The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1907, Image 2

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InUTfrt In Hip I'dHinlllif mi fi-il v I. eb
IIS VCtlllt (!mh Vliillfr
GKunaic Nr.wnot'SK
oavs pfaCe is IN NO DANGER
BAts PEAUt i in "u um.
Reposes Implicit Confidence in Presl-
dent Roosevelt and in tho American
People Generally Cordiality Toward
United States Unshaken.
Toklo, Feb. C Tho press is still
client anent tho war cry In some
American papers. Not tho slightest
excitement was apparent after this
tftlk was transmitted hero, and it was
cenerully Ignored It is bolieved that lv till. dlMmi'llll'
j..........v.. .,j ..- - - o
"Since .he talk of war was ilrst
lldenco is reposed in President Iloosc-
velt and IiIh government. Tho olml-
litJonB of the antl-Japaneso press ot
America are powerless to shake Ja
pan's cordiality toward tho United
Further Heavy Losses Reported In
Socialist Seats.
Berlin. Feb. C Tho robnllotfing In
in a Din
jl .. r,. 1... .,.- Tllflfm Illl 111 VUHLlKILLllJl. IM. L1IU Uimouo fnmim llfirrv HW Wn "HIIIUMIIILI
km he me afford City Stock Yards company, submitted f;oln ln8iU1,iy the night of the trag- " morning discussing Lee's proposed
vZ of tl e Smy o? In effort to Us repo.t to tho legislature. There- C(ly. Mr. Jeromo attempted to break constitutional amendment Increasing
So ILoZLZTih lrt is peculiar in that while it states (lmvn tho ovlUonco of Ul0 ttIIontel, Dr. , "Jorifv'Jr Se "connni Se enoS
Japan in President Roosevelt that tho charges on certain classes ot c. c. wlloy r nitsburg, and for three A fl"1'
. . .. i, ii vi. uini'it n m mifnr anil exorbltaut. i.u .... .. nrn9.nnmi. ' " ror lndollnito postponement, uui u
U1K1 in me American iicujiiu Kuiuiiinj, - - ------ .....-. i-. -.-r.-- , ii.illv nliwo.1 nn iNniml lo
The view taken here of the Amor- it recommends hut such e.uuges be uation as aovoro a3 was over hoard In . Jr exJ
iran-lapaneso situation, arising from maintained and legalized. The repot a NuW Vork courU Tll0 prosecutor -f1"10 N ' 0 '.0! the
tho San Francisco school Incident, is miys that discrimination exists Jo. wns rolentless In Mb attack and be- je s , n cws )0 r c ht,i o lit
1 .i IM...1 r.jttt A iinul rtrt ft tItt
;: , , t o lovilwrncnt ol . it appear, arc enarged Ooublo ,,,. wlUl011t boll,B prol,roa for t' 1'ZS"2 SSl
slightest excitement nnywnero in 'j uuu. ..v, , uu maiuu iiiiuhiu; aniw...a..v..
tho country. Tho talk or war Is com- car or hogs. The committee d scov-1 cvory OJJ0 by hls intimate knowledge SALES BILL FAVORED.
T,miniv i,M,nrn,i tmrn nn.i imnllelt con- oroil tliuL a complaliit of commission , of modicino and its technical phrase- uul" -to oiuu
tho reichstag elections, which' oe- Dos Moines and was married to Lieu
tiirred throughout tho empire, empha- tenant Robort Rlaine, a cousin of
eized the government victory of Jan. James G. Hlnine. They will leave In
1!G. There were further heavy losses a few days for tho Philippines.
In socialist scats, while the clericals 1 Miss Newman and Lieutenant
more than held their own. I nialno have been lovers Tor three
Tho socialists now return to the years. Her parents objected to the
reichstag shorn of nearly half their match, as they did not want her to bo-
strength. They have lost old strong-
holds like Dresden, Elberfold and
.Frnnkfort-on-tho-MuIn, and they suf
fered defeut In Stettin, D'Armstudt.
Pluen, Griminn, Annaborg and Mu
nich. On tho other hand they have
captured Strasburg, Wiesbaden, Of
fenbach nnd Muehloln-on-tho-Uhlnc.
A tabulation prepared by the Lokal
Anzelger, with three districts still to
bo heard from, gives tho socialists
forty-threo seats In tho now reichstag
against seventy-nine In tho old body.
Tho socialists have roturned only
eight members from Saxony, as
Against twenty-three members In 1903.
