K",U;!3iSg8HESS "&, M If 4 9 .fttViKjVKn 1 THE RED GLOl A.i. i1 MVtrt-ii Subscription $1 a Year JCigh( Pages , ! in Advance Honu- Print J .s sswaivwv " kuiwjrv VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NBKRASKA, FEHHUAKV J'J, I sm7. i MUIUU 8 i fl 11" .i i NEW SCHOOL BUILDING. Superintendent DuilIcV TftllS Why One Should Br Built City Superintendent (). V. Dudley, who has labored faithfully tt bring the Red Cloud schools up to the stand- ard set by surrounding cities and has ,., - ,. . ...!.,... ,,. . succeeded so far as it is within the power of an individual to do so, has the following to say concerning the proposition for a new building: "The board of education unanimous ly decided to call for a vote, at the April election, on the proposition t ! case, throe' grades under each teacher, issue SM.O!)o bonds for the purchase of , ,ut UlJs ,H (1)0 Wy t,u. 1(JS ,m, ur. site and the erection and furnishing rft (1 ,u ;,f flve m. hJx tL,.lch. of a school building in the South...... ,,.,. P -.,..,.. ,,..,, , ward and also to place a heating plant ' in the North ward building. "As to whether or not the bonds carry rests now witli the voters. The board of education has don all it can ofllcially do. "Many in the North ward have boon ssatisHcd with half time for the Hrst dissati and second grades. The occasion is now here for this condition to be alle viated. The new building will cer- tainly relieve the North ward, else the high school faculty with that of Su born! proposition could not justly I perj01.: Superior has five teachers in claim the North ward vote, for cer tainly the North ward needs help as greatly as the South. Rut the pro posed building will benefit both wards, as it should. As a prominent North ( ward patron remarked, some few days ago: "The people of Red Cloud have too much confidence in the board or ' ... ,. .. education to suppose they would erect . .,,. , , J ., ji omming as inr irom bin: ecu-1 ,( t lmve it . I here is nut one way ter of population as is the old j to improve the high school: add at building." Nor is there a man in t.ast one teacher to the present nuui tlu South ward who would desire this. hmr Hitherto this has been impossi With a building located within a reus-. hie. Three high school teachers are onable dislaileft rtf -qhe ward line, it ni we.liow have l'oom for. Rut now would be possible to transfer pupils from one ward to the other without objection on the part of anyone. "One of the main results that can be gained by building will be the con centration of the teaching force. One grade to each teacher is the end in view. This will increase the teacher's cilicieney to a great degree. Such a train is a train to the community a gain which no patron can afford to overlook. i "There is no patron in Red Cloud, in ! either ward, who should not vote for the bonds, unless it would be someone who would put at. naught many mod em improvements to secure fresh air constant, even temperature, and sani- tation. We are greatly lacking in these respects. Other cities of the size ( of Red Cloud enjoy them. Let us not deceive ourselves by the delusion com mon to every town and city that the axis of the universe sticks out visiiuy , ., , .. ii doesn't. Red Cloud's schools are not what they should be. The reason is ' not that we haven't good teachers, ' nor a sulllcient number, though we are handicapped in this latter respect in the high school. , "Refore plans are accepted the loca-, tion of the high school is important, Wilber, Neb., a city employing twelve teachers, two years ago completed a building at a cost of S'.'O.OOO. In this building the high school occupies the second floor, while below are Jive or six grade rooms. We can do this also. T Vand use the North ward building for part of the grades. The great disad vantage in tills case would lie tlie same division of the teaching force that is now troubling us a condition that we can now remedy. "We think tlie bc,st plan of all would be to segregate the high school from muster Hacker's dog. and was known the grades, a eondititioii'that is in it- to nearly everybody in Rod Cloud, self a good thing. The North ward J Someomv lo'ft a dose 'of poison where building could well be used for the tho dog could get hold of it, and he high school and the eighth grade, died Saturday afternoon. About the With a few necessary improvements in ' meanest, low-down skunk in creation the way of a heating plant, new fur-' js the dog-poisoner. He not only de nituro, and removal of partitions, this stroys the good and bad dogs alike, building could be made reasonably ..... .i.i,. I comfortable. "The seven remaining grades ami the kindergarten could well be pro vided Tor in the new building. Ry this arrangement wo could attain some very desirable features: A special kindergarten teacher, which we al ready have in the North ward; one '4rrad'e for each teacher; the separation of the high school mid eighth grade from the grades that need recess; a fairly uniform number of pupils under l!llc" lL'ilu"ur; ruliei for tlie ovorcrowu-. cu rtHiui vwuu. i ...1 XT 11. 