The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1907, Image 2

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    15he CHIEF
Kutcrvd ! the Pontonice at tin! Cloud. Neb
airiecond OUu Mllr
Paul C. Phakbb
Qiniai Nkwhousi
Declares There Is Nothing in the Mor
mon Church Hostile to the American
Government Houcc to Work. Over
time on Ship Subsidy Bill.
Washington, Fob. U0. Senator Rood
Smoot's address to tho senate In de
fense of his position as senator wan
tho fenluro of tho session. Ho con
demned polygamy in tho strongest
terms and declared emphatically that
he bad taken no oath Inconsistent with
that ho had taken ns senator, lie
contended that tho Mormon church
was not hostile to tho government and
that Mormon citizens had proven their
devotion to the United States on
many battlefields.
Ho was supported by Senator Dil
lingham (Vt.) In an analytical speech
hpecch of tho evidence which had been
submitted in the case.
The senato spent several hours in
further consideration of tho forestry
provisions In tho agricultural appropri
ation bill, with the result that sev
eral amendments were agreed to
which restrict tho operations of tin
bureau in several respects.
Postoffice Bill In House.
Afttor passing a number of hills un
der unanimous consent the house re
sumed consideration of tho postofllcc
appropriation bill. Macon (Ark.)
made a point of order against the par
agraphs Inei easing the pay of clerks
In llrst and second class nuatofllcea
and carriers In the city delivery ser
vice. A spirited dispute ensued be
tween Macon and Fitzgerald (N: Y.j.
whereluithe latter gave notice that he
would, seo that a point of order vn.i,
mndo against tho section providing
for tho Increase for rural carriers. Ma
con refused to abandon his position
and tho chair sustained tho points of
order. .
Snip Subsidy at Night Sessions.
Ship subsidy will probably bo con
sidered by the house at night sessions
late Ibis week. Speaker Cannon and
Representative Watson, the Republic
an whip, conferred with tho president
concerning tho matter, and although
no positive ngreement hns been
reached, Watson said that It now
seems that the Littuucr bill will bo
considered on the Moor. In caso tho
subsidy measure Is taken, up by tho
house It will probably bo under a rulo
limiting tho debate to two evenings
nnd tho bill will bo subject to debate.
After the postofllcc appropriation
bill has been disposed of, tho measure
limiting tho hours of railway employes
to sixteen out of twenty-four will ho
taken up at tho day sessions of tho
house. Tho sundry civil bill will then
be brought forward, and as there has
been a general refusal to grant ship
subsidy any time during tbe remain
ing days of the session, it friends
asked for consideration at night. They
seem now tn be about to win tho'r
point, although the general Impression
is that the subsidy bill will he bitterly
attacked an tho lloor and amended in
many ways, If not defeated entirely.
Former Senator Simon and William G.
Steele the First Witnesses Called.
Washington, Feb. 20. Hy agree
meut, former United States Senato;
Joseph Simon and William CI. Steele,
both of Portland, Ore., were the first
witnesses called in tho trial of Repre
sentative Dinger nermann of Oregon, i
charged with the destruction of pub
lie records, they having made urgent
pleas to ho heard and discharged
Each Identified letters In tho posses
slon of the government written them
by Mr. Hermann while land commis
sioner and sent to them In franked .
envelopes. Othor similar letters will'
bo filed by them with tho clerk of the I
.court. To this tho defense consented
when the prosecution announced that j
all were absolutely innocent of any ;
taint of wrong doing on the part of
Hermann, tuul Justice Stafford had
said after such a statement hy tho
prosecution he would permit no ques
tion of a different nature to bo
raised concerning tho letters
Hawaiian Japanese Protest.
Honolulu, Feb. 20. At a mass meet
ing of .Inpanese tho following cable
gram was ordered sent to President
Roosevelt: "Tho Hawaiian Japanese
jespectl'ully piottst in tho namo of
humanity nntl civilization, and also In
thu namo of liberty, against tho pro
hibition of their emigration to the
United States. It enslaves b perma
nently to Hawaiian capitalists."
Veterinarians Merge Organlzatlono.
