PMHHaWBMBHV w 'wm mi mww mMmuwifimmmkn. mMi&zzl&2m!ESi smb -r m,,n..w,n.,T- ''"'Iflf rfT N? (i(ti(!X!w(i((!XXrl(tlSamf(aimmmk THE RED GLOID CHIEF Eight Pages I All Home Print KmWW!3PWFM2i3.'XSf3mK VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JFKMtUAKY 15, 1907. NUMBEK 7 mopiiiMMi , . ,.. -, ii miiiw' -ttTwnw w"t , PWWI9niKlMr '' i Subscription 1 I $1 a Year 1 I in. Ad vance I yW- I 4 i i j i mv PAYING FOR EXPERIENCE. Painful Story of Mr. Payne's Deal In Hides. J'Vom the Campbell Citizen. V. K. 1'iiyne, living southeast of town dwn Inavale wiy, was formerly the proud owner of a eow. Shu wax a good cow, but one day she died, and, while Air. Payne was pained at the loss, like a prudent man he concluded to realize what he could from poor fcossy before she became n memory only. Mr. Payne did not know as much at the time of the occurrence as he has since learned, else this story would .never have been written'. Hut Mr. Payne was innocent and trusting. He was also a tidy bit loser. What more natural than that he should desire to get every cent fcr the critter's hide there was in it? The American Hide and Wool Co. of Lincoln are buyers, so they say, of hides, wools, pelts, furs and tallow. Jt is a strictly philanthropic institu tion, if their word is to be believed, which exults in doing business for the delightful beneficial hygienic effects of the exercise, combined with that gentle warmth at the heart that al- Business College Notes HOG DENTISTRY. The literary was not held last Fri day night. Verne Henderson went home sick last Friday and has not returned to school. Prof. Dietrich gives an entertain ment in Cowles tonight, and one at Kosemont next Friday night. Prof. Dietrich gave an entertain ment at Amboy last night in the in terest of the Ladies' Aid Society there. A box supper was also held. The spelling class had an interesting session Tuesday by turning the class period over to a discussion of Abra ham Lincoln and the work he did in life. We are glad to see Herbert Plumb, one of our former stmients, in ueo Cloud again. We have always had faith in Herbert, and here goes for some more while he stays at Turuure Hros.' Glenn Arnold, who left his home hear Hlue Hill about New Year's day and stayed in Red Cloud about a week ways results from "doing unto others, i and then departed for parts unknown, Rev. J. M. Bates Sends Curious Find to the University Museum. Fiom the Lincoln Star What Is probably the most remark able case of natural dentistry in ex istence is now on exhibition in the universitv museum. It is the tooth of ffiyfi&&&mir(iau&ftiK&tlffi!i(&&&iiffl&')Z Deaths and Funerals. FOUR ARRESTS. X&XyWWJtXfWStlWWXWXWJFWWFXU Mrs. Lucy Moranvlllc. Two Drunks and Two Disturbers of the Peace "Pinched" Yesterday. Hooze was responsible for four ar rests yesterday. Karly in the evening Mrs. Lucy Moranvlllc, wife of Jacob ' P. S. Fair, of Kansas, ami doe Hoi Moranvlllc of Guide Koek, died last i comb were arrested for being under Tu4vduy, aged 8.1 years. Funeral ser- the "inlluence." They wen- released an ordinary domestic hog Hlled with ' "ere held at the home of Dr. C. . last night, the former upon the pay lead: The specimen is evidently a I I Monil,v,1, ln ('"h,is ! oiih..s- ment of a 810 line and the latter n S4 uay aiicrnoou at zi.m, conuucicu y iiue. Hev. Thompson, pastor of the Advent Late last night Frank Kthcrtoii church of this city. , raised a disturbance in Polnieky's sa- etc." Mr. J'ayne was made acquainted with these facts by a circular letter quoting him a price on hides of 10c to l.'ic per pound. Mr. Pay -.crested. He trades at Campbell, however, and when Ueo. Firkins only offered him 7c a pound for his hide it almost made him cry. He sat down and figured on the bade of an envelope just how much George was beating him. The hide weighed fi.i lbs., whien at 7c would only bring ?:.8r. The Lincoln skin company was paying Hie for the top. but to be con servative Mr. Payne concluded to be on the safe side. Twelve times 55 is SH'i.fiO. "Too much profit for one hide $:.'.05 is." concludes Mr. Payne. The rest of the story is too sad to dwell upon. Mr. Payne shipped to the Lincoln house, and when the returns came in he suddenly saw a great light. The hide when shipped weighed 55 lbs. ISefore it got to Lincoln it had dwindled to 40 lbs., and from this was clipped another 10 lbs. for shrink age." This is the way the bill then re :ul: I'No. . part cured hide. Ill) lbs. at Oc lb.. SI. SO. Check enclosed. SI. HO." Such is the tale of Payne and his cow. He admits that the joke Is ,on him. He told it to George, came in and subscribed for the Citizen.. 