The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1907, Image 5

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.'-. ,. ,HWlb't
'"' I Miss Rcssie Marsh of Grand Island
is visiting with licrsister, Mrs. Junics
Whenever you happen to think of a
news item, phone it to Hell 7:.' or Mu
tual 2,'t.
George Shuck and 1-2. Johnson ship
ped their eattle anil hoys to St. .loe
The V. C.T, U. will meet with Mrs.
, LuisMcKcighun next Wednesday af
Miss Maud McMuhou has been up-
tinted one of the engrossing elerks
of the house.
The Misses Susie and llciui Rest and
Ti 4 4 t Dick iucMuhou of maden were in tlie
J UJ mllJ JLSDaJV I i Mrs. il,.rir,. Winner of Oinahii is
ii i niim in in unm ilium imiiiiii umi 1 1 mi iiniiu mi i n nil i muni in mum
"White Idly"
n r is k
Every sack warranted to
give satisfaction. Bread
that you could enjoy all
by itself; bread that has
a different taste than the
ordinary such bread is
made from "White Lily"
Flour. Try a sack and
convince yourself. For
sale by
15he GR.OCER
All the Phones
visiting ul the home of Mr. and Mrs.
' G. W. Halter.
Don't forget the high sehool glee
' club concert at the Congregational
church tonight.
I Hoyd Munsell has bought the .laek
t Wiescarver place, south of F.dSeuton's,
' near the Republican river.
A. K. Thomas and family left yester-
until meeting of the Jewelers Associa
tion. The Degree of Honor will have in
stallation of o Ulcers- next Tuesday
night. All members are urged to be
present and pareipllate in the good
Pine Salve Carbolied acts like a
poultice: highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Kcciuu, chapped hands and '
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
Mrs. Juliet Walker has sold her res
idence property to I). R. Whitaker,
and she and her mother, Mrs. Jackson,
expect to remove to their former home
in Seward to live.
The 1. O. O. l' of Cowles held a
public installation of otlleers last night
and a big time was had. Attorney
J. C. Saylor delivered the principal ad
dress of the evening.
All public school pupils will be ad
mitted to the Midland Concert Com
pany's entertainment at Ifionext Wed
nesday evening, Jan. 211, at the opera
house. This is the college's treat.
We understand that Charles Smith,
who fell down the stair way to the
day for Sheridan county, Kas., where p0tter block and broke his wrist, has
they will make their home. ' sued the city for g:000 damages. He
Mrs. Mary Gurncy and son Will left will have a merry time collecting it.
this morning for a visit with relatives p)mts the house the doctor built,
in Hall county, driving through. I The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our
Your Time Has Comet
to Buy
For Rent A large house, well loca
ted; city water, bath and electric
lights. Inquire at F. New-house's.
Herbert Robertson is expected from
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. C. I,. Cutting.
Two days' treatment free. King's
Crete tonight to take the position of Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
engincer at the electric light plant. tjoni i,pUre breath, perfect ussiniila
1,. M. Crabill's hearse made atrip to Hon of food, increased appetite. Do
Kiverton Thursday to attend thefuner- "it fail to avail yourself of the above
al of an old gentleman named Leon. Vcr. Sold by Henry Cook.
Mr. ami Mrs. Sidney Pounds of Ilia- llullils up waste tissue, promotes ap
den were in Ked Cloud yesterday on petite, improves digestion, induces re
their wiiv home from a visit in Illinois, freshing sleep, gives renewed strength
per cent Discount on Men's, Boys' and
Children's .Overcoats. A few Fur
Overcoats left at 20 per cent off
Gomden-Kalep Clothing Go.,
A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Dr. I-
What do you think of the lights by
1his time
Kev. Hill down from lnavale
Flsewhere in today's paper will be
found the semi-annual statement of
County Treasurer W. C. Frahm. Read
Al Slaby went to Denver Thursday
evening. He was accompanied as far
as Orleans by his wife, who will visit
W. Holsworth, who has been suffer-
! ing from a severe attack of pneumonia,
docs not inprovc as rapidly as was
hoped for.
Representative Clias. Hesse of this
city has been elected a member of the
statu board of agriculture, to serve
two years.
The citizens of Hlue Hill will soon
have an opportunity to vote bonds for
a lighting plant. They aru asking for
but 82,500.
County Treasurer W. C. Frahm litis
sold his store at Hlue Hill to William
Arndt. Possession will be given in a
week or so.
Karl Spence. who has been attending
the business college, will go to Frank
lin next week to work in Rrown's
photo gallery.
Geo. W. Lindsey took his prize Gnl
loway bull, Pat Ryan, ami two ear
loads of cattle to the Denver live stock
show Monday.