Kansas City, Fob. 20. Tho Iowt
and Nebraska Veterinarian associa
tion was merged with tho Missouri
association at the semi-annual moor
ing of tho latter organization In thin
city. Tho namo of tho Missouri Val
ley organization will bo retained and
tho new membership will number 401'
Dr. A. I). Peters or Lincoln spoke on
"Cattlo." Two-Cent Faro Near In Missouri.
Jefferson City, Feb. 20. Tho senate
passed the house 2-cont passenger rate
bill after amending It to conform t.
tho senato bill and adding a penalty
of a line from $100 to $."00 for onch
violation. The bill now goes to tho
house for concurrence In tho amend
ments and then will go to the gover
nor for slgnnture.
Nebraska Board of Health Points Ou
Danger of Poorly Cooked Meat.
Lincoln, Feb. 20. Tho state board
of health has discovered a most dan
gerous possibility In eating raw or hull
cooked pork and bus Issued tho fol
lowing warning to tho people of Wi
state: "The recent cases of tricul
nosls occurring In this state at Hast
ings and Fremont emphasize the fad
that pork eaten raw, or even no
thoroughly cooked, Is dangerous tc
life. No law could be passed by th-i
leglslaturo that would compel u bac
teriological examination of every car
cass that was killed for home con
sumption, nnd It Is only In this way
that the trichina can bo discovered
and tho moat products condemn 11
For this reason wo must depend upon
tho press of tho state to make known
to the people In tho most public way
tho danger in eating raw pork. This
knowledge should nlso ho taught In
all schools, and a full discussion o!
tho subject thru bo had In our homes."
Capture Night Watchman, but Fall tc
Gain Entrance to Vault.
Central City. Neb., Feb. 20. Th) ;
Eotting off of a burglar alarm foiled i
the efforts of robbers to gain entrance
to tho vault of tho Farmers' Stala
bank at 1:30 a. m.
While standing near tho bank Night
Watchman Cox was accosted by two
men who covered him with revolvers
nnd compelled him to accompany them
to the bank. With tools stolen from .
hardware store they forced a window.
Blindfolding tho watchman they bourn1
him to a chair in a back room. In
wrenching the lock from tho door ol
tho vault they set off the alarm. Their
attempt to shut off tho alarm provim;
fruitless, the robbers left tho bank
They secured a handcar and were
traced as tar as Chapman, where thoj
left the ear In a ditch.
Dissension Between Rival Factions In
Liberal Party.
Havann, Feb. 20. A crisis as a re
sult of tho recent dissension between
rlvnl factions In tho liberal party led
by Alfredo Zayas and Joso Miguel Go
mez is Indicated by tho action of
Senor Carnot, vice president or tho
national liberal assembly, In directing
tho secretary or the national conven
tion to summon that body In extraor
dinary session. This step is taken In
compliance with a petition signed hy
twelve delegates to the convention, all
of whom are followers of Gomez.
Tho signers declare tho organization
of a committee to reviso the laws of
Cuba to bo unconstitutional. This
committee wns recently appointed b
Governor Magoon, nnd they proclaim
It Is the urgent duty of liberals to do
mnnd tho Incorporation of their doc
trines In new legislation.
Hill Line Accused of Granting Rebates
to Sugar Trust.
Now York, Feb. 20. The federal
grand Jury Indicted tho Great North
ern ltallwny company on the charge
of violating the FJklus law by paying
rebates to Lowell F. Palmer, trafile
1Kent of tho AK,r(.u, sugar Refining
company In this city. There are two
counts, alleging the payment In all of
$1-1,591) In May and June.
Horce Runs Away and His Foot
Catches in Shaft.
Kearney, Neb., Feb. 15. Harry
Stack of Kearney was killed in a run
uwny here. He was driving a frac
tious horse to n cart and when cross
ing the railroad the horse took fright.'
Stuck lost his footing and was cliught!
hv tlm font nn n ..hurt limni mid'
dragged head down over a block, his
head striking the wheels and on
crossings. When picked up ho was
dead, with a broken arm, dislocated
shoulders and injuries to his head.
His father was killed here in a similar
manner about fourteen years ago.
