mmmmm VONHHOT IMS" umtw Coughs of Children Fsneciallv nioht couchs. Na ture needs a little help to quiet the Irritation, control the In flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is aive the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. A Wo publish our formulas Wo btnlnh alcohol from our medlolnes Wu urge you to commit your doctor yers Joseph S. Jlnsklus to .lolm Kind ' scher. lots 11 to 10, Mk. IS, (luido Rock, wd 1S IOituintiul Peters to Henry Cook, lots 'J I, ii'J, Hilt, fi, Ked Cloud, ;wil Wllliiiin A. Kent to Orin M. I Hedge, se M-IMl, wd Albert Iititlirop lo John W. , Hughes, pt sc so 1-1-0, wd.... 300 7000 MAURIAGES. L:i,U81 Mortgages filed, 7800. Mortgages released, SI1080. If you think constipation Is of trifling consequence, just nsk your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in short order. "Correct it, at once!" lie will say. Then ask him about Aycr's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. aido by tho J. C. Ayor Co., Lowoll, Man. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of Nows Found In Tho Chief of Twenty Vorvrs Arfo This Week - V- v .loe Ilcrburgcr is laid up with rheu matism. Isaac May of Pino Hill died February S. aged lit. The lied Cloud band and the S. of V. band have eonsolidiited. (i. II. Chaney and Frank It. (lump have formed a law partnership. Henry Cook's little girl fell from a chair the other day and broke her arm. .Henry Ncwhousc has been bedfast for the. past three weeks with rheuma tism. . Win. K. Sharp of Lincoln and Miss Lulu C. Wells, niece of .1. . Liudley, were married on the 10th. U. I). Jones of lied Cloud was elected chairman of the executive, board of the State Millers' Association. John Aultz has added to the appear ance of his residence, property by put ting down a brick and gravel walk. Child Born on Train. Thursday morning shortly after Hurllngton train No. in left Chester, a woman on the train gave birth to a baby. As there was no physician on the train, Conductor Lorenzo Phinney, assisted by "another old woman" (as Jack Edwards expressed it), eared for the sick woman and her child. She was enroute to Oberlin, Kan. In the excitement over the atValr Station Agents Kdwnrds neglected to learn the lady's name and the sex of the baby. Thursday being St. Valentine's day, it was suggested that the baby be named "Valentine Lorenzo." in honor of the day and the substitute for a doctor. Band Makes Good Sliowliii- Did you hear the band List Mon day evening? Considering that it was their appearance in public, the boys did remarkably well. Prof. Snapp has demonstrated his ability as u band teacher and director to the satisfaction of the entire community by taking an aggregation of young nieii and boys, 7." per cent of whom hardly knew one note from another, and in a few short weeks developing them into creditable musicians. It will not be a great while until lied Cloud will have one of the best bands in the state. New Store FIXtuTeS Paul Storey has added to the equip ment of his clothing store a half dozen handsome bronzed iron suit racks that will greatly facilitate the showing of suits. Kiich of these racks will hold from 70 to 80 suits, each Wrlftht-Holmcs. Married, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, near liiavale, on Sunday, February 10, Mr. William J. Holmes and Miss Sarah H. Wright, Ilev. II. H. K. Hill of Inavale ofllcint Ing. Only the near relatives and a few friends were present. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room and partook of a sumptu ous dinner. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. Wilson and came here with them from Winchester, Vn., when only a small boy, and has made his home with them ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were the recipients of many nice presents. o'riir.ii wi:idin(ih; January 11 James S. Fry, Ksbon, Kan., and Myrtle M. Harrington, Ayr, Neb. William It. Topham of lied Cloud and Hazel I), lloldrcdge of Inavale. Henry XV. Husking and Miss Lizzie Schmidt, both of llosemout. Boy Killed at Rivcrton- A 15-year-old boy named Moore, living near Uiverton, last Sunday aft ernoon jumped from a wagon with a loaded shotgun in his hands. In alighting the gun was discharged, the charge entering the boy's shoulder. It was considered necessary to ampu tate his arm as the only possible means of saving his life, but even this failed, the boy dying within a few minutes after the operation was per formed. The lad was a nephew of II. M. Hancock the Uiverton liveryman. w,,tfg1S'-gi.gfS'J Send Your Cattle and Horse tildes to the Crosby Frisian Fur Company, Rochester. N. Y., and have them eon verted into coats, robes, gloves and J mittens: better and cheaper goods than you can buy. Aevor mum tne dis tance, "Crosby pays the freight." See our new illustrated catalog, page 18. If interested send for it. t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Hi i it OVERCOATS They All Go At 20 Pet Cent OFF to to to to to to to to (0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m m to to to to to Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday, Feb ruary !!'., furnished by the Fort Ab stract Co.. L. II. Fort, Manager. Charles II. Miner to Julia M. Miner, lots 11. IS, Hlk. Si'i lied Cloud, wd 15000 Adam II. Spracher to Henry C. Colburn, lots I, S. :i, Hlk. 17, Cowles. wd 1000 Johnson H. Wisecarver to Henja- min F. Heed. ptnw.VI-II. wd S00 Svend Lindquist to Kmma Han sen, se .'IO-:t-ll, wd "Pineulc.s" (non-alcoholie)inade from resin from our pine forests, used for hundreds of years for Hladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, SI. (Suaranteed to give satisfae- suit being hung on a separate clothes j tion or money refunded. Get our holder, and will do away with the old guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's system of tearing down from one to a drug store. dozen idles of elothinir in order to STOREY, Clothier $ ; ' ?: SP 5?". S JP : 5T- ?