nwmi mnwmvwmmm, m mw-Mewyu 'fli Wimmii -upm i h1"p immw.i ,m imu hi ii.M. 11 .!.,, ujj-j. yuwntwmuiiui.iiiMun i iin,,i)ii;jiifi tppwiw'tK"TOW'W .utiuflrtwramw-t ;; f ' K. V t Recommended by Prominent Physicians and Chemists CALUMET Baking Powder Perfect In Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price I flemsy flutes From Neighboring Touins m r.ATHRRKn FROM OUR EXCHANGES f FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Mrs. B. F. Shi ?lds is down with an attack of appendicitis. llunsJuhl wus horn in Denmark March 13, 1883, and died noar Franklin January .70, 1007. Mrs. Woniz, aged 81, is vory low with puoumonia. Hor son Josso sufforod a rolapso this wook but is again improv ing. A deputy United States marshal ap peared in town Tuesday and took Thos. Anderson in custody for selling liquor without a government license. Mrs. Jesso Edwards rocoived a tolo gram Tuosilay from hor husband in Scotts Bluffs stating that ho was vory sick and asking her to coino at once. Siio lo't on tlio evening train. At a mooting of tho Franklin Baso Ball Hub Tuesday evening, Fob. 5th. tho club organized with tho following of llcors for tho ensuing season: A. C. Dill, manager; W. E. Brown, captain. Franklin is after water works. Mon day morning a largo number of citizens gathered in Coukling's olllco and hold an enthusiastic mooting in an active effort for this much uoeded public improvement. appoared with coiroe, sandwiches, pick les, chickeu and cake. Brick for building dwelling houses seems to bo taking its turn in Guido Rock. Besidos tho Eddy and Sawyer rosidonccs, and tho Fairllold building now going up, Oscar Evans is also put ting up a lj story brick rosideuco in tho west part of town. MANKATO (From tho Monitor) J. II. Wollen is vory sick at. his homo. Just as wo go to press tho sad news comes of tho death of J. M. Balos, ex- county clerk. A stovo blow up in tho J. J. Dalton homo, Tuesday morning. .Mr. Dalton j had started tho kitchen tiro and had returned to bed to wait tho warming of i the room. Soon ho heard a loud ox- plosion and on investigation found tho room tillod with soot, sinoko atid steam. Tho wator-back had burs tod, but no other damage was done. GUIDE ROCK (From tho Nows Lottor.) Duko Tompkins was up from Super ior Wednesday to oe his little boy who had burnod his hand by falling against a hot stovo. Louie Ostorblad, who recently so'.d his rosideuco property to Frank Vottor is getting tho lumber for a house on tho lots west of Mrs. Becchlor's. Friday of last wook Wm. Minor sold his farm ono milo north of town to Got tlieb Polfus of Byron, and tho next day bought Mart I lagan's flue residence proporty in town. Tho A. O. U. V. membors won tho rictims of a surprise Tuesday evening. At tho closo of the lodge several ladies BLUE HILL. (From tho Loader.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. .Martin, Sunday a 12 pound boy. Carroll Walters accompanied a car of stock to Omaha Monday. Mrs. Goo. Williams loft last Satur day for Gaylord, Kan., where sho was called by tho death of hor mother. Mr. and Mrs. Will Panzer, nine miles southwest, are the proud parents of a boy who arrived at their homo- Satur day. A lottorfrom John E. Ford, manager of tho Bradford-Kennedy Lumbor Co., rocolvod hero Monday, stated that his mother died Saturday and ho would accompany tho remains to Ited Oak, Iowa, for interment. "KT4vir is; Tribute to the Phonograph Even John Philip Sousa, the great bandmaster, who has no use for Phonographs, has been forced to recognize the Phonograph as a for midable competitor. The two-step king says that people will no longer go to concerts if they can have music in their own homes so easily and so cheaply as they can with the Phonograph. This is an unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The man who has a Phonograph has a concert in his own house. Even a king could not have more. At our store you can hear them any