1 i if in t..if .r ti ...i fil.....i t . ..e popumuo.. o. iu-u .m.., .... """- to justify having two bodies of achers. one in each ward, doing exactly the same work. This condi- tly the same work. This condi- tlon is justillable only in ease the wards have school population averag- ing from SS to 10 pupils to the grade. Hut the average number in the South ward is not more than 15. This makes I il nooi'ssnrv In tilnee two and. in one t()WnH of tmt syM m, Jn tlli(l ers. ti n. in- ni'.iiiiiii.-t ill i iiiiiii' iiiii:iv iiiiii way. This is the way we are situated in both wards. Hence it is idle to elaini that our schools are what they should be or what the money we spend on them can make them. Nor is our 1,1, school what it should be for a c-,ty of :,)()(. We can come up to the standard in the grades without spend ing a dollar more for teachers. Not so in the high school. Comp-ire our the high school, Red Cloud three. To be sure Superior lias more pupils en rolled in the high school. Rut since Superior has no greater population. the reason for this condition isevident. 0ur high school already has more than its facilities warrant. We need ,,., ontional course need it trreatlv. no opiiomii uiiiiN mill ii- j,ii.iiu.. yu lose nunils evcrv vear because we " ' l' l'"!'" - '. .c"' '-'i " that we have a chance to make room. let's not fail. Vote for the bonds." AFTER THJRTY-FIYE YEARS. G ildc Rock Man Marries Former Sweet heart In Michigan, From the News-Letter. In a St. ilohns (.Mich.) paper of last week we find the following item which will be of readers: interest to mary of our "Lust Monday saw the culmination of a pretty romance right in our midst when Mrs. Kuima I1. Travis was united in marriage to Charles W. Corwin of (Juide Rock, Neb Ihih romance be-i ti ti 'l t.u,.h! .ifr.t tt'liiili lint i.mii1ii ..... , , . , ii , , were little boy and girl sweethearts. I ,, ,, . " . . , ., ,..., .ill. v oi win went iiwii.y. ium uu: iiliu: girl grew to womanhood and was mar ried he years passed until A. were I - liiiirkcti oil on tuiuss circle. Mr. or- I i i i it 4 i n like to visit his old home. So a week ago he returned to Michigan from his home in (5uide Rock and found that his former sweetheart was a widow, and the result was a pretty wedding, The all'air was a very happy one. About thirty guests were piesent, and .dainty refreshments were served.' Death of Mrs. BlanUcnbaker. i Mis. I'Jliaboth Rlaukcnbiiker, widow of Felix Rlankenbaker, died at her ' home in Walnut Creek last Tuesday, I at the age of 7.1. Funeral services wore held Thursday. The deceased is survived by four children Thomas. Frank and (!. M. Rlankenbaker, and .Mrs. Charles Rinkor, all of whom live in Walnut Creek township. Toby" is dead. "Toby" was Post- hut endangers the lives of other do- u i i i ....... , iiicmic uiiiiuuin, nun even nuiuau Do ings. It's a good old world after all: If you have no friends or money, In the river you can fall: Marriages are quite common and, More people there would be, Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea. C. Ii. Cutting. IIAUPTMANN PROSPERING, Former Red Cloud Preacher EnftnftCtl In Hininft Vmturc. ' ,. Willi.,.,, Ifmitit.inimii. former pllhll)l. of lho Congregational church, l ms 1(t l)eon ,u en ,, , .,,., , abent from lied Cloud for bis imnire to fade . f, ..,. nf . ,,,,,.. ,,,,,. Ham MU1,111UIUI WIIS one of those Iuinl.hl.luU,,l nllU;hnion who cared lit- i Ue f()1. Ule (,1Mm,ms of )thors. Tllls I , ,,, , ,,.,...,.,.. sll'11.j.d wi-mnrles ' with certain members of his flock, and , (horrible to relate!) it wus finally dis-, covered that in tlic privacy of his own i home he occasionly indulged ii. the soothing influence of a good cigar, bill by a vote of U0 to 0. The Senate heated argument followed about the This convinced some of his parishion- had already passed a U-eeul. fare bill, mutter, and finally Harvey swatted ers that he was not cut out for a mln- and both branches will now appoint Russell on his dial. Russell swore out ister of the gospel, and when he asked conference committees and get to-' a warrant for H.irvey's arrest and the for a raise in salary and didn't get it got her on one bill. The vote in the case came up before Judge Kdson for he resigned, lie went from here to House shows Iho overwhelming scnti- ( adjudication on Monday morning, Alma, where he preached for a time, incut in favor of lower rates. when Harvey was given a line and finally drifzing out to Searchlight, I - - costs amounting to SUMO. Nov., where, according to the follow- J It's the highest standard of quality, Query: If it costs only Si.'lM.'i for ing story from the Searchlight Rulle- a natural tonic, cleaneses your system, violently resisting an o Ulcer, and you tin of recent date, he seems to be , reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyes, nre taxed $10 for swatting your neigh doing well: gives flavor to all you eat. Hollister's bor when he insinuates that you are "About a year ago there arrived in Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for a lhir and no gentleman, what would Searchlight a little man with quiet, you. .'15 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. ni the approximate cost nf the cupola deep, shrewd gray eyes, introducing ' (Jotting. I for the new court house? himself as a minister of tlie gospel. ,...,. - . ' .