,-tt.-. rtPtafwiw- JWK. .--1fc.'ElJC-r-,WK.fl-&T-i 5 J-WTfi. SW, ,aKrr.gwww-a3 -wwwmwwoimw W3tHWfWWWf WKIWWW iiuutinnmnuij r- V 1- I! 'J 1 fleoisy lotes prom GATHERED FROM MANKATO (from t ho Monitor) Goorgo Wilson's father died lit his komo in Fairfax, Mo., Tuesday. During tho four years ho hold t ho fflco of probate judge, G. W- MoGohoo issued (SIO marriago licenses and mar ried 201 uouplo.s. Littlo Marjorio Trump, tlio 2 year old daughter of Harry Trump, drank nomo gasoline Monday and for iiwhilo lior life was despaired of. W. Koirj tlio manager of Maukato's food mill, is negotiating for tho pur chato of a comploto Untiring mill at at Claudoll, Kan., which ho will movo to Mankato. Claro Ponahoo oamo homo sick from collego at Siilinu tlio llrst of tho wool;. During Clare's vacation last summer he raised .'1,200 bushels of corn, which is now cribbed. RIVERTON (From tho lie view.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred limit of Longmout, Col., a lino boy. Al Scrivnor was arrosted and fined tr for drunkenness, Saturday evening. Amos Allen was called to this place Monday to bo ut the bedside of his brothor Robert, who is seriously ill. George Thompson and wife wero called to Kearney Saturday evening wing to tlio sorious illness of their son Leonard. Mrs. Holden received word last Sat urday morning of tho deatli of her mother, Mrs. E. A Orr, which occurred tho night before at tho homo of hor daughter, in Gold Hill, Col. LEBANON. (From the Times.) P. T. Nixon of Nome, Alaska, is in tho city visiting with Claroueo Beards loo and other friouds and relatives in tho country. Dr. 1. li. Mays has released tho quar antiuo from tho home of Sam lleudor on, whoso children have boon alllictod with diphtheria. Samuel and Chas. Sargent returned from Topoka Thursday evening. No operation was performed on Sam, as it wa- thought it would bo of no nonollt' to mm. I Last Monday, while feeding his horses, John Andrews, who lives south of tho city, met with a severe accident. Ono of tlio horses became angry and bit oil' tho third linger! of one of his hands. Davo and Nod Boll were in Smith Ooiiter Tuosday as witnesses in tho preliminary of Geo. Cooper, ohargod with robbing Davo Boll of f-10 in cash and two notos. Coopor was hold to tlio district court, his bond being lixed tl,000. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) L. E. Furry shipped throo car loads 1 fat cattle from his own food lots Wednesday. Karl Spenco of Hidden arrivod Tues--4ay oveuing to take up quartors with Brown, the photographer, as an ap prentice. Ed M. Hussong writes from Codar tJity, Utah, that ho "will be baok to Webraska in June to take up his liabi- Calumet is the only High Grade Powder offered to the consumer at a ) Moderate Price It should not be confused with, the cheap, low grade powders on the one hand, nor the high priced trust powders on. the other. I Neighboring Touins & OUR EXCHANGES tation with tho just; that his citizen ship remains in Nebraska, where his family resides." Thoso who doubt that a wildcat oc casionally wandors down tho Repub lican valley can uudeceivo themselves if they talk to A mo Harris. Amo eiiught a big one in a trap Sunday night about seven miles down tho river. It was somewhat larger than u dog and an ugly looking customer. It was killed, ho-Aovor, and Amo holds tlio polt as a trophy. GUIDE ROCK (From tho News Lottor.) W. D. Hall loft Sunday evening for San Francisco. Wo understand that ho took his carponter tools witli him. Goorgo Fairllold will next week com monco the orection of a brick dwelling house on tho lot just north of Peter Grawbnrg's. J A.Sheoley tho popular furniture dealer, has bought out a furniture store at Nelson, lie has no intention of leaving Guide Rock, however. Monday morning W. F. Crowoll put a force of inon at work putting up ico an-l by Wednesday evening lie had bo twoon .51)0 and -JUi) tons in his own ico hnuso and in that of L. L.'Wiitt which ho also tilled. BLUE HILL. (From the Leader.) Lloyd Grimes loft yesterday for He loit, Wis., after spending a month at homo. K. W. MoKonsio received a telegram last Thursday statingtho sudden death of his brother in California. Mrs. Fred Siobrass and littlo girl rc