I! I wmmmmmmmaamimmmmmma lis It YouA OwnHair? I Do vou pin your hat to your 1 . - . ,i it t own nair." van i uu n Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Aycr's Hair Vigor ! Here's an intro- .. I ).( ti nnnii'liflf- aUCUOIl I iiUy "M"""" H ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thicfc.Rlossy hair! And we know you'll never betray. K The old adage, "Procrastination is tho thief of time," is coming true in the lives of so many of our young people today. You were placed in this world mid hero for a purpose, and that pur pose is to subdue these powers around you. Are you qualifying yourself to meet these conditions and make battle with them? Yon must overcome them or thev will overcome you. Take your choice. Attend the Business College and overcome, or say "J'U wait awhile," anil be overcome. I 11 UiW Hint Av r' llnlr Vli'" l ''", "'' w,;,, n ii I iirr.iuor II. it ;. '.r '.V ' , i. .... ii I fur mine iini- " ' v I nil' TWENTY YEARS AGO 3 cli-rrf nlv i 'I" ii'" " " M'l ". "' ,''r ' ' I rit,.ii"-MlKHV IliiiKK, Uaa.inl V'''- & N Also 111 iiiufasturcra of P SARSAPAttlLLA. )JL jLllSrS SSy pectoral, i mHJW..,riftii""i Business College Notes Airs. Henderson of Womer and Mrs. 1). II. ICuley made us a visit last week. Those who attended the literary l-Vulay evening say that it was a very profitable hour spent together. Prof. I'aul Diotriek was elected see ivtary of the Commercial club at the regular meeting Tuesday evening. New classes have been organized in oiumurciul law, theory and art, agri vulture, arithmetic and rapid calcula tion, and each is getting along nicely. The school pupils certainly enjoyed themselves at the concert Wednesday r veiling and many of the sixty-four pupils who attended expressed their appreciation and thanked I'rof. Diet rich for the tnvor. We can only say that we are glad you enjoyed it and that so inanv had that pleasure, anil are sure if it is possible we will try to to treat again. Miss Steinman of tin- concert com pany .asked: "Do you have a. college here?" and after she was answered in the atllrmative said; "1 knew it by the audience; a college town always gives us a good, appreciative audi ence." lias the college placed Rod Cloud in the lead so soon? Stand up for the college, as the college is stand ing "pat" Tor lied Cloud. The high school concert given by t.he pupils at the Congregational church last Friday evening was well attended, and everyone said it was good. Why could not our high school give such things as that two or three times a year'.' Ued Cloud ought to have the best high school in the state. Why'.' Because the best people live here. Why not have a declamatory contest and show the state at the next -district, teachers meeting that Ued Cloud is still on the map and aide to jjive each school a close contest for tic.tory? I'rof. and Mrs. I'aul S. Dietrich ac cepted an invitation to attend the in stallation of the (J. A. It. and W. It. C. oineers Inst Saturday evening. This is the tirst time for a long time where Mr. D. has had the pleasure of sitting In the audience and have someone else trive the entertainment, and perhfips lie did act queer. Hut didn't we have s Ijood time, and couldn't the W. K. C. "hay-font" and "straw -foot" it to per fection? Then that supper'. Why, it made this writer think of the suppers mother used to e,et. We must simply Boy Accidentally Shot. Ulooinington Advocate. A heartrending accident occurred last Tuesday at the home of John Schcunemaii, northwest of Uivcrton, at which time his son, Charles, aged III years, killed himself. As near we can find out. about Tour o'clock in the afternoon the boy went out to slop the hogs taking a shot gun with him and was discovered by his uncle, Henry, as lie was returning from a sale. The upper part of the bov's head was blown oil and death was instantaneous. The theory is that as he was crawling through the fence the gun was discharged, as it was found under the gate. The sheriff and coroner, who viewed the body, did not think that an inquest was necessary. The deceased was a relative of the Scheuneinan boys of this place and Mrs. P. F. Peterson, who attended the funeral. The relatives have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement. Items of News Found In Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Woolt v v V Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kent, a son, .lanuary IS. Frank Parker has removed to Ued Cloud from Auburn. A. II. ICaley and W. It. Roby expect soon to go into business at llaigler. Isaac. Fish of Clovcrton has been hauling Ids wheat to Ued Cloud this week. Charley Piatt has rented the rink to A. A. Pope Sr I'.ros. for an implement warehouse. Hon. Algernon S. Paddock was elected to the I'nitcd States Senate to succeed C. H. Van Wyek. This week a petition is being cireu. luted calling for an election to vote bonds for a water works plant. 