--... js- Jlo represented no missionary society; he paid very little attention to raising a salary for his services; he gathered the children into Sunday school, and on hunduy nights preached in the little school house on the hill. The boys , ,. , ., ., it.!n.m.(i to love the "little parson, as ., ,, , , . , , f , , . thev called him. and men who had not been to church for iiinnv years went week after week to hear him, and! spent hours talkintr over his blulV. ec centric manner of speech. The parson sppkeittle about himself .butgmdu- any ii was learned that he was the Rev. William Ilauptmauu, and had held important pulpits in Nebraska. I He was afllictod with wander-lust and ! a desire to practice law. "I want to quit preaching and go to practicing," is the way he put it. It was notice- able that whenever a group of men , Leathered to discuss some new strike or a sample of some good-looking rock, the "little parson" was in the crowd, an interested spectator, eternally ask- , ing questions in an unobtrusive man-. ' ner. "I am no miner, boys, but 1 just want to know, that's all." he said, j Rut many persons have spoken of a certain sly look in his eye. It sccniid ' to some ns though those gray eyes, set . far back in the massive head, showed a strange sparkle and hid a trcinend- ,.,.,.,, . . ously secretive brain, but the secret is n iy out. It is true the "little parson" I .... rill 11... ..I.il.l .m..wl 4ll.. .;,.i.- , , , , , iiiil liitlmi.l ilui intu itl lit i iri'itnr l . . " niiuiy ways ingratiated hunself, nut quietly and constantly he was study ing conditions and learning tlie forma tion of the surrounding country. It is remembered now that he has been in the habit of taking long walks in the hills for exercise," he said, and all this time ho has been getting in formation, studying mining law, fa miliarizing himself with mining in general, until now lie is considered one of the best informed men in the district in matters pertaining to all that interests miners. , "Rut the studies of Mr. Hanptmaiin have not been merely academic. He. formed valuable associations and now , he is fledged out as vice president and chief counsel for the Khlorndo Mum moth (iold Mining Company, corpora tion owning excellent property in Kl- ' dorado canyon, and it is whispered by the wise ones that the parson is on , the straight road to great wealth." Frank II. (Jainel, who is soon to de liver, in our city, his popular illustra ted lecture. "The American Roy, His' Pranks. Perils, and Possibilities," is. considered by those who know him best as peculiarly fitted to speak upon ' his chosen theme. He knows boys. ' For more than eighteen years he has "lived among them" in a very special sense. He has superintended boys' clubs in some of tlie larger cities, has been a successful pastor and Y. M. C. A. secretary. He has had large ex perience with boys of all classes, from the homeless street gamin to tlie sons of some of tin best families in the hum. Mis keen sympathy, coupled with his ability to remember the do- "1'rs OI uu' ,l!,ys o lus own lioyliood, win for him the eonlideneeof the boys who know him. Hundreds of lads, scattered all over the l'nitod States, delight, to count upon him as a special friend and advisor. College course, next Wednesday evening. TWO-KENT FARE " " ' "! In Nrbrnska. Yesterday the Nebraska Rouse of ReprcsentatUcs passed the '.'-cent fare iiCJTiT- K 1 5?sgyrtii hSr2s:s: :F5tt3rarl."3J 3S3 Tg.sntigrixrgrgaj . 1. j: i feW x- AJr Hu: r?33rT;3y wj. 'jm K .yst StUinuCll U.13UIUC15) JLLi) tUIl- l . ,, '-j ;. -jyH tlnued use means injury to health. t?ii i 1..! yroiiownig ineauvice or meaicai , ,-Sgg scientists, England and France have w',Wl1 passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's wrongs by always buying pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder is to be for the asking Buy by name- Royal AN EXPENSIVE SLAP. Elmer Hnru) Pais Dearly forSwnttln His Nclililior. I'W sonic time past there has been more or less friction up in the Harvey neighborhood, north of Inavale. Not long ago Kliucr Fogg had Mrs. It. I). Russell arrested for threatening him with a gun. There was also some dif llcully over the disappearance of some hogs. One lay last week a couple of tiliucr Harvey's horses got loose and were taken up by Mr. Russell. When Mr. Harvey went alter his horses Mr. Rus sell demanded iW for their keep. A avo:-i? Wse $ ojT i' jrrrrrr -i. isrzzr- SiFSrf?-iil5a -i r i-t- -n-K-'Jfcrit'jii .. -tM raPjSalPsilgfssiJigig juuivas. ytry;j-jr,.vJVTvV.'Fi .-: r zr-rssir- ar.-rms: j-EI -VS- TZZZ i !X---L? 3TT if.rrr.-J J firJm r-. 1 1 - jtx i-;t.j j-rm i. r irftr ? irsr--.3S mmmm tfzmmi Alum nm in food causes t ' J)I,-i:4..-:'i,'iu.rti.L4i T . V?J1 tilt.,. iiVII l.-".fl I fr -v ' i . nermanent $ffliMMj5iM j-'imW-s? r -j; i t i.WifJL-fhSS ft n !T??5I wsmgMgmm had g3ii WW j8A ( w i3fiffttBm-.3F- 3IV dz iMr tm.i'f Tsana 'r? S m iksSLrs3LwL S. M 1 7 5.1 u w I t'F I wi B'7 ia 1 uu r y : i