The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1907, Image 8

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nicuncu ranrp nnm k i .ji mil lining i.
4&oui'j uw" i V1 1 D 23 s-
(From the Advocate.)
Jolm Rogers unci Miss Anna Liino
were murriod in tho Cuthollo church
Inst Tuesday.
Attorney Prather this wook received
from tho Burlington it draft for 87(J1.2:J
tho amount of Lin Nolaon's judgment.
Ernio Carpoutor, who lias boon
boarding nt tho stouo houo at expense
of tho county for tho past thirty days,
was liboratod yesterday.
Tho livory stablo camo near entailing
11 ro ono day tho first of tho week caus
al by aunio ono lighting a cigar of pipo
and throwing tho burning match into
the mnngor.
(From the Citizen.)
Tho Gorman Lutheran ehuroh, has
rocontly installed a now boll and tower.
Molvtn J. Bobbins, brother of Frank
Itobblus, died at his homo in Hastings
Mr. Morris or tho oast elevator lias
just added a now 8 horse power gaso
lino engine to tho oquipomont of tho
studio and now has his plnco of busi
ness entirely completed.
CAt tho regular mooting of tho Wood
men lodge last Monday night a roso
lution was introduced to do away with
tho safety fund.
Mrs. Holdrogo of Hivorton fell on a
slippery side walk Monday during tho
icy spell and as a result is confined in
in bed with a brokon leg.
Quarantino cards are posted on sev
eral houses, tho cases being in tho
homos of J. G. Smith, Will Criltondon,
L. P. Crittenden, Mrs. Beitol, Mrs.
Clark, and Mr. Bluokwoll. While tho
attacks aro mild in every instance,
somo already having begun to recover,
it was necessary to tako thoso precau
tions to provont further spread of tho
Tribute to the
(From tho Messenger.)
Hardin Woods accidentally shot a
hole through his right foot last Tliurs
day, while up in Nebraska.
Fjighteon hundred foot straight down
is a good long distance moro than a
quarter of a mile and yet that is tho
depth of tho oil or gas well being drill-
Mrs. Stanley Morcior was called to i 0(j noarO. M. Gilbert's, three or four
Chanuto, Kan., Saturday, by a telegram . miles south and a mile or so west of
announcing tho deatli of her father, i Lobanon.
Mr. Kowo. John Shannon, whilo helping unload
Mrs. lOli.abotli Placo aged 82 yoirs j potatoes at L. J. llairu's last Monday
atiil 7 days, died Sunday evening at evening, had tho misfortune to got his
the homo of her sou William Place, , leg broken. A sack of potatoes sliding
after a week's illness. j down an incline struck him in such a
j way as to break both bones in his right
GUI DE ROCK 'K ',,sl' uuovo tno akle.
,,, ., VT , ,, . Tho secret bus leaked out. Tho base
A girl is reported born to Mr. and
a t ... r a I. I.. .1-. rill 1 .
irs. uoiiiHUhiuruiiHibJimrhimy. modeling for several weeks, has been
Mrs. J. A Bragg was called to Iowa i furnished, by Mr. Stone, and will bo
last week to attend the funeral of hor freo to all G. A. It. members as a read-
brother, Sheriff Kent, or Page county. ; g n,i , room.
Win. ICirkpatrick and family are;
moving into their I'no now homo on RIVERTON
north Main stroot this week.
C. J. Ran, was thrown from a load of
fodder ho was hauling a few days ago
by tho wagon upsoltlug, and suffered
a dislocation of his ankle. Ho will
Even John Philip Sousa, the great bandmaster, who has no use for
Phonographs, has been forced to recognize the Phonograph as a for
midable competitor. The two-step king says that people will no
longer go to concerts if they can have music in their own homes so
easily and so cheaply as they can with the Phonograph. This is an
unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The man who has
a Phonograph has a concert in his own house. Even a king could not
have more. At our store you can hear them any time.
The Victor Gramaphone.
The Victor Junior $14.20
The Victor Z 21.20
The Victor No. 1 26.20
The Victor No. 2 34-20
The Victor No. 3 ', . . 44.2 d
The Victor No. 4 5-1-20
The Victor No. 5 64.20
The Victor No. 6 104.20
"His Mnstcr'a Voice"
iiieut under tho Henry Stouo brick
j building, which Mr Stone has boon io-
probably bo laid up for several weeks,
as a rosnlt of the accident.
On Monday ovoning last Fro 1 Watt
and family left fur the., "ow home in
Idaho. Mr. Watt was ono of tho pin
ni'or settlors of this section, having
come here in IST.'I, taking up a homo
stead just across the lino in Kansas.
(From till Times.)
Harvo Chad wick, was the unlucky
person in a iuunway last Friday.
Dr. I. B. Mays removed a cancerous
growth from tho lip of Arthur Cochran
on last. Saturday.
Wm. Sargent loft yesterday morning
for Christ hospital at Topeka, accom
panied by his son, Charlie.
