The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1907, Image 1

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I Subscription
$1 a Year
1 in Advance
Eight Pages 1
Home Print
A Splendid PreiniuiYi
100 Eight-Day Clocks
. .To Be Given Away.
We want to add 1,000 now .subscribers to Tm: CniKr'.s list beforo the
first of Pobruury, 11)07, and to tliat end wo muko tho ofror below. Thoro
will bo no disappointed cont ostants. Tills is u plain businoss proposition
and ovory school district, ovory church society, cvory lodge and every
individual can secure ouo of thoso .slnudid Regulators by sending in
ten now yearly subscriptions. Tho retail prico of this Clock is 87.00.
ll(ipa"C5) Mil
Address all communications to
Red Cloudy Nebraska.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Atfo
This Week V y
A. Holmgrain has been allowed a
M. R. MeXitt. county treasurer, was ;
la Lincoln this week.
i,,i, ii..i..i,v !,i,,i ,u Piivlii'i.K-
.John lolnHlcj md .lot laMiuK
Trere in town Saturday. I '
brakeinan on a passenger train be
lli. Spokesfleld has moved her mil- i tim.n .McCook and Hastings, has re-
Unory store into the Kellogg building. I ,nov,.ti j,js fa,ily to McCook. which
Little Ray Howard, 'J-year-old son ! cliango will be greatly to his conven-
f Mr. and Mrs. I'. II. Potter, died i ienee. .. .Miss May Hummel is now the
Hundav evenimr. from pneumonia. typo for the Herald The Quakers
A ....... . .. I .i lw.i itintit.iiiitirr t.lf.v.ii
n '" ,h, , . ,
feet from tip of nose to end of tail, i
1 " . ' . . ,, . I
was Uilled over in .icweii coumy uus ;
Little Chief and a band of fifteen I
bucks, squaws and papooses were en-
camped near the home of Capt Mm.-
sell this week
We learnltoday that the U.&. M. will
add ten more siaus 10 ns roiuiuiionse wundering about the streets of Leb-
cre. ( took away an m half dazed, mangled and
hlf those we had. bloody condition, and was direet-
The buildiiiL' lately occupied by Fiiul'ed to the olllce of Drs. Mays. After
Winton has been bought by Dr. I. W. his wounds were dressed Mr. Heath J m exemplification of the work of ini
talleys and moved onto the lot which stated that he was knocked down in tinting a candidate, and then the
fc' recently purchased from W. It. , 'ie of the apartments of Drs. Dykes ' members and guests were invited to
w ollloo, the lights turned off. after j partake of a splendid repast served in
which he was beat over the head and , the spacious dining room. The new
lilttie .lOlinny .ui.wiiMii.., .... w, v..x
uniy voiiui..--n..M.v. mw "!
. .. ....:... ii ...... m .ti 'ii 1 1 i.t.i ..I t
den. received n broken leg last Sat-1
'uu' ' . . "
ay morning in a runaway. ,
Lottie Sherman, a yoiuij; girl aged j
14, living near the depot, came to
Aool Mommy morning uuiing me
cre com spun, ahuuii
. . .l I Htk.l haBi. It-hif4
Mon. The sclioiars uouceo iiiai suu
nld hardly speuk, and begun to chafe
Pr hands, when she fainted. Dr.
kmerell was called, mid soon after-
ri she was taken home in a hack, j
e rtie has fully recovered. The
Description of the
Height :? inches.
Width l,75.f inches.
Dial, diameter It! inches.
Case Golden Oak.
Retail price S7.00.
Tm: Cilihr lias niado arrangements
for procuring 100 of tho above hand
some oight-day Regulators, and tlioy
will bo given away absolutely free,
upon the following plan:
Each person sending in 10 now year
ly subscriptions to Tun Cmi:r will bo
entitled to ouo of tho clocks.
F.acli person bonding in 13 renewals
to January 1, 1908, will bo entitled to
one of the clocks.
Nobody barred! School districts,
churches,' seei'oT .societies and individ
uals are entitled to enter the race.
little girl referred to is now Mrs. ILK.
