The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1907, Image 2

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Entered In tin I'OBttifllrc at Iti'd Cloiul.Nob .
im Second C'Iiim Matter
Paul C. Piiaiikh
GtonoH Nkwmousk
Little Chance That Any of Entombed
Men Will Be Taken Out Alive Res
cuers Will Be Unable to Reach Bot
tom of Shaft for Forty-clght Hours.
ClmrlcBtou, W. Vn., Jan. 30. With a
detonation heard for miles and hurling
debris hundreds of feet in tho air,
limit In the Stuart, mine near Fayette-
vlllo exploded, bringing a torrlblo tn clirhtv or mora men who were
nt. work 500 feet below tho surface.
There Is no chance that any will bo
taken out alive, for It is thought that
tho terrific force of the explosion
unuflcd out their lives Instantly. It
will not lie possible for rescuers to
reach the bottom of tho shaft for forty-eight
Tho disaster is pethnps tho worst,
in the number of killed, in the history
of this state. Most of tho men were
Americans and many or them wens
married nnd had largo ramllies. There
were a dozen or more colored men and
about twenty aliens among tho vic
tims. Tho rescue work wns begun as soon
ns tho shaft house was repaired.
About two hours after tho explosion
three men wcro lowered Into tho mlno
In an improvised bucket. Before be
ing lowered sixty feet two were over
come and the third barely able to glvo
the signal to holsL Air was supplied
to the mine by several large Tans, but
the mechanism was damaged and tho
fans weie idle several hours. Tho
fans hnve started again nnd If tho
men were not nil killed it may ho
they will have air enough to survive
until the rescuers reach them.
The Stuart mine bus only one open
ing, although an entry 1ms been drlv
n to connect with a parallel mlno a
short distance awny. Tho shaft hns
threo compartments, two for tho cngos
and one Tor air. Smoke and dust
pk tt'-ed into the aindiaft for hundreds
of fent Irom tho ventilating compart
ment and It wns wrecked. It Is stated
1 hat nearly all the mm were at work
in the entries near tho bottom of tho
Bodies of Miners Killed In Prussian
Shaft Recovered.
Saarbruecken, Rhenish Prussia, Jan.
30. An official report places the num
ber of dead in the Reden mine explo
sion at 1-18, of which sixty-two have
been brought out. Escaping gas from
tho IMIdstock shaft wns caught and
analyzed by chemists nnd tho result
tihowed that the lire was diminishing.
General Mannger von Vclsen, with
180 men, started Into tho mlno to res
io tho eighty-six bodies still under
ground. Two hours later the winding
machinery began to bring bodies rap
Mljr to the surface.
Storiea told by some of the rescued
iwiners show a number of hairbreadth
escapes. One mnn said:
"Wo were resting for breakfast,
when suddenly a rumbling sound wns
hoard. The foreman shouted: 'Every
fian to the shnft! Save himself who
can!' Wo ran like mad toward shaft
No. 1. Wo encountered poisonous
gases and it grew harder and harder
to breathe. The mile to tho short,
littered with bodies and fallen rock,
seemed without end. Suddenly my
t-enses left mo and I fell. I was picked
up by a fellow workman. When 1 re
gained consciousness I was abovo
Tho disaster would have been much
greater but for the fact that threo
months ago a gallery was cut through
to tho other shaft. It wns by moans
of this that many of the GOO men es
caped. According to the latest Infor
mation, tho ox plosion wns caused by
coal dust.
Fire Destroys Section of Baldwin Lo
comotive Works.
Philadelphia, Jan. 30. Firo which
Btarted with an explosion in the paint
shop destroyed an entire section of
the big Baldwin locomotive works, en
tailing a loss of $1,000,000. Tho de
stroyed building was anout 175 feet
long by 150 feet deep, immediately nd
joining tho main ofllce, at Broad and guilty of importing four iron moldors
Spring Garden streets, and tho erect- from Manchester, England, In vloln
ing shops, smith shops nnd foundries, tlon of tho alien contract labor law.
