (ilee Club is doing good work in
its practice eaeli Tuesday evening.
The (Jregg shorthand class is writ
ing 105 words a minute, new matter.
Miss Lena Hermansou won in
the rapid calculation examination last
Miss Harlow and Close Kmigh are
doing the letter writing for the col
lege now.
A meeting was held this week to
organize a liase hall team. Otto Krf
man wns elected captain.
It is reported that the society known
as the A. O. T. S. (). 15. is dead and
was buried at .'I o'clock Wednesday.
Prof. Dietrick will recite at the M.
V. A. hall next Tuesday evening at
the basket supper and entertainment
of the C. K. society.
The business lCnglish class was re
organized this week, fourteen having
completed the work. The new class is
taking up the first book.
Reports are coming of a number of
new students who will be with us
soon. Now is the best time of the
year to enter, as the school will not be
so large and each teacher can do more
for each pupil.
The physical culture class is doing
nicely. Our class is a little too large
for our room. We have 113 enrolled.
Only the movements of the body are
being practiced now. Indian clubs
and dumb-bells will be taken up later.
Prof. Dietrick gave an entertain
ment in Cowles Friday night of last
For Pare Fvoif In the
Examine tho label Tho new food law reesuFros that
statements as to tho contents of tho gsataScago smistt
bo truom Knowing tlio contents', you can ho sub to
puFGhaso only pure, osoam of tartar bsikSsetg JOWJl
week. Thin was Mr. Dietrich's second
visit to Cowles, and while there this
time was solicited for a tlnru trip, i
Rotemont Friday night and Lawrence
Saturday night are the dates this
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence originated
with Jlee's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
i containing noopiatesor poisons, which
is extensively sold. .Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold by
Henry Cook's drug store.
For C. H. Entertainment and Basket
Supper Next Tuesday Evening.
The Fnion Christian Fndeavor So
ciety of the Christian and Congrega
tional churches will give a basket
supper and entertainment at Woodmen
hall Tuesday evening. Feb. 20. The
baskets will be sold at .") cents each.
Kncli lady will bring a basket to ac
commodate two. Kverybody invited
to come and have a good time. Fol
lowing is the pro mm:
Selection Citizens' Hand.
Opening address A by We Are
Here," lov. A. A. Ores-man.
Selection Ci Wens' Hand.
Recitation Prof. Paul S. Dietrick.
Vocal duet Miss.-.- Ruby and Taylor.
Address-Charles 1. l'liares, presi
dent of the society.
Vocal solo Miss Myra Uriireth.
Indian club drill Prof. Dietrick.
Selling of baskets. Kverybody wants
Selection Citizens's Hand.
(!ood night. Pile Remedy put up in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook"h drug
"Bill" Seems to Kk Coins After the
"Hill" Renkel is heard from more
frequently than any other legislator
from this part of the world. Although
his bill to compel the railroads to
attach a passenger coach toeaeli stock
train was knocked in the head, he has
bobbed up with another bill, of which
the Lincoln Star says:
'Renkel's bill for the regulation of
the speed of shipment of live stock
was placed on general tile in spite of
unfavorable report of the railroad
committee, (ircig of Platte believed
the bill of greater importance to the
shippers of the state than uny other
bill that has been introduced."
lr MA
CressLm BssMm
WatHo fpom Orajpos
February Kith Kstate of Robert S.
Denny, deceased. Account of adminis
trator Hied. Order of hearing March
20th, 10 a. m.
February Kstate of Harrison
Kaley, deceased. Hearing and order
on claims; no claims filed.
February J()th Kstate of Jerome
Vance, deceased. Hearing petition;
appointment of administrator; bond
approved and Hied: letters issued, ap
praisers warrant to Chas. Guy and
W. M. (Jny.
Kstate of Andrew Arnold, deceased.
Hond approved and filed: letters issued,
civil. matti:i:s.
Dueker vs. (larber; replevin: settled
out of court.
I. II. Holmes vs. Sarah J. Vaughn:
summons and order of attachment.
Certified to district court.
J. P. Hale vs. Julius Nelson. For
trial March a, 10 a. m.