All political parties havo profited
from tho socialist losses.
Reading of River and Harbor ETill Be
gun Under Five-Minute Rule.
Washington, Feb. C.The senate
tpcnt. tho entire day in considering
the Indian appropriation bill, but with-
out concluding tho discussion ot
amendments. Tho army approprla-
tion bill was reported to iu sMuiih
nnd will bo taken up as soon ns tho
Indian bill has been disposed of. The
bill carries SSl.HOO.OOO.
Senator Hoyburn Introduced a roso-
Jiuion instructing inn secruu:y 01 uiu
interior 10 ihhuu puiums 011 mi imuw whom uiey niusi do phhmi-u uium
nnd mining applications where tho March 1, urter which ho applications
proof submitted shows full compllaneo f persons rejected will be considered.
with tho law and where no protest has
been filed. Tennessee Kills Horscraclng.
General debato on the river and Nashville. Tenu., Feb. fi. Tho ac
harbor appropriation bill, which has jjon 0f u,e lower house or the gen
been before tho house since last Wed- lM.aj assembly sounded the death knell
nesday, was terminated when the read- of horseraclng In Tennessee, that
Ing of tho bill was begun under tho i,(),iy passing the anti-race truck
lve-i..inute rule.
Michigan Congressman Elected to Fill
Out Unexpired Term.
Lansing, Mich., Fob. C Congress-
.... Iirllllnti. Al.lun Cllllfll 1VI1U (l('('t(ll
. .... ....... 1 .,. nn ,,i ti,A ,.ni.
VJ l.iu n.-Km.t...i; . .... ". - -"
Merchant Tailor. In Session.
Washington. Feb. . Principally
routine proceedings marked the ses-
lon or tho fourth annual convention
f Merchant Tallow' association here,
pircd term 01 aenmor . A. .bwi, ., - - ... $ ( mA r((. . was accidentally ex
4led suddenly at his homo at Washing- $-. J-.-0, X"?'"; ' know lltirner hm,
. . n ....... I. 1 I ..v.... ... 1.1I1IUL' I.OU. ...... r. VUlMUHVIIiovi . -w . ....-, .
ton ten days ago. Congressman binin -- - '.,. 27,l0f, 10c heard him cry out.
had already been e.ccieu a . .. --;; ., .00 I what have you
cessor at tho expiration or nis term, ' ' . .... '...a-o,. . Dr. Slmpwn duel
March 4' . biih...i l.ntcliHra. ii;.fl7ir.ffli7.i)(t n'ack- that has happened
The following committee on resolu
tions wero appointed: Ilorkcloy
Nerwln of New York, chairman;
ry A. Wilklc of Chicago, J. S. Jennings
of Detroit. Louis Nathan of Denver
and Howard T. Kohlor of St. ly)iils.
Orlggs Succeeds Drydcn.
Trenton. N. J., Feb. 0. The ItonuD
lican caucus nominated Frank O.
Hrlggs lor United States senator to
succeed John F. Drydcn, hy a vote of
22 to 18. The vote was subsequently
niado unanimous.
North Dakota Business Houses Burn,
nismarck, N. D., Feb. (i. One side
of an entiro block of the business pur-
tion of Coal Harbor was destroyed by
fire, which originated in tho village
hotel. Loss, 80,000.
r.nnndlan Banker Acaultted.
Toronto, Feb. 6. G. It. II. Cockburn,
formor president of tho wrecked On-
acnultted in nolico
court of making falso return v tho
Finds Stock Yards Charges Exorbl
tant, but Favoa Continuance.
TopeKu. Feb. 6. Tho committee-
ironi uiu juiiibuk hj8"u"?. ,........,
uetng jointly with a committee
Horn uo Missouri legislature, recently
M . . t t. ..... l,...l.itntliHi tirltlrtlt
uogs ana ciuves unu iiiui iiu i-ouii ....0
advanced t,y the company for the dls-
, .... -., M...U
rronancv 111 ClUirKOS. univus aim n
- v
men that inadc. -uito service is afford-
cd is naseu upun lacu uu iuui .
yards patrons loaoasmuclias SG.100 a
day by reason or this lack of facilities.
Iowa Girl Becomes Wife of Lieuten
ant Robert Blaine.
Dos Moines, Fob. C Successfully
eluding her objecting parents, Mlsa
i.osta. Newman of Uussey. la., came to
conio nn olllcer's wife
Lioutenant Blalno was given leave
by his colonel at Fort Robinson, Ne
braska, and came to Dos Moines on
Friday, met Miss Newman, nnd the
wedding followed.
