BHIJUaMWSaBaBMBgttgattwaMMiiiJ".' ZZmZZvlmfSSStBKKtt ii itgmwi Mi wijf iw jkt--j5S I 1 HITS STANDARD OIL INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS SION MAKES REPORT. invest gators; Find Policy of Octopus to Stifle Competition Generally Un fairSecret Railway Rates Aid Comblno Fnkc Companies. lite Rlasquerader (Continued from I'iiO I'liruu.) TashhiKtos, Jan. S3. The Inter tmiu imiuiiicico couimlMSlon bodL to 0Mttirmth a, roport of llio luvuatitjiitlnns wkoU) by II under tlio Tllltiiati-Glllespio HHwduUon concerning thu relatione of iiiioii cArriora by rail to tko produc- ji.i dislrilMiUon or oil. Thu rc- rl oorora tho distribution of pc traliitim nnd 1(4 products oast of tho IfJtfsisuljipi iItit, and, Incidentally, tho jtiMiaM and Toxn fluids. Tho report iU out ffcnomltj th inothodB by Ink u Standard Oil compnny "has It wm aatl porpctu.itud lu monop- a im umevrtod that "tho ruin ot tssapounM-s nait uaon a uiBiinci T tko solloy of ttos Ktnndard Oil ipaay Is lh put, sysinnaucaiiy w-siutanSj pure u ei.." "N Instanca," tho report aaya, "is Si 4 w Intro ny railway compnny has a laturmUd In oil laudu or In pe miM production. "Tho Standard OH company largely MattajKllaoa tho handling of petroleum tasu tfc mouth erf tho well until it is Bl ts the ratnllor, and sometimes to cwiautncr, and under ordinary clr umtjiaceH 1U margin or profit is very mftc. "Tho OTldence nhows little harts for 4k o oontontlon that th enormous dlv jfcmula of tho Standard Oil company tr thu legitimate result or Its eco nomies. Except for Its pipe lines, the Standard hsa lint little loKitlmato ad Tnatai;e over the Independent rt finer. "Thw Stnndard buys adveitlblng Sace In many newspapers which it IHVi with reading matter prepared by ti(Mita In pt for that purpose and paid fbr fit ndTcrtlsInK rates, as ordinary nvwH. Tho assumption Is thai this sXwatftre furnishes many of the Ideas ssschlng tho great bcnefils conferred prion the nubile by tha Standard Oil Jhwpasy. "PWMtmslo of pipe linen enables fke Standard absolutely to control tho price ot' orrtds petroleum nnd tho price vWch iU competitors In a Riven local- la bhall pay. K. can raise tho prlco iii one htcality and obtain Iti own oil Iwn oiiothor and rnvorar the process aafcmt It dttlriM bo do no. Tho plpo lino system or the Stand Cr4. tfco roport contend, Is not a nat- Xal, bnt raUtor an artificial advnn fj. It Id argued that the reason XhV Mig plpi linos compoting with iiwo of tho Standard ha to not been jiwrlded Is found in obstacles in tho -jpr of auch Hndartnhlngs, having Vnittn ftnnotifld by tho railroads, whose right of way has genorally stood as a hIniio wafl against all attempts to extend Dim llnoi. Ordinarily, It Is wdd, tho Standard has not reoelved robatofl In recent yearn, ao far as has ljfca discovered, hwt It has ncwortho m en joy iid secret raton possessing en of tho olstnnnta of Hiatal rates, twit tho advantages n ohtalnod ovor tnopiaoa4 shl(rpora havu botn of ary groat vain to that company." Tha report aoveoly arraigns tho ftUtndnrd'it methods of competition, saying: "Tho Standard has rnpatdly, after Vowing tha wn?r of a competing frmnpany, oontinued to opvrat? it un Iw tho oid nam. ciJrrylng the Idea to rtio public that tho compnny was ailH Independent and competing with tko Standard. It ha used such pur chased or independently organized C'mjiaules to kill off competitors by i$m pompanios reducing prices. Tho prtIoi tf such fake Independent enncernii has hwa one of Its most ef Pirtfvw means of dent roving compe Htion. Tho Standard has habitually redticod tho irio against Its compet lior In a particular locality, while maintaining Its prkon at other places. "When competition wns destroyed It I ndrnni-ed or restored forrnor prices.' Tho Standard has hold different grades' of oil at different prlcei from the same! lianel. It has paid employs of hide jiondpnt oil companion for information as to the business of thoso compet itors and has paid employes or Indus ' trial companies to secure the adoption of Its otl In preference to that of Its competitors, it has followed every parrel of Independent oil to iiMit (na tion, such information being obtained from railroad employes. Us agent n aro Instructed to sneure customers at any sacrifice It has tampered with the oil Inspectors in different states." "WliyV" C'Jiileoto repeated. "Oh, tho prehistoric tnlo weakness stronger than strength. "I'm-I'm sorry to come down on yon like this, but It's the social Bide that howls mo over. It's tho uncial side I