Theso buildings w'erethreatened, as
wens othor departments nlong Spring
Gnnlcn street nnd on Fifteenth
About 1,000 men wei-c employed In
the burned building, which was live
stories high. Though the Haines spread
quickly, nil were nhlu to gel out safe
ly. Shortly nftcr the flro Btartod Ihe
upper portion of the wall on Spring
Gnnlcn street fell nnd one flremnn nnd
three workmen wore caught hy the
falling brieka, hut fortunately received
only slight Injuries. Tlic firemen sue-
cecded In petting the II nines under
control within nn hour nfter the flro
wns dlS"overcd. The Haldwln locomo
tive works Is the largest Industrial
plnnl in the United States nnd cm
ploys 18,000 men.
Fuel Situation Is Desperate.
Washington, Jan. 30. A telegram
to tho Interstate commerce commis
sion from New ltockford, N. D., says
tho fuel situation there Is so desperate
that the people will bum railroad
property In less than forty-eight horns
for fuel.
Thousand pjrGons Present at Conven
tion In Denver on Second Day.
Dcnvor.Jun. 2C Over 300 accred
ited delegates from states and terri
tories west, of tho Missouri river wcro
present at tho sessions of tho Dry
farming congress ami visnois hwuiiuu .
tho nttondnncu to a total of 1,0 i0.
The program Included addresses by
Professor II. M. Ilolner, Colorado ag
ricultural college; F. H. Brandenburg,
director of tho United Stater, weather
bureau, Denver; W. S. Palmer, dltect
or of the United States weather bu
reau, Cheyenne; Dr. K. R. Nichols,
president of tho Kansas agricultural
college; Dr. P. N. Tisdel, professor of
Wyoming agricultural college; G. L.
Parrcll, Logan, Utah; Dr. P. A. Yoder.
Utah agricultural college, and Dr.
John A. Wldtsoe, Brighntn Young iml
vctsity. Provo, Utah.
Fisher Harris of Salt Lake was
chosen president. Salt Lake was
agreed upon n the next meeting
place. Oppo&i i n wns developed to
one of tho resolutions reported, which
declared that the congress wns "with
President Roosevelt in regard to leas
ing unoccupied public lands," and in
favor of the Uurkett bill lor that pur
pose, and it was laid on the table.
The resolutions urged that demon
stration farms be established bv tho
states and nation and also that tho
various legislatures and congress ap
propriate lands for carrying out ex
periments in dry farming.
Prosecution Finishes Case Against
Lieut. Drury and Private Dowd.
Pittsburg, Jan. 20. Testimony to
show that William Crowiey, after ho
had cried out: "I'll give up, don't
shoot, lellow," was shot by Private
John Dowd on orders from Lieutenant
Ralph Drury of tho United States
army, was given at the trial of there
two men for murder. The case is re
garded as the most important of its
kind that has been tried in a decade.
Tho commonwealth Is prosecuting,
whiio tho government la defending,
tho soldiers. Some sensational testi
mony for the prosecution, met by
equally surprising hints as to the line
oT defense to be followed, was brought
out In the cross-examination of wit
nesses. The iiuostion nt issue concerns tho
right of a United States soldier to kill
another man outside of federal prop
erty who is suspected of having com
mitted a crime within govornment
property. A jury was procured and
just before adjournment of court tho
prosecution finished its case.
The defense, ns outlined to tho jury,
sets up that tho theft or copper from
the arsenal hy Crowloy would bo
proved, that witnesses for the prose
cution contradicted themselves, that
the fatal shot was fired after repeated
warnings to halt, thnt Crowley would
have escaped had lie not been shot
when he was and that finally this will
he proved by Crovvlej's dying state
Stricken Jamaican Capital Is Thrown
Into a Fresh Panic.
Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 20. Tho
heaviest earthquako sluvk since tho
one which devastated Kingston. Jan.
14, occurred here at 4:110 a. m. No
particular damage Is reported.
Acting on instructions from tho
Washington government, Captain John
S. Bnttle of the Hleventh lnrnutry ar
rived hero on the slenmer Otoii, from
Santiago, with more than 100. army
tents from (lunntnnanio. Governor
Swottenhnm, who refused Rear Admi
ral Davis' offer or the same tents
shortly after the earthquake, has now
accopted tho loan of them.
Fined for Importing Moiders.