Frank Frink Shoots Bessie Newton
and Self at Ponca, Neb.
Ponca, Neb., Feb. 6. Frank Frink, a
farmer, aged thirty, shot and killed
Miss Bessie Newton, daughter of a
prominent citizen, at her homo here,
and then sent a bullet Into his own
body. He has not regained conscious
ness nnd Is not expecled to recover.
Miss Newton was to have been mar
ried tonight to Edward O'Donnell of
this city. Frink was a rojected suitor.
Ho called on Miss Newton In tho ab
sence of other members of the family
nnd the tragedy soon followed.
- -
Dawc3 Commission Completes Roll,
South McAlester, I. T.. Feb. (!. -Tho
Dawes commission completed passing
o the enrollment of the five civilized
tribes of Indians, a work that was
commenced ten years ago. Tho
1 names of the several thousand claim-
nnts included in tho roll will be sent,
to Hie secretary 01 mo iim-iiui, j
cainbllnir bill. Tho measuro bad ai
reiulv nassed the senate. Tho gov
ernor will sign the bill, which takes
Immediate effect.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Feb. 5. Cattle Receipts,
6.000: steady; common to best steor.i.
.,,,,. cr.. nwu ; orghr. Mi-
Ing, $C.90-fi.97; assorted light, $G.90
........ , T ...-.-, .
6.95; bulk, $6.9007.00. Sheep Re
celpts, 15,000; steady to strong; sheep,
$4.7o(Sfi.0; yearlings, $5.75.B5; !
lambs, 6.007.65.
. i - . I ... niitin I n r u imiuiiu ( .. . rn I . a a ... . ... .
llllli:illl "'lWll ... ., .-...- .., -r Ji IIV llftll UMlilllV U t -x wUVw.
.. Lt 11111 1 f!Tll linTQ II II II Illl I'lMI !... 1... 1. n .1 II.tlMl.n.l 1 lirili-tlf nrTMUT. -. v-wl ,...... ... (-3-....c.
in nisi i at
Pittsburg Physician Declares Defend
ant Was Insane When He Fired the nt
Shot That Killed Stanford White.
Pica of Insanity Strikes Snag.
rCnw Vnrtr lli fi. Tlin tJlfik Of ,
proving to a jury that Harry Tliaw
was insane through heredity and nun-.
till stress when he shot and killed '
Stantord Wliito was taken up by tkiu
.tofnuHn in this famous case, but when
adjournment was announced It was
the general opinion in the court room
that. h..t littw. nronress had been made,
Thaw's attorneys endeavored In vain
to place before tho jury evidence
tnn.ilnp It. wim Rald. to nrovo a Btraln
of Insanity in the collateral branches
of the defendant's family, but they
wnm i.innitnri nt. nvnrv nolnt bv Dls-1
trlct Attorney Jerome, whoso objec
tions woro upheld by tho rulings of
jubmco. Fitzgerald.
TU0 UOicnse uiu, nowovcr, get uu-
foro tno twelvo men in tho box tho
testimony of an expert, that in his
. a A. 1. .
mgiy ueeiarcu: "l uiu not come uoro
as au eM,01,. T came as a wltncss to
.... . 1
fnoi fmit t hiwn linnn ronvorrcd mto
,. .,.. ........... ., - .. -
Ology, demonstrating the care with
which ho had prepared himself to
meet tho very defense which Thaw's
counsel havo entered, in his behalf.
Mr. Jeromo scarchingly Inquired Into
Dr. Wiley's record as a physician and
us an export on insanity. He hurled
volleys of technical questions at tho
witness, who at times was mute and
at other times declared be could not
unswor, or gave evasive replies. Often
he brought upon himseir sharp warn
ing from tho district attorney to make
a reply and not an argument. Dr.
