- ( ."; 52asKas2E5- qm,m'iMinijnjAyuwmi &&Ht4:UJ (3) $(&& vMtttoiaf53ro mam its I THE T2 M'l'KK to the fastidious woman of f.isnto , C huh is all that ii. .. mplu's, "AUKKlCAN UI U I Y C).M I k . I.ima.oo Corset I .i-te In-cause of fashionable Out- w orkiuanship. It is m ur patrons and uera Co., sole in U s This dainty Uiinneut appe ils to ii- um.i' V Us pronounced liuuviu ,t(ii. -miu iiii-s. Dtirabditv ani I vet fine i t with confident in.-iu on'inu ed 11. By KATHERINE CECIL THURSTON, toallotheis Th'Nois.-i (,n ' figure from the urocinn m.ddeu ,'umI the requirements ol r-, i arr hait in every style of in h stalely matron prmuk'd for. Prices: Author of "The Circle," Etc. )$ ' .fcT -f , rS GSBEStiSSSHBB 61 "(B" fcjj J ri I Vf der IP $ &s & JG?$s& 'i y y Eta krbiPm. I' Ci tl mil II Copyrljht. 1003, 1004, by nrpcr & Brothers X &- fTHlIH uTi'sxjiry formalities of do I 1 purturi' wore speedily got I tliroir It. Tin' passing of I In LJJ corridors, the gaining of the C.'.ITlMge, SCCU'Oll til Loder lO 1)0 Illill'' el.uisly simple proceedings. Then, us lie sat by Eve's side mill again Toll the forward inovi'iiiont ol the horses, he li;id leisure for the llrst time to won der whether the time that hitil passed since last he occupied "that position had aeltially been lived through. Only that night he laid unconscious ly compared one Incident In his life to a sketch in which the lights and shad ows have lieen obliterated and lo.t. Now that picture rose before him. stnrtlingly and Incredibly Intact. He saw the sutdll houses of Sautasnlaro, luiekgrouuttcd by the iunllt hills -saw thorn as plainly as when lie himself h:id sketched them on his memory. 12. cry detail of the scene remained the satee, even to the central figure; only the eye and the lialul or the artist had changed. At this point live broke In upon his thoughts, Her llrst words were curi ously coincidental. "What did you think of Lillian As trupp tonight?" she asked. "Wasn't her gown perfect?" Loder lifleil his head with an almost .guilty s- larl. Then he answered straight from his thoughts. "1-1 didn't notice It," he said, "but her eyes reminded me of n cat's eyes and she walks like a cat. 1 never seemed to see It until tonight." live changed her position. "She wns very artistic," she said tentatively. "Don't you think the gold gown was beautiful with Iter pale colored hair?" Loder felt surprised, lie was con vinced that live disliked the other, jiud he was not sulllclently versed lu Avotucn to understand her praise. "I thought" he began. Then he wisely Mopped. "I didn't see the gown," ho substituted. Eve looked out of the window. "How unapprcciative men are!" she said. Hut her tone was strangely free from cen sure. After this there was silence until Grosvcuor square was reached. Hav ing left the carriage and passed Into the house, Eve paused for a moment ,ut the foot of the stairs to give an or der to Crnphain, who was still in at iciidaiiiv In the hull, and again Loder had an opportunity of studying her. As he looked a sharp comparison rose to his mind. "A fairy princess!" he had heard the red haired man say as Lillian Astrupp came Into view along the Hrainfells' corridor, and the simile had seemed particularly apt. With her grace, her delicacy, her subtle attraction, she might well be the outcome of Imagi nation. Hut with Eve It was different. She also was graceful and attractive, hut It was grace and attraction of a different order. One was beautiful with the beauty of the white rose that springs front the hothouse and withers at the llrst touch of cold; the other with the beauty of tlte wild rose on the cliffs above the sen, that keeps Its petals line and transparent In face of salt spray and wet mist. Eve, too, had her realm, but It was the realm of real things. A great confidence, a feeling that here one might rely even if all other faiths were shaken, touched him suddenly. For a moment ho stood irresolute, watching her mount the stairs with her easy, assured step. Then a determination came to him. Fate favored him tonight; he was In luck tonight. He would put his for tune to one more test. Ho swung cr)3s the hall and ran up the stairs. Ills face was keen with Interest as lie reached her side. The hard outline of his features and the hard grayness of his eyes were softened as when he had paused to talk wlthLnkeley. Action was the breath of his life, and his face changed under It as another's might change under the Influence of stirring jmisIc or good