time. The Victor Gramaphone. The Victor Junior $14.20 The Victor Z 2 1 .20 The Victor No. 1 26.20 The Victor No. 2 34.20 The Victor No. 3 44.23 The Victor No. 4 54.20 The Victor No. 5 64.20 The Victor No. 6 104.20 ( Victor yf J I jT "His MnatKr'a Voice' K3.u..rAT.vrr The above prices include 12 8 -in. records zvith each machine The Edison Phonograph. The Edison Gem Phonograph . . $10.00 $h The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00 f w The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00 Vjft The Edison Triumph Phonograph 50.00 K Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen. JTi,-az1: Compare these i) rices zvith anyone's, and remember ive save yon the freight. iskSSLy Newhouse Brothers, s s s s s Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors. this week. Probably for tho new rail road that is to bo built from hero to Mankato Rev. Father Fitzgerald returned to Rod Cloud Saturday evening after spending several days in tho city. Ho is a vory pleasant geutleman and popu lar with his porishiouors. rjrrsfj.frrs-JrJ't CORRESPONDENCE so he BLOOM1NGTON (From the Advocate.) A. F. Tampiary has recovered much from his Into sick spoil that can uumo to town. Wm. Dunn had his eyebrows mid moustache nearly burned oil tho other d ly by an explosion of gas in the stovo. Who over heard of hogs soiling fo 7c on tlio local markets, but during tho Back to the farm ! That's where you get good coffee. None of that "fresh roasled loose by the pound " store stuff from nobody knows where, full of dust, atmosphere and soiled hands, but the real old, genuine egg and sugar coaled Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee, which the folks keep in the original package and grind in the kitchen. That's Coffee 1 Complin with all requirements d lite National Pure Food Law, Giurantcc No. 204 1 , filed at Wathington. V SMITH CENTER (From tho Mi'.sciigiT.) Victor Watts is soon to graduate in niodioiuo and will, it is thought, go into ! business withUr. Morrison at Woinor. past week our buyers havo paid even Last Monday morning t ho high hJKlur tlmn thllt for ,l fow oholco l(mK school department and all the grades) tins Fischer, who lives six milos including tho fifth to tho ninth, wore south of town, was in Wednesday with moved into tho new school building. ; eight loads of hogs that sold for $00 Monday afternoon Pearl Konyoti was more than ho paid for his farm four before tho probato court for iurorrigi- J'0111'8 ar!- Uility. Saturday J. F. Campbell and) About 'stoon follows had their skoto wife had made application for her, on last Wednesday night, and tho vil olfering her a home for hor .services, lago marshal did not m dost thorn. Interesting Items Gathered by Our County Reporters STILLWATER Earl Doughman has the mumps, Will Cling is building a now barn. Weuthor is like spring. Everybody is "gripping." John Fmuey of Colorado is visit in here at present. Will Finney has recently hiTe?ted in It. Clare real estate. Several of Mr. Shidding's family are roportod to be on tho sick list. Frank Mowers of Lawrence is putting a now well down for Will Crozier. A. Howard and son Leonard of Guido Rock woro up to tho farm Tuesg day. Uov. Priestley begins meetings at north of town, Friday evening. Ser vices were held at tho M. E. church Sunday at 2 p. m. Interment wa- made in tlio Cowles cemetery. Literary has revived again and there will be a meeting at tlio school houi next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Eddie Koonoy and mother-in-law, Mrs. Foil Keeuoy, visited with Mrs. II. G. Keeuoy Monday. T Cire a Cold In Oie Day. Tak Laxativo Bromo quinine tab lets. Druggists refund money if it. . fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature ' is on each box. 35 cents. Notice of Application for Divorce. In the Dlsttlel Court of Webster Couniy, Ne braska. Thomns J. ItodKers, I'laluM!'. 