- 2y 5P 5T- 5? Sf. C- 5T. . ST- show a customer the various styles of suits. The racks are on casters and can be readily shifted from one place to another. . A Cousin of Abraham Lincoln. It's a good old world after all: If you have no friends or money. In the river you can fall: Marriages are quite common and. More people there would be, Provided vou take lloclty Mountain Tea. C L. Cotting. NoLonger an Impossibility Tho idea that has become gonoral that first elass building material could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, whon you take a look at tho complete line of clear Soft Pine Finish and Siding carried iu stock by Tuesday, February IS, was the mini- Hee's Laxative Cough Syrup eonta versary of the birth of Abraham Lin-. taining Honey and Tar is espceia Mowing day, Wednesday. appropriate for children, no opiate anniversary of the birth ' poisons of any character, conform: lale of this city, who is a : the provisions of the National 1 of the martyred presi- Food and Drug Law, June 30. 1 Iale's father and Abraham I For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. iiin- Uy cnlii. The following dav. Wednesday, anuronriate for children, no opiates or was the 75th anniversary of the birth ' poisons of any character, conforms to of lirandma Hale of this city, who is a : the provisions of the National Pun second cousin of the martyred presi- Food and Drug Law, June 30. H)0B. lent. Mrs. Hale's father and Abraham I For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It Lincoln were first cousins, and in his expels Coughs and Colds by gently youth the man who afterward became moving tl e bjwels. Guaranteed. Sold president lived with his cousin. by Henry Cook's drug store. Saunders Brothers of Hod Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber and building material is tho fact that their nrices are roasonable, and they guarantee a SQUARE DE AL. They also havo a nico line of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. See their Shin gles. You can not help but admire them. Tho members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of excellent help, are always glad and take pleasuro in showing to the public this nico stock. ANCIENT FINANCE. ii KUIncleSamsSelection 1 "This is good enough for me" r I F0R Bir I USE A D?Pffl6E'Sl L NJ J CREAM AW Y ,K, 1 BAKING PDWBEH 4 I MADE FROM (1RAPES M h, Trading In tho Days Before Money Was In Circulation. , Assyria, with her Immense hosts and her spacious and magnlllceiit cities, had no money; Egypt opulent, popu lous and abundant Kgypt hud no mon ey; ancient Persia, before the ago of the llrst Darius, had no money: the early Hebrews, and even during the most prosperous period of the ago of Solomon and down to the time of Ju das Maccabaetis, were without money; Ktrurla from to last was without money; Ijome was without money to the time of Servlus Tulllus, and the Greeks of the heroic ages were equally destitute of money. Among all those nations gold and silver, when used In barter, were weighed out by the scales, as when Abraham purchased the cave of Macpolah "he weighed to Fphrou tho silver which he had named In tne audience of the sons of I loth." Anciently there was no money In Arabia, or the riches of the patriarch Job would not have been estimated by his camels, oxen and she asses. India, Persia, Assyria, Judaea, Kgypt, Greece. Ktrurla, Home, the nations of Asia Minor. Including Tyre and Its de pendencies, all arrived at civilization and comfort without the current use of cash and carried on their extensive mercantile and manufacturing transac tions merely by bartering commodities In kind, bullion being reckoned among those commodities. These nations were populous almost beyond credibility and transnorted their produce, manufac tures and other merchandise In ships of Tyre and Tarshlsh from Ophlr nnd the utmost Indian Isle (Ceylon) to Gaul and the "tin Islands" of Seilly or Vigo. New York Press. Young Man, Go West" For SS.'t I will locate you on as goop a quarter of hind as yon have ever laid your eyes upon.' The soil is a deep, dark loam, with clay sub soil. Huy a quarter adjoining it. S.'iOO is enough to swing the deal. SI 100 for a good quarter of land in Kansas "if sold before the llrst of March." . A fine Webstei sale. county farm for 3S0 acres, :.' room house (I'.'xl I and IS.WO). S good wells and windmills, S supply tanks hxlO). s drinking tanks, stable, shed, granary, cor rals, fenced and cross-fenced, 7.r head of cattle. Price .'1,000. Don't miss that. N. P. KLOWGAR1), RED CLOUD, NEH. Itlack- Ollicc of Co. ledge, Atty. L. 11. Phone is. Mercer's Barber Shop Good For Evil. There are some people who turn gray, but do not grow hoary; whose faces nre furrowed, but not wrinkled; whoso hearts are sorely wounded In many places, hut are not dead. There In a youth tlmt bids defiance to old nge, and there Is a kludnem which laughs at the world's usage. These are they who have rcturnedrttood for evil. Whom the gods love die young, and they die young because they never grow old. Selected. Basement of Potter Block. -. x Massaging a Specialty PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clfjnwa and boautlflct Hie hilr. l'romolfi a luxuriant growth. Mover Fails to llostore Orny nnlr to ltn Youthful Color. Cum iralp dlwairi fc hair lalluig. SOo.ainleUiQat lmc?liU It Keens the Feet Warm and Dry. Ask today for Allen's Foot-Kase, a, powder. It cures chilblains, swollen, sweating, sore, acuiug, damp reet. At. 1 all druggists and bhoe stores. 25e. M A twr'tyw. ih !' ! "ftti-OfcVSir-1?: ""Wr-1 f !!- fMW yV;M,1wtn -OT--?atfetftr yifc-yj ir-; :? m4mvmhftfM