turnod last Saturday from Mindon wlioro tho girl hail hor tonsils removed by a physician of that placo. ('has. Fulwider and wife returned Wednesday evening from Crete wlioro they wero willed by tho illness and subseii tent death of his mother. Chris Kort informs us ho recently received a letter and picture from Aug. Gorloir, a Uluo Hill boy, who is now serving in tlio army. Ho onlNted near ly three years ago, served two years in tho Phillipincs, and on his return in J Montana and Washington and is now stationed in Michigan. CAMPBELL (Prom the Citizen.) A boy was bom Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Madosou, south of town. Mart Hanson, living northeast of town, who recently underwent an oper ation, is reported as gradually improv ing. Miss Hannah Uonson and Mr. Gust Anderson wore united in marriago ut 1 o'clock Wednesday, at the horns of tho brido's mother west of town. .Torgon Jensen, living nost f town about six miles, who has boon spending about two months at his fold homo in Donmark, writes that ho will be back homo about February !). At a meeting of tho stockholders of tho Campbell Incl. Tolophone company hold at the hall yesterday afternoon it was decided to dissolve tho company as it has horotoforo existed, and re - uig....iBUU.....i.u.Ru, A graceful occurrence (took place in school district (515, of Webster county, Tribute Even John Philip Sousn, the great bandmaster, who has no use for Phonographs, has been forced to recognize the Phonograph as a for midable competitor. The two-step king says that people will no longer go to concerts if they can have music in their own homes so easily and so cheaply as they can with the Phonograph. This is an unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The man who has a Phonograph has a concert in his own house. Even a king could not have more. At our store you can hear them any time. I Vic-ron 7 J J J ioV ( M.t. m l if . . 'His Mnsicrb Voice' "Ib.U.S.FAT.urr The above prices include 12 8 -in. records with each machine The Edison Phonograph. The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00 The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00 The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00 The Edison Triumph Phonograph 50.00 Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen. Compare these prices with anyone's, remember we save you t lie freight. Newhouse Brothers, Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors. wlioro Miss Grace Skjolvor for the last four years has been tlio teacher, when tho pupils of that school prosonted hor with a handsome fountain pon as a token of love and ostoomiu her tireless educational efforts for tho young. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Mrs. II. Ketnley has been very tlio past week or so. sick At tho Methodist parsonage on tjl0 22d inst., Win. Fischer and Miss Ollio Boar wero married. Mrs. M. Davis received the sad intel ligence by wire yesterday announcing tlio death oT her sister, Mrs. Gardner. Goo. Hawbolt and Miss Trossa Josh, drove to town early Wednesday morn ing, and after securing the services of Judge Losoy, wont homo in double harness. N L. Ball and Albert Francisco are hero from Franklin to commence the work of installing the now switchboard for tho Republican Valley Telephone Co. Kliiier Gooding, of Ilildroth, was up before tlio insane board yostorday upon a complaint tiled under tho dipsotna nic law, but after hearing tho evidence tlio board decided that ho was not 1111 habitual drinker. SUPERIOR (Prom the Express.) Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Chanoy, of Hod Cloud, are hero visiting tlioir sou Les lie Chanoy, and family. Mrs. B. C. Burt 1 ft Saturday for Indiana, called there by tho serious illness of hor father. .iiimeB Jouos loft yesterday with twenty-four hoad of Mr. Guthrio's fine blooded cattle for tho thoroughbred sale at Columbus, Nob. I rjr. Brainard and Ray Kesterson left th, morning for Rochester, Minn., j whore tho formor is likely to undorgo ' nn operation in tho hospital. About 12:3othis morning the lire alarm was turned in. The rear end of Warreu Thomaw' lunoh room was nil to the Phonograph The Victor