can't stick." "The social side! nut I thought" "Don't think. I never think; It en tails Htieli u constant ttpiettlng of prin ciples nnd theories. Wo did nrrange for business only, bnt one can't set up b'irrlers. Society ptuhci Itself every where nowadays. Into business most of nil. I don't want you for theater parties or dlnnern. But a big reception with n political flavor Is different. A man has to be ?.ccn at these things, fie needn't sny anything or do anything, but lt'a bad form if ho fnlls to show up." Loder raised his bead. "You must fxplaln," he said abruptly. Ghllcote r.tnrted ellghtly at the imd den riemnwl. "I f mippoie I'm rather Irrelevant." he said quickly. Taet la, there's n re tptloii at the Ilramfells' tonight. Ton know HlnnebH Bramell Vteconnrcss Itramfell. slatar Ionian Astrupp." His word conTrywl crth!ng to Lodcr, bnt he did not consider that. All cx plnnntlons wore lmonie to him nnd he Jnvurlnbly chafa to be douo with tliPin. "And you've gt to jnit In an appear ancefor party raasons?'' Loder broke ha. Chllcote showrrt relief. "Yes. Old Tralde makes rather a point of It so does live." lie snld tho last words carelessly; thou, as If their sound re called something, bis expression ('hang ed. A touch of satirical amuM'inont touched his lips and hu laughed. "Ily the way, Loder," he said, "my wile was actually tolerant of me for nine or ten days after my return. 1 thought your representation was to be quite Impersonal? I'm not jealous." he laughed. "I'm not Jealous, I assure you. but the burned child shouldn't grow absentmlnded." j At lilt; tone and his laugh Lodcr's blood stirred. With a sudden, unex pected Impulse his hand tightened on the banister, and, looking up. he caught right of the face above him his own face It seemed, alighted with malicious interest. At the Fight a strange scomi tlou selr.ed him, his grip on the banis ter loosened, and, pushing past Chll cote. be hurriedly mounted the stalrB. Outride his own door the other over took him. "Loder!" he said. "Loder! 1 meant no harm. A man must liavo a laugh bomet lines." But lx)iler was facing tho door and did not turn round. A midden fear shook Chllcote. "Lo der!" he exclaimed again. "You would not desert meV I can't go back to night. 1 can't go back." Still Loder remained immovable. Alarmed by his silence, Chllcote step ped clor-'cr to him. "Loder! Inder, you won't desert meV" lie caught hastily at his arm. With n tpilck repulhlon Loder shook him off, then almost as quickly he turned round. "What fools we all are!" he said abruptly. "We only differ In degree. Come In and let us change our clothes." CIIAI'TKU XIII. OH bcht moments of a man's life aro the moments when, strong In himself, he feels that the world lies before him. C rat tiled ambition may be the summer, but an ticipation Is the- ardent springtime of Carlyle. Thomaa Cnrlyle. "the sago of Chel sea," dlod without winning much per sonal popularity, a fact, however, which Is forgotten In admiration of his 4,'onliis. Carole exerted a greater In lluouco on llrltlhh literature during tho middle of the nineteenth century ami on the religious and political beliefs of his time than possibly any other Hrltlsh Avrlter. lie never wrote a lino that lie did not believe, and In icgard to style he certainly had no superior. Jrom the position of schoolmaster lu n obscure village this great Scotsman a man s career. As liOtler drove that night from Fleet street to fJrosvenor squnro lie realized this, though scarcely with any degree of consciousness, for he was no nccoiu pli.shed self annly.vt. Hut in a wave of feeling loo vigorous to be denied ho recognized Ids regained foothold tho step Hint lifted him at once from tho pit to the pinnacle. In that moment of realization hu look ed neither backward nor forward. Tho present was all sufficing, nifllcultios mluht liom ahead, but dltllculllcs had but one objectthe testing and sharp ening of a mini's strength. In the first deep surge of egotistical feeling he al most rejoiced In Chlleote's weakness. The more Chllcote tnmdcd the tin ends of his llf- the stronger must be the finders that unraveled them. He was pOhMM'il by a great Impatience. Tho joy of action vwus stirring lu his bload. Loiving tho cab, ho walked confident ly to the dour of Chlleote's house and Inserted the latchkey. Len In thH small net there was a grain of Indi vidual Hil'sfactlon. Then very quietly . lie opened iht door and cross d the h ill. ' As he entered, a footman was ar I ranging the tire that burned In the