Mayor Cather, who has been ill ever
First Door North of the Post
C. K. Spence was down from Hindi n W(i ,lis retnr from Wyoming, sever
al weeks ago, was able to be down
John Crary was up from Guide Rock
A. T. Walker has returned from his
southern trip.
Fred Guild was down from Hlue
Hill Wednesday.
1). II
to St. Joe Sunday.
Did you ever before see such gloomy
weather in January?
llert K. Dow was down from (Jibbon,
Neb., last Saturday.
Pete Lcdebrund shipped two cars of
unttlc to St. Joe Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Teel went to Lin
coln the first of the week.
Sheriff Hedge went to Rluden
tardiiy on oilicial business.
James Mcintosh shipped five
lends of cattle to St. Joe Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Harvey are
cuts of a son, born last Saturday,
town this week.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Wolfe died Sunday and was buried
Monday. The child lived but a few
hours after birth.
The petition for a new school 'build-
Kaley shipped a car of cattle ing in the Second ward, signed by :t()0
petitioners, lias necn presented to me
board of education.
Rernard Mackey, who was operated
upon for appendicitis in a hospital at
Concordia several weeks ago, came
home last Saturday.
Again we wish to urge upon the
merchants the necessity of providing
suitable hitchracks for the fanners
who come here to trade.
Grandpa Walker fell from the steps
of his home, north of the Methodist
parsonage, Wednesday, and received
some very severe bruises.
lias your school or church a nice
and heal Hi. That's what Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea does. :i.' cents.
Tea or tablets C. L. Cutting.
The city authorities ask that any
who have knowledge of anyone mo
lesting the street lights report to the
city marshal. Persons who are caught
doing -any thing that will injure the
lights will be dealt with severely.
A letter from H. O. Garner, formerly
of lnavale, informs us that he has lo
cated at Gardena, Calif,, for the pres
ent at least. Tin: Cmr.i' will keep
him informed of events in this part of
the world.
Edward II. Rolen, Nora Springs, la.
We were very well satistlcd with the
Midland Concert Company, and their
performance, and only hope the others
may be of equal merit. College course
at opera house, Wednesday, Jan. 2,'Jil.
Wo have received word from our old
friend and former townsman, J. II.
Remsberg, who now resides in Denver,
that he is losing his eye sight. We
join his numerous friends here an ex
tending sympathies in this added af
fliction. J. W. Anderson, Stanberry, Mo.
I have not met any one who does
not speak highly of the Midland Con
cert Company's entertainment. Some
say the best of the kind ever given.
College course at the opera house,
Wednesday evening, Jan' 2:id.
Helen A. Doe. Lyons, la. "The
Midland Concert Company was all and
moie than we expected. The audience
was large anil they were very much
pleased. Many have remarked that
this one concert was worth the price
of the course." College course at the
opera house Wednesday evening, Jan
2:id. Man'an Pile Remedy put up incon
venient collapsible tubes with noz.lo
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost 'instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
The city council has mut three times
this week to discuss matters pertain
ing to the judgment sale and electric
light plant.. There is a sentiment
among thu coiiucilmuu that the bank
building should bo repaired and leased
a salary basis, with a continuing in- Of Dry Panning? To keep the surface
t crest from year to year In the busi
ness created. Experience desirable,
but not essential. Good opportunity
for the right person. Address Pub
lisher, box 2Si, Station O, New York.
Already candidates are beginning to
loom up for the spring election.
Among those mentioned for the mayor
alty is II. E. Grlce. While we are not
in the habit of nominating candidates
prior to convention time, we have no
hesitancy in saying that we believe
Mr. Grice would ihake n splendid
mayor. The time has come, when the
city's ninth's should be looked after ny
men who have made a success of their
own business, and Mr. Grice is a
sample of that kind of man.
Not long ago a man entered Tin:
Ciiii:k ollice with the remark that he
"had better leave a dollar with us."
lie declined to give his name, and
left the ollice. As we had never seen
him before, to the best of our recollec
tion, we sent our "devil" on his trail,
who indue course returned with in
formation concerning the man's iden
tity. Fpon examining our books we
found that he was an old subscriber
who had not been inside the ollice for
so long a time that he had passed
from our recollection. He was so far
behind with his subscription account
that lie was ashamed to give his name,
but we gave him credit for his dollar.
Wc- wish to state right here that no
man who owes us heed feel ashamed
to proll'er us a dollar on account. The
money will not be refused, and the
person offering same will rise several
degrees in our estimation particularly
where the account is of long standing.
of the hind under cultivation, loose
and finely pulverised. This forms x
soil mulch that permits the rain and
melting snows to percolate readily
through to the compact soil beneath;
and that at the same time prevents
the moisture being stored in thu ground
from being brought to the surface by
capillary attraction, to bu absorbed by
the dry hoi air.