" "iv " ""' k "i l"1
C. A. It. last week, was a great sue -
Graves, Marshall Ruby. Misses Hello
Spanogle, Carrie and Xellio MelSrido.
i... ii ii. i . i .... , ..i
i uwim iicniiii; wur iron in i irieim.
n J
are liolding a series of meetings at the
Willow Creek school house.... A. II.
,, . , . . . , ,
Carpenter sold his broom corn here at i
?75 Um (, A
Latta has sold
() bushels of onions at ." cents per
. . .
. .., A,lllprv
a v mm j mvjitw j w
Last Friday evening, about seven
o'clock, Homer Heath was
.. . lf fnr.. ..,, .l-.n,,,. : ,.,lw1l
. . i- - rj ...-. -K'saiaBt .l(t
which he had checked from the bank
tl . ,. ... , , . .
that afternoon. His face, builds- and
his eyes nearly closed from the wounds
received. The doctors sewed up a
deep gash above his left eye ami also
took five stitches on the outside of his
lower lip and three on the Inside,
the lip being cut through. We think
that Lebanon is far enough advanced
in civilization to make some effort to
put an end to this business, but who
is responsible'.' Lebanon 'limes.
cess. Among those who took an act- Learn how to store up
, part anuiielpe.1 make the entertain- ,lry times. Crop failures are caused by 1Iu. ,, (at ,,, ,t.(l (,,,, ,, - "' - " ' 'vc, .or a
ment ii success were: .lu.lge John R. ' poor farming more times than by hot ' tint it would fuil if tried- second mi,,llM'r f years m Red Cloud and vi-
Wilcox. Will West. .John Tomlinson. J winds. Would vou hire a teacher to I Umt there is -i verv stron- sentiment l,,,lity' ""d for " U,IU wt,s )eiatcd
Arthur Howard. Harry Pond. T. W. teach your scho.d who knew nothing ' ,n filV(H. of Ul'e now cuurt "house- and wlth c- Ev,l,,s ,n tlu' M'l,0,1l ,""1
MlatHeld, D. ICesler. (1. W. Darker. (. of teaching'.' Why hire a man on thnlt thllt the principal opposition to hwAnv After the death of his wife
R. Downs, A. X. Potmor. Joseph II. the farm who does you more harm ' .,,.. .., , , mm, veral years ago he went to St. .loo,
i. . . . . . i ' , "viwi.? i.v iiv nFmw l r II. if t m . .
Business College Notes
Miss llertha Harlow has been sick I
this week and has not been in school,
Miss Portlnier and Miss Oltnstodo
are very rapid in calculation for be
ginners. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were visitors
last week. They say Richard writes
good reports of the .school.
(looago Phelps has received an offer
of a position in Sheridan, Wyo., when I
I lie completes his course here.
I'M lMatt has purchased a Fifth Fdi-
tion of Churtior's Shorthand System
and will give it a trial. Kd will make '
it go.
The electrical current has refused
to act the past week- and Raymond
PnliiiiT nml .liitnes fiiiTi.ll nri iinyl...! p
to know why.
The literary Friday night was tin
best yet. The young men and women
are learning fast in the rules of par
liamentary law and debating. They
will have an open session soon.
Mr. Diotriek did not give his enter
tainment in Cowles last Friday night,
as dated. It was postponed on ac
count of the revival meetings in one
of the churches. The Riverton date
was also placed one month ahead.
Charley Arnold and wife of ltluo
Hill are uite worried about their son
(ilenn. whom (they 1 bought) they sent
to school here after Christmas. (Slcnn
did not conic to school, however, but
stayed here in the city for about two
weeks and then pulled out for parts
unknown to anyone. His father was
down last week trying to locate him.
Anyone knowing of his whereabouts
will confer a favor upon Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold by notifying them.
