The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1907, Image 5

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    'a. K,jwrrs
WWP ' 'T
V f.
1 1
For 15 Days,
1,9 Ifefi. Granulated
1 box big bunch
Somo other cheap pricos:
2 cans Rod Salmon .2T
boxos Egg-O-Soo 2T
1 pound Baking Sodn 05
1 cans Ghiintpiou Lyo 25
Arbuuklcs and XXXX Cotfoe .15
All the Phones
Miss Vioni Ward Is ill and Miss 1 0110
Albright has been taking her place in
the South Ward school.
Miss Kthcl Melvcighun Is much Im
proved and hopes are now entertained
of her complete recovery.
J. It. Wisecarver has moved to his
farm, and W. II. Cramer has taken
charge of the east elevator.
A. Morhart and son Stueej are in
Omaha this week attending a meeting
of the retail hardware dealers.
Miller T. W. King of Oilier, Neb.,
will preach at the Christian chutch
Sunday, morning and evening.
For Kent A large house, well loca
ted; city water, bath and electric
lights. Inquire at F. Newhouse's.
Miss Kiln Cook returned home Sat
urday night from on extended visit
with her brother in the City of Mex
ico. Drs. C. P. and H. H. Moranville were
up from Guide Hock Sunday to see
their sick brother, Dr. J. W. Moranville.
Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson and
daughter Mary returned this morning
from an extended visit in Pennsyl
G. V. McCracken, prescription clerk
at Cotting's, returned the first of the
week from a visit to his former home
in Iowa.
Dr. Phillips of Inavale was called
to Kcd Cloud Monday to attend Dr.
.1. W. Moranville, who is still a very
sick man.
Press, Remington, Intl.: lie is truly
one of the great orators of today.
Who? Why, Camp. At the Opera House
Monday night
Wanted - Salesmen to sell our guar
anteed oils and paints. Experience un
necessary. Kxtrcincly prolltnble oll'er
to right party. The (lien Keflning
Company. Cleveland, Ohio.
Tuesday morning was the coldest
February 5 on record in Nebraska,
according to the weather bureau at
Lincoln, when the thermometer regis
tered V-i degrees below zero.
Harry Martin. Frank West and Frank
Porter of Maryvillc, Mo., stopped otV
in Kcd Cloud Wednesday for a visit
with Marion Neal. They were on
their way to Fort Morgan, Colo.
For Sale Well improved :, acre
tract of land adjoining this city on the
northwest. Has city water, cistern,
telephone and electric lights. A. IS.
Sellars. -tf
The local Aerie of Fugles has made
arrangements to "pull off" a wrestling
match some time next month. The
Kaglcs are "dead game sports" and
excitement is necessary to their exist
ence, j
A young daughter of M. II. Farnham
of Walnut creek, who has been very .
Ill, is slowly recovering. Some time
ago she was severely scalded, fever
set in and for ti time her life was des-.
paired of.
It is useless to get scared over the
death of the De Kong child from dlph-1
thcria, Wednesday. No new cases have
developed and prompt measures have
been taken to prevent the spread of
the disease.
The severest storm or the winter
struck this section Friday night The
mercury dropped to zero the llrst of
the week and our citizens for the past
few days have been floundering around
Your Time Has Come
to Buy
il JL l M
per cent Discount on Men's, Boys' and
Children's Overcoats, A few Fur
Overcoats left at 20 perlcent oft
Gouiden-aley Glothing Go.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Itogenrief left i nearly an Inch of snow.
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
this morning for Iowa Falls, Iowa,
being called there by the death of Mr.
Itogenrief "s sister.
Editor Hale of the nation was down
town Thursday for the lirst time in
eight weeks. He shows the effects of
of his long illness.
Mrs. Hattie Clark arrived Tuesday
morning from Norcatur for an extend
ed visit with Kldge Leggett and other
relatives in this vicinity.
Has your school or church a nice
clock? Better hustle up ten new sub
scribers to Tin: Giukf and get one of
those eight-day regulators.
Two days' treatment free. Kings
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
A tissue builder, rcconstructor, builds
up waste force, makes strongnervcs
and muscle. You will realize after tak
ing Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea
what u wonderful benefit it will be to
you. :i." cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L.
Those who came down from Hhulcn
Saturday to attend the McCoy-Keed-Fastcrly
suit were: Wash Keed, C. A.
First Door North of the Post Office
toe ijycumuu i viiiiu u i .-.-. i - ,iu,,.ii.
.loseph 0. Camp, the next number of ,, .,,,.. ,,.
I.I..1 ... n... I'"""" "'"l "...- 1
John G. !tter is on the sick list.
Mr. Klmer Koon is among the nick.
School children W cents Monday
Dr. K. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Mrs. Win. Pnrke.s, Sr., is improving
the college course, which comes Mon
day, Feb. II, as the very best.