1 ' VS. l.oretta Hookers. Defendant. ) Tol.oietta HoilKf fh. Xon liesldent Defendant : You nrc hereby uotitlcd Hint on the HHh ilnv of July, liHNi. Thomas .1. Ilodu.ers llleil u iietltloi . T, . .. . . ..I . nuniiistyoii hi tlio District Court of vcbte Priestley begins meetings at ,..., S(ium,uH , .,.. ,,,, nrttv r.r Eckley church on Wednesday night, i which nrc to obtain h divorce from ou on the Everyone invited. ' wound thiu ou lmvo wilUully deserted ami ,, .1.1. .:.. . ,i ii-, i nlmndoiicd the iilnlntlu", without pood otiutc. Tho revival meetings at I'rairie Cent ror , he term of two , ears and more Intt pat. or that havo been in progress about You are required to answer ald liciltlnn on or Nosontouco was passed but sho was Evidently tho baekbono of the chief of ten days closed on Tuesday night with Wore Moiidny, the nth dny of .March. 1007. placed in tho Campbell home. Suvoral police is made of rubber. good interest. There were seven addl-, y UJJJ8 'h "ol,(,Klf rolativesjfrom the west part of tho county have evinced an interest in Miss Kenyou since lior recent escapade here, and an elfort is being mado to holp hor lead a better life. SUPERIOR (From the Express.) Poto Collotto, who used to livo liere, lmudrod cars of stook shipjiod is reported killed by a tree falling on tho month of January. Wm. Sargent was born in England LEBANON. i (From the Times.) ' The men arrived Tuesday evening' and commenced work on tho water works tower Wednosday. How many towns in this country can eciual Lebanon's record of an oven during him down near Concordia. It is reported that tho Hurlington Jan. 1J, lsno. and died at his homo will erect a new and commodious depot southeast or town, February 4, 1!K)7, hero this year as well as now coal agod o7 years, 'J weous and (3 days, ohuto,, freight house, etc. W(J UIlllo,.htunrt that Judge Dunton V. M. Fnllerton of Town, a half broth- i8 making an elfort to establish u high er of veteran W. U. Roberts, came this er standard of morals within tho city morning acoinipunjed by his wife, and limits, with the co-operation of every Tuesday evening for a short visit with will care for Mr. Roberts while ho is g00,i citizen, tlio boot logger will have , her mother, Mrs. Buster. sick. to find now quarters. , Wo are sorry to chroniolo the death A largo numbor of stool rails havo of aunt Jano Paul, which occured at been unloaded in the Ilurlington yards Now is tho time to subscribe. , the home of her brother, one half milo tions. COWLES Ivan Ilimes of Amboy was on our streets Monday. Mrs. G. A. Latta visited with Mrs. Peak Wednesday. Earl Latta left Tuesday for Chicago, to attend school there. Mr. and Mrs. Fon Keeuoy of Doweeso aro hero visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Honry Fowler aro in Edgar visiting their daughter. Nellie. Itoss Paul and wifo of Omaha camo Saturday to bo present at tho funeral of Ids aunt, Miss Paul. Mrs. John Waller left for Frauklln Legal Notice. In the DlHtrlct Court of tVebkter County, Nej. ; hrnska. Henry Cicnereux, l'laliitlll', I VH Mary Ocncrenx, Defendant ) To Mary Cicnereux, Non Itehldont Defendant: You are hereby notified that on the l,"th day I of Kebnmry. HOT. Henry (leucreux Hied a peti tion nKiilnstyou In the District Court of Vet Mer County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtnln a divorce from you on the groumlH of physical Incompetency and extreme and ret cated cruelty. Yon are required to answer said petition ou or bfore Monday. the'-Tith day of March, WOT. Dated this l.'lth day of February, jiiit. IlKNUY CKNKItBV.Y, I'lalntlir. My E. U. Overman, Ills Attorney. muhs ItllEUMATISM CUKKD IN A DAY. Mystic Cure for Ilhe'umatlnu and Neuralgia radically enn-a In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system Is remarkabla and mysterlou'k. It removes at oneo thn cause and the dUeaso Im mediately disappears. The llrst iIohh itreatly tienlils,75 cents andll. Sold by II, K, Older, drugBlst, Ited Cloud, I P v vrwK- --