9tumiMsumiuimiiiiL-MtmurumtBa.i :-MlHltlu Ff:wn:- rti ;rnicwi'.nHjHtwiw'ri.nnMi)mJwniuiiin.iiuniuimini.mniii'.ian T3he CHIEF .RED CLOUD, NEB. PUBLISHED KVBUY Fl.IDAY. Vntorrn In the I'ORtolllre nt Hid Cloud. M'b i Sccouil UIhm Mutter PABL C. PllARKB Gkqroi Newmousi Editor Mnuagcr RECEIVE8 ENTIRE REPUBLICAN VOTE IN BOTH HOUSES. THOMPSON GETS FUSION VOTE Ballot Formally Announced In Joint Session Today County Option Bill Introduced In Senate Bill to Re peal Dipsomaniac Lav. Wncoln, Jan. 10. Hon. Norria Drown bus boon practically cliohfu Wnltotl Stales senator to succeed Sou nlir Joseph II. Millard, llo received tto entire Republican voto In both hoiiHu and senate and IiIh Dumocralic opponent, W. H. Thompson, received tho entire fusion voto. The ballot will bo announced In Joint session to day, and Mr. Drown will bo formally elected. Mr. Brown was Indorsed for acnatot by tho Republican state convention nd later received tho Indorsement nt tho people at tho Novombor elec tion. Two bills affecting tho liquor traffic were Introduced In tho legislature. One provides a county option law, which permits a voto to lie taken in any county once a year whether sa loons shall bo licensed. Tho other la designed to repeal tho dipsomaniac law, which permits Incarceration and treatment at asylums for those ad dicted to tho drink habit. RAID ON FENCES GOES ON Judge Munger Issues Orders to More Cattlemen in Nebraska. Omaha, Jan. 1G. Remove your fences within flvo days or liavo them removed by the government at your oxpenBc. This Is tho substance of an order Judge Mungor or tho United States court has just sent to a num ber of cattlemen maintaining Illegal fonces around government land In Sheridan, Box Butte, Cherry and other northwestern counties or Nebraska. Tho order also enjoins the rangers from erecting other fences Illegally aftor they liavo romoved the ones they have. If tho cattlemen leave the work for tho govornmont to do United States Marshal Warner and his stall will do tho work. The order was sent to these : David IH1I, Henry Oberwetter, John V. Hill andf John M. I.owroy, Harry II. Hell wood, James Bellwood, R. M. Hamp ton, Joseph II. VnugTin, James C. Vaughn, Charlog C. Joy, W. N. Wilkin non, Martha Patmore, Thomas Hlg gins and A. M. Wilson. Star Ranch company, Charles M. Tulley and A. M. Wilson. HIS BULLET AT LAST FATAL Miss Engel of Grand Island Dead from Wound Inflicted by John Hamlin. Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 1C- After nearly six months of suffering, Miss Rachel Engel, victim or John Hamlin's bullet, passed away as a result of her Injurlos. She was shot in tho back while coming to the city with a num ber of friends one evening at tho carnival last August. Hamlin was In fatuated with tho young girl and nejther she nor her parents looked upon his attentions with favor. He es caped aRer the shooting, but was cap tured at Dannebrog tho next evening. Tho bullot struck tho spinal col umn and Miss Hngel had ever since been paralyzed from that point down. Hamlin has since been In Jail. A rhargo of shooting with Intent to kill will be changed to murder in the iirst degree. TRAIN SLAUGHTERS SHEEP. One Hundred Run Down by -Union Pacific Near Lincoln. Lincoln, Jan. 1(5. Union Pacific passenger train from Omnhu ran into a drove of sheep about two miles from town, nenr the nurlingion crossing, and killed over 100 head. The train was almost thrown from the track and the passengors were shaken up. When tho collision occurred It was snowing ami almost dark, and tho man In charge of the sheep could not drive them from tho track, whero thoy hud' lied to keep out of tho deeper snow on tho level ground. Deadlock in Rhode Island. Pirovidenco, Jan. Hi. A deadlock resulted from the first ballot taken In the Rhode Islnnd legislature for the choice of a United, States senator to succeed Sonator George Peabody Wet more. Fifty-six votes will bo necos- IM BEN ill I snrv for a choice. Tho total of tho votes cast in tho two houses fol'owa: Colonel It. H. I. (lotldard, Providence, 41; Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt, Bristol. 