Peter Upp's little boy sustained a
sovoro injury while playing at school,
breaking both bones of tho foro arm.
K. A. Krotschmer returned last Fri
day with ll;'ing colors from his trip to
tho stato poultry show at Wichita,
Kan., capturing five prizes on flvo Sil
ver Laced Wyandottus sent there on
(From tho Review.)
Mrs. Al Holdrogo foil Monday niorn-
ing and broke her ankle.
Byron Hancock took tho train Satur
day night ourouto for Alaska.
lion Allen of Oborlin, Kan., was
called to this placo to attend tho funer
al of his niece, Miss Anna Allen, which
occurred Sunday afternoon at 0110 p
Last Friday night while law abiding
citizens lay slumbering five pistol shot-,
wero llred into Koheu's house, all the
balls entering tho north door and win
dow casing.
Dudy nine was arrested Saturday
morning and placed in jail, tho com
plaint being entered by tho marshal.
Ho plead guilty to a charge of disturb
ing tho peace.
Last week our marshal succeeded iu
landing several rovovlors which were
carried by young men of this placo
and ho informed us that ho will get
several moro soon but ho has not got
all of them rounded up yet. which was
clearly demonstrated last Friday night.
About eleven o'clock, whilo Mrs. Vina
Harwood and son Guy wore on their
road home from tho Fraternal Aid
banquet, they camo near being killed
by a bullet which came from a revolv
er discharged on tho west side of Ful
ler street.
The above prices include 12 S-in. records with each machine
The Bdison Phonograph.
The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00
The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00
The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00
The Edison Triumph Phonograph 50.00
Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen.
Compare these prices with anyone's, and
remember we save yon t lie freight.
Newhoase Brothers
Jewelers and Opticians.
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
(Concluded from First Page.)
One Sweet Iti-il Kii.m us tlit ll-'i!t I'r
. a I'i'iiun) lvitnlti i'l'.rni.
who his wife was. Later on I learned The public Is generally conversant
that Marv Maker li. Kddy. tho diseov-1 with the annual custom of paying "one
(From tho Leader.)
Walter Scott hah installed new lights
in his barber shop, which aro a great
improvement over tho old lielit.
Bureus A- Bergo are building up a
big businois in tho buying of horsos
im 1 mules. They aro shipping on an
avorago a ear a weok.
R. A. Simpson decided to tako a
vacation from his real estate dutios,
an 1 Tuesday in company with his wife)
loft for tho southorn states
As wo go to press wo learn of tho
doatli of Mrs. Phillip Zimmerman jr.,
yesterday, following an operation
which was performed Wednesday.
S. J. Boomer, who rocontly hold a
public salo at tho farm whore ho has
boon residing, moved his household
goods to Lawrence last week, whoro
ho has purchased an implement business.
erer and founder of Christian Science.
was the above mentioned woman.
(Signed) li. 1). Urn nsi:vi:i..
(irafton S. S., January istli. I HO'.'.
Then personally appeared I!. I).
I'ouuse.vel and made oath that the
.within statement by him signed is1
true. Before me, II. M. Noon.
Justice, of the Peace.
I was obliged to be parted from my
son. because after my father's second
marriage, my little boy was not wel
come, in my father's house.
Who or what is the McClure's his
tory," so-called, presenting'.' Is it my
self, the veritable Mrs. Kddy, whom ,
the New York World declared dying
of cancer, or is it her alleged double or
dummy heretofore described'.'
If it indeed he I, allow me to thank
the enterprising historians for the
testimony they have thereby given of
Venison Onet CIu'iiimt Than I'ork,
'PI..., ,.ikj nl.miv f,i tlisi .tut!. lYti-ttna
and ! tiro early fifties of the lastentury. i "'. 'l,V," '"'T' "' .l,,,,,,ht,ft? TT
that from the wilds of Mortrun and . " ,U1M1 Ulv-J
...... ....... .... ........ --- . , ,
red rose" as ground rental In eastern
Pennsylvania churches to the descend
ants of those who gave the ground for
tho edifices, but It is not generally
known that hundreds of owners of
farms are under a similar obligation,
says tho Cincinnati Commercial Trib
une. "Red rose rout" Is yearly paid every
second Sunday in Juno in the Lutheran
church at Mauhelm. Lancaster county;
in the Tulpehoeken Reformed church,
about sixteen miles west of Reading
and In several edlll -es in Lebauor
county, while several congregations In
Berks aro entitled to observe the event
but do not.
Roses paid on these occasions to rep
resentatives of families whose ances
tors made such provisions are treas
ured as priceless heirlooms, and at
Mauhelm they have come from many
It Is known to few that more than
100 years ago great tracts of farm
land were sold around Reading with
tensive real estate speculator in the
early colonial period. lie planned ti
establish a feudal barony along the
Tulpehoeken iu IT,"..". Every deed of
land sold by him contained the red
rose clause.