During the high wind Friday even
ing the plate glass window on the
north side of Peterson's hardware
store building was blown out.
A new whist club was recently or
ganized and named, "The Senior Vice
Whist Club." They met with Mrs. F.
It. Mandeville Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Fultz are the
parents of a boy, born Sunday. Mrs.
Marvin of Oxford, mother of Mrs.
Fultz, is here caring for her daughter.
Will Fisher, who has been farming
the Will Rife place in Garfield town
ship, expects soon to remove to Beat
rice, where he has a position with Mr.
Pine Salve Carbohzed acts nice a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
a lowly.
. . . ., , i i i i
Dr. Myers was down from Kivcnr.u used lor uezeinu, cnappeu mums "
Monday. I lps, cuts, burns. Sold hyjlcnry Cook's
'. itlltll Ll t k
w i!i,i.itvm-tii is ro.norteu to nc nil-."' "K "-
for sale. Impure at F.
1 im
Two cows
Mrs. Matthews was down from
? ale Tuesday.
Art Koby was over from Ilea trice
the first of the week.
Fred StefVen went to llloomingtou
"Wednesday evening.
Kvery man. woman and child ought
to hear Camp next Monday night.
Miss Vera Crabill entertained the
Junior Whist Club Tuesday evening.
Mrs. (ieorge Valentine and Mrs.
Anderson, who have been visiting their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson,
have returned to their home1 in Mis
soula, Mont.
Will Wiser was in Kcd Cloud Sun
day on his way to Heaver City. He is
now traveling for the North American
Cutlery Co., and his territory is in the
state of Texas.
Mrs. Lucy Moranville of Guide Hock,
mother of Dr. .1. W. Moranville. is
i .. . . i.i . i... :,. . ..iv....
very ill ana it is umnm- nnw - miuui
ing from paralysis. The old lady
ley, Cy .Jennings, John Haker and Hoyd
It's the highest standard of quality,
a natural tonic, cleaneses your system,
reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyes,
gives flavor to all you eat. Ilollister's
Kocky Mountain Tea will do this for
von. .IS cents. Tea or Tablets. C. Ij.
The case of Klmer McCoy vs. Wash
Heed and C. A. Kusterly for the recov
ery of SUS paid to Kusterly In settle
ment of a lawsuit, was tried before
Judge Kdson and a jury last Saturday.
The jury rendered a verdict in favor of
the defendants.
Fred Maurer. the pension attorney,
advises us that the new age pension
law has passed both houses of Congress
and will no doubt soon become a law.
This new law will entitle most of the
old soldiers to an increase of their
present pension.
Carl Hirkner. of Marion Neal's pool
hall, is wearing a badly blistered face.
He was '"loading" some smoking
tobacco with powder for the benefit
of those youths who continually pester
him for the "makin's" of a cigarette.
A snark dronncd in the powder with
the result stated.
Walter Kilruin will give an illustra-
I...1 I.. ..,..... tif tin. fntlinliii I'lmrcli Sun-
day evening on "The Passion Play." I equally wrong for their
" ..1 ti., .i.t.i.i tliitwe I .tit lie
history anil scenes surrounding w,v-"u",v- "
i....:.... in..,. . nil ...-,. .. liiKmm consistent.
I uniniii i ,) v W.UHIU....V.J,....
Whenever you happen to think of a 81 years of age
Hews item, phone ito Hell 7tf or Mu
tual U.'l.
Will hutta. Bert Vest and l-red
Kmick have returned from a trip to
Lincoln. H. Iloldrege and
laughters were down from Inavale
Miss Stella Duoker of this city is
Tiow assistant principal of the Super
ior schools.
F. T. Hopka of Hlue Hill stopped off
in Hcd Cloud Tuesday on his way home
from St. Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. John Oummlngs are
the parents of a baby boy, born Wed
nesday evening.
Ilr. and Mrs. H. G. Sawyer
.!. will leave soon for
V ft v . --
-visit in Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Hervy Coiiover of Mc
Cook are parents of twins a boy and
a girlborn last Sunday.
of Inn-
Omer and Charles Wolfe, Lyman
li.ssiu-. Minor Kent, Krncst Hoberts
and Jim Mclntyre were among those
who "chaperoned" cuttle to St. Joe.
the first of the week.
Manan Pile Kemedy put up In con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cooks drug
Tor Infants and Children.
i Die Kind You Have Always Bought
Dr. Hoyajaln, an Armenian, will
preach a missionary sermon at the
M. K. church next Sunday evening. He
is an interesting speaker and his thril
ling experiences with the Turks In
Armenia will be well worth hearing.
He will take no missionary offering.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Next Sunday being so close to Abra
ham Lincoln's birthday, Itev. A. j.
Cressnian has decided, to preach in the
evening, r-euruary n. on "naraeier
istics of Lincoln." j special and most
cordial invitation is extended to all
old soldiers to be present. The young
people will also be Intesested in this
eulogy of our martyred president.
