iWBBWWSSHWBVUJWJUiP.-i V, . 'LlUiJlIH'W." WHJ1JMW i" '"wnw .-. , .,... .r,.. ..,J-mJMJ,J,.,.J.J MM.JMu-.... . no iiniiiiiiiw artd WrtrtwmiiTn n - " " " gUBXP!mi"VMm4rmhJtvi3 For Lung Troubles Aycr'8 Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis.consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. Mr llltln boy lirt n trrrllilo cuiirIi. I trlcil TerrthlUK I ctiniici nenr i wn m '" "A'"' mnv by Andrew Lung: "It seems almost in-1 one to got through the day. Euti do credible, but It Ih true, tlint I once cologne mid the various toilet waters know a timri wbo was at Eton wIHi are very refreshing wlien added to the Ajror' I'herrjr I'frtornl win nc ivm Hthibi.k. Alton, III. Iirlit b wm licttT.rtiict lie ulr.ullly Itnprnveil ntit he wm porluctiy won." m The first Itnprnveil KM. S. J. A Mdo by J. O. Ayer Co.. lowoii, mass. All to manufacturers of y SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. IIAIH VIGOR. vers Kp p tho bowola regular with Ayor's ana xnus nuan rwuvuij. TROPICAL TITBITS. Shelley, who left In 1810. This wns Mr. Hammond, a senior fellow of Mor ton college when I was an Inqulrli'g Junior. About 1870 he told mo nil that I could extract from him about the poet. 'Shelley wuh not n clever boy: w never wns sent up for good,' which means, I conceive, that ho never did it remarkable exercluc In Latin verse. Mr. Hammond added that Shelley had u habit when he wns walking alone of maidenly breaking Into a sprint at a hundred yard pace. That wai all." 8ho Didn't Do It. Tiie family Jar waxed fiercer. "You talk about my being to blnine for our marrying!" shrilly, exclaimed Mm. Vlok-Hunn. "John Honry, did I hunt you out ami make Iotc to you!" "No!" he Huorted. "But you could hurt given me the gla!y eye and went me about my murines, and you didn't do it, niadnm-you didn't do lt!"-Chl-esso Tribune. water or used Independently. 1 once heard a man Hay that if he couldn't both wash bio hands and face and comb his hair in the morning when lie got up he would choose to comb Ills hair. It would wake him up better. He felt something of the same sense of physical comfort as the average convalescent or Invalid." CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. Somo of the Nativo Dichwj That Ar Served In Jamaica, la Jnnialcn, n everywhere else, tere arc two wnyn to do things. There Jri the beaten track of the tonvlst to Mlow, wlllt ita hotels of varying ex oUctice, conventional drives and all tfmt sort of thing. To know the Island tind the allurements of lla Ingratiating ironical beauty, however, to appreciate the double Interest of Itrithth resident mdoms, together with the quaint oddl ieri of the negro native life "next to Miu earth," one must travel a different mwr.e. Courtesy to visitors to the Is land Is everywhere manifest. There trre native dishes that no hotel on tho lsliuid can make to taste so good. Iheiv 1 learned the Indescribable rio lldousuoss of a properly deviled Ja maica black crab. There were served cmrhs that would make a habitue of JM i Hindoo's sit up and take notice wn-tle. real turtle. prepared with a del icacy to delight an epicure, and native oyMers that .lamalcans facetiously say "grow on trees." Tropical trims lit an liteir fragrance and juicy prime gave an intimation of the productive possi bilities of the island. The green tinted Jamaica orange, thin of skin and richly Juicy, grape fruit of superior quality, the avooada par, oily In composition xnii nully In flavor; pineapples In Ja inulca they cut them in half horizontal ly and eat them with a spoon man goes, akee, breadfruit, ochra, choco, yams, and more yams, were there to tempt the inexperienced palate. Trav el Magnr.lne. The Qtmtlflrtian. "Supposing I decide to lei you hava tfae money, hrw 4 I know that 1 shall gwt It back at the time you mention?" asked KrowH. "I promise it, mr boy, on the word f a gentleman," wtrtlled Moore. "Ah! In that enae I may think better of It. Come around thin evening and bring him with yon." Nuno Left. "A college education," deoiared the enthusiastic mothar, "brings out all that Is good In a bvy." "Yes." retarted William's father, "and In Hill's enso I wish a little of It could have stayed lu." Cleveland Press. LOOK TO THE FUTURE. And tho THE ARKANSAS HOG. tt Can Outrun a Groyhound and Whip a