We have nine girls and no boys
studying agriculture. Are the men throughout the county to secure sign
going to let the women win in the ' ,,., as enough names have been secured
farming line, too? A fanner boy could to make the petition etVective. The
I easily pay ior ins r union ami an ins
j schooling in one year after ho had
put in practice the things he learns
; here in the agricultural class. Learn
now 10 pioic seen corn ana now to
' double its yield with verv little work.
moisture for
lliwisiuil lOI
than good? If you want your boy to
bo a good farmor and want him to
' take ii more lliiiromrli i-mifsi- tluin w
have hero, send him to Lincoln to the
state school you are supporting, I!y
all means give the coming fanner an
education in his class of work.
Public Installation and BamiUCt Last
Faith Rebekah IoiIl'o Xo. I'.t. I. 0
() ... ., :,s m,lllIo iIlhtalliitii.ii of
I oii(.0,.s iast niirht at Masonic hall.
The largo hall was well filled by ti.
O.ld Follows, their wives and friends,
Following the installation a short
musical program was rendered, con-
Mating of a piano duet by the Misses
ICenady and Ross, a vocal solo by Miss
Francos Ward, and a vocal quartet by
the Misses Oritreth. Ward. Kenady and
Ross. The Rebekah degree team'giive
.illleors installed lust nkdit i ere:
---------- --..--..----. ...... -,-j-j -. .. ..
Noble (5 rand-Mrs. K. Welsch.
Vice Grand -Mrs. I. Cumuiings.
Chaplain Mrs. I. II, Holmes.
Secretary -Miss Viola Ward.
Treasurer -O. C. Teel.
Warden Mrs. C It. Hale.
Conductor Mrs. (). D. Hedge.
1. (l.-Mrs. Win. Wolfe.
(. (!. Mrn. Ward Hayes.
It. H. N. (J. Mrs. Joseph Fogel.
L. S. N. . Miss Clara McMillan.
R. S. V. C Mrs. Charles Friable.
L. S. V. (!. Mrs. A. It. Sellars.
Avoid Turnlnft on Lights While Standing
on Damp Floors.
' rof- Dcorgo H. Morse of Imelon
gives tho following advice concerning
the handling of incandescent lights:
"I think it is not generally known j
that in an alternating system of incan
descent lighting, it is exceedingly dan
gerous to stand on a damp or collar
lloor and attempt to turn on an incan
ueseom lamp m the ordinary manner.
Probably more lives have been lost
through electric shocks in this manner
than in any other way. It is even
more dangerous to stand in a bath tub
and turn on an incandescent iampor to
touch a faucet with one hand while op
crating a lump with the other. If
the circuits have been newlv installed
nml im' '" l''-fcct condition as regards
"sbrtloii both in street and house
'iivs. no serious results are to lie
feared in the act of turning on a lump
while the body is otherwise connected
with the earth. LiirhtnitiLr, however
fm,u,.MlIy ,ays ll!lvoc wlth Ul(. ,11M,
lation of electric wires, thereby caus
ing the high potential distributing sys
tem of the streets to become directly
connected in transformers to the low
potential or house wiring circuits.
The fact of the existence of such a
break down is seldom known since it
usually docs not interfere in any way
with the operation of the circuits, the
death of some uniformed person being
often the first indication of affairs
which can be applied and should bo re
quired by municipalities. Klectrio
light managers are however loath to
make suitable provision for public
safety in this regard due to the slight
increase in expense thereby entailed."
Hex Court House In Sl&ht.
At the meeting of the Commercial
club Tuesday evening the secretary
wys instructed to call in the petitions
which were placed with various parties
; petitions will be presented to the
' county commissioners at their next
I The circulating of the petitions has
demonstrated three things: First, that
there is little prospect that there will
i n i
i i,vii 1h m kin'intiL liH.imtit . i(iiiiiiiik
'" ' I'" ' .........
and Cowles.
Islndcn and Roseinont, with their
surrounding territory, are about equal
ly divided on the mutter. While it has
been very dillicult to secure signers in
lllue Hill and Cowles, a large number
of men in those communities have
pledged themselves to vote for the
bonds, though they did not want to
sign tire petitions for business and
other reasons.
