The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1907, Image 6

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The fiiasquerader
(Continued from 1'ngo I'lirco.)
any oilier source lie had a linzy Idea
tiiat a woman's behavior could never
be paused by accented theories then
ho bad safeguarded C'hlleoto's inter -
1 1 . r ,,,,,, , ,
Her face with Its rich, clear color-
ins, seemed to bis gaze to stand out
ftwn the crowd of other fawn as from
n frame, and a sense of pr do touched
dm. in every eye but his own hurl
beauty belonged o him.
Ills face l.iokfil alive and mas erful '
UU Ullll 'iliilllill lllu ulitli Mill I lim. I
., .,,,.,;, ,
nopollzo you 'he said with the quick-
ness of speech borrowed from Chll
cole. "We--wo see so little of ouch
Almost no If compelled, her lashes
lifted, and her eyes met his. Her
plance was puzzled, uncertain, slightly
confused. There whs a deeper color
than usual in her cheeks. Loder felt
something within his own conscious
ness stir In response.
"You know you are yielding," he
Again she blushed.
Ho saw the blush and knew that It
was he-Ids words, bis personality
that bad called It forth. In Chilcote's
actual scmhhmcc he had proved his
superiority over Chilcote. Tor the first
tune he had been plven a tacit, per
sonal ucknowlcdpmcnt of his power.
Involuntarily h drew nearer to her.
"Let's pet out of this crush."
She made no answer except to bend
her head, and it came to him that, for
all her pride, she liked and uncon
sciously yielded to-dominatlon. With
a satlslied gesiui'" he turned to make
a pnssnge toward the door.
Hut the passage was more easily de
sired than made. In the few moments
since he had entered the supper room
the press of people hud considerably
thickened until a block had formed
about the doorway. 1 (rawing Kvo with
hint he moved forward for a dozen
paces, then paused, unable to make
further headway.
As they stood there lie looked back
at her. "What a study in democracy a
crowd always Is!" he said.
.She responded with a briplit. appre
ciative plance. as If surprised into
naturalness. He wondered sharply
what she would be like If her enthu
siasms were really aroused. Then a
stir in the corridor outside caused a
movement Inside the room, and with a
certain display of persistence lie was
enabled to make a pa.ssape to the door.
There apalu they were compelled to
halt. Hut thouph tlphtly wedped Into
his new position and puardiup Kve with
one arm. Loder was free to survey
the brilliantly thronped corridor over
the head of a man a few Inches shorter
than himself, who stood directly in
front of him.
"What are we waitlup for?" ho asked
pood humorcdly. addressinp the back
of the stranper's head.
The man turned, displayinp n penlal
face, a red mustache and an cyeplass.
"llullo, Chilcoter' he s:dd. "Hope
It's not on your feet I'm standlnp."
Loder lauphed. "No." he said. "And
don't chaupe the position. If vou were
an Inch hipher I should be blind as '
well :is crippled."
The other lauphed. It was a pleasant
surprise to find Chilcote amiable under
discomfort. He looked round apalu In
sliirht curiosity.
Loder felt the scrutiny. To create a
diversion he looked out aloup the cor
ridor. "1 believe we are waitlnp for
Mimolhliur." he exclaimed. "What's
.tills?" Then quite abruptly he ceased
to speak.
"Any thins interest lug':" live touched
his arm.
He said nolhlnp. Tie made no effort
to look round. His thoupht as well as
Ids speech was suddenly suspended.
The man In front of him let his eye
plass fall from his eye. then screwed
It in apain.
"Jove." ho exclaimed, "here comes
o:ir sorceress: ifs like the propress.of
a fairy princess. I believe this Is the
tneanlnp of our pettinp penned In
hero." He chuckled dellphtedly.
Loder said nothing. He' stared
straight on over the other's head.
