'M y iBmaaRammiiTtSiStPlRfltli &,'X8M,l!(XfaMX&tn!& vA 1 Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advance 1iiaffl!&RiytyJiW3yt!3iX smwxw&mywwwx'sw&pxn VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 25, 11)07. NUMBER 4 D r k A Splendid Premium 100 Eight-Day Clocks . .To Be Given Away. . Wo want to add 1,000 now subscribers to Tun CuiKr's list beforo tho first of February, 1907, and to that end wo maUo tho oll'or below. Thoro will bo no disappointed contestants. This is a plain business proposition and ovory school district, every church socioty, ovory lodgo and every individnal can socuro ono of thoso splendid Regulators by sending in ton now yearly subscriptions. Tho retail prico of this Clock is 87.00. mUsSm Address all communications to 77: CHIEF PC HUSHING CO., Red Cloudy Nebraska, MRS. MWi REPLIES To the Criticisms of the January Mc Clure's Maftailnc. (Published by Request. i It is a calumnv on Christian Science It becomes my duty to be just to the , departed and to tread not ruthlessly . on their ashes. The attack on me and 1 my late father and his family in Mc Clure's Magazine. .lanuary. I HO", com-1 pels me as a dutiful child and the, leader of Christian Science to speak. ( McClure's .Magazine refers to my i father's "tall, gaunt frame." and pie-, tares "the old man tramping uoggcuiy I. .i i was flntiliiiii of tin Vow lliiumsbiro , never doubted the veracity of her gift, to sav that man s aroused to thought I ""s uiupiain oi mi ,m.u iinmpsnnc j ... ., . . . i 'state militia and as I iveolloet it i,,. I have another coat-of-arms, which iS or act on onlv bv ease, pleasure or rec- " miiuia. aim as i iiioin.ii ii. m. ... , i ii wis iiistii-i' of tin. ncai'i. at onn Hum I of my mother s ancestry. When I was oinpense. Somoth ng higher, nobler, was jusiill oi me pt aie ai onu lime. J .' 1 . . . , .i i I Mv father was n strnmr bi'lii-viT in last in Washington. I). C, Mrs. . I udge more imperative impels the Impulses '"J nuiu.i was a suong nuiiMi in , ,, , ,. M . ' ' . 1 l i hlul0.s rlirhts, but slavery he rejrarded v Iiml "yself knelt in silent III Mill I . - along the highway regularly beating '""-" "-" "as a smau. sqimre u tho ground with a huge walking j structure of rudimentary architect- ... .. j ure." My father's house had a sloping 8 My father's person was erect and ro- 1"",f llft"' th! prevailing style of arehi bust. He never used a walking stick, teeture at that date. To illustrate: One time when my. McClure's Magazine states: "Alone father was visiting Hovernor Pierce. ' ol" U"' Inkers, he (Albert): received a President Franklin Pierce's father, the , in"''"il1 'Heutloii . . . Mary Maker governor handed my father a gold-, l' her llrst llfteen years at the an headed walking stick as they Were astral home at Mow. It was a lonely about to start for church. My father '"' ""stimulating existence. The thanked the governor, but declined to ; l'"'m'11 lPl the only social diver accept the stick, saying. "I never use '"" tl,l! litrict school practically all .. i the intellectual life." u cane. , , L , ...... Ait.imii.rh M.-Clure's Maira.inoattrib. l-et us see what were the fruits of utes to mv father language unseemly, his household law.constanltyenrorcctl, was no profanity and no slang phrases. McClure's Magazine also declares that the Mible was the only book in his house. On the contrary my father was a great reader, I'he man, whom McClure's Magazine characterizes as ignorant, dominat-. "wioinio irauung, i was privately til ing passionate, fearless," was uni-, tored by him. He was a member of formly dignilied, a well informed, in- tlu! Nuw "mnpMili-o legislature, and tellcctual man, cultivated in mind and I 's iMiinlMitecl for congress, but died manners. Ho was called upon to do j 1'U tllu oltsotlon. much business for his town, making out deeds, settling quarrels, and even acting as counsel in a lawsuit involv ing n question of pauperism between the towns of Loudon anil Mow, W. It. .Franklin Pierce, afterward president Description of the Clock Height :i? inches. Width lfi' inches. Dial, diameter lii inches. Case Golden Oak. Retail price 87.00. Tiik Cllll.i' lias inado arrangements for procuring 100 of tho above hand sotno oight-dny Regulators, and thoy will be given away absolutely free, upon tho following plan: Each person sending in 10 new year ly subscriptions to Tin: CiiiEr will bo entitled to one of tho clocks. Each person sending in 15 renewals to January 1, 15)0S, will bo entitled to ono of tho clocks. NoUuy oSfroiir School districts, churches, secret societies and individ uals are entitled to enter the race. of the I'uited States, was the counsel for Loudon and Mark Halter for How. I Hoth entered their pleas and my fiillici' won tho Mill. A ft or it u'ns ilit- 'oided, Mr. I'ion.e bowed ami eongrat - ------ .. ...... ........ .. -. - "'"ted him. For several years father as a great sin. Mark Maker was the youngest of his father's family, and inherited his father's real estate, an extensive farm situated in Mow and Concord. N. II. It is on record that Mark Maker's father paid the largest tax in the col ony. .MeClnre'sJMngazine says, describing the Maker homeiitead at Mow: "The thi "loiiuly and unsti.nulating exist- .kiwi.. All t. .!..... .1......1.4 .,.., , "lv- All my father's daughters were given an academic education, sutli e'uintly advanced so that they all taught school acceptably at various times and places. My brother Albert was a distin- I Kished lawyer. In addition to my McClure's .Magazine calls my young est brother, (Jeorge Sullivan Maker, "a workman In a Tilton woolen mill." As a matter of fact, he was joint partner with Alexander Tilton, and together they owned a large manufacturing es- tablishmcut in Tilton, X. II. His mil-1 tary title of colonel came from appoint-1 ment on the staif of tho governor of New Hampshire. My oldest brother, Samuel I), llaker, carried on a large business in boston, Mass. Regarding tho allegation of Me- ("lure's Magazine that all of the fam ily "excepting Albert died of cancer," I 1 will say that there was never a ! death in my father's family reported , 1)3 a physician or post mortem exami-j nation as caused by cancer. McClure's .Magazine says that "the quarrels between Mary, a child ten also paid Mrs. (Hover's fare to New years old, and her father, a gray-haired j York city, where she was met and man of fifty, frequently set the house taken to her father's home by her in an uproar," and adds that these I brother (ieorgo. . . . Her position "tits" were dignosed by Dr. I.add as was an embarrassing one. She was a "hysteria mingled with bad temper." grown woman, with a child, but. en- My mother often presented my dlspo- tirely withou means of support sition as exemplary for her other i Mrs. (Hover made only one etVort at children to imitate, saying, When do .self-support. For a brief season she you ever see Mary angry?" hen the i tlrst edition of Scii'iiceand Health was published Dr. Ladd said to Alexander Tilton: "Read it. for it will do you good. It does not surprise me, it so resembles the author." I will relate the following incident, which occurred later in life, as illus trative of my disposition: While I was living with Dr. Patter son at his country home in Runnioy, N. II., a girl, totally blind, knocked at the door and was admitted. She beg ged to be allowed to remain with me. and my tenderness and sympathy were such that 1 could not refuse her. Shortly after, however, my good house keeper said to me: "If this blind girl stays with you I shall nave to leave, She troubles me so much." It was not in my heart to turn the blind girl out. and so I loUt my housekeeper. My reply to the statement that the clerk's book shows I joined the Tilton Congregational church at the age of seventeen,- is that my religious experi ence seemed to culminate at twelve years of age. Hence a mistake may have occurred as to the exact date of my first membership. The facts regarding the .McNeil coat-of-anns are as follows; Fannie McNeil, President Pierce's niece, ailcrwant .Mrs. iiuige roller presented to me my coat-of-arins, say . "W tl,!lt ll W!IS tw,' connection with her own family coat-of-arms. I prayer on the moutm oi ner tale father, (leneral .lohn McNeil, the hero of Luntly Lane. Notwithstanding that McClure's Magazine says, "Mary Maker comple pleted her education when she finish ed Smith's grammar and reached long division in arithmetic," 1 wascallcd by the ltcv. It. S. Rust, D. I)., principal of the Methodist Conference Seminary sn Complies with all requirements Fresh Roasted Coffee ? Mother didn't use fresh roasted coffee, she had Arbuckles.' The way to get a good cup of coffee that tastes like Coffee with all the delicious flavor and aroma intact, is to buy a package of the old original Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee, and grind it ,as you want to use it, first wanning it a little to develop the flavor and make the grinding easy. Coffee loses its identity as Coffee after being ground or exposed to the air and is easily contaminated by handling. at Sanboruton Hrldgo to supply tho place of his leading teacher during her temporary absence Regarding my llrst marriage antl the tragic death of my husband, Me Clare's Magazine says: "He ((leorgc Washington (.Hover) took his bride to Wilmington, youth Carolina, and in .lune, 1814, six months after his mar riage, he died of yellow fever. He left his young bride in a miserable plight, She was far from home and entirely without money or friends. (Hover, however, was a Freemason, and thus received a decent burial. The Masons taught school." My llrst husband. Major (Jeorge W. (Hover, resided in Charleston. South Carolina. While on a business trip to Wilmington. North Carolina, he was suddenly seized with yellow fever and died in about nine days. I was with him on this trip. He tool; with him the usual amount of moiiev he would need