To keep the subsoil finely pulverized
and firmly compacted, increasing the
water-holding cnpacityj.and its capil
lary attraction, and placing it in thu
best possible physical condition for the
germination (if seed and the develop
ment of plant roots. Thu "dry farm
er" then stores water not in thu dams
and artificial reservoirs, but right
where in can be reached hythu roots
of the growing plants.
1 see Gov. G corgis L. Sheldon has ap
pointed delegates to represent the
state of Nebraska, but Webster county
is not "in it." Well, we will see
whether we are "in lt"or not. Let
us avail ourselves of the .opportunity
and accept the invitation.
N. P. Ki.owi.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newhouse left morning servicu, "Why Did God
Monday noon for Lincoln, wliere Mr.
Newhouse is attending the first an
Chas. Hogato Is In Red Cloud today scrlbers to Tin: Cun:r and get one- of
n his way home from Kansas City. those eight-day regulators.
The Hurlington is repairing its ice .1. y, Warren has received word
kouse, preparatory to putting up ico. that his son .loe, who now lives at
Don't forget thu high school concert Seattle, Wash., recently underwunt a
t the ( ongregatlonal church tonight, successful operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Anna Tulleys is visiting in Nap
nee witli her daughter, Mrs. Kd Gil
Inrd. C. A. Kusterly and Wash Reed were
down from Rladcn Tuesday on busi
ness. C. A. Easterly, U. E. Denton, and
J. A. Denton are down from Rluden
The creamery company is putting up
12-inch ice. It comes from the Miner
cioca nuuer uusue up ten m ... , t() WJmu a tumnt unU1 R )U ,h
found who will pay a fair price for
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
thu building.
The Sunday school lesson f'' next
Sunday is: "Man's Sin and God's Pro
mise." Rev. A. A. Cressnian has chos
en for the subject of his sermon ;it thu
It Possible Kor Man to Sin?" 'J ..
uvening sermon will bo a sequel to tuc
onu Sunday uvening at the Christian
Attention, Farmers!
The Trans-Missouri Dry Funning
Congress, called by Gov. McDomtld of
Colorado to discuss the development
of the semi-arid west, will be held in
Denver on Jan. '.'I and 23. Most im
portant meeting of the kind over held.
Speakers of nolo from every state west j
of the Missouri river. Permanunt in
terstate organization will be formed.
If you aru Interested in "Dry Funn
ing" your presence is needed.
This is the Invitation card 1 received
today with the following letter:
"Pursuant to call issued by the Gov
ernor of Colorado, there will bo held
in Denver on Jan. 21 and 2.r the Trans
Missouri Dry Fanning Congress. Thu
purpose of this congress is to afford a
full discussion of farm possibilities on
the so-called dry lands of the west,
and to form a permanent national or
ganization which shall work for the
development and .settlotnent of the uTi
irrigated lands of the west. The time
has come for united action and nation
church; subjcct,"Tho friends of Christ." i ul elM.ounise,nuiit along this line, and
to this end thu call for this congress
was issued by Gov. McDonald. Your
county is entitled to ten delegates, to
be appointed ,by tliu county coinmis-"
sloners; and your city to ten delegates
to be appointed by the mayor.
What arc the underlying principles
Good singing, plain preaching and a
hearty welcomo to all,
Wanti:i Ily a prominent monthly
magazine, with large, high class cir
culation, local rcprebcntutivo to look
I after renewals and increase mib.scrip
Hon list in Ked Cloud and vicinity, on
Good homes aru wantud for orphan
and destitute children of "all ages by
the Child Saving Institute. 180(5 Ohi
street, Omaha. Over ItDO'children pasi
through thu institute." to homes and
care in a single year. From forty to
sixty constantly on hand. If intesest
ed write, inclosing stamp for reply.J
lllli School Concert.
The High School Glee Club wiU'giTe
u concert Friday night, January 14.
Miss Josie Igou has-been training the
glee club for several months and the
entertainment promises to be interest
ing, following is iiiuprogriiui:
Glee Club "Wonders of the Farm''
Piano solo "Marche llongrolse" (Ivo-
walski) Vernon Storey
High School Chorus "Fairies' Dance"
Vocal solo "Honey Town" (Weidet-
inun) Clara Austin
Glee Club "Take Rack .the Heart"
Glee Club"Mun in the Moon"..Fcari
Piano duet "Fairy Queen" (S. Smith)
Iva Crublll uudjGlen Walker
Vocal solo -"Marguerite" White
Zullu Taylor
Vocal duet "Slumber Sea" Chisholia
Florence Potter and.James Ferguson
Glee Club "Serenadu" Jofl'era
Reserved seats will be on sale Mon
day at MitcheH'b jewelry store. Price
James It. McMahon of Hluo Hill ami
Miss Susan llest of Rladcn.
John E. Malick of Cowles and Mis
Bernico M. Thompson of Beaver Crock.