Aloup the corridor, agreeably con
scious of the hum of admiration she
aroused, came Lillian Astrupp. sur
rounded by a little court. Her delicate
face was lit up; her eyes shone under
the faint pleam of her hair; Iter gown
of gold embroidery swept round her
gracefully. She was radiant and tri
umphant, but she was also excited. The
excitement, was evident In her laugh, in
her gestures, In her a, as they turn
ed quickly In one direction and then
Loder. gazing in stupefaction over
the other man's head, saw It-felt and
understood It with a mind that leaped
hack over a space of years. As In a
Milftlug panorama he saw a night of
llsturbanco ,and confusion In a faroff
Italian vaJley a confusion from which
no face shone out with something of
tho pale, alluring radiance that nitered
jver the hl'fiilde from tins crescent
moon. It pussed across Ills conscious
uess sbwly, hut with a slow complete
ness, and In Its light the Incidents of
the pant hour ntood out In a new an
poet. The echo of recollection Htlrred
by Lady nrainfeH's voice, the re-echo
of It In the ulster's Ijncsj his own
blindness, Ids own egregious assurance
all struck across his mind.
! ,.' '"', " " 7rV,J ,.,,,.
ho gauged to the full tho hold that the
mnv lltmosphere. the new existence,
had gained over his mind. With an im-
looIt.(l for nwh of foe , ,, r(JlIlMd
how (Ulu.,y ,, wonhl rt .,, ,(
A iilI1Imi CI1I1U (.0SLr (M0 lnoimIllB
of Mjr wmim. (!cainu tlIem.or (() ,(
sho nIkll, hi(.MmUyi a,IK,,11B II0W
... " " "
Meanwhile the party about Lillian
I " tlii'ii, nut her eyes were never
(inle, Tll,,,0 H,.,llim(M, .,,,. ,,.,,, llf lllo
corridor, then glanced over the heads
crowded in the doorway.
"I'll have something quite sweet,
Geoffrey," she was saying to the man
beside her as she came within hearing.
"Vou know what I like a sort of snow
flake wrapped up hi sugar." As she
said the words her glance wandered.
Loder saw It rest unluterestedly on a
boy u yard or two In front of hlin, then
move to the man over whoso head ho
gazed, then lift Itself Inevitably to bis
The glance was quick and direct. He
saw the look of recognition spring
across It; he saw her move forward
suddenly as the crowd In the corridor
parted to lot her pass. Then ho saw
what seeuieil to him a miracle.
Her whole expression altered, her lips
parted, and she colored with annoy
ance. She looked like a spoiled child
who, seeing a bonbon box, opens it
to lind it empty.
As the press aliaut the doorway
melted to give her passage the red
haired man in front of Loder was the
first to take advantage of the space,
".love, Lillian," lie said, moving for
ward, "you look as If you expected
Chilcote to be somebody else, and are
disappointed to find he's only himself!"
Ho laughed delightedly at his own
Tho words were exactly the tonic
Lillian needed. She smiled her usual
undisturbed smile as she turned her
eyes upon him.
"My dour Leonard, you're using your
eyeglass. When that happens you're
never responsible for what you see."
Her words came more slowly and with
a touch of languid amusement. Her
composure was suddenly restored.
Then for the first time Loder chang
ed his position. Moved by an Impulse f
he made no oflon to dissect, he slopped
back to Kvcs side and slipped his arm
through hers successfully concealing
his left lit mi.
The i....;th of her skin through her
long glove thrilled him unexpectedly.
Ills impulse had been one of self de
fense, but the result was of a differ
ent character. At the quick contact
the wish to light for to bold and do-
i fendthe position that had grown so
dear woke in renewed force. With a
new determination lie turned apain to
ward Lillian.
"I caught the same Impression
without an eyeglass." he said. "Why
I did you look like that?" Ho asked the
I question steadily and with apparent
i carelessness, thouph throuph it all bis
reason stood aghast his common
sense cried aloud that It was Impossi
ble for the eyes that had seen his face
in admiral ion. In love, in contempt, to
fail now In recognition. The air seem
ed breathless while ho snoko and
' wailed. His impression of Lillian
I was a mere shimmering of gold dress
! and gold hair; all that he was really
I conscious of was the pressure of his
hand on Eve's arm and the warmth
"Do you ace what I menu, Jlvc','"
of her skin through the soft glove.