'and now wishes his sad story given to the world so that the following lesson may be learned: Buy at home. Sell at home. Hy so doing you serve your own in terests, make lasting friends, build up your town and your county, increase the value of your property, get better service, and think a whole lot metre of yourself. It's a lesson that's worth S'i of any man's money. lias been heard from. He is near Weatherford, Okla., in Custer county, near the southwest part of the state, lie writes that he is working with a bridge gang. His parents have been noli lied. The Camp lecture last Monday night was well attended and the lecture was well rendered, considering the condi tion of the speaker, as he was not feeling very well. The sentiment of the audience was that it was good. Some said "A little long." others saitl ".lust right." The shoe Htted in places, ami of course yon know what then. On the whole he gave us many good things to think about as we try to lit ourselves for life's work. The next number on the college lec ture course is "The American Hoy," by Frank Gamel, and if you have not heard any other you can not afford to miss this number. It will be an illus trated lecture on the boy of America, showing his pranks, perils and possi bilities, with more than 100 pictures of real boy life. Then Mr. Gtimcl has a scries of moving pictures that will interest you. Every lover of boys, every hater of boys, must hear this number, February 'J7. Dr. Hoyajian made the school a visit and a talk Tuesday afternoon. It was real interesting and instructive. The doctor has a good way to advertise, and one that is working well. He is a good showman from start to finish. He talked to us on the schools of his own country (Armenia), comparing the five languages he could write and myl with the English language. He is a success in the line of an entertainer and an advertiser, lie is welcome to advertise again in our rooms. We en joyed it. I lie rapid calculation class Had an interesting time last Friday. Prof. Paul Dietrich chose five members from the class to cipher against the rest of the '.".' pupils in the class. It was a close contest and in many places it was hard to decide who was winner, although the sentiment of the class was for the five chosen ones Miss Hermanson. Miss Portinier. Mr. Wat son, Mr. Kent and Mr. Quirin. Among those who did some quick work on the other side were Everton Foe, Laura Harris. Rollie Hrooks and others. The band boys of Hud Cloud are to be congratulated on the work they did at their llrst appearance in public last Monday evening. Prof. Snapp remarked to Prof. Dietrick that it seemed as though the lecture course numbers all came on baud practice night. Prof. Dietrick suggested that the band practice in the opera house and on the street on Monday night, and you know how well it was carried out. Prof. Snapp is certainly a good pec back tooth of a full grown hog. for the projections in the crown are very much worn down, and the principal depression in the center of the crown and the radiating grooves between the projections are as neatly llllcd with lead as it would be possible for a dentist to 1111 a cavity in a tooth. Dr. E. II. Harbour, curator of the museum, declares it is one of the most interesting specimens of its kind he has ever seen, and he intends to pre pare a careful description of it for a scientific magazine. Several members of the faculties of the dental and medical colleges have examined the specimen and agree that an expert could not do a better job of dentistry. In explaining the phenomenon. Dr. Harbour recalls the fact that hogs often take something hard, as an iron bolt or a piece of crockery, and carry it around in their mouths and bite it, merely as a plaything. This hog evi dently found a bullet or a small piece of lead and, in using it for chewing gum. got some of it wedged in its tooth. The continual grind of chew ing pressed it. down closely into the depression in the center of the tooth (ijs,,,. and wore oil all the lead that project ed, making a neat lead filling. The tooth was sent to the museum by the Uev. .1. M. Hates of Red Cloud and was found near that place. Hev. Mr. Hates has secured several valuable specimens for the museum. Mrs. Lucy Moranvlllc was born at Derby Line, Vermont, where at the age of 18 she was married to Jacob Moranville. To this union thirteen children were born ten sons and three daughters. The deceased is sur- i vived by her husband, who is u:i years of age, and ten children, as follows: Dr. .1. W., George, Calvin, Gaulishu, Henry, Charles, Horace, Edward, Mrs. Harriet West .and Mrs. Minnie Mont gomery. Only four of the surviving children