District Attorney Permitted to Bring
In All Manner of Evidence Which
May Tend to Discredit Wife of Pris
oner Tells Story of "Pie Girl."
New York, Feb. 20. Mrs. Evelyn
Nc8bit Thaw entered on the ordeal oi '
her cross-examination and before Dh J
trlet Attorney Jerome had had tho
witness In charge for half un hour .10
had secured from the court u ruling '
which apparently opens tho way foi
bringing Into tho trial of Harry K
Thaw all manner of evidence which '
may tend to discredit tho defendant's
wife. Heretofore It has been held
that the rules of evidence protected
young Mrs. Thaw and that regardless
of whether her story vvus true or false,
the fnct that she had told it to her
husband was tho ono essential poln:.
Mrs. Thaw had been allowed to repeat
the utory so that tho jury might judge
as to its elfeet In unbalancing tho
mind of tho man on trial for murder
of Stanford White. Mr. Jerome, by a
simple question, opened tho way for
tho Introduction of testimony tending
to show tho truth or talslty of Mrs.
Thaw's story. Ho asked tho witness:
"Wns the story you told Thaw
"It was," she replied, firmly.
Mr. Delmns. Thaw's leading counse1,
objected strongly to tho question, but
Justice Fitzgerald hold It to be com
petent ns tending to show the cred
ibility of tho witness.
Mrs. Calne Takes the Stand.
Justice Fitzgerald allowed Jerome
to secure from Mrs. J. J. Calno of lios
ton, a friend of Mrs. Thaw, who took
the witness stand during the morning
session, ninny material points as to
tho movements of Harry Thaw and
Evelyn Nosbit following their return
from Europe in 190-1, including tho
published incident of their being eject
ed from the Hotel Cumberland In this
city, tho proprietor insisting that they
should register as ninn nnd wife or
leave their suites, which udjolned. In
bringing out these facts Mr. Jerome
denied that ho was attacking Mr3.
Thaw, and said he was merely testing
the credibility of Mrs. Calne.
Tho district attorney seemed reluc
tant to begin the cross-oxnmlnntion of
Mrs. Thaw, desiring to have the mat
ter postponed until tomorrow.
A wordy conlllct ensued, during
which Mr. Jerome hinted at broken
confidences and evasion of stipula
tions. He declared ho did not wish to
humiliate the witness with a cross
examination which ho might deem un
necessary. "However, if I am forced to do It I
will," said Jerome, with something of
a menace In his tone.
"You may proceed," replied Delmaj.
Mrs. Thaw Ready With Answers.
. Mrs. Thaw moved a bit nervously
nnd awaited Jerome's opening ques
tions. They had to do with her signa
tures to certain papers, some of which
the prosecutor declared wero receipts
for money Mrs. Thaw had drawn from
the Mercnntllo Trust company In 1902
$25 a week. Mrs. Thaw said she was
not suro that all or tho signatures
were her own they looked very muc'i
like her writing, she added. Who
piovided tho money was not devel
oped. Mrs. Thaw's confidence grew as
the cross-exainlnntlon wont on and
she was always ready with answers
Jerome, under the plea, of testing her
credibility, vvns allowed to ask may
pertinent questions. He wanted to
know when she llrst heard that she
had been named ns a co-respondent In
tho George V. Lederer divorce case
Del mas nuichiy protested. Mrs.
Thaw whispered something in his enr,
and the attorney withdrew his objef
tkm. "I read or It In the newspapers,'
said the witness, cheerily, when Je
rome repeated the question.
The prosecutor sought to show tha
Mrs. Thaw had gone to Abraham
Hummel for advice with regard to tho
divorce proceedings, but was halted
by an objection from Delmns. which
the court sustained. Jerome Drought
out that Mrs. Thaw had written to
Stnnford White from noulogno after
Thaw had proposed to her in Pails.
The cross-exnuilnatlon had barely
gotten Into full swing when adjourn
ment for the day was ordered.
The "Pie Girl" Story.
In completing her direct testimony,
Mrs. Thaw had told of tho conversa
tions she and her husband had had re
garding the fate of other young wom
en at the hands of Stanford White.