39; Senator George Peabody Wetmoro, 31. New Insurance Investigation. New York, Jan. 16. An Investiga tion Into tho afTalrB of tho Metropol itan Insurance company, similar to that into the New York Life, which re sulted In tho Indictment of George W. Irklns and Charles S. Fnlrehlld, has been begun by tho district attorney, l'rcsldeul John It. Hegcmun of tho Metropolitan has boon asited to ap pear personally at tho criminal court building. Two Million Dollar Timber Deal. Stillwater, Minn., Jan. 1C A deal In standing timber and logging opera tions of tho biggest magnitude on tho St. Croix for many years has been closed. It is a salt of nil the busi ness of the Musser-Sauntry land, log ging and manufacturing company. The deal involves more than 52 000,000. SPOKANE COMPUTES CASE Railroads and Intervening Cities Hav Their Inning Today. Spoknne, Wash., Jan. 10. Spokane practically completed tho presentation of Its case before the interstate com merco commission. Tho railroads and intervening great cities which are op posing Spokane's plea for lower rates will have their hearing today. One ol tho most Interesting questions raised at tho hearing wns as to w:io would do rivo tho bonellts of lower rates, the Jobbers of Spokano or the consumers Commissioner Prouty ruled that It was not worth while to pursue that line ol Inquiry, an tho commission had re peatedly held that tho ultimate offoct of reduction In freight rates was tc give tho bonellts to the consumers as competition brought this about even though tho Jobbers might have been disposed at first to take them selves tho benefits attending the rate reductions. Commissioner Prouty gave notice that tho commission would require a statement from tho railroads, cover ing tho amount shipped Into Spokane under class ratings, lie added that 11 might bo found necessary to send one of tho commission's oxperts to go over the books of tho roads. DOUBLE TRAGEDY AT LUBECK Nurse Kills Banker and Then Turns Revolver on Herself. Tjubeck, Germany, Jan. 1(5. Ernest Blllier, manager tu mu iuu.ii muin ui -...l.. .. l. . 1 1 It.... I. Commerce, an ex-motnuor or me relchstng nnd prominent In finance and political lire, was shot and killed In tho si root here by Miss Elizabeth Sehulz, who then shot herself. Mis Sehulz had been the nurse of 11 err Stlller's wife, who died some time ago, and desired him to marry her. Stiller repelled the woman and the tragedy followed. CARLAND HEARS DYER CASE. South Dakota Jurist Takes Place of Finkelnburg in Embezzfement Trial. St. Louis. Jan. 1(5. The trial ol David P. Dyor, Jr., the suspended teller of tho United StntOB subtreasury, who is charged with the embezzlement ol $iit,200 of government Hinds, was he gun In the United States district court before Judge John E. Carland of South Dakota, sitting In place ol Judge Finkelnburg, who disqualified himself. CHICAGO GRAirT AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading ana Closing Quotations. Chicago. Jan. 15. A sharp decline in the price of wheat at Minneapolis caused a weak finish today to the local wheat market, the May delivery being down :5'sc. Corn was up ,sR,,1c. Oats showed a gain of lA8shc. Pro visions wero Cc higher to 5c lower. Closing pi lees: Wheat -May, 7fi;o; July, 7:V. Com May, -lliTsc; July, i:i!ifi-13V- Oats May. 37S':J7U,o; July. :rJ"i,o. Pork May, $1.Im; July. $U'..t)0. Lard Jan., $'.U7i; May, $9.55. Ribs Jan.. $'.t.02'-..; May. $l).22'i. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, 7:!ff7tc; No. 3 corn, lO'ie; No. 2 oats, Ilo'.jC. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Jan. 15. Cattle Re ceipts, S.onii; slow. 10c lower; native steers, $4.0ilft;.:',i); cows and holfors, $2.fi0?-l.(i.": western steers. ?;!.25i 5.:i0; Texas m-ers. $;i.0!fi 1.10; tan ners, $2.i0fi ;t tm; Mockers and feed ers. ?2.Siiri.'..0ii; calves. $:'..0i) (Tt tJ.5n; bulls, stags, elf., $2.rt)fff 1.50. Hogs Receipts, 10,000; shade to 5c higher; heavy, $ti :l."gii.40; mixed, $0.:12'U.(Q) fiJll; light, ?ii.25fiii.r,5; pigs, $5.25ft COO; bulk or sales. lil.aOtfjXi.J'.u. Sheep Receipts, 5,000; strong; yearlings, $5.75(0.15; wethers, $5.25w5.li5; ewes, ?l.4tiflr.20; lambs, $(i.50Q7.50. Fuel Famine In North Dakota. Washington, Jan. Hi. Additional complnlnts were received from North Dakota points complaining of the fuel situation and repotting either a scarci ty or an entire exhau&llon of the coal supply. MESSAGE ON NEGRO TROOPS President Tell3 Senate His Rcasonc for Dismissing Men. Washington, Jan. IS. President Roosevelt gent to the senate a special message regarding the Rtownsvillo Incident, which gives tho additional evidence collected by Assistant Attor ney General Purely and Major Block 8oni, who were sent to Texas by the president to investigate the affair. Tho president submitted with his mes sage various exhibits, including maps or Brownsville and Fort Brown, a bandoleer, thirty-three empty shells, t.ovcn ball cartridges picked up In the streets a few hours after the shoot ing, thrqe steel jacketed bulleta and tome scraps of the casings of otl It bullets picked out of tlfu houses into which they "lrad ben fired. Tho president declares that the evi dence Is positive that the outrages of Aug. 12 were committed by some of the colored troops that have been dis missed and that some or all or tho members of tho three companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry had knowl edge of the deed and have shielded the guilty ones. The