Chicago, Jan. 2!). Tho Aiiis-Chal-mors
company, manufacturers of min
ing machinery, was lined $4,000 by
Jttdgo 1 Jin (lis in the United Stntes dis
trict court, following the return by n
jury of a verdict finding tho company
Counsel for the company will appeal .
the case to the United States circuit
court of appoals.
Clark to Succeed Walcott.
Baltimore, Jan. 2S. It Is understood
that the appointment of Professor
William Bullock Clark of the Johns-
Hopkins university to the director
ship of tho United States geological
survey hns been practically decided
upon. His appointment will he as
successor to Charles D. Walcott, who
has resigned to become head or tho
Smithsonian institution.
Meet Death With Arms Entwined.
Camden, N. J., .Inn. 28. With arms
entwined a well known young man
nnd a young woninn stood on tho
tracks of tho Pennsylvania Electric
railroad over Newton creek and calm-
ly awaited until an electric train ran
them down. Roth were killed nnd t
their bodies hurled Into the water.
Russians to Evacuate Manchuria.
Home, Jan. 2C Tho foreign office
has received an official communication
from the Russian government saying
Russia has decided to begin the Im
mediate withdrawal of her troops from
Manchuria without waiting for April
.,- .,. . ..., ,... .i.'i ...... 1.. t.
in. uiu iau- iixi-u mi huh hiuij ... i
I ortsmontlMrouty.
Crushed to Death In Machine.
Cincinnati, Jan. 2i). Caught In the
jaws of a. powerful rag shredding ma-'
cxUCi Stephen Altmoyer was slowly 1
f.rlIsi,od to death. His fellow-emnloycs
were unable to aid him and his entire .
body was dragged into the machine
boforo tho engines could be (.topped, j
The Verses Wcro Always Kept Sacred
by Mrs. Beecher.
It was related ly -Mrs. Henry Wnnl
P.eecher that (hiring their courtship Mr.
Heccher once "dropped Into poetry"
and wrote a few lines of verse teeming
with affection for his sweetheart. But
the verges were always kept sacred by
Mr.s. Beecher, and nothing could win i
them from her. One day Mr. nnd Mrs
Beecher were In the office of Robert
Bonner, the publisher.
"Why doift you write a poem, Beech
or'!" said Mr. Bonner.
"He did once," said Mrs. Beecher.
"Recite It for me, won't you, Mrs.
But the eyes of the great preacher
were riveted on his wife, and she knew
that he meant silence.
"Come." said Mr. Bonner, "I'll give
you ?.",u00 if you will recite that poem
to me," addressing Mrs. Beecher.
"Why, It run" quickly said Mrs.
"Hunice!" simply aid Mr. Beecher.
And, although Robert Bonner after
ward ofl'ero 1 to double the sum first
offered, he never got the poem from
Mrs. Beeclur. It had been hidden
away by Mr.-?. P.eecher nnd cherished
as one of the dearest treasure-! her
husband left her.
Persian Rugs.
"Antique Peixi.m rugs," said the rug
salesman, "'ire dyed with vegetable
dyes; the new ones are dyed with ani
line dyes. There's u great difference.
Vcvtnblo dyes are fifty or sixty times
moiv expensive than anilines, and they
give a color that Is literally Imperish
able, n color that keeps growing richer
and richer' till the rug falls to pieces.
Anilines, made out of coal tar, look
well enough at first, but they fade.
When a vegetable red or blue would be
at its best an aniline red or blue would
be nearly white. We civilized people
harmed the Chinese by introducing our
cheap opium among them, nnd now we
have equally harmed the Persian rug
by Introducing our cheap anilines
among the rug weavers."
Tho Hydrophobia Monaco.
Since hydrophobia l.s transmitted by
inoculation and its virus resides in the
saliva of Its victim, the only absolute
safeguard Is to keep dogs muzzled
when at large. A muzzle Is a nuisance
no doubt and In the immense ma
jority of cases needless, for almost
fnvnrlubly the mischief maker Is tho
slra.v cur, belonging to no one In par
ticular and coming from nobody knows
where. But It seems impracticable to
frame an effective regulation for the
protection of the public from such Ir
responsible and dangerous creatures
without making It applicable to all
dogs. New York Tribune.
Limit of Economy.