Wiley said he predicated his opinion
as to Thaw'3 Insanity upon his actions
tho night of the tragedy as described
to him in a hypothetical question pro
pounded by the defense and upon the
incident which he witnessed on a
Pittsburg street car during the sum
mer of 1905. Thaw, said the doctor,
acted Irrationally on tho car, coming
In suddenly and jerking up ono of
tho window blinds, slamming It down
and then lifting It. again, the while
ongnglng In a wordy war with the con
ductor. THo district attorney then drew
from the alienist the opinion that
Thaw's acts on the Madison Squaro
roof garden, when he killed Stanford
White, wero not acts of Insanity when
taken singly, but constituted evidence
of Insanity when consldere collective
ly. At times Dr. Wiley seemed entire
ly bafllcd by the questions. Ho hesi
tated at each, and before he had an
swered Mr. Jerome had framed anoth
er query replete with Impressive
sounding, technical terms anil appar
ently offering 11 problem no less diffi
cult than Its predecessor. Tho wit
ness admitted that many or the tests
to which the district attorney referred,
such ns the TToniberg test and the Ar
gyll Robertson pupil test, were un
known to him, and when no was asked
to quote from any accepted work on
Insanity, declared he could not give
tho exact language from any book.
Mr. Jerome's well of knowledge,
however, seemed never to run dry.
He carried his cross-examination
(ni.nKl I)ra(.Ucally the entire morn-
jB j,essj0l amj for an hour and twen
ty minutes after luncheon continued
to ply tho witness with all manner of
Denies That He Intentionally Shot His
Hlverheud, L. 1., Feb. . Dr. James
W. Simpsou, the dentist, on trial
charged with the murder of bis father-in-law,
Hartley T. Horner, was tho
first witness in his own defense.
Dr. Simpson denied positively that
he Intentionally shot Horner. He was
cleaning the gun In the kitchen, ho
said, ami was explaining to the Polish
chore boy how to "break" It, when it
ploded. He did not
been shot until ho
"My God, doctor,
a red In spite f all
he still loves his
, ,.,!. . ....
wne anu nimncr-in- aw, iwui 01 "..."
- . v appuaicu uku.ohi mm.
"Sclp" Dundy Is Dead.
New York, ireb. G. Blmer S. Dundy
of tho firm oi Tnomp.on & Dundy died
Buddonly from tho effects of a cola.
Mr. Dundy was horn In Ornahn, Neb.,
In 18(52. His father was Judge Klmer
S. Dundy, who was tho first United
Slates Judge appointed In Nebraska.
Ryan Knocka Out Barry.
Hot Sprinsu, Ark., "Feb. (i. Tommy
Ryan knocked out Dave Barry In the
fifth round of u scheduled twenty
round fU'ht before tho WhltUngton
Athletic club. Barry was outclassed
all stnyes,
Burlingotn Engine and Fve Freight
Cars Go Down to Destruction,
Omaha, Icb. r. Aa Burlington
frelsht train No. 45, westbound, was
approaching Edgemont, S. D tho en-
Bine and flvo curs went through a
burning bridge. Tho cars were totally
destroyed with their contents and tho
engine badly damaged. None of tho
train crew was injured. Tho engineer
could not stop the heavy train in tlmo
to avoid running onto tno brldgo after
ho discovered It was on fire, but ho
and the fireman wero atlo to jump In
time to avoid injury.
Lee's Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment Gets In Line for Life.
Lincoln, Feb. 1. Tho house spent
-- - .
crmelBmH woro nn fa Ir a. , u n-,
railroad moasuics, and said
"" J4W .. -. - v.. tV.w (
House Committee of Whole Reconv
mends Act for Passage.
Lincoln, Feb. 2. The bulk sales
bill, providing that stocks of goods
cannot bo sold until creditors or tho
meichnut havo been notified, was
recommended ror passage in commit
teo of the whole of the house.
The bill providing that county
judges in counties or more than 15,000
shall bo lawyers was Indefinitely post
poned. The senate killed the anti-Christlon
Science bill. The bill made It neces
sary for Christian Science practition
ers to secure a physician's license. A
similar measure is pending in tho
Sub-Committee Ready to Report Meas
ure for Lower Passenger Rates.
Lincoln, Feb. 5. The sub-commltteo
appointed to draft a bill relating to
passenger rates has completed its
work, and the bill is ns follows:
Section 1. That sections 10,058 and
0,059 of'Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1903 be and the same are hereby
amended to road as follows: Seqtion
10,058. It shall be unlawful for any
railroad corporation operating, or
which shall hereafter operate, a rail
road In this stato to charge, collect,
demand or receive for the transporta
tion of any passenger over twelvo
years of age, with baggage not exceed
ing 200 pounds in weight, on any train
over its line of road In the state ot
Nebraska, a sum exceeding 2 cents
per mile.
Section 10,059. Snid railroad cor
poration shall not charge, collect, de
mand or receive, within tho limit
above specified, ror the transportation
or nny child under twelve years old
in tho euro or control or any passen
ger, on any train, a sum exceeding
one-hall or the rates prescribed in sec
tion 10.058.