big j grate. Seeing tho man, ho hutted. , "Where Is your mtstrehsV lie asked lu uiicouscloiH repetition of hi first question In the same hmse. ' 'J he man looked up. "She has Just ! finished dinner, sir. She dined alone In i tier own room." Ho glanced at Loder In Hit (iiilck, uncertain way that was noticeable In all the servants of the household when they addressed their master. Loder saw I tie look and won- content to skim. For an Instant the old resentment against Chllcote tinged tils exaltation, but tie swept It angrily aside. Without further remark tie be gan to mount the stalm. Gaining the landlmr, he did not turn, ns usual, to tho door that shut off Chll eote's rooms, but moved onward down iht corridor toward Eve's private sit ting r n. He moved slowly till the door wa reached. Then lie paused nnd lifted his hand. There was n moment's wait while his fingers rested on the handle: then, u sensation lie could not explain, a reticence, a reluctance to in trude upon tills one precinct, caused his fingers to relax. Willi a Fllghtly embarrassed gesture tie drew back olowly and retraced his stepa. Once in Chllcote'a bedroom, be walk ed to tho nearest bell and pressed it. Itenwlck responded, and at Bight of lilm Lodrr's feelings warmed with tlio same sctinc of fitnets and familiarity Hint the great bed and somber furni ture of the room had inplrod. But the man did not come forward ' aa he had expected. He remained close to the door with a hltatkn that wa nnuaual in a trained aervant It struck Loder that poarlbly his stolidity hai exasperated Chllcote and that possibly Chllcote bad Ieen at no pains to eea- eeal tho oxaoperation. Tho Idea oMf4 him to anile laroluntarlly. "Oeme lato tho room, ItenwieV fee, tnld. 'It's uncomfortable to see yon atnndlng there. I want to know If airs. Chllcote hna aout me any raesotfe about tonight." Rcnwlck studied hhn furtively aa ho came forward. "Yet, sir," he aali. "Mrs. Chlleote's maid anlfl that the car riage wns ordered for 10:15, and she hoped that would salt yon." He spoke reluctantly, as if expecting a rebuke. At ttie opening sentence Ixdor hail turned nslde, but now. as the man fin ished, he wheeled round ami In and looked at him closely with bis keen, observant eyes. "Look here." he "aid. "I can't havo you ipenk to me like thst. I in.iy come down on you rather sharply wh n my my nerves are bud. but when I'm my self I treat you -well, 1 treat you de cently at any rate. You'll lnve to lesrn to discriminate. Look at me inw!" A thrill of ldvd: and of rulersblp paused through him as he Jpoke. "Lo.ik at me now! Do I look as I looked this morn ing or yesterday?" Tli ij man eyed him half stupidly, half timidly. "Well?" Loder Inflated. "Well, sir," Itenwlck responded, with come kIowuvms "you look the same and you look different healthier color, perhnpfs, fdr, and the eye clearer." He grew more confident under Ixulor'a half miniorous, hair insistent gaeo. "Now that I look closer, sir" I sorter laughed. "That's It!" ho said. "Now Hint you look closer. You'll havo to grow observant. Observation la nn excellent quality In a servant. When you come Into a room in future, look first of all to me and take you cue from that. Remember that serving a man with nerves Is like serving two innMcrs. Kow you can go, and tell Mrs. ctilleoto'w maid that I ediall be quite ready at quarter pant 10." "Yes. air. And after tlmtr "Nothing further. I shan't want you again tonight." He turned nway as he spoke nnd moved toward tho great fire that was nlwaya kept alight lu Chlleote's room. Rut aa the man moved toward the door he wheeled back again. "Oh, one thing more, Itenwlck! Hrlng me nome sandwiches and a whisky." He remembered for the first tlmv ttiat lie lind eaten noth ing since early afternoon. A few mlmilcs after 10 Loder toft Chlleote's room, resolutely descended ttie stairs and took up his position in the hall. Resolution Is a strong word to apply lo such n proceeding, but .something In his bearing. In the atti tude of his shoulders and head, In fctlnctively suggested Jt. Five or six minutes passed, but ho waited without impatience. Then at last the sound of a carriage stopping before the house caused him to lift Ida head, and at the same Instant 13va ap peared ut the head of the staircase. TO MX COHTlKUBBt. . Disillusioned. "She bud plnjed in amateur tlicat ricnls, you know, and llircitencd to go on tin stage ir her parents wouliln t let her marry the duke." "And what did tier parents do?" "They let her go on the stage, gave the duke a cheek for a front seat and wen not at all surprised when he sail ed back to Fr-nce the next morning." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ksxtfmmMMamMUMammmmmaMkmmumukMmm riH C&vf. The Kind Yon Ilaro Always Bought, and -which has been in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho aigiuituro of and has been made under his pcr- -yy sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-gnod" aro bnfc Kxpcrimcnts that trillo ivith nnd endanger the health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment;. What is CASTO Ceistorla is harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ace is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ad allays Feveriibness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aael Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nal ural sleep. Tha Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Btars the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE fttNTAUn CMNV, 11 MURRAY OTRCT, fitl YORK CITY. $EimBffl3iE8Sm can be croatly lncrcatfd by clving special care to the health of every anlmnl and fowl on the farm. Sick ponltry, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, etc., depend ea their liveis to keep them well 'CATAftilH A. mv I Bl Stock afid Poultry itfCmO kefr, their liven; working and theiefori lrps IM wfll. FJlRCk-Draucht Stock and Poul try MeJictttf is a pura, natural, eCSi-K Wcod pnnfier, and acts hy tfulxtinc the stomach, liver am! knr.eK It prr.cntf; slid cnrt His; Chol era, ( !ar'cn Cholera. Colu, Dis temper, CniiRli!., Colds. Constipa tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite. Wanting Away, nnd .nil the com mon stock diseahs. It is n peifect medicine for gen eral farm use. Tty it. aEKLSunasa Ely's Ckea&i Balm This Romedy la a Specific, Suro to CIvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It eloa.nne.-, Hoothos, IukiIh, und protects tho ili'ien.Hfd niembrana. It mrv uatrkrrh 1 lrivtfl nway u (kiltl in the Iluciri qaifitcly ltt,stort tho Hous of and ftmrfL I'hhj to uso. OonUirw no iajuriw dnnry Applied into tho iiosb-ils ad abaai-bcu. Luro Sine, CO oants nt DruRgiatu or by mail; Trial Sio, 10 tenia by tami. i. ELY BROTHEnS. 56 Warren SL. Now York. 15 Price 25c for a large can, at all ctrujrists and dealers ;wr?a:v3 &&- vS INFLAMMATORY HlIEUMATIbM CUKKT) IV 3 DAYS Morton I. Hill, of Lebanon Ind.. Kays; "My wife liiut Innnmrontorv HlieiiinntlKru Jn eoiy mucle hikI Joint; lior sutrertnt; whr terrllilc and tier nmly and fnr m'm awnllun nlmo-tttifr yond recojtiililon: hml Ikcii In lied kIx woehi and Imd flKht pliyflclaii5. lint received nr benntlt until nti tried tho Myntlo rum f lUivumntlsm. It pnvo Immt'dlntf relict iinri Mie wns ublo lo wiilk about In three days I anr Miru It havt'd her life." Sold by 11. R. Orlre nriiKijiHt. lied Cloud. FEELING LIVES-ISH TMs Morning? TAKE SM-r mt A Vuarantced Cure for Piles, Itchiiitr. blind, ldfi'diiiff. irotnidlnjr nlli'.s. DruirL'ints are rofmul imiiuy if I'uzo Ointment to flirt in 0 to 1 1 du.w .10 efiits. iiiitliorifd to fsiils A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer 3BffiKnMaGsnBH3SSBX5anni POLU3TiT.R Socky fountain Tea Nuggets A 2u)y Mcdiolca for Busy People. Brlaj3 Ctvldtjii litaltli ;cA l'oaoffed Vigor. A Hi'iulll.' fr"foiu 'pni ion. IixlL'o Hon, Live ui.i Kifincy Vioiil.liM. l'mipifs, LVwn-i. ImnuM J. I..1, L'.td l.'.viuli, PIi c-'.-'h Howti,. Hemlaclia uul llacirai hi . If--.: Moniiuln T";i In ttxo- r f(nii). :r. coiit i ,i ,n-j. (iniilno mudo bv :m. ictkh Da. i mmi-a.nv, 'lHilNun. Wia. GULDEN KUGGETB FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ' tIKi Pine fl-& hi! 10 M CR fe GUARANTEED TO CIVE SATISFACTION OR HONEY REFUNDED. fc DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY PLIF-VE THE MOST SEVEm: CA3E DbrO t r!G FOR SKLG BV ttoTheiaedicinal virtues of thecrudo (rnmsanrl resins obtaiacdlrom the rJctivelintt have teen recoguized by tho medical profession tor cer Uines. Piue-ule3 Contain the virtues of tkctt&tive Pine that are o value in reliev ing Backache, Kidnoy, Blood, DIadiler and Rh'.uaiutio Troubles. BACK -A CHE HENRY COOK h& ilprod what dontti or curiosity It bo- rose to he n loader In (he world of let-: trnyod. how much of Insight Into the tors. London Rtsnrlnrd. j domestic lift that ha must ahyiiys be . .... a. m n e To Cwre a Cold m w.) Tak. Laxative Bromo mme Tablet. . f v& . . . . t..t.: Tine eicrnatnrcv V S ' yr Mflioa oxe s m paw " Sevea This signature, tm Cures Grip ia Two Days. oaeverv frzns?. bojc 35i - t