Itev. N. A. Martin 1). D., the presid
ing elder of the Hustings district, will
preach at the M. K. church Friday
evening. February 15, and the second
quarterly conference will be held Im
mediately after the preaching service.
All members of the quarterly confer
ence are requested to be present if
possible. Dr. Martin will conduct the
quarterly meeting Sunday, Feb. 17, at
It o'clock,ond also preach in the even
ing. All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
Another virtuous spasm has come
over someone connected with the city
administration and as a consequence
the poker players and pool "sharks"
have received a jolt in the shape of a
peremptory order to desist. However,
gambling in its most vicious and most
enticing form still nourishes namely,
the slot machines.' Many persons who
"buck" the slot machines hold up
their hands in holy horror at the men
tion of the word "poker," yet one is
just as much gambling as the other,
with the best of the argument on the
' side of the poker game. And, if it is
wrong for persons under 18 years of
age to gamble on the "wheels," it is
elders to do
at least be
For Sale
The east half of section
23 and the NW quarter
of section 23, township 2,
range 14, in rranklin Co.,
Nebraska, about 4 miles
northeast of Franklin.
Price $20 per acre, one
fourth cash down, bal
ance on long time in an
nual payments with in
terest at 6 per cent.
Apply to
George G. Clark,
Council Bluffs, - - lewa
the copy from the record, in year
gone by the newspapers of tfcls county
received from one-third to one- half
legal rates for thcpe publications, uud
the county clerk furnished the copy.
The clerk gets 3100 a year for acting
as clerk to the beard. If you will look
carefully into the matter, you will see
that the printers are the only people
who are asked to do their work at
less than legal rates for the. county.
Lawyers, doctors, clerks, jurors, wit
nesses, laborers, election olllcers,
bridge contractors, etc., all get full
pay. So If the proceedings of the
board hereafter appear In a very ab
breviated form, our readers will know
the reason.
are very interesting and those who! Our reporters noticed a card in the
have never heard the lecture will be ' post office lobby with the following
well repaid by attending
been impersonating
of this city in Lin-
Someone has
D wight Wilson
coin. Ijast week all the papers in Kcd
Cloud either copied or made mention
of an item in the Lincoln Star stating
that Dwight was visiting the universi
ty, hut he declares that he had not
been outside of Kcd Cloud.
written thereon: "Please send me one
of your harness catalogues." We sup
pose that the card was addressed to
Shears, Snowbuck A. Co. The fellow
forgot to sign his name hence thu cata
logue failed to arrive. Why not go to
our home dealers and get a good har
ness. Commercial Advertiser. We
heartily indorse the foregoing. Ked
Cloud has three harness dealers, any-
ive yon a better
M.iltvttliutiimtliio' l.he ;old iiuil stormv
........lw... ,. ,r,wl mv.wl imiliftiH... iriltll- I OIIU of WllOlU will g
eredatthe Congregational church to ' "'"-gain than the mall order house.
listen to the program by the Young
Bears tho
Signaturo of
" WWi
People's Society, and they felt repaid
for going. The exercises were inter
esting and instructive. Miss Winnl
fred Perkins presided. Papers were
read by Miss Keuluh Taylor, Homer
Clemmons and K. .1. Overing. The
Of course, because you do not sec
their advertisements in the newspapers
you may be laboring under the im
pression that they are out of business,
but we assure you they can be found
at their old stands. Look them up.
The county commissioners have re-
nastor followed with a short address fused to pay the newspapers for pub-
on "The Object and Purpose of the ! ! lishing the proceeding of the hoard,
Kndeavor Movement." The music by ' although it has been the custom for
ti... ti..w.i..ii-..i, ..! .linitm- Fnili.iivniM vcars. T ie newspapers iisk mil uie
To Mothers In This Town.
Children who are delicate, feverish
and cross will get immediate relief
from Mother (J ray's "Sweet Powders
for children. They cleanse. the stom
ach, act on the liver, making n sickly
child stromr and healthy. A certain
cure for worms. Sold by all druggists,
25e. Sample free. Alleu.S. Olmstead,
LcKoy, N. Y.
"Pincules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for Bladder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, 81. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or money refunded. Get our
guarantee coupon from Henry Cook'n
drug store.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postoHlco at Rod Cloud, Neb.
for the wook ending Feb. 7, 1907:
Brown, MIssJMary David, .Lutlior
Gurnoy, John
These will be sent to tho (load lotto'
ofllco Fob. 21, 1907, if not called for
before When calling for above pleast
say "advertised."
T. C. Haokku, Postmaster.
choirs wus very fine and added interest
and enjoyment to the meeting.
nominal price of S10 a year, barely
enough to cover the cost of making
Now is the time to subscribe.
y i