The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1907, Image 5

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! I INI! ,,, ..,.. T afFiV .KT;,
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" iw3
m in iimwa minwi wwmm iiwwnwiw
V 9
For 1 5 Days,
Jan. 26
ig lbs. Granulated
Sugar $t.oo
i box big bunch
Matches io
Some other cheap prices:
1! cans Hud Salmon '-"
!l boxes EggO-Seo '-."
1 pound Bilking Soda OTi
1 cans Champion Ly So
Arbucklosnnd XXXX Coffee .If.
All the Pit ones
Just Received, a Car of
- -AT
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damercl)
Homer Morgan was in Kloomiugtop
lst Saturday.
Miss Cora Tulleys went to Naponoo
Monday night.
(leorge lloit of Cowles was in Kcd
Cloud Tuesday.
The .state senate yesterday killed the
-anti-lobbyist bill.
Mrs. Lyra C. Oarber went to (luidc
Rock this morning.
Dr. Damcrcll went to Denver. MoJii
ilay morning on buhiucss.
Ham Temple was up from Kansas
City the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kockc Thump-on were
tdown from Cowles Tuesday.
Mrs. Matthews of Inavalc attended
concert. Wednesday evening.
Koone Saunders wa.s in lnit.jlii the
first (f the week on business
Ollio Sehall'nit has opened a barber
shop at the Kurlington hotel.
Editor Hale of the Nation is still
on fined to his home ty illness.
Mrs. Ernest Welseh is sick at her
homo in the south part of town.
Mrs. Clark Stevens is very ill at her
home just across the line in Kansas.
Mrs. S. 1 1. Anderson is still very ill
t. her home in the northeast part of
The (S. A. K. held their long jost
poucd installation of oflicers Saturday
Whenever you happen to think of a
w item, phone it to Hell 72 or Mu
taal 33.
N P, Klowgiird went to Colorado
1 uesday evening with a party of land
c.kers. Ked Sutton and Miss Alice ISarker
yfvre married Monday at the home of
Jdgo Keed.
"Dad" Shanklin tvturaed Saturday
Uni an extendi yttit ' in Weeping
tter, Nob.
I Miss (Iraee Frisbio was taken sud
denly ill Wednesday and an attack of
pendieitis is feared.
J A traveling man this morning said
Ued Cloud was the best lighted town
he had seen in the state.
Tom (linings, a cousin of Mrs.
( (leorgo Morhart, arrived Wednesday
from Denver for a visit.
I Win Pope arrived from Denver Mon
day evening for a visit with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. .Jay Pope
I Km Kent A large house, well loca
ted; city water, bath and electric
lights. Inquire at F. Nowhoitso's.
I At the (lection held Tuesday the
town of Klooinington voted SI 1,0(111
bonds to build a water works system.
I Subject of sermon at Congregational
church net Sundayevening: "Quacks."
(ionic and hear the religious shams cx-
SheritV Hedge went to Seward the
first of the week after a young man
who was wanted upon a paternity
I'hillipsburg. Kan., hao a 100,000
lire Tuesday. The principal losers are
(Schhart fc Son and the. I'hillipsburg
Mrs. Carl Ferguson and baby eame
down from Orleans tnis morning for a
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
L. II. Fort.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. (). Lindlcy and
Mrs. Swoaringor and daughter Lizzie
are visiting relatives at .McCoolc and
Trenton, Neb.
We still believe the merchants of
this town should establish some better
hitch-rack facilities for the farmers
who trade here.
The electric llashlight signs in the
windows of II. E. (iricc. Paul Storey
and the Cowden-ICaley Co. arc very
neat and attractive.
Clyde Whitakcr. who broke his leg
several weeks ago while at play on
the high school grounds, is now able
to attend school again.
Has your school or
church a nice
clock? Hotter hustle tip ten new sub
scribers to Tin: Ciiihk and get one of
those eight-day regulators.
Services at the Congregational
church here-after will be at 10:1.1 in
stead of 10:111) a. in., until further
notice. Kemcmbcr the change.
County Treasurer W. C. Frahm is in
Kluo Hill this week assisting in taking
the invoice of the stock of merchan
dise which he roccntlysold to William
Pine Salve Carbolized acts like a
poultice: highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
II. E. and C. L. Koyce. nephews of
Mrs. W. C. (iilham, stopped oil' in Ked
Cloud this week. They are on their
way home to New York, after a trip
to the Pacific coast.
John Marl, has made tinal settle
ment with the city in his capacity of
superintendent of construction of the
electric light plant, and left for his
home in Seward Tuesday morning.
Wm. Parkcs was down town Wed
nesday for the first time in several
weeks, having just recovered from a
severe, sickness. Mrs. Parkcs, who also
also has been quite sick, is recovering.
Miss Ko.rnice lligby. daughter of
Anson lligby. formerly cashier of the
First National bank of this city was
married Tuesday to Dr. Dodge at
Kasin. Wyo. The bride is well known
loe llailey was yesterday re-elected
United States Senator from Texas,
despite the fact that he was proven to
have accepted bribes from the Stand
ard Oil Company. Verily, the Demo
crats are great reformers.