wine. Eve saw the look and again the un .Still she hesitated. Then her decision was made for her. With a new bold lioss he touched her arm. drawing her forward gently hut decisively toward Chileole's rooms. In the study a lire burned brightly, the desk was laden with papers, the lights were nicely adjusted, even the chairs were hi their accustomed places. Loder's senses responded to each stig gesllon. It seemed but a day since he had seen It last. It was prcclM'ly as he had left It- the niche needing but the man. To hide his emotion he crossed the floor quickly and drew a chair for ward. In less than sl hours he had run up and down the scale of emotions , a He had looked despair lu the face till VS the sudden sight of Chilcolc had lifted K him to the skies; since then surprise fc; had assailed him lu Its strongest form; lie had known the full meaning of the word "rlk," and front every contin gency he had come otiL conqueror. He bint over the chair as he pulled it for ward to hide the expression in his eyes. ".Sit down," he said gently. Eve moved toward him. She moved slowly, as If half afraid. Many emo tions stirred her-distrust, uncertainty ami a curious half dominant, half sup pressed questioning that It was difficult to define. Loder remembered her shrinking coldness, her reluctant toler ance on the night of his first coming, and his individuality, his certainty of I power, kindled afresh. Never had he been so vehemently himself; never had Chllcote seemed so complete a shadow. As Eve seated herself he moved for ward and leaned over the back of his chair. The Impulse that had filled him tu his Interview with Uenwick, that had goaded hint as he drove to the re ception, was dominant again. "I tried to say something as we drove to the Hrainfells' tonight." he began. Like many men who possess eloquence for an impersonal cause, he was brusque, even blunt, In the stating of his own case. "May 1 hark back, and go on front where I broke off V" Eve half turned. Her face was still puzzled and questioning. "Of course." She sat forward again, clasping her hands. lie looked thoughtfully at the back of her head, at the slim outline of her shoulders, the glitter of the diamonds about her neck. "Do you remember the day. three weeks ago. that we talked together In this room the day a great many things seemed possible?" This time she did not look round. She kept her gaze upon the lire. '"Do you remembcrV" he persisted quietly. In his college days men who heard that tone of quiet persistence had been wont to lose heart. Eve heard It now for the first lime and, without being aware, answered to It. "Yes, 1 remember," she said. "On that day you believed In me." !.i his earnestness he no longer simu lated Chllcote; he spoke with his own steady reliance. He saw live stir, unclasp and clasp her hands, but ho went steadily on. "On that day you saw mo in a new light. You acknowl edged me." lie emphasized the slight ly peculiar word. "Hut since that day" his voice quickened "since that day your feelings have changed, your faith in mo has fallen away." He watched her closely, hut she made no sign, save to lean still nearer to the fire. Ho crossed his arms over the back of her chair. "You were justi fied," he said suddenly. "I've not been I myself since that day." As he said the words his coolness forsook him slightly. He loathed the necessary lie, yet his egotism clamored for vindica tion. "All men have their lapses," be went on. "There nre times there are days and weeks when I when my" The word "nerves" touched his tongue, hung upon It, then died nway un spoken. ' Very quietly, almost without ti if )v Ok ' B;itMe Girdle, at , 25c Tape Girdle, with hone -uppurii rs, it . , , , 50c Tape Corset, at ,...,. site Summer Netting, wit h hose Mippi!tei l 50c B.uiste straight front ui'set, at , 50c Batiste shot t front Omm'I, at 50c Nursing Corset, at 50c 13. 1 lisle Corset, et t icli I hip, dni'lue ho-e supports. .$1.00 Batiste Corset, tapi niu w.iM.dnublt hum- supports. 