n'gro troops are referred to by tho president In his message ns "midnight assassins" and ho declnres that very few, If any. or tho soldiers dismissed "without honor" could liavo been ignorant or what ocrurrcd. That part of tho order which bars the sol diers from all civil employment under tho government Is revoked by tho president. This clause, the president says, was lacking in validity. The dis charged troops, however, will bo for ever barred from re-enllstlng In tho army or navy, and ns to this the presi dent says that "there Is no doubt of my constitutional and legal power." Secretary Taft's report, giving tho sworn testimony or witnesses, Is trans mitted with the message. The testi mony or fourteen eye-wltncsscs Is giv en and the president declares that the evidence Is conclusive that the weap ons used wor Springfield rifles, now used by tho United States troops, in cluding tho nogro troops who were In the garrison at Brownsville. POPE TO FRENCH CATHOLICS Pontiff Seeks to Comfort Faithful In in Their Trials. Rome, Jan. 12. The Osservatoro Romano, olllclnl organ of the Vatican, mibllshoB the text of an encyclical ad dressed by theior --,7f- Venernblo Brothors, tta r H yU, J?op8 aml Clergy and of too Prenefffc'jople." In this document the pontiff said his chief object in addressing the faithful -"-- v.-,--- jn iYJlnce wa8 (X, comfort them in , i,.,i ..ii'.i ...i.ini. i r.iit iiunniv iui;ii ouuui uifto, ..ii.ijii . i.h. uw..j. riicro was, however, great consola tion in the Tact that the Catholics ol Franco were united. The French gov ernment's declaration o! war was not only against the Christian faith, but against, all spiritual ideas. The French Catholics must b prepared for all sorts of trials, but they wero certain of finnl victory. Contrary tc statements on tho BUbjoct. the church did not desire a religious w'ar, Involv ing violent persecutions. Belug a. mis sionary of peace and carrying out hei mission loyally, the church did not willingly expose herseH to wnr and persecutions, as she did not desire to see her children suffering. Regarding tho ecclesiastical properties, the en cyclical said the pope had not aban doned them. The French government had imposed on French Catholics an organization which tho church was absolutely unable to accept without Imperiling her existence as a divine Institution. The church could not pre vent the unjust spoliation in progress, As for tho progressed cultural asso ciations, they nro contrary to tho ec clesiastical hierarchy given to the church by the divine founder, himself nnd tho pope condemned them In spite of the material injuries involved at the hands of tho government. STANDARD OIL INDICTMENTS Ohio Grand Jury Returns 939 Counts Against Rockefeller and Others. Flndlay, O., Jan. 15. The January panel ot the Hancock county grand jury, which has been 111 session tor the last week, returned 939 sepnrate inditlments against tho Standard Oil company of New Jet soy, the Standard Oil company of Ohio, the Ohio Oil company, thujiuckoyu Pipe Line com pany, tho Solar Refinery company, the Manhattan Oil company, John D. Rockeleller, II. II. Rogers, Wesley Tlllord. John D. Archbold. Frank Q. Barstow. Wlllinm Rockefeller and F. T. f'utlilit'rt. They arc formally charged with being members of a trust for conspiracy against trade. Sheriff Groves and his deputies will begin at once to servo a copy of the indictment on the defendants. Prosecutor David said that he pur posely hold off action until tho salary law with county otllcials became or fectlve, as he did not wish to run up a big cost bll, which would have result ed under the old fee system. If Han cock county wins in each case fines aggregating $58,000,000 can bo as sessed. When the report of the grand Jury was filed, Prosecutor David, on his own motion, nolled tho Indictments re turned last September against John D. Rockefeller, M. G. Vllns, .J. .m Robe Ron nnd II. P. Mcintosh, tho last three named being officers of the Standard Oil company of Ohio. Tidal Wave Kills Many. The Hague, Jan. 12. A tidal wave has devastated some of the Dutch Pint Indian Islands south of Achlu. Tho loss Is very great. According to nn official dispatch 300 persons per ished on tho Island or Tana, whllo forty are known to have been drowned It the Hand of Simalu. DARING ROBBERY AT OMAHA. Paymaster of Her Grand Hotel Held Up by Yardman. Omaha, Jan. 11. "While distributing pay envelopes to employes of the Her (Irand hotel, tho paymaster of the koetclry was hem" up and robbed oj $1,000 by John Plttman, colored. Em ployes and guests of the house gave pursuit and after n chase of several blocks, during which tho culprit fired several shots nt his pursuers, Plttman wns captured by a police officer and taken to the station under heavy guard. All of