"I don't mind a young man econo
mizing when he is out with mo." sighed
tho girl, "but It seems to me that when
he takes you In a penny In tin; slot ma
chine parlor, drops n penny In u slot
nnd hands you one of the ear things
while ho takes the other the limit hns
just about been reached. Of course you
can hear tho opera almost as well with
one ear, but how does It look?" New
York Press.
The lady was making some remarks
about the kind or clothes some other
ladles at church had 011.
"Tho lluest garment a woman can
wear," said her husband, "Is tho man
tle of charity."
"Yes," she snapped, "and It's about
the ouly one some husbands want their
wives to wear."
Sevcnty - sevcn Bodies Taken Out and
Fifty-six Corpoc3 Known to Be Un
der Ground Second Explosion
Catches Rescuers.
Snnrhnitck, Rhenish Prussia, Jan.
29. A firedamp explosion occurred
in the lledeu coal mine ut St. Joinuni-on-Saar,
opposito Snarbnteck, and
caused the loss of from 150 to 200
lives. Tho mine Is owned by the
Prussian government
Seventy-seven bodies lmvo been
brought out and llfty-slx corpses arc
known to bo tinder uround. Only fifty
live men have been brought out, and
of these tho doctors say at least thlr-ty-llvo
will die, as thoy are frightfully
injured thiougn Having been nttrieu ' a
against tho walls of tho galleries by ! J
the force of the explosion.
An official report says the number
of dead cannot exceed 100.
Immediately after tho explosion rcs-
CM0 workot-d were hurried from nil tho
adjacent mines and boldly entered the
Reden hhnft In great numbers. The
work of rescue hns been greatly ham-
pored by tho poisonous gases resulting
from the explosion nnd by a fierce lire
Hint broke out Immediately nfter
wards. This caused errorts at rescue
to bo suspended and tho workers had
to be oidered out of the mine.
After all tho rescuers had. reached
daylight, according to ouo version, a
second terrific detonation was heard
uudoi ground. Hut, according to an
other report, many of the rescuers
were still below when tho second ox-
plosion occurred, nnd it is estimated
that the casualty list from the two ex
plosions reaches a total of 300.
It is regarded as certain that tho
lowest levels of tho mines are com
pletely wrecked, nnd tho inspectors
are deliberating upon further mens-
ures to got control of tho lire. The i
managers aro discussing the advisabll
ity of flooding those levels as tho only
means of extinguishing tho flames. It
Is believed thnt all the men who weie ,
in the lower levels assuredly arc '
dead. It will take a full week to en
ter and explore tho mine.
Sixteen Others Injured When Ice Ma-1
chine Explodes, Releasing Ammonia. '
Chicago, Jan. 29. Four men were
killed and sixteen others seriously in
jured as tho lesult of tho explosion or
nn ice machine in tho power house or j
Armour &. Co., at Forty-fourth street '
and Packers avenue.
Twenty men were working in the
room'when the bond of a cylinder on j
tho ice machine blew off, filling the
room with ammonia I nines. Three
men were instantly killed, and a
fourth died on tho way to the hos
pital. Tho strength of the ammonia fumes
was so great that the men in the room (
wete rcbcued with the greatest diffi
culty and for a time arterwards it
was necessary to abandon the building I
until the ammonia to some extent had
All the victims were Austrian and
Hungarian laborers.
Explosion in West Virginia Mine Re
sult of Criminal Negligence.
Weston, W. Va., Jan. 28. District
Mine inspector Barton took charge of
tho situation at the mine or tho Penn
sylvania Consolidated Coal company
and a searching investigation Is being
made into the cause of the explosion
which killed twelve men Saturday. A
coroner'b jury devoted tho day to In
vestigating the nffalr. The testimony
Indicates criminal negligence on the
part of a miner. Several kegs or pow
der were left at the bottom of tho
Miaft, 100 feet below the surrece, and
it is thought tho powder must have
been ignited from a cigar or ashes in
the pipe of one or tho thirty minors
who wore being enrried up in tho cage
when the explosion occurred.
Digestible Food.