Wolf or a Bear. An esteemed contemporary gave Kpace to tho following communication fc-oin a subscriber on "The American Hog:" "Arkansas has a greater variety of koRS and less pork and lard than any Klate In the Union. An average hog lit Arkansas weighs about fourteen pounds dressed witli Its head on and about six pounds and a half with its head off. Il cau outrun a greyhound. Jump a rail fence, climb like a parrot nnd live on grass mots and rabbit tracks. It hasn't much tail or bristle, kilt plenty of gall. It will lick a wolf or a bear In u fair fight. It is called rarorback because it Is shaped like a Kimlirdi. In hunting a razor hack It Is always shot at sideways, for there is not a ghost of a show to hit it otherwise, any more titan to shoot at n siillt shluglc. It can drink milk out of a quart Jar on account of Its long, thin head. This type of ra.orback Is known as the stone hog because Its head Is so heavy and Its nose so long that It Imluui'cs up behind. The owuer of this tjpe of ltugs uxiiiiiiy ties a stouo to Its till 1 lo keep II from overbalanc ing and bruakint: It nect; while ruu Uiilg. If Uie stone Is too heavy, It will pull the skin over Its eyes, and It will go blind." Switzerland a Modern Dabol. Switzerland, with Its mixture of races and tongues, Is a .sort of modern "lbtbel, a fact which causes much trou ble; In particular to the military an iliorilles. At Walleiixtudl the other day at the recruiting staHott there was a guard o imposed of live men. The chief was a lieutenant who i-joko Cier iiian (inly, the secind a sergeant who wpoko Italian only, the third a cor poral who could speak Trench and Spanish, the fourth a private who could tmouk French and (icrmau. and the lifth a private who could speak French and Italian. When the lieutenant had to transmit an order to the scrgi-nnt bo had to got the last named man to Interpret for him. When ho want-' d to communicate with the corpor.il be had to requisition the fourth man, and so on, great delay and confusion Iielng thus occasioned. London News. Do Not Let the Past Spoil Days That Arc to Como. There is nothing more depressing than dwelling upon lost opportunities or a misspent life. Whatever your past has been, forget It. If It throws it shadow upon the present or causes melancholy or despondency, there Is nothing In it which helps you, there Is not a single reason why you should retain It in your memory, and there are a thousand reasons why you should bury It. The future's your uncut block of marble, lteware how you smite it. Don't touch it without a programme. Don't strike a blow with your chisel without a u.idel. lest you ruin and mar forever the angel which lives within the block. But the past marble, which you have carved Into hideous Images which have warped and twist ed the ideals of your youth and caused you Infinite pain, need not ruin or mar the uncut block before you. This is one of the merciful provisions that every day present to every human be ing, no matter how unfortunate his past, u new uncut block of pure mar ble, so that every day every human be ing lias a new chance to retrieve the past, to Improve upon It if be will. Nothing Is 1111.V0 foolish, more posl tlvely wicked, than to drag the skele tons of the past, the hideous Images, the foolish deeds, the unfortunate ex periences of the vast Into today's work to mar and spoil It. There are plenty of people who have been failures up to the present moment who could do wonders In the future If they could only forget the past and start anew. Success. A Daring Young Adventurer With a Thrilling Carcar. Captain John Smith of Willoatgtaby, Lincolnshire, wna th man to whom the aucceas of the flrat KngliMi perma nent settlement in North America was dlrrctly dut. Thouch only twenty-abc when tht expedition aailt'd with him on board, lit and already enjoy ad anch a aucceaalon of thrllllne Axparlencca a wan the lot af fw man tven In the ad vanruroua age of KUaabath. At the aga af alxtaaa ha had aatarad on a nallltary oaraer In Franca veA tht LawOoaatriaa. In 1000 ht teugat aarvita agataat tht Tnrka, wba wore taaat at tht height af their power aixl had only lately ceaaad to threaten Tienna Itaelf. On the way to the eaat he waa thrown overboard ai a Hugntriot and was rattened by a pirate, from