1.00 Sateen Corset, e.u nu d hip and fioni, double hose supports 1.00 Batiste Corset, l'"r nrh shape 1.00 Sterlinu C orsei, tapering waist, hiijh bust, double hose suppoi ts 1 .00 Batiste Corsei, 1 iifile top, tapering waist t .35 Knlish Sateen Corset, medium u d-t 100 Underwear ainsd WK S Three months yet, t'i it you will need II Mivy Uii'lorwcHr and lleay Hosiery. With ovary f'-.OO purchase of Winter Underwear wo will give yon one pair 'Joe Hoso or two pair of I fie, Hoso. "ozaeoes and La Ladies' Vellastie Vests or Pants, each Ladies' Setsnug Vest, or Pants, ouel Ladies' lino ribbed Vost or Pants, ouch . .. Ladies' Stratford Union Suits, each Ladies' Common Sonso Union Suits, ouch . . Ladies' Setsnug Union Suits, oaeli Ladies' Ribbed Wool Vest or Pants, each . . Ladies' r'it.woll Wool Vest or Pants, o ich. . . Children's Floeeedown Vest or Pants (IvMuk l!t(jO per size) Child's heavy ribbed Vest or Pauls (ltising 'JJwO per size) Misses' full-ribbed Union Suits.... Children's Klondike Union Suits".. Mines' Modest ic Union Suits .... Children's Silver Wool Vests ... . Children's Sleeping tiitrmouts ..'.0 .no .'Jo .no l.tM' 1.00 Wi l.'Jo .18 U5c, .'trie, K'c ro no r.Oe, iido iido, :i0o 1 XT . (F I vu '!. -C9 2.300 yards V.detn iennes Inser tion and lidin to matt h, at 2c , for A inch wide and all prices up I to 35c yard ' Embroideries In Swiss or ! Cambric I inch wide, nt, (. and tip ii inches wl e, nt Ge mid tip .'1 inches wide, nt 7c and up f inches Me. m h'ciindiip 1) indie, wide, at .. ,lSe. iiikI up Insertion in the uork, '!?. inches wi . . .. 'J'.c mid up Corset, Cox or ! uib'y, at . .ilfic l(e, 5.ro Linen Laces inch wide, at. . . -In and up 1 inch wide, with insertion to match, hi . 7c and up Vx inch insertion at He, wit Ii a inch niru nt . . . I'.'Jc and up lju inch iiiseiiiini at 7c." ith V inch lino id ih and up Pidow Cu" Luce, '.! in., at. fie; liiu. nt. .. (),ViC. and up i iewhouse, n m . &mb naBsaaBB!BflMBO tmrwms o q3$mi23 J easy expression of surpriso crossed her sound, Eve had risen and turned to eves. She paused, her hand resting ward him. Sho was standing very on the banister. Loder looked at her directly. "Will you come Into the study as you came that other night? There's something 1 wnut to say." He spoke quietly. He felt master of himself and her. Sho hesitated, glanced at hint and then glanced away. VI11 you cotnoV" he said again. And'ns he said It his eyes rested on straight, her face n little pale, the hand that rested on the arm of her chair trembling slightly. "John," she said quickly, "don't say that word! Don't any that hideous word 'nerves!' I don't feel that I can bear it tonight not Just tonight. Can you understand?" Loder stepped back. Without com prehending, he felt suddenly anil sons, but quite suddenly tTie tTie farce has grown unbearable. I used not to think used not even to care but sud denly things have changed or I have changed." She paused, confused and distressed. "Why should It be? Why should Ihlngs clinngeV" She asked the question sharply, as If lu appeal against her own incredulity. Loder turned aside, lie was afraid of the triumph, volcanic and Irrepres sible, that her admission roused. "Why?" she said again. Ho turned slowly back. "You forget that I'm not a magician," lie said gently. "I hardly know what you are speaking of." For a moment tihe was silent, but In that moment her eyes spoke. Pain, distress, pride, all strove for expres sion; then at last her lips parted. "Do you say that In seriousness?" she asked. It was no moment for fencing, and Loder knew It. "In seriousness," he replied shortly. "Then I shall speak seriously too." Her voice shook slightly and tho color came back Into her face, but the hand Mi tho arm of the chair ceased to trem lle. "For more than four years I auvo known that you take drugs for uoro than four years I have acquiesced the sweep of her thick eyelashes, the strangely at u loss. Something In her curve of the back hair. At last her lashes lifted and tho per plexity and doubt In her blue eyes Mtlrrcd hint. Without waiting for her nswer, he leaned forward. "Say yes!" ho urged. "I don't often sk for favors." face struck him silent and perplexed. It seemed that without preparation ho had stepped upon dangerous ground. With an undefined apprehension, he waited, looking nt her. "I can't explain It," she went on with nervous haste, "l can't gjvo any rea- In your deceptions, In your mean nesses" There was un Instaut's silence. Then 'Loder stepped forward. "You knew for four years?" he said, very slowly. For the first time that night he remembered Chllcote and 'forgot himself. Eve lifted her head with a quick gesture, as if, In flinging off discre tion and silence, she appreciated to tho full the new relief of speech. "Yes, I knew. Perhaps I should have spoken wheu I first surprised the se cret, but it's all so past that it's useless to speculate now. It was fate, I sup pose. I was very young, you were very