Gramaphone. The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor ablaze, but tho promptness of the lire boys had a very good elt'ect and the flames wero soon put out, with very littlo additional damage. SMITH CENTER l (From thi' Messenger.) j Will Arnold, tlio young Pawnee 1 township farmer, was in town Tuesday wtn -"' "ca(1 ()l llo's luat nvoraged :ti2 I pounds each and netted him ;?rlS.7.". At his preliminary hearing, Tuesday. George Coopor, charged with grand larceny by Davo Hell of White Hock 1 township, was bound over to district court. Monday, was "moving day" for a half dozen of Smith Center's rapid young mon. Their hasty exit from the city was caused by tho seizure and deten tion of coquettish, 1(5 year old Pearl Kenyon in juvenile court. Two of tho young fellows, moro scared than tho rest, didn't wait for a train, but hoofed it over to Kivorton across tho lino in Nebraska. COWLES J. E. Butler is putting up ice this week. I Mrs. G. A. Wolls is among the sick tliis week. John Carpontor loft Tuesday ovon for Franklin. Emery Waller wont to Litchfield Tuursday for a short visit. Goorgo Squires has taken a position as clerk in Groonhalgh's storov Miss Anna Norman lias boon visiting horo with her cousin, Mrs. Eddio Keo uoy. II. G. Keeney went to Kansas City with stock Mouday, returning Thurs day. Charles Adamson's littlo daughter Marvel has been real sick the psst week with pneumonia. The J. J. J. club was entertainod at the home of Mrs. G. A. L'ltta last Tnursday night. A yery ploasant oven ing was passed. Tho Congregational ladie gare a ' rocoption at the parsouage Satur Junior $14.20 Z 21.20 No. 1 26.20 No. 2 34.20 No. 3 14.2 d No. 4 54.20 No. 5 64.20 No. 6 104.20 S S s s s s s s s s s 4&m and. in lienor of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brown who will soon leave for York to mak their future home. They are old stU tiers here and will bo greatly .ini-ssew by their many friends. The relief of Coughs and Coldi through laxative influence originated with Bee"- Laxative Cough Syrup, con taining Honey and Tar. a cough svrup containing noopiatc.sor poisons, which , is twtcnsivelv sold. Secure a bottle a. once, obtain a guarantee coupon, ami if not fully sutislied with results, youi money will lie refunded. Sold by llenry Cook's drug store. Notice of Application for Divorce. Ia the Dl-tilet Court of WohMtr County, Na liiasli. Thomas j. ItotlKCis, I'lnliitllV. ) Th. '. Loret'n KoitKcrs, Dcfeudnnt. ) I Tol.uiuttn KmlKi'isNoa !li'hluiil Dufciulniu: Yon arc hereby uutlllcd tlml on the l.'llli day of .July. lOmi. TIioiiihx .1. Koduers tiled n petition iiRtiiiiMt oii In thu Jilstrli'l Court of WcliMe' Counly, NeliniHhn. tho object nni primer of which mo to obtiiln n dlvoree from von on tho ' Krounil Hint 3011 Imvo wllliully deserted mid abandoned Hie ilulutllV, without' pood cuuxe for the term of two veurs mid more hist pnst You ure required to itnsncr snld jictltlnu un or hefoie Monday, the 11th diy of Mnrnli. 11)07. THOMAS .1. IKMHIKIIS. lly.I. C. siijior his attorney. fchri, Notice of Tax Sale. Notice Is hereby nlun that tho underaliniert on the 10th day of April. IK';.. niicluiieil of tlu eoiiiity treiiMiter of Webster county. Nuhrnsta. at priviito nlu, the fcdlowlmr dicrll ed real ehtnte mid for drliniiient luxes for the ei 1001, WJ Hud V.m. and situated In Ited Cloud Webster county, Nebraska, towltt South t feet f lot te (101 unil all of lot eleien (II), U block four (4). Itallioad udditliiu to thu city o Ited Cloud. WebMer county. Nobrankn, laxd I the nme of Mi, .lamrt, Vclli'h. The aboTo named eron aud all other who claim an In tcret lu the above land will takenotlce Hint thi lima of rrdfimiitlou of onld laud from said twe ale will expire ou the lllh day of April. A. D. IW, aftar wiiieli I way apply for a tax deed Nr all of th aboTe land that Ik not redeemd. Dated tbU 2tb day of December. 1WKJ, teS II.AS A. PI. C'H Ell. UIIBI'MATISH CUKVCI) IN A DAY. Uyitle Oara far Khtuuiatlbm and Neuralgia radically eurei In i lo.ldayH. Its artlon upo tho ayiteM li ramarkabld and myaterloiu. remoTe at ca the eiuie and thudlKeaBo m mediately liappar. Th llrst done greatlr baueflti, 7B cent, and tl. laid by li, u.ttHira druKEltt, Ued Cload, -w. (i a ' -- 4tt-