John Bower Shoots W. D. Stratton In
Quarrel Over Work Near Dix.
Sidney, Neb., Feb. 2. John Bower,
a ranchman, living about three miles
south of Dix, shot and mortally wound
cd W. D. Stratton of Kimball, a car
penter. Stratton hnd been building a
much house upon Bower's homestead
and the latter claimed it was not good
work, discharging Stratton.
According to Strntton's statement,
Bower had failed to pay him for work
done. Stratton, who is known to bo
of a quarrelsome nnture, armed with
a Winchester rllle and liquid refresh
ments, drove to Bower's ranch and
demanded an immediate settlement.
Bower brought out an old double-barreled
shotgun filled with buckshot and
proceeded to turn its contents loons In
Strutton's abdomen. It was a fearful
wound and through the efforts ot
Bower and neighbors the wounded
man va carried to the section house
at Dix. Dr. Mockett of Kimball waa
telephoned for and was by the wound
ed man's side until he died. Bower
claims that the shooting waa done in
nclfdefensB. Both the dead awn and
his assailant are married mea aud
aye childrea.
I Ml
-w r Twwr-rw-r -
A Safe and Sure
Cough Cure.
Ij Keipis
Docs not contain Opium,
Morphine, or nuy other narcotic
or "habit-forming" drug.
There Is no Nnrcolic in Kemp's Balsam.
Nothing of a poisonous or Imrmfnl $
cusirautcr enters into uj composition.
This clean nnil puro cough euro
cures coughs that cannot bo cm oil
by any other mcdii-Ino.
It has wived thousands from con
Biimption. It hns Bavctl thousands of livos.
A 25c. bottlo contains 40 doses.
At nil druggists', 25c., COc. and $1.
Doa't accept anything else
nrHE testimony '
4 ot tens 01
during the past
year is that the Ca
nadian West is the
best West. Year
by year the agri
cultural returns
have increased in
volume and value,
and still the Canadian Gov
ernmentolTcrs 160 acres free
to every bona fide settler.
Tho phenomenal Increuse In
railway mllcniro main lines
and branches lias put ntinost ;
every portion ol the country
y schools, markets, client) fuel
if,..,,, nnllovcrymollurnconvcnlcc.. '
S lap The ninety tit 111 Ion bunticl I
wheat crop 01 this yenr inunns
SoU.W0.0tH) to tho farmers of
Western Canada, apart from
- tho results of oilier grains ns
well as from cattle.
For HlTTftturo nml Infm mnVnn n1 Iimi
Superintendent of liiimlgrAttun
tilinwn. lanrai.
or lh tnthoilzwl Oatttiimtct Aiiit,
SOI 'cw York 3 .IIV- lluUdtmr
Ociutim ."ul.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anynnn ncnrtlng a Rkctrh nnd description nmr
quickly ascertain our opinion free vrlirttier an
Invention la probably p'lteniiitilo. Conimuiilrn
tlonnntrlctly continent lul. HANDBOOK on I'ntcnto
sent free, oldest nceney for eeuriiiir palenin.
rutnntfl tiikrn tlironch Munn & Co. rccetvi
tpeelal notice, without clmruo, in tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllntrntrd weekly. Ircest cir
culation .if nny Krluntltln Journal. Terms, f 3 a
yenr: four monthti, (1. tioldbyull newsdealer.
MUNN & Co.3G'Broada New York
munch omco. G25 K 8U Wmliluutoo. D. C.
Six Companies
8oo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary. -
Telephones: Country, No. 3C:
Boll, No. 08.
against Fire, Liphtniun, Cy
clones and Windstorms, see
agont for tho Formers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in
surance company inthe sSte.
Ilee'h Laxative Cough Syrup contain -taininfr
Honey and Tar is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates, or
poisons of any character, conforms t
the provisions of the National Tiir
Food and Drug Law, June .10. 190C.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. v
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels, tluarunteed. toTfl
hy Henry Cook's drug ntore.
Dmle's Little Liver Pills thorough
clean the nystem, good for lazy liven,
makes clear complexions, bright yfc
and happy thoughts. Sold by Ifonvr
Cook'a drug store.
It's a goixl old world aftur all;
If yon have no friends ormonev,
In tho river you can fall;
Marriages are quite common and,
More people there, would be,
Provided you take Kooky Mountaia
Tea. C. L. Cottlnfr.
BflkeME) !