on such an excursion. At his decease I was surrounded by friends, and their provisions in my behalf were most tender. The governor of the slate and his stall", with a long procession. followed the remains of my beloved one to the cemetery. The Freemasons selected my escort, who took nic to my father's home in Tilton, X. II. My salary for writing gave me ample support. I did open an infant school, but it was simply for the purpose of starting that educa tional system in New Hampshire. The rhyme attributed to me by McClure's Magazine is not mine, but is, I under- stand, a paraphrase of a silly song of years ago. Correctly quoted, it is as follows, so I have been told: (!i) to Jane (Hover. Tell her I love her: My the light of the moon I will go to her. The various stories told by McClure's Magazine about my father spreading the road in front of his house with tan-bark and straw, and about per- sons being hired to rock ami swing me, i am ignorant ot. .Nor tto I re member such a thing as Dr. Patterson driving into Franklin. N. II., with a couch or cradle for me in his wagon. I only know that my father and mother did everything they could think of to help me when I was ill. I was never "given to long and lone ly wanderings, especially at night" as stated by McClure's Magazine. I was always accompanied by some responsi ble individual when I took an evening walk, but 1 seldom took one. I have always consistently declared that J was not. a medium for spirits. I never of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee bah ! Sold only in packagci, full weight, Salea for 37 coder. TKs belt coffee Sarnjldfirm. tame c!d was especially interested in the Sha kers, never "dabbled In mesmerism." never was "an amateur clairvoyant," nor did "the superstitious country folk frequently seek my advice." I novcr went into a trance nor described scenes far away, as McClure's .Maga zine says. My oldest sister dearly loved me, but I wounded her pride when I adopted Christian Science, and to a llaker that was a sorry offense. McClure's Magazine calls Dr. Daniel Patterson, my second husband, "ait itinerant dentist." It, says that after my marriage we "lived for a short time at Tilton, then moved to Frank lin. . . . During the following nine; years the Pattersons led a roving ex istence. Thi' doctor practiced in sev eral towns, from Tilton to North !ro ton ami Ruiuuey." When I was married to him, Dr. Daniel Patterson was located in Frank lin, X. II. lie had the degree D.D.S., was a popular man. and considered u rarely skillful dentist, lie bought a place at Itumuey. which he fancied, for a summer resort. At that time hi" owned a house in Franklin, N. II. Although, as McClure's Magazine claims, the court record may state that my invoice from Dr. Patterson w as granted on the ground of desertion,, the cause nevertheless was adultery. Individuals are here today who wenr present in court when the decision was given by the judge ami who know the following facts: After the evi dence had been submitted that a hus band was about to have Dr. Pattersoin arrested for eloping with his wife, the court instructed the clerk to record the divorce in my favor. What prevented Dr. Patterson's ar rest was a letter from incMO this sclf same husband imploring hliunot tod( it. Whin this husband recovered his j wife, he kept her a prisoner in her home, ami I was also the means of reconciling the couple. A Christian Scientist has told me that with tears of gratitude the wife of this husband related these facts to her just as I have, stated them. I lived with Dr. Patter son peaceably, and he was kind to nu: up to the time of the divorce. The following atlldavit by If. I)'. Rouiihcvcl of liittletou. X. II., propri etor of the White .Mountain House. Avails, N. II., the original of whiel. is in my possession, is of interest in this connection: About the year 1 871. Dr. Patterson, a dentist, boarded with me In liittle tou. New Hampshire. During his stay.. at different times, I had conversation with him about his wife, from whou he was separated, lie spoke of her hciuir a nure and Christian woman. I and the cause of the separation beiug- wliolly on Ins part: that it lie hail done as he ought he might have, had as pleasant and happy home as one could wish for. At that time I had no knowledge of (Concluded' on l.ast Page.) No. 204 1 , hied at Washington. Arbuckles was the first roasted pack aged coffee. The pcrc3 of each coffee berry are sealed after roaming with fresh eggs and granulated sugar to hold the goodness in and make the coffee settle clear and quickly ; an actual appli cation by machinery, of " Mother's" methods as patented by this firm. teaUd (or l!ie comumcr'i protection, containing one pound yrara exceed lha combined sale) cf all tlie other pacLay fcr you to dnnl:, and uct your money Wdct. coilee, If your dealer won't wpply, write to ARDUCKLE BROS., New York City. !' :YI M m 1-1 m itt sna m tj i ta I 1 afl K H3 M M