unapproachable, and and we had no lovo to make the way easy." For a second her glanco faltered and she looked away. "A woman's a glrl's--dlsllluslonlng Is a very sad comedy It should never have an audience." She ) laughed a little bitterly as sho looked hack again. "I saw all the deceits, all the subterfuges, nil the lies." Sho snld the word dcllberntely, meeting his eyes. Again lie thought of Chllcote, but his face paled. "I saw It all. I lived with It all till I grew hard and Indifferent till I ac quiesced lu your 'nerves' as readily as the rest of the world that hadn't sus pected and didn't know." Again she laughed nervously. "And I thought the inilifl'oronco would last forever. If one lives in a groove for years, one gets frozen up. I never felt more frozen than on the night Mr. Fralde spoke to me of you -asked me to use my Influ ence; then, on that nlght"- "Ycs. On that night?" Loder's voice was tense. Hut her excitement had suddenly fall en. Whether his glance had quelled 11 or whether the force of her feelings had worked Itself out It was Impossi ble to say, but her eyes had lost their resolution. She stood hesitating for a moment, then she turned and moved to the mantelpiece. "That night you found 1110 changed?" Loder was Insistent. "Changed and yet not changed." She spoke reluctantly, with averted head. "And what did you think?" Again she was silent. Then again a faint excitement tinged her cheeks. "I thought" she began. "It seem ed" Once more she paused, hamper ed by her own uncertainty, her own sense of puzzling Incongruity. "I don't know why I speak like this," she went on at last, as if In Justification of her self, "or why I want to speak. Hut a feeling an extraordinary, Incompre hensible feeling seems to urge me on. The same feeling that came to me on the day we had tea together the feel ing that made me that almost made me believe" "Holleve what?" Tho words escaped him without volition. At sound of his voice she turned, "relieve that a miracle happened," she s"ld; "that you had found strength, had freed yourself." "From morphia?" "From morphia." In tin; silence that followed Loder lived through n century of suggestion nnd indecision. His first feeling was for himself, but his first clear thought was for Chllcoto and their compact, lie stood, metaphorically, on a stono lu the middle of u stream, balancing on one foot, then on the other; looking to the right bank, thou to the left. At 1 last, as It always did, Inspiration camo ' to him slowly. He realized that hy one plunge he might save both Chll cote and himself. , lie crossed quickly to the flrcplaco and stood by Eve. "You were right In your heller." he said. "For nil that time, from the night you spoke to me of Fralde to the day you had tea In ; this room, I never touched 11 drug." Sho moved suddenly, and he saw her 1 face. "John," she said unsteadily, "you I 11 have known you to lie to me 1 about other things." , With a h'.isty movement ho averted I his head. The doubt, the appeal In her I words, shocked him. The whole Isola 1 lion of her life seemed summed up In I the one short sentence. For the Instant he forgot Chllcote. With a reaction of feeling he turned to her again. "Look at me!" he said brusquely. Sho raised her eyes. "Do you believe I'm speaking the truth?" She searched his eyes Intently, the doubt and hesitancy still struggling In her face. "Hut the last three weeks?" she said reluctantly. "How can you ask 1110 to believe?" He had expected this and he met It steadily enough. Nevertheless his courage faltered. To deceive this woman, even to Justify himself, had In the last half hour become something sacrilegious. "The last three weeks must ho burled," he said hurriedly. "No man could free himself suddenly from from a vice." He broke off abruptly. Ho hated Chllcote; he hated himself. Then Eve's face, raised In distressed appeal, overshadowed all scruples. "You have been sllcut and patient for years," he said suddenly. "Can you be patient and silent n little longer?" He spoke without consideration. lie was conscious of no selfishness be neath Ids words. In the llrst exercise of conscious strength the primitive de sire to reduce all elements to his own sovereignty submerged every other emotion. "I can't enter Into tho thing," he said; "like you, I give no explanations. I can only tell you that on the day we talked together In this room I was myself In the full pos- (Continued on Pao Six.) Get one of those clocks wo arc lug away. gW- f