were able to be present at the funeral, owing to sickness and their widely separated residences. Michael Saltiman. Michael Sail '.man, an old citizen of this city, died at his home The relief of Coughs and Colds south part of town last Saturday, aged 71 years 1 mouth. Death resulted from cancer of the stomach. Funeral ser vices were held Monday. Deceased was born in Ohio. January 0. is:i. Ethel McKcUlinn. Ethel May McKcighau died yester day evening at iiiIIO. from a nervous se with which she had been uf- llicted for more than a year. Funeral services will be held at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MeCune, tomorrow afternoon at :.:()(). Ethel McKeighan was born in this city May 1 1, 18U1, and was the daugh ter of Ohurles F. McKcighau and his first wife, who is now Mrs. Clarence Jones of Inavale. The deceased was loon and when N'ight Watch Kiusel attempted to arrest him he resisted, throwing the ollicer to the floor and choking him. Kinsel called upon by standers for assistance, and when they attempted to assist the otllccr, Hoy Elherton interfered in behalf of his brother. Sheriff Hedge's timely ap pearance saved the day for the side of the law and both the Ethertons were finally landed in jail. They will have a hearing tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. m The Split Left Draft. The split-log drag has won favor in Lincoln. Street Commissioner llcmdcy is havinir seven new drairs constructed. in me i and every one is made of split logs. through laxative influence originated ! generally known by the name of Ethel with Hee's Laxative Cough Syrup, con-! MeCune, she having lived with her tabling Honey and Tar, a cough syrup I grandparents since she was a little containing noopiates or poisons, which , oliilcl. The bereaved relatives have is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at , Uu' vmpathy of the community, once, obtain a guarantee coupon, audi " " " if not fully satisfied with results, your Whenever ,o i happen to think of a used after a rain the roads are smooth money will be refunded. Sold by news item, phone it to Hull 7U or Mil cd and hardened to a degree that i Henry Cook's drug store. ( tual 211. astonishing. I'lii! department used half a dozen drags last year, but only one of them was of the split-log variety. That one was used merely as an experiment, and it has been found to be far better than the ordinary plank device. This gives the city thirteen drags, a num ber which Mr. llensley considers sulll cient for the city's needs this year. The dirt roads in the suburbs will be dragged as soon as the frost, U-aves the ground. -Lincoln Star. Here is an indorsement near home for the split-log drag which should appeal to every fanner and road over seer in the county. Let the farmers and road overseers build drags now and have l1icui,for us.,whcji Jfrcy are,, needed, and then use liem when the proper time comes. Enough labor and money are fooled away on the roads every year to keep them in fine con dition if the proper methods were used. The split-log drag is acknowl edged to be absolutely the best as well as the cheapest instrument ever de vised for working roads, and when IN PROBATE COURT. Estate of James R. .Mercer, deceas ed. Petition of American Law Hook Co. to file claim out of time granted: hearing March U'5. 1 p. m. Estate of Charlotte Thomas, deceas ed. Hearing and decree on final ac count. Estate of Hubert S. Denny, deceased. Vetitioii to require accounting: cita tion to administrator. CIVII. MATTIIIIs. E. J. Duckcr vs. Dan Garber: re plevin. Service of writ pending. Meliue vs. Heiher. Settled and dis missed. A. T. Walker vs. Ralph McCall. For answer March term. i.. "- To Mothers In This Town . Children who are delicate, feverish and cross will get immediate relief from Mother Gray's Swcet Powders ' uader and we must say the material for children. cleanse the stom- u, i,s to work on is also good. Why'.' ucli, act on the liver, making a sickly Ti,tsy are Red Cloud boys. That's all. child strong and healthy. A certain - cure for worms. Sold by all druggists, For Rent A large house, well loca U.'ic. Sample free, AllenS. Olmstead, ted; city water, bath and electric ' J.eRoy, X. V. j lights. Inquire at F. Newhousc's. IF YOU TOUCH your tongue to JE ana look in the glass you will see the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use o so called cheap Baking Powders you -take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and .ruin your stomach. AVOiP ALVM Sap plaitsfy BAKING POWDER Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. ' m n ' " I -1 U I i : : l X n ) K'l $ 'tf . 1 1 V '1 r H i& P n in