One of these gills wiVs known as "Tho
Pie fJIii" She wns fifteen years old
nnd wove only a gauze dress when ah
sprang from n big plo at a stag din
nor. The witness declared that Ma
1 MaeKeuzle had told 'her that Stanford
White, when told she and Harry wero
very hnppy together, had remnrked.
"Pooh, it won't Inst. I will get her back."
Harry Thnw's letter to Anthony Com
stock, describing three houses where
he declared White and "other scoun-
m in o ii
dnis" lured girls, was read. Among
tho places described was tho house in
Wst Twenty-fourth street, where tho
velvet sw'n" "ml tho mirrored bed
room woro located.
Business Men Visit Panama.
Cincinnati. Feb. 20. Members of
tho Commercial clubs of Chicago, St.
Louis and Cincinnati loft hero on a
special train over the Cincinnati
Southern railway route for Charleston,
S. C, where they will hoard the steam
or Prlnz Joachim for Panuma.
Story of Crime and Conspiracy Un
folded In Adams Murder Trial.
Wallace, Idn., Feb. 20. An extraor
dinary story uf crime and conspiracy
was unfolded In tho trial of Steve
Adims when Archie Phillips, Fred
Tyler's neighbor nnd friend, told of
tho "Juniper Killers' association." t
secret soclotv alleged to huvo been
formed by men living In tho woods
along Marble creek In tho summer rf
190-1. Its purpose was supposed to be
tho killing or the Inter settlers who
had Jumped tho timber claims of some
of tho earlier arrivals. A Swedo
nnmed Engstruni, the witness said,
was supposed to be tho president of
tho society, and Jack Slmpklns, who
claims to have been jumped by Tyler
was supposed to be ono of tho ring
lenders, ns nlso was Stove Adams.
Phillips said ho left tho district
arter Tyler was killed. It got too hot
for him and bo was afraid to stay, he
said. About a weok after Phillips lef
his cabin wns blown up by dynamite
which destroyed about $300 worth oi
supplies. Asked If he thought Adams '
and Slmpklns blow up tho cabin, Phil-
Iftiu tmlil iw liitf lm hnltnim1 Mi Tivi it. '
or Killers' association employed men
to do the work.
Maniac Applies to St. Paul Judge for
Authority to Slay an Enemy.
St. Paul, Feb. 20. Judge W. L. Kel
ly of the state circuit court was ap
proached In his court room by a man
who refused to reveal his identity nnd
who asked the jurist to Issue a penult
for tho applicant to kill a man. Tho
applicant, who Is thought to be Insane,
claimed ho was an Inventor nnd that
his wife and a man were conspiring t ,
stenl from him an invention and $17"v
000 which It had brought him.
Fifty-Four Bodies Recovered and More
Are Yet Entombed.
Lns Esperanzns, Mex., Feb. 20.
Fifty-four bodies havo been recovered
from mine No. 3 of tho Mexican Coal
and Coke company. Eleven injured
are In the hospital and two of tho
number are fatally hurt. Of tho fifty
four dead bodies already recovered,
thirty aro Japanese. Tho dead, It Is
estimated, will number between sixty
and eighty men.
One Trainman Killed and 400 Passen.
fjers Shaken Up.
London, Ont., Feb. 20. Tho Chicago
Pacific express, westbound on the
Grand Trunk, wns wrecked In the East
London yards. Ono trainman was
killed and tho 400 passengers on tho
express received a severe shaking up
The express "side swiped" a freight
train. Traveling Engineer Georgi
Ranton of London, who was riding on
tho passenger engine, was torn to
Found Guilty of Murder in Second De
gree at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Feb. 2i. Charles Rum
ble, who on Nov. 23 last shot and
killed Frank J. Emery, proprietor or
tho Kentucky hotel, in Kansas City.
Kan., was found guilty of murder la
tho second degree. Sentenco was de
terred. Rumblo commanded Emory to
turn over the contents or tho hotel
ensh register. Emery refused and
Rumble shot him dead.
William J. Odcll Is Dead.
Cincinnati, Feb. 20. William .7.