Kuilds up waste tissue, promotes ap
petite, improves digestion, induces re
freshing sleep, gives renewed strength
and health. That's what Hollistcr's.
Kooky Mountain Tea does, lift cents.
Tea or tablets. C. L. (Jotting.
Two days' treatment free. King's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
Ike Cohen, superintendent of agents
for the Chicago Kecord-Hcrald, was in
town this week. Mr. Cohen is an old
friend of the editor of this paper, dat
ing back to the early "'.Mis, when both
were employed on the Topeka State
. Par Infclia and Children.
jjtitind You Have Alnys loittf
ijoara tue
Bignatur of
' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. John (llbb.s and Mrs. j
llurliugham of Sioux City, Iowa, ar-j
rived in -Ked Cloud Thursday!
for a visit at the home of (ioorge Mat-J
kins, near Inavalc. Mrs. llurliugham
and Mrs. (libbs are sister and niece,!
respectively of Mrs. Matkins. .
The residence of Frank Vavricka,
about seven miles north and a mile
west from Kcd Cloud, was destroyed
by lire this morning. The fire started ,
from a defective flue, and loss is about '
8700. Kv the timely of J
neighbors the furniture was saved.
The third number of the lnavale lee
tvre course, Harry Trumbull Sutton,
in a 'monologue of "Ken llur," last
Saturday night, was greatly appreci
ated. Mr. Sutton remained in Inavalc
over Sunday and delivered a splendid
temperance address in the evening.
(ieneral Kussell A. Alger, Cnlted
Slates Senator from Michigan, died in
Washington yesterday from an attack
of heart trouble. (Ieneral Alger was
Secretary of War during the war with
Spain, and resigned in IS'.i'.i owing to a I
misunderstanding with President Me-.
A defective transformer burned out 1
in the south end of town Friday and
as a consequence some of the patrons'
of the electric light plant were without
light Friday night. The lights were
"cut in" on another circuit Saturday,,
however, and relieved the anxiety of
the south enders. ,
(iood homes are wanted for orphan 1
and destitute children of all ages by
the Child Saving Institute. I SOU Ohio
street. Omaha. Over :i()0 children pass
through the institute to homes and
care in a single year. From forty to
sixty constantly on hand. Ifintesest
ed write, inclosing stamp for reply. ,
MnuXau Pile Kemcdy put up incon
venient collapsible tubes with noz.le
attachment so that the remedy maybe
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
Well improved farm of (l acres a ,
miles from Ked Cloud; .T.'O 1 miles. and
several 100 acre tracts: three gooil river
bottom farms of different sizes, as well
as small tracts near town, three of
which would make good places to feed
cattle and hogs. For sale cheap, part
easii and imiaucc on lime. 1 ail on or
address the Ked Cloud Investment Co.,
Ked Cloud, Neb.
the bill to allow horse physicians who
have practiced in this state for live
years or more, whether or not they ,
arc graduates of a veterinary college. I
the privilege of styling themselves
"veterinary surgeons." It will not be
many years until the "lllint-locks" are
all out of practice and our livestock
will be attended to by men who have
been scientifically trained.
Wa.ntcd Ity
prominent monthly !
magazine, with large, high class cir
culation, local representative to look
after renewals and increase subscrip
tion list in Ked Cloud and vicinity, on
a salary basis, with a continuing in
terest from yc-ir to year in the busi
ness created. Fxpericnce desirable,
but not essential, flood opportunity
for the right person. Address Pub
lisher, box ',".. Station (). New York.
Charley Arnold was down from Illuc
Hill this week trying to ascertain
the whereaboufs of his son (lien, who
gave up his studies at the business
college a couple of weeks ago and an
nounced to his classmates that he was
jming either to Salina or Wichita,
Kan. Kef ore leaving lie disposed of
most of his personal effects to his
schoolmates, and these his father is
trying to recover.
We will never be fully satisfied with
the electric light plant until we have
a 21-hour service. This is not possible
at present, however, as there arc not
enough power users who would put in
electric motors to justify the expense
of running the plant both night and
day. However, the time will not be
long in coining when power users will
come to a realization of the fact that
electricity is the best and most reliable
power to use.
The Fraternal Aid Association in-
htalled its newly elected ollicers lst A1ic HarUer, loth of Ited Cloud. Mar
evening. There was an unusually large i(!(1 l)V ,iuuvu Clarence Keed.
turnout of the members, and follow
ing the installation those present ( 11
joyed a box lunch. The ladies showed
great consideration for the gentlemen
hy placing cigars in their lunch boxes.
The Fraternal Aid is one of the best
and soundest insurance orders in ex
istence, and the members of the local
lodge always have a good time at their
meetings. They will have another
banquet and special program next
meeting night.