Xo one who
trouble to look
has ever taken the
into the matter will
bny tluft we need a new court house.
ri'''e ld building is a veritable fire trap
' d nothing could save the valuable
eounty records should fire once gain
ll,ny in it. The crowded condition
of llu' low,r hto,'.V 1WS " l'"'1 )f '''
y"ivonionce ami delay m llie transacl-
" m m'iess, ami ine priiiu or tno
People of Webster eounty should not
!lllmv tlu ()l''' nuiishackle barn to
,(),Wr lkr"e tho beautiful court
uouse para.
Stanley V. Carr of Omaha and Re-
genu K. Duller of Hindoo. Married by
Judge Kdson,
John C. Dilliuof Peneke, Kan., and
Nettie Diirbin of lluide Rock. Married
by 1. It. Colvin,.T. P.
William K. Crom of iiladen and Ida
May Worley of Campbell. Married by
Rev. F m teh.
To Cure a Cold Ii tut Day.
Take Luxutivo Bromo quinine tab
lets. DruggistB refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grore's slgnatur
ia n each box. 20 centi. k
Deaths and Funerals.
Death of Grandma (
Marlu Kingwoll was born March
1st, I8'J7, in )ovt nshire County, Kng
land, died .Ian. I, MH)7, after but a few
hours illness. Was united in marriage
to Joseph (i recti .lune U7. ISM, at St.
Leonard's church, Kseter, Devonshire,
at the age of 'J7. To this union wen
born seven children, four sons and
three daughters, one son ami one
daughter having preceded her to that
better laud in their early childhood.
She came to this con try with her
husband in April, lsT.s, locating on a
farm in Otoe County, where they lived
for 18 years. Leaving the farm the,
moved to rnuditla, where her hus
band, Joseph (iroon, entered business.
After six years residence there they
moved to Roil Cloud, this state, and
after 8 years residence there they
again moved to Adams, Xebr. living
there ft years, and from there they
came to Cadmus, " years ago.
She was brought up In the church of
Knglanil; after her marriage she with
her husband united with the llaptlst
church. Her membership wasalways to
be found with some church wherever'
her lot was cast. !randma tireen, as
she ih best known, has been u'lil'e long
devout follower of her Saviour, anil
was ever telling of her faith in Dim.
The funeral was held at 1 1 o'clock
on Monday, Rev. .1. W. Kmbroo of
this city having charge of the ser
vices. Interment was made in tho
cemetery south of Nora.
The surviving relatives have the
sympathy of all in their bereavement.
Superior Express.
Deceased was the mother" of A. "(if '
im. f this city and was well known '
jjt Hwn'On.
,.,,, , .., ,, , . ,, . ..
1 III fmii'rMl rtf li A Rt!lriu 1VHK
- ..V ........- w. .,. ... ..V..J..I. . '
held at Albright's undertaking rooms
Tuesday afternoon. .1 miliary 'ill. The
services were conducted by Rev. A. A.
Cressman, pastor of the Congrega
tional church.
Deceased was born in Vermont, Fob-
I'llfivv !'ll IS:tO lli n.iii.iviwl In liitfn
' , ts lMlIihU,, , t,u. ,.,.,,
, . ..... ,, ... ,,.
mmu e.ivmi4y uiiriug- uie reiieiiion hum
Mo., where he died January I'll, 107.
His remains were followed to the Red
Cloud cemetery by tliree sons, a daughter-in-law,
several grandchildren and
a few old soldiers and other intimate
You get a heaping
pound of the pure
old-fashioned Ar
buckles'ARIOSA Coffee, that took
care of the nerves and digestion
of your grandparents, and has
been the leading coffee of the
world for 37 years.
You'll never have to quit
drinking Arbuckles.'
Don't let any man switch you
over to coffee that pays him big
profits at the expense of your
heart, stomach and nerves.
Croplii wilt ll rrquirrtnrnti of the National Pure
Food Uw, CutnurtacNe. 2041, fcleJ t WmWoo.
3' I
1 l -J