'l'.a'''a'''s'-a''-ag'''g,',r,e,'g''g''''g,'g -g- to to to to mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm to to to to They All Go At $ fol- Mystcrlous Death. Last Friday night something serious happened to John Leon of this place, who lived alone, lie was found out in his yard Saturday morning by .lames Watson in a demented condition and badly scarred up. One shoe was miss ing and his coat and vest were unbut toned, and his shoeless foot liadly frozen. Many theories have been ventured as to what happened, but, as the elderly gentleman never told any thing concerning his condition, it yet remains a mystery to some extent, lie died Tuesday night at II o'clock. The family called for an inquest which was rendered by a coroner's jury who brought in a verdict of "Death due to pi.'cuiiioniu caused by exposure while in a tit of temporary insanity." Mr. Leon was a ineinlier of the Catholic church. He has been a resident of Franklin county for a long time, and was known as an honest industrous man. -Uivcrton Ueview. Relief orns Officers. The Uelief Corns installed tin lowing olliccrs Saturday night: President Mrs. 1-3. .1. Ducker. Senior Vice Mrs. .1. W. Warren. .Junior Vice Mrs. C. C. McConkey. Secretary Mrs. Mary Arneson. Treasurer Mrs. S. II. Ki.er. Chaplain Mrs. Bogonrief. Ciiiard Mrs. Farner. Assistant (Juard Mrs. Uichardson. Conductor M rs. Dow. Assistant Conductor Mrs. West. Musician Mrs. Bohrer. Patriotic Instructor Mrs. Howard. Press Correspondent -Mrs. Ileal. Color Hearers -Mrs. Turner. Mrs. MeKcighan, Mrs. Uobbins, Mrs. Hesse, The next meeting will be held Feb ruary ". ftf to t to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ik'f OVERCOATS Per Cent OFF to to f$ to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse- in Now York discovered un aromatic pleasant herb euro for women's ilia, called Australian-Leaf. It is tho only certain monthly regulator. Cures loiimlo weaknesses and backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or bv mail HO cents. Sample free. Address, Tho Mother Grny Co. LeRoy, New York. PAUL STOREY, Clothier $ . ............. .Jl NolLonger an Impossibility The idea that has become general that first class building material could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a look at tho complete lino of clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding carried in stock by Saunders Brothers Midland Concert Co. The entertainment given by the Mid land Concert Co. at the opera house Wednesday night drew one of the largest audiences of tho season, and those present were not disappointed. Hachel Steinman. the violinist,' is a skillful artist on that instrument and her numbers were highly appreciated. Olga M. Miller is the most pleasing elocutionist who has been heard here in a long time. Alice Drennen Itobin son and May Dellen, the other mem bers of the organization, were equally as talented in their lines. Those who were present speak in the highest terms of praise of the entertainment, i Fined for Drunkeness. Henry Knout?., a stranger in this city, filled up on "bug juice" Tuesday morning and got himself arrested. Police .IuiIl'c Ueed fined him S.ri and costs, and he is laying the line out. When Deputy Sheriff Hedge went to arrest him. Koontz drew a revolver, but lie was easily disarmed. These ...i i i ,... i".'"..' ..,-. ... f, .. ... ........ .....,..,. . -jrini uuuih uiu ruuiui iiiiiimTini .-.ay that the whole proceedings were I ai,imals, and everyone of them should , . !.. .1 1.... I I1.1..I. . . ........ .. lie arrested and given tiic.linni. oi tm 4'iirried out in the very best possible way by each old soldier and each better half" soldier. The Midland Concert Co. entertained the largest audience on the course Wednesday evening. "It was fine," The best ever." etc., are expressions vou hear from everyone. Miss Miller eemcd to be a favorite with our peo ple, while Miss Steinman held her .audience with that soul power that comes from the violin when in the hands of a master. Miss Uobinson cer tainly has full control of her voice and gave many beautiful and touching se lections, and it took Miss Dellen to make the evening', program complete, with her accompaniment and all we .an tind words to say is that each is n .-star in her line, and four stars like those four almost malic a heaven for man here below. Misses Hertlia Olinstcde and Lillian J'ortenier, and Uiehard Cooper arenew .students this week. A great number .of other young men an,d women in and around Ued Cloud would like to come to tchool nnd could come if it were nut. for indecision. Some dav thu re law. There is any number' of young men and boys around town who carry "guns." and the quicker they are ar rested and prosecuted for doing so the belter it will be for everybody. Lydia A. McFarland. Mrs, Lydia Ann McFarland, aunt of Mrs. Cieorge .1. Warren, died Saturday at the home of her niece, aged 77 veins and !i months. The remains were shipped to Lincoln Sunday, where funeral services were held at the home of O. C. Hell on Monday, and inter ment was at Uaymond, Neb. Mrs. Mc Farland was born in Herkimer. N. Y.. in 1 8a. She lias lived in .Hetl Cloud with her niece most of the time for the past fifteen years. She issurvived by two sons, (irant .McFarland of Lin coln and another son in Oregon, "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hundreds of years for Hladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty davs. SI. liuarantced to give satisfac tion or money refunded. (let our guarantee coupon from lfenry