Send Your Cattle and Horse Hides
to the Crosby Frisian Fur Company.
Rochester, X. Y.. and have them eon
verted into coats, robes, glares and
mittens; better and cheaper goods than
you can buy. Xever mind the dis
tance. "Crosby pays the freight." See
our new illustrated catalog, page IS.
If interested send for it.
Otto F. Zimmerman and Maud Mc
Clure, both of Hlue Hill. Married by
Rev. Hunhuer.
Homer P. Howard of 'luide Rock
and Mattle L. Taylor of Hamburg, la.
Jasper V. Smith and Lcota P.. Throne,
both of Red Cloud. Married by Rev.
C. Fitz.
William T. Henuett and Frances K.
Clow, both of Riverton. Married by
Judge Kdson.
(From tho Itoviow.)
Clarouco Murphy is laid up as tho
result of a kick from u horse.
School was closed two days this week
that tho scholars might attend tho
funeral of Miss Ollio Morrow a teacher,
nud Earl Moore, a pupil.
John W. Evans, late mail carrior on
Route No. 1 from Riverton, is now in
the employe of Byrne-Hammer & Co.,
Wholosiilo Dry Goods of Omaha.
Tho mortal remains of Rev. Mr.".
Samuel Williams arrived here Friday
morning, Feb., 8th, from Lincoln, ac
companied by tho husband, Rev. Sam
uel Williams and friends.
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup contain
taming Honey and Tar is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms to
the provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store.
,... " J
5 . u W! -? n -r w . mm it - m oah -w r 5& - V k
1 0VEHC0AT8 1
(!? f-J,, MM -. MJ. (I
w a mk&w
( E4Sk
! PAUL STOREY, Clothier
NoLonger an
Tho idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longer bo had Is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Rod Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber
and building material is tho fact that their prices are reasonable
and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also havo a nice
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. See their Shin
gles. You can not help but adnnro them.
Tho members of this enterprising ilrm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, are always glad and tako pleasure in showing to the
public this nice stock.
For Sale
The east half of section
23 and the NW quarter
of section 23, township 2,
range 14, in Franklin Co ,
Nebraska, about 4 miles
northeast of Franklin.
Price $20 per acre, one
fourth cash down, bal
ance on long time in an
nual payments with in
terest at 6 per cent.
Apply to
George G. Clark,
Council Bluffs,4,
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
"I'ineules" (non-alcoholic)Jmade from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for IHadder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
l days, SI. (luaranteed to give satisfac
tion or money refunded. uct our
guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's
drug store.
wo jl fjx
4Tzrf m
' ..;
Webster County:
ICTi ncras. 8 room house, now tmrn ;il.x.V.'.
Hitchcock County:
r,,fiJ10i?rwe,iV? norus. n,frtlfl1 M more Kod
f )'? ' i,,l,nlK water. Join of timber, all
fenced nrid crons fenced ; 1') rods to hcliool.
Kin1! Pn Mi,..rt0,.c. l,uonlcu ud creamery
Matlon. 1'rlcu til per acre.
Come in and see my lists of bar
gains. !o to headquarters for a "square
square deal.
Ofllce rf Co. Atty. L. II. Ulack-h-dge.
Phone 18.
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Clranira nml btiiiitine the half,
riuiuotti a laiuriint Riowtli.
Ilovor Foils to lleetoro Qray
Cuiwicttlp illtiMu a tc imlr fulling.
"vim,iwm iituLiiv-
It Hccps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask today for Allen's Koot-Hase, a
IKwder. It cures chilblains, swollen.
sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At
i.. iV . """"kS windmill; CJucrcH
! ,iJJ.frtii2 l"1"1!"-'. " "fies each ; ,Ti m-res
i ih ltii.,lilloi,j--1'0i' ,rcos lu urchnru (sold
?.;.M,Wvr!h.of n!ltJrl yc'nr: 9 "" from
county H-nt. 1'rlce f.7 ner noru.
"r" '-t '
all drnggibts and shoe stores, S5c.
V V d
wr fftttts' r ,
Wf 34 iy
. Vt '' T
owi w.j'n. an -,ik"