"Life te full of coutrarnipss am! non
payment of alimony." complained tho
woman as she took her seat reluctantly
at her desk on the morning after the
dance. "When I was married and
had more leisure than anything else
the days were long and deadly, but
now that I am free and life might he
one endless dream of gayety I have to
work." Now York Press.
(From the Sentinel.)
The two Enovoldsen boys loft Wed
nesday night for Omaha to join Prof.
Burton and frlouds In Haaso's band1
W. E. Brown has finished papering I
the parlors of his now photographic j
admit has snatched nn
i.UI illlll i -
Ttrmvn fnimth! hmiioi-.s would briiv' Hum the crauie aim me gni-. ,
' - . 7 . ., , , ii i r...llll...,. "'
venison to market and sell It much niaoe me ine neiovcu i... ... ,..,. .... , (Ji(( g(mo t lfimJti t Ibb. It is estimated
lower than pork was sold In that day. of the good men and women in our tll,(t Jlt ,(nst acres or land In
pork being preferred by the lloosler own and in other countries -and all i yerj.H iiri subject because of a clause
then to the red deer of the woods. It this because the truth 1 have proinul-, l, ordinal deeds to an annual
was in that time flint an entire wild gated has separated the tares from the ground rent of one red rose,
turkey, full grown, would sell at a wheat. uniting in one body those who Records of the' Berks courthouse
price far below the present appraise-', , ......i,. i .,. d-nth divides itself I show that many years before Baron
tiwmt tt it uiiniititi tiiilii nit Iftl'ftti im1 I ...
........ .. m ......,.,,,.... ..... ..., btitween sect and .science and renews
the heavenward impulse: because I
still hear the harvest song of the Re
deemer awakening the nations, caus
ing man to love his enemies; because.
"Blessed are ye. when men shall re
vile yon, and persecute you, and shall
say all manner of evil against you
falsely, for my sake."
M.vuv B.Ki:n (!. Kimiy.
A friend of tho hom )
A foe of the Trust
Compllos with the Pure Food laws
of all States.
a dozen quail could he bought for less t
money than It now takes to buy a
dozen links of sausageneither was
the quail required to masquerade as
"short billed snipe." Indianapolis
LOVllIK IC llllllK-HM,
My dog tried to bite me. I liked the
dog, so I kicked him lovingly in the
jaw. Ho understood that argument.
My grocer tried to cheat me. I liked
the grocer. I did not kick him In the
Jaw, but I told him lovingly that I
would not deal with him again. He
understood that argument.
My baby tried to slap me. I liked
the baby, but I did not kick her In tho
jaw or oven cease to play with her.
I kissed her lovingly on her cheek.
I She understood thnt argument. Inde
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence originated
I -.,1. It,. T i.,..4t,-.k fi, ll.rli Sllllll ..rill.
Willi li:i. - IJl.uni,. v.mi.. . -j ', -
tabling Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons, which
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will bo refunded. Sold by
Henry Cook's drug store.
Sfigel provided for the payment of red
rose rent by the church at Manholm
Caspar Wlstar sold land containing the.
same clause.
Bed rose rent Is mentioned In con-
Notice of Tax Sale.
Xollcu Nhuruhy Klon thai the iinilvrNlriiert
on Ihu lOiudayor April, llk.T) purchased of tho
county trcuMirer of Webster county, Nebraska,
ul prlviito i-ido, ihu follow hit; described rem
estuto sold for ilulliiqiiuut toxen for the yenre
1001, Wi mid 110.1. and situated In Ited Cloud
Webster county, Nebrnskn, towlt: South 1!
ictuii nil ic-ii viu; nun nil 01 101 ClCveil (11), la
nectlon with hind hi Tulpehockon Mai, , J J
tun, i....,..,i. .... , v.,v ...... ,....w. lno nnn)0 i M,S
ships. It dates hack to 173S.
The Tulpehoeken Iteformed church Is
built on land that Is subject to "one
red rose" quit rent. The land was
owned by Caspar Wlstar. brasa button
manufacturer of Philadelphia. Tho red
rose rent has been paid to the Philadel
phia descendants of Caspar Wlstar for
some years. Tho most notable ob
servance was In 1002, when thirty
prominent Philadelphia Wlstars at
tended tho services and were paid 157
red roses In payment of arrears of
John Page, described as "a gentle
man from Loudon," was another ex-
iionieB Veltch. Tho nboM
imintd person and all othurH who clulin an In
terest In tho above land will take notice that tho
time of redemption of said land rrom said tax
sale will expire on tho ttth day of April, A. I)
HOT, after which 1 may apply for a tax deed for
all of tho abovo land that 1h not redeemed.
Dated this 20th day or December, 1006.
Mytic Curo for Ithcuraallsm and NeuralRla
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
the system Is remarkable and mysterious, it
removes at onco tho cause and the disease Im
mediately dlfappcara. The first iIobo greatly
benefits, 75 cents und tl. Sold by II, K.Qbri,
druggist, Ited Cloud.