Cook's drug store. Sorrow of an Artlflt. A first class Journeyman tailor who Is both sensitive and ambitious must have more than his share of .sadness and heartache. The completeness with which ho is ignored by those who aro made happy by his workmanship can not fall to cause him mental agony. The bosses know hint and appreciate his work, and so do his fellow crafts men, but that Is all. Heyouil them he Is unknown, unthought of. His work goes out into the world to delight and to be admired, but It 'brings to him tioiHn.p fmiie nor nralse. Flo Is no more thought or or considered by thoso who wear wttli pride a garment ho made than the sheep Is from whose back the wool was sheared that went to its making. American Tailor and Cutter. IVlilNtlcr nnd Color. Although 'Whistler did not care for music, he made use of his technical knowledge for themes. "Symphony In Cray and C.-ecn," "Variations In Blue and Croon." "Nocturne: Opal and Sil ver." "Arrangement In Black and nrown," are examples of this particu lar trait. His most ambitious desire was to paint a grand concerto-like pic ture with tho title "Full Palette," "Just as In music." he explained, "when they employ all the Instruments they make It 'Full Band.' If I ean find the right kind of thing. I will produce a har mony in color corresponding to Bee thoven's harmonies In sound." Otto II. IhU'hcr In Century. of Ked Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing td the buyers of Lumber and building material is tho fact that their prices aro reasonable, and thoy guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also have a uico lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Seo their Shin gles. You can not holp but admiro them. Tho members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of excollont help, aro always glad and take pleasure in showing to tho public this nice stock. Epffit? 22 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAN1 Clencl and Ix-aiitiflM Uif ,litr. t.. ...a a iMVllnfltit PfttWUl. Never Foils to itPBtorc ciray llair 10 jib xoumiuj v,i.ur- Cures -aln tliiwtict i. lialr lallicg. Mc.amHluiat DruggltU Iitililoili. Sttppler-PId Miss Kutts admire your paintings? Dobber-I don't know. Stlppler-- What did she say about them 7 Pobber-That she could feel Unit 1 put a great deal of myself Into mv work. Stipplcr-'Woll, that's praise. I)obber-ls it? The picture I showed her was "Calves In a Meadow." 1(100 i:i: Your money refunded if after using three-fourths t?J) of n tube of Manan vou are dissatisfied. Return the bid ance of the tube to your druggist, and you money will be cheerfully return- ..1 'I'nlin nil i.fin ii ir.i nf flltu nlTf.i S.r.1.1 noi ior iniiecisjou, ouuu- j wicn-.tu. ... b.. u. ...... .-..., .,,. jret will come when it is too lnte. ' y Henry Cook's drug store, Mr. Misfit suvngely)-Before I mar ried you was there any doddering Idiot gone on you? Mrs. Misfit Thorn was one Mr. Mlslit-I wish to good ness you'd married hlni! Mrs. Mrflt I did. Ix)s Angeles New. Tho Joy life is norcr fully renllzed until ie blessing df freely giving nnd frcoly receiving hna been loomed. nicpiond. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday. .Ian- ' uary ",i. furnished by the Fort Ab stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager. I Charles Spence to It. C Chevalier lots 17, 18, Bill. :. Spence'sadd to Bladen, wd '-'"' .lames II. Current to It. C. Cheva lier, lots It, l, Blk. .1. 1st add to Bladen, wd " C. F. (hind to .John Bostock, lots 7, 8. Blk. 17, Blue Hill, qcd.... 1 Nellie Spence to Stephen II. Den ton, lot 7. Blk. :t. Spcnce's add to Bladen, wd S. II. Denton to Chares W. Cow ley, lot 7. Blk. -'. Spence's add to Bladen, qcd .lames Burden to.Mattie M. Wied eramden, lots .", f, '.. 7, Blk. :i (..arbor's and add to Bed Cloud qcd Bernard McNeny to, Mattie M. Oulliford. lotsai.'-'M, s:, Blk. :t Hicliardson's add to Ued Cloud qcd C. F. (iund to O. W. White, lots ii. 10. Blk. 5. Uohrer's mid to Blue Hill, wd Lincoln Land Co. to Platte River Conference, lots I, Blk. 7. Itose mont, wd Charles A. Sehultz to Krncst R. Hampton, lots :, -l.nS sell-I-10 wd Silas Ciarber to Mattie M. (iulli ford, lots I ft. I". Blk. 7. Lots JO to Vl. Blk. !JH, Red Cloud, qcd Orella Wilson to Trina Stalup. n!.' lots I'MH-H. Blk. 0, Uoh rer's add to Blue Hill, wd.... R. J). Dexheimer to Clans Rose, lot I, Blk. 7, Rosemont, wd... Jft ReaJ Estate Some of my eastern clients want farms out this way. What have you got? A well improved Webster county farm for sale. A nice little city property for sale or trade. Avail yourself of the opportunity I have offered you in making SIU,000 in a year by buying a section of my land in eastern Colorado, or Sl.'..ri00 in buying a quarter only. Take a homestead and buy Kit) acres adjoining it, it will take vou only S.,oo to swing it. N. 1 KLOWGAR1), BED CLOUD, NEB. Ofllce of Co. Atty. L. II. Black ledge. Phone IS. lift Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty lift 1800 120.1S Mortgage filed. SlOftOft. Mortgages released, WJU.ftO, Come to Mcpherson County, Hams Flno river bottom well Im proved farnih and ranches, good towns, schools and churches; no saloons. Call on 4t nddrtos E. E. FACMfJfc, MarwrttcKu, (ft 1