whom hla Inexhaustible resourcefulness enabled hbu to escape after a time. He than mitcred the Aus trian aerrlce and noon slgnallued hlin alf by a series of brilliant exploits. One of these, the defeat of three Turk ish champions in aingle fight, earned him his well known coat of arms, "three Turks' heada In n shield," from Klgisrnond Hathorl, prince of Transyl vania. Later he was taken prisoner by the Turks and owed Inn escape to the Interest with which he Inspired a Turk ish lady. "Whatever might happen," as Gardiner says, "he was always able to tuni It lo account. In the worst dan gers he knew what was the right thing to be done." London Outlook. w fl PRECOCIOUS JOHN DAVY. of m (0 w (0 m ih OVERCOATS They AH Go At 20 Per Cent OFF m IS m m m m PAUL STOREY, Clothier f ,'S?,:!''S'S?'!'3'sii'to-j'i&'Sv5i5fc.iSi' Ur A SOCIABLE COMPANION. The Childhood Incident of the Author "The Bay of Biscay." Ait Interesting anecdote of tho youth of John Davy, who composed the fa mous song "The Hay of Biscay," shows how decided and precocious was this inuslclnn's aptitude for the art he ulti mately practiced with artistic If not tlniutehil success. John Davy was born near Exeter In 1 7(15. At the age of six he evinced a passion for music, which he sought every means of gratifying. He wns in want of a musical Instru ment and determined to provide him self with one of however rough a na ture. So from a neighboring smithy he purloined twenty to thirty horse shoes. From these he selected as many as formed n complete octave and, hnv lng suspended them In an upper room, nmused himself by Imitating upon them the chimes of the neighboring church of Crcditon. By these and other meanw he obtain ed a knowledge of music which some thirty years later enabled him to pro duce many dramatic pieces and such songs as "Just Like Love," "The Death of the Smuggler" and "The Hay of Hlscity," only the last of which has re mained popular. After twenty years' work In London Davy died in St. Martin's lane in 1824. He was burled In St. Martin's church yard. London Chronicle. NolLonger an Impossibility Tho idea that has become general that first class building matorial could no longer bo hud is certainly knocked out, wliott you take a look at tho complete lino of clear Soft Vine Finish and Siding carried in stock by Saunders Brothers of Hod Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber nttd building material is tho fact Unit their prices aro reasonable, nnd they guarantee u SQUARE DEAL. They also huvo u nice lino of Oak, Hickory nnd Poplar Wngott .Material. See their Shin gles. You can uot help but admire them. Tho members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of excollont help, are always glad and take pleasure in showing to the public this nice stock. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcirufi and (routine the hair, l'mrnutei a luxuriant growth. Never Foils to Iiostoro a ray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cum iralp lifiri .V hair tailing. iOc.anatlCUat Draggliti Chatty Traveler Who Charmed Ralph Waldo Emorson. It is related that Italplt Waldo Em erson was once on his way to Califor nia when he was Joined by a mini who was altogether so sociable and chatty that an otherwise tedious Journey was rendered quite cheerful. This man's name was Sackett, and he told Mr. Emerson that he resided In San Fran cisco. Mr. Sackett Indicated all the points of interest along the way, re lated a lot of amusing anecdotes and, best of all. was also an utteiithe lis tener. The consequence was that Mr. Emerson came to the conclusion that Mr. Sackett was as charming a man as he had ever met, and It was In this positive conviction that he accepted Mr. Saekotl's invitation to dine with him Immediately upon their arrival in San FrnueiM'o. The next morning Mr. Emerson was astonished and annoyed ; to find lit all the local papers this startling petsoiliil notice: "Professor llalph Waldo Emerson, the eminent philosopher, scholar anil poet. Is In our city as the guest of J. Sackett, the well known proprietor of the Hush Street Dime museum. Matinees every half hour. Admission only 10 cents. The double headed calf and the dog faced boy this week!" Flowerpots. All now flowerpots require to be soaked In water and allowed to dry