Then abruptly the mist lifted. Ilo
saw Lillian's eyes-lntllfferent, amus
ed, slightly contemptuous, and a sec
ond Inter he heard her voice.
"My dear. Jack,." shesald tjweetlr,
CZ7" "
1 m Jim! tfit
IJfxfrLM I
"how absurd of you I It was sltnnlv
, tho contrast of your eyes peering over
Leonard's hair. It was like n gor
geous sunset with n black cloud over
head." She laughed. "Do you see
what I moan, Kvo?" Sho affected to
i see Evs for the first time.
Kve had been looking calmly ahead.
She turned now and smiled serenely.
Loder felt no vibration of the arm lie
held,, yet by nn Instant Intuition ho
knew that the two women were an
tagonistic. ITo o.vpeilcnced It with tho
divination thi.t roilows upon a moment
of acute suspense. He understood It,
as ho had understood Lillian's look of
recognition when his forehead, eyes
and had shown him to bo him
self; her blank surprise when his close
shaven lip and chin had proclaimed
him Chilcote.
He felt like a man who has looked
into an abyss and stepped back from
the edge, outwardly calm, but mental
ly shaken. Tho commonplaces of life
seemed for the moment to hold deeper
meanings. He did not hear Kve's an-1
swer; ho paid no heed to Lillian's next
remark. Ho saw her smile and turn I
to the red haired man; finally ho saw
her move on Into the supper room, fol
lowed by her little court. Then he
pressed the arm he was still holding.
lie felt an urgent need of companion
ship, of a human expression to the
crisis he had passed.
"Shall wo get out of this?" he asked
Kvo looked up. "Out of tho room?"
she said.
He looked down at her, compelling j
her gaze. "Out of the room and tho
house," he answered. "Lot us go
liomo." to be continued.
Eyo Strain Is Rosponciblo For a Num
ber of Ailments.
When the specialist to whom they
had taken their si.tcen-year-olil daugh
ter on account of what seemed t.i be a
ease of Incipient melancholia diagnosed
the case as one of eye strain and or
dered prompt treatment from an ocu
list, the parents of a young New York
girl weie astonished. Eye strain seem
ed as remote from melancholia as
would corns on the feet. Their aston
ishment was proportionately Increased
when after a few treatments and ac
quiring glasses the child showed no
ticeable Improvement.
Latter day medical science traces to
eye strain many Ills which seem so re
mote from the eyes that formerly phy
sicians never thought of establishing a
connection between them. Sick head
ache, nervousness, melancholia, insom
nia, are but a few which have of late
been laid to the door of weak eyes, the
proper treatment having been neg
lected. Nervous diseases of the nature of St.
Vitus' dance aro now thought to origi
nate frequently In eye trouble. The
weak eyes blink incessantly, ami this
leads to a general contortion of the
facial muscles, which grows on the
subject through constant repetition.
The Names of Tea.
We talk glibly about Tekoe, llohen,
etc.. but few people have any Idea of
what these names signify. ' "Pekoe"
in the dialect of Canton means "white
hair." for the tea which bears tills
name is made from the youngest
leaves, m young that the white down
Is still on them. "Soochong" In tho
same dialect is a quite iinpoetlo name.
It merely signifies "small kind."
"Flourishing spring" is the meaning
of "Hyson." "Kongo" signifies "la
bor." Much trouble and loll are ex
pended In Its preparation at Amoy, and
these are commemorated In Its name.
"Ilohea" Is called after a range of hills.
Portland (Ore.) .Journal.
To Clean Bronzes.
It is not a good plan to clean bronzes,
as the polish Is very easily spoiled, but
If necessary nothing lc better than
cleaning them Avltli water and ammo
nia, using a still brush like a nailbrush.
Dry carefully after rinsing thoroughly.
They should be carefully dusted every
day with a soft cloth and a feather
brush, and a little sweet oil may bo
rubbed on occasionally. To rciuoro
stains from bronze make the article
very hot by dipping it In boiling water.
Then rub it with a piece of flannel dip
ped In suds made from yellow soap,
rubbing clean witli soft linen cloths.
-TAlX'OI05fc 2-SS2-
1 1
i H
Tak iaxauve uromo yuinine Tablets.