Odell, presidont of tho Odell Com
mission compnny, and ono or tho best
known brokers In tho west, died hero
following an operation for appendi
citis. His wealth is estimated at over
House Passes Norris Bill.
Washington, Feb. 19. Tho hoiuo,
on motion of Representative Norr'?,
passed the senate bill with tho house
substitute dividing the stnto of Ne
braska Into two judiclcal districts and
mnking piovislon for the appointment
of an additional jhdge.
Hole In Ice for Baptism,
Nebraska City, Feb. 19. Tho ordi
nance of baptism was administered to
tlvo converts to the faith or tho litte
Dav Snlnts by Klder Wllllnm Self.
They wero taken to tho Missouri rlvo'
nnd after a nolo was cut in tho lco i
they wero Immersed In tho coli
water In tho presence of u largo
throng of people, i
A 25c. Bottle 08
i vouiams r'
I 40 DOSES, 4
AniloacluloioiitviroclToiilvo Ihnn r
X f '.r timi'j r.;: ..i tru..uiity n..y Jy
o." i-r con ,'h rcinoilv. however v 11 &
O- pu. urti, I'd anil hov.ovcrotrf ajiyrte- s-
ommcudoil Unit I'cirody Jiny be. J
r.oaw:ahcf always that KEMP'S
i;u.......j. mno o
Besfi CowgXi Cwre $
K ha'i pfivctl IhoUiiPndx from com-
'..3 f-'ivcil tlio't- ui li 'Clivc-t. o
, :i V "j '', '"., ri0- "!(,!. "
Ij-rtVC "coi5 it" "" '"" -t' c. J
New Wiiaat lmi$
.. it. XlmMAMKAM wlnn
in ino t&dtiiEiisiuausl fffd
5nnn additional
UUU miles of
railwny thia yenr
have opened up n
largely increnscd
territory to the pro
gressive farmers of
Western Canada,
and the govern
ment of the Domin
ion continues to
give one hundred and sixty
acres free to every settler.
The Oounfry Has
into Superior
Coal, wood and water In
abundunce; churches nnd
schools convenient; mar
kets easy of access; taxes
low; climate the best in the
Northern temperate zone.
Grain-growing, mixed farm
ing and dairying are the
great specialties.
For literature and Information
address tho
Superintendent or Immigration
Ottawa, C'anaitii,
or tlio following authorized
Canadian Government AL'ent,
801 Xcu- York J.ll'o llulldlne
Omiiliu, .Vli.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
AnyonoAondliiR nnkctrh nnd description miij
iiilcklr iiscerlnlti our onintcm free whetlior mi
Invention Is nrotmliljr pntentnliln. Coniinmilr.i
tlotiMHtrlctly ronllilontlal. HANDBOOK onl'ateuiD
euntfrve. Oldoit m-cnojr forci-curniRpiUeiitii.
l'itmits taken through .Mumi A Co. recelvt
tpteial notice, without ctinrtte, In tho
Scientific Btterican.
A hiindsomolr llltmtrnted weeklr. Ttreoit cir
culation if iinv Hulentlilii Journal. Trriim, W a.
voir: tnnr inontfcfl, tl. Hold by all nowdPiiler.
MUNN & Co.3G,B'oad' New York
liraucli onlco. UU K BU Wnshlnuton, I). C.
Six GniMies
Soo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, No. 20;
Boll, No. 98.
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, soo
npent for tho Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb,, tho best in
surance company intho stto
I)iule Little Liver l'ills thoroughly
clean the system, tfood for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
nnd hnppy thoughts. Sold by Henry
Cook's drug store.
To Mothers In This Town .
Children who are delicate, feverish
and cross will get immediate relief
from .Mother dray's Siveet l'ovvdcm
for children, Tin-y cleanse the stom
ach, net on the liver, making a sickly
child strong and healthy. A certain
cure for worms, Sold by all druggists,
Wc. Sample free. Allcu.S. Olmstend,
I.eUoy, N. V.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo quinlno tab
lots. Druggists refund money if it
fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signnturo
is on each box.- 25 conts.
ijKeniEfe Balsam