The reports given at the annual
C vv '"VfNs1 r'Vv 'vVyvV VV
Your Time Has Come
to Buy
per cent Discount on Men's, Boys' and
Children's Overcoats. A few Fur
Overcoats left at 20 perlcent on
First Door North
meeting of the Congregational church '
'showed a most prosperous year. Money
1 raised for all purposes, 11.10; for
I benevolence, 81 Cm. The year closed
j with bills all paid and a balance on
' ltntwl Tl t t li 1 till Itliiltil liil'C U'ot'il !
t.e,vM, ,nU ,,, fellowship. The coi
tioils ,mY(. 1)0lMl rml all(, Im, ,
IIUIIUl I Mil I -llll 1111,11111 in V- v bw
gregaiions nave occn goon aim are on
the increase. The trustees and pastor
wish to extend thanks to all who have
in any wav contributed to the success
of the church. "Come with us and
we will do thee good, for the Lord
1 hath spoken good concerning Israel."
I The concert at the Congregational
church last Friday evening, given by
the hitrh school irlee club, was a very
onjovIlbK. entertainment. All the
;,,, wm. Wi rendered and the
m. UU)li(MU.0 wns vt.rv enthusiastic
, ,, .mi)i.luSL. Tj1L. r0eeints were
s,:i-()i wIllull WU )0 u,n,li(.(l the
purchase of a piano for the high
school. It is hoped that when the
piano is secured a course of music may
be introduced in the school under a
competent instructor. Nothingsiuooths
the way more for teacher and pupil
than good singing in the schools.
January 2i.' -Kstate of Christopher 0.
Dennett, deceased. Hearing and al
lowance of final account: decree of
Kstate of Charlotte Thomas, deceas
ed. Final account of executor filed.
Order of hearing February 12.
January 2,'l In re guardianship of
minor heirs of Andrew Arnold, de
ceased. Hearing on petition and ap
pointment of Ada M. Arnold us guard
ian. Ilond approved and filed and
letters issued.
Kstate of Andrew Arnold, deceased.
, Hearing on petition and appointment
of Ada M. Arnold as administratrix.
Komi 8:1.1,000. Motion to fix time for
hearing petition for allowance to
widow: granted, and February :.'. II
a. in., designated.
civil. MATIT.UH.
January 1H Anderson vs. Spcncc
and Denton. Judgment for pluintifl
in sum of 811.7.1. .
McCoy vs. Keed and Kasterly. Con
tinued to February 2. 1 p. m.
January 10 Meline vs. Keiher. Con
tinued to February 18, 2 p. tn.
Januarv 21 Ned L. Sutton and Miss
, January 22 Erie W. Sovem of Mc-
Cook and Minnie Hawk of Republi
can City. Married by Father Fitzger
January 2:1 Frank W. Yetter and
Laura E. Kergfleld, both of (luide
Hock. Married by Judge Edson.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative, Dromo quinine tub
lots. Druggists refund money if it
faila to ouro. B, W. Grovo's Bignuture
is on oaob box. 25 cont.
Clothing Go.,
the Post
J School Notes I
o. t)ti)i.i:v, suit.
The following is a statement of the
receipts ami expenuiiures 01 me nign
.. . ... ... ...
school football team and glee club
Total receipts of Christmas foot
bnll game SIH (it
1'otal expenses (grounds, etc.). . t ()
Total net proceeds SI4 fit)
High School's share iii .'III
Paid for medical services. SO .10
Paid for football I X. 10 !i
Balance on hand $11 l.r
Receipts of the high school con
cert were 8 1.1 -Ti
Paid for church gli (10
Paid for instruction :t .10
Paid for programs U 00
Paid for tickets :.' 00 P. .10
Net receipts.,
.330 7.1
The high school won the Argus'
organ by a big margin. The value of
this, 80(1, along with the proceeds of
the concert, are to be turned in on the.
piano already bought. The price, of
I the piano is 828(1. Deducting the pro
1 ceeds of the concert and the value of
1 the organ, we owe 8180.2.1. This is to
I be paid in installments.
I The high school concert clearly
shows what public school pupils could
do if tliey had a tegular instructor in
vocal music. Superior, Nelson, llol
drcge and many other towns near un
employ a special music teacher who
gives regular instruction in vocal mu
sic, throughout all the grades and high
The remark has frequently been
made since the concert that there is
better musical talent in the liiirli
, school now than formerly. That may
or may not be true, but it is certain
I that the success of the program was
1 largely due to the untiring effort 011
the part of the two high school teach
ers, Miss Hall and Miss Dticker. Much
credit is due Miss Igou, who helped
drill the glee club, and to Mr. L. P.
Albright, who kindly.assisted in the
chorus drill, and also to Miss Wert,
who drilled the members of the duct,
Florence Potter and James Ferguson.
The. high school is also deeply grateful
to the trustees of thoCongrcgational
church, who allowed the use of their
church for the concert.
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into jour shoes Allon's Foot
Euso, n powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
foot. At all druggists and shoo utorea
25 couts. Samplo free. Address
Allou B. OUnstod, LoRoy, N. Y.
Possesses wonderful medicinal power
over the human body, removing all
disorders from the system, is what
Hollistcr's llocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes you well, keeps you wolL
35c, Tea or tublets. (J. L. Cottlnf.
Now is the time to subscribe.
l! 3
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t At
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