SiVM Hhdkw soM In paU 13 Mioaths. TlttS SgDatlire.
.ww tmntBam
VlB iLW. B siiikW. .H H 1 m H F
Tho Kind You Have Always
m hso ior over u years,
......wit im imiu iuuvwivu yni III llll.l.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-us-good " aro hut
Experiments that trijle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against; Experiment.
Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is .Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
.substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Binrrluua nnd "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You tee Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
of a woman's life Is the name often
given to "change of life." Your
menses come at loiitf Intervals, and
L.'ow scantier until they stop. Tho
change lasts throe or four years, and
causes much pain mid suffering,
which can, however, be cured, by
Woman's Refuge In Sl3trcss
It quickly relieves the pain, nerv
ousness, Irritability, iiiiseraMeness,
faintinj;, diziiuess, hot and cold
flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc.
Cardui will bring you safely through
this "dodging period," and build
up your strength for the rest of your
life. Try It.
You can get it at xll druggists In
fit. 00 bottles.
I suffcuvl. nrursViiglnU I ast
, on, MJ . "t-nul I limit Ciidul, w lilt li cured
nii'sonuiclov It surprised my doctor, who
didn't know 1 was tatting It."
Morton L. Hill, of Lobnnnn. Ind.. says; "Mj
wife liiid Inllnmmatorv Hheunintlsm In everj
miikclo and Joint: lier Mitrerltur wh terrible
ud her body mid fnce were swollen nlmo'U bu
yond recognition: had bejn in bed six week!
and Imd eight jihyMclruiB, but received no
benefit until hho tried the Mystic Cure foi
IthouuiatlHra. It cave Immediate roller and
sho was able to walk about In threo daH. i are
sure It saved her life." Sold by II, 'E. Grlco
Druggist. Ited Cloud.
' A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. .
Honing, blind, bleeding, protruding
piles. Druggists are authorized to
refund money if Puzo Ointment fails
1 to euro in 0 to If davs. .10 couth.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Bought, and which hns been
has homo tho signature of
- ami has been made under his pcr
"BZyLjl, sonal supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
" ViJJBL JlFin,
IV.CClfrLnW ?TV1
i iblKtf Jj?j?
Elvs Ckeabw Balm
. This Romocly is a Specific,
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, ami protects tho
diL'iis.(l ineinbruuo. It cures Catarrh and
iinvesjiwnv a Cold in tho Head qniekly
Ilostores the Senses of Taste mid Smt-il
ICasV to UHL. Oontililw Tin tniiiriniiu li-ii?
lAnillicd into (Tin nrwfrita imil uliu.rlxi,!'
, Large Size, fit) cents at Druggists or by
man, xriiii fw.u, iu corns uy man.
tLI UHUTHFRS. 5K W.irrnn Rf Nnut Ynrlc '
w wap V "
Coldi, Croup.
Cough, Etc.
No Opiates,
Conforms to
National I'uro
Food ami
Drue Law.
Alcvh 8VuPcontain,ne opiates conitl
pate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Couch Byrop
moves the- bowels and contains no opiates;
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 4ti,
A Dny Medlolns for Bnsy People. "
Brings Qoldon Hoalth and Renewed Vigor.
ati ipMnJJS kor c"nst'nntlon, IndlgeiUon, Lire t
Hi,i .7 nro,!leS; hmP'e. Kczemn, Impure K
amf ;.rj;nrl.renT,.,I' '"ft Do,Vl,lB' headache.
m ,,,, "T1"- " Ro.cky Mountain Tea In tno
irn.ViEJL'..3?, n, ,l b0T- Aquino made by
UOLUSTEn Dnim Company, Madison, Win.
The medicinal virtues of the crude gums and resins)
obtained from the NativoPino have been recognized
bVthe medical nrnfpqolnn fnr ranlnrU. n;.. .....
VirtuesoftheNnlivnPlnAl,o...oi..j "..
Backache, Kidney, Blood.Bladder and Rheumatic Troublel"
Cures Grip
In TWo Days.
f wj&
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vto box. 25i
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-('V. gJt