thoroughly before being used. The soil does not hang well to the sides of gar den pots unless so treated. Dirty pots are open to the same objection. Let any one try to put a plant with fresh soil Into a pot which has been used before and left unwashed, and bo will find In a few days, when the soil be gins to dry, that It leaves a space and does not adhere as It should to the sides or it. No plant can possibly nourish under such circumstances. The roots or a plant draw to the sides of a pot naturally In search of moisture, and growth of course Is checked If a current of air Is allowed to pass be tween them and the sides. Some plants exhibit this tendency in such a remark able degree that few roots are to be seen, except a network on the outside of the soil next the pot. Shelley as a Boy. Here Is a glimpse of Shelley offered Helping an Invalid, A trained ntir.se mentions ns iuiiopk the Utile things that help make an In valid feel comfortable and rested the frequent brushing of tho hair and bath ing of the hands and face. "I don't know what It Is, whether these actions Just divert tho Invalid's mind or really do effect some physical change for tho better, but they certnjtilyholp the sick FIRE DAMAGE ABOUT $1,000,000 Plant of Phelps' Publishing Company at Springfield Destroyed. Springfield, Miibs., Jan. 29. Tho plant of tho Phelps Publishing com pany hero was destroyed by fire. Tho loss Is estimated at nearly $1,000,000. Tho company published Good House keeping, the Monthly American Agri culturist, tho Orange Jtidd Farmer, the New England Homestead, and Farm and Homo. Arrangenionts aro being made for tho publication ot these Journals In other cities. Flood Conditions Improving. EvniiHville, Ind., Jan. 29. Tho river continues to fall. A coiiimunlca Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tucsduy, Jan uary -'H, furnished by the Fort Ab stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager. Fannie S Dow to Henry Cook, part lots in, II and lf, blk r, Red Cloud, wd S Lino Henry Cook to Fannie S Dow. lots 14 to 20, blk 2, Richard son's add to lied Cloud, wd I '.10 Lincoln Land Co to It C Cheval ier, lot I. blk f, Hidden, wd.. ',() Katie E llos.s to Eriek () Herg- tuan, pt nwl 1H-.1-12, wd W) John A Shetley to Jesse W Hodges, lots J to 10. part 2 to J I, blk :t. Vance's add to IJuide Rock, wd 2.100 Karl Spcnee to Charles Spence. lot :i, blk :i. Spence'.s add to Hladeu, qcd .lilt) Adeline Maudclbiitiin to llano Hoppcii. w2 net and net ncl lii-l-'.i. wd toon Louis II Osterblad to Frai.lt W Yetter. lot 12and pt lot 1 1, blk :. Vance's add to (i II. wd.... ItXio Total SlOSlii) Mortgages liled. 11,1)7.1. Mortgages released. t7.72(). I'ineulcV (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hundreds of years fur IMadder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, SI. (luaraiitccd to give .satisfac tion or money refunded. (Set our guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's drug store. it Young Man, Go West" For 82.1 I will locate you on sis goop a quarter f land as you have ever laid your eyes upon. The soil is a deep, dark loam, with clay sub soil, liny a quarter adjoining it. $.100 is enough to swing tliu deal. SI too fur a good quarter of land in Kansas "if sold before the first of March." A fine Webster county farm for sale. Renter, why don't you got a ,0me of yoiu own? .Well-to-do farmer, why don't von buy a tract of land for your son and daughter, where the possibili ties for enjoying life are greater than ever and let them grow up with the country'.' N. P. KLOWGARI), RED CLOUD, NEB. Olliee of Co. Atty. L. 11. Rlnck ledge. Phone 48. Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty Your money refunded if after using three-fourths lift) of a tube of Man.an you are dissatisfied. Return the bal- . ..,.,. . .. Hon from Shtiwneetown says trains . i"ee i "u " your uruggisi, and will not bo able to enter Hint place your money will be cheerfully return for Hovorul days. Conditions along the ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold Wabash river are grottly improved. by Henry Cook's drug store. Come to McPhcrson County, liiums Fino river bottom well im proved farms and ranches, good towns, soltoola and churches; no saloons, Call on or nddress E. E. ifcCMUK, Marwttc, las.