One of the biggest mistakes about
food vvhleh people make is to forgot
that the true value of fond to anybody
Is the measure of lt- digestibility. Half
a pound of cheese is vastly more nour
ishing as regards its mere composition
than half a pound of beef, but while
the beef will be easily digested and , agont for the Farmers Union Instjr
thtis be of vast service to us the cheese ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in
is put out of court altogether for ordl-, surance company intho sto
nary folks by reason of Its indigestl- j - - -
blllty. We should bear this rule In lice's Laative Cougli Syrup contain
mind when we hear people comparing j tftjnJllK onuv , Tl. is l.8pecinnT
one 10011 win .....nne,- ... 'N -
tneir cueinicai vnuie. i.ouuuu iioin
Fish, Flesh, Herring. 1
"Neither lish nor llesh nor good red
herring" occurs In Drydeu's eplloguo
to his Huke of Guise (182). The epl
logtto takes tho form of n dialogue be
tween the actress who spoke It ami a
trimmer and ends with this exclama
tion: D neuters, In their mlddlo way of
They're neither fish nor flesh nor good red
Can bo cured only by
n romedy that will A
removo tho ciuiso.
Tho oftcner yon
stop il with hi'ftdacho
powders or pills tho f
qttiokor will it return. X
Gonornlly, hoadacho
comes from a dis
turbed stomach or
Irregular bowels, and
almost invariably
:: Lane's Family f
(a tonio laxativo) will euro hcad
ncho in short order by regulating
tho bovvela and reiuvigorating tho
It is a vrreat blood medicine
and the favorite laxative of old J
and young. J
At drujj'BistB', 25c. and GOc.
hi tHUtaittu
1 1 uufljjA.irtn:
& in) ft ilvav R3inavraHlirm
4usne!sof Wheat
from the harvest of 1906
HSoS;wS'S farmers of Western Canada,
PJSfif'i'vltJi when tho world has to be
w icu. ;uuc liaising, dairy
ing nnd Mixed Farming
are also profitable callings.
CJal, wood and water in
abundance; churches and
schools convenient; markets
easy of nccess; taxes low.
Siiiii-rliit.'iiilrnt ol'ImnilgraUnn
Ollnwn, Ciinntli.,
ot Ibt follrmlrj mithotltn Canadian
OoTatiineut Agent
801 New York J.llrt Kulldloff
OliMihu. .Net,.
AA'fck Tn.nH H.n mnu t
,'V Designs
Copyrights &c.
Anvono-tcnilliw; nsltoldi nnd rircrlntlnn ninr
ntitclcly niforciiii our oiniimit free wlu-tiicr iu
iMYimtlnti mil U'ly pnlonlfiMp, C'uiiiiiiiiiiirn
ttniwm nelly coiiiiclciiiiii. HAHDilOOK on I'liU'iiir
sent fri'O. Olilr-t imi-iiry forp uniitf jmtunta.
I'.ilentrt tnk'-it t)inui:li Munn A Jo. lccclvc
tptetalnotlce, without chnrsc, Inttio
Scientific jftineiicati,
A tinndnnmol? lllintrnlcil Trpclily. !irpP8t. rlr
riiliitlnn if any Ht'lunlllln Jminml. 'IVrniH, tJ ft
yiir: four months, fl- Sold liyitl) nowsitpulrrn.
HUHmcCo.888 New York
Urancli Olllco. C V St.. Wasliliwtoii. V. .
i , atgstsasMmiareTEV.irr Tgctanurr KT.Trrrzsjy
Sax tasMies
8oo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Gm M eSttS&ibBm
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Countiy, No. HC;
uoii, iso. ;a.
against Firo, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, soo
I niiprni'hite for ehihlren. nci onlntCH 0
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms U
the provisions or the National Pnre
Food and Drug Law, .lunu III), 1006.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gentry
moving tl e luwels. tluaranteed. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, good for Inzy livers.
, ,n..w,u. omnlexionH. ln-Sdii .,,.
and happy thoughts. Sold hy Henry
Cook's drug store.
S iM TiMlSftTttKr "YVER 200,000
V J$i-,V$$felVl O American
WMWfflS&rZ farmers who
B&'SlllUPVjtB havesettlccl inCnn
7 S,? n w& ? b nda during the past
Lrii&fr?&L& few years, testify
K'tf 4 ??1 to the fact that
S " Ai SJSQ $1$ question; the great
B ejYaWfcHt farminKjand in
LMmmm the WOrwy
n m
wfeM&M'k 60 YEARS
.ns jjMaTii-;.v