tho money, excepting $.100. was recovered. This the prisoner threw away during his efforts to es cape. Plttman wns employed as yard man nt the hotel. TWO DEAD AND THIRD DYING. ' One Ends Life With Bullet, Another With Rope, Last Man Shoots Self. Omnhu, Jan. 12. Two suicides, one by shooting and ono by hanging, and nn attempted suicide by shootlhigy were repotted to tho police during the day. L. 12. Emerson shot himself over tho heart In his room at a lodg ing house and died beforo medical as slstance could be summoned. The. body or an unidentified man was round ! KiiKtinruhvl liv n thin nino nf liindlnu I twine from an Iron girder under the Eleventh street viaduct. The man had been dead for hours. Sam Good man, a young Hebrew laborer at the Union Pacific yards, attempted to commit sutcldo by shooting himself with a revolver In the right breast while alone In his room at 417 North Twelfth street. He was taken to the hospital and probably will die. LAND MEN FOUND NOT GUILTY Modisett, Dale and Smoot Are Acquit ted by Jury at Omaha. Omaha, Jan. 11. "Not guilty" was tho verdict brought In by the jury trying A. R. Modisett, Dale and Smoot of Rubhvllle on a charge of conspir acy to get public land ror ranch use. Tho jury had been out more than eighteen hours and had come in once to ask further instructions. Albert Modisett, Horace C. Dale and l William Smott wero charged with I conspiracy to defraud tho government of something like 40,000 acres of pub-. lie land in Sheridan county by means of fictitious homestead entries. Al-' though Al Marie Modisett, a brother ' of Albert, was jointly Indicted with tho others, there wns no testimony In troduced to inculpate him, and there Tore Judge Munger instructed the jury to find a verdict of acquittal for him. The indictments charged conspir acy to defraud tho government of pub lic lands and also charged conspiracy to subornation of homesteaders to make false oaths. The ranchmen did not seek to com bat tho testimony introduced by the government, but acted upon the the ory that it was lawful to get Indians to file and to execute grazing contracts or leases. Tho government strove to make Its chief showing on the Indian and sol diers widows filings. That those people were Induced to file, not for their own excluslvo uso nnd benefit, but for the benefit or Modisett, and that they were procured to swear raise atlldavlts was unquestionably the strongest phase or the prosecution. This was the first land prosecution In Nebraska In which Assistant Dis trict Rush failed to get a conviction. Ttoiti-fln. A. ltrnmU, In his writings or. the hu man beard, proffers an opinion direct ly opposing that of Darwin that the beard Is u hereditary reuiiinnt of ani mal growth. According to Rrandt, It Is nn acquisition, so tlutt even the occa sional heard of women has a prophetic significance, for as man 1ms overtaken woman In his vhol organization so it la the ease also with reference to the beard. Rut slowly women are follow I X ing, and now 10 pur cent of them I wirance company intho sto show a stronger growth. The woman of the distant future would then like- Hoe's Laxative Cough Syrup contain wise be adorned with a beard. Dlo ' taining llouey and Tar is especially UniKchau. appropriate for children, no opiates or , , poisons of any character, conforms t DEMOCRATS WITH ROOSEVELT j the provisions of the National, l'ur- Missouri RcmihllcnlT. RCfnR to Vat ' l1""1 "I l)vnK ''"' '"" M. M0. Indorsement of President's Action. Jefferson City, Jan. 10. The houso of representatives, over the protests of Its Republican members, indorsed the action of President Roosevelt In discharging the negro soldiers con nected with the Brownsville riots. The resolution was passed, tho Demo crats voting for It and the Republicans voting against it. When your Watch Slops Yon cannot make it (jo by shaking It. "7vk. When the bowels aro 2 Sj&a&j constipated you can rSZL w ,i,..f..-f ..., .uu cathartics but, like tho watch, they will not bo nblo to do their allotted work until they aro put into proper condi tion to do it. Ono cannot mend a delicate piece of mechanism by vio lent methods, and no machine mndo by niau is as fine as tho human body. Tho uso o pills, salts, castor-oil nnd strong cathartic medicines is tho violent method. Tho uso of tho herb tonic laxative, Lane's Family f Medicine is tho method adopted by intelli- ! gent people. Headache, backache, indigestion, constipation, skin diseases all aro , benefited immediately by tho uso of this medicine. Druggists sell it at 25c. and 50c. . OKMO4$N0K03 Farms That Grow "Ho. I HfiBO" WHEAT (Gixly-lhrco Pounds to tho Bushel) arc situated in tho Canadian West, where Homesteads of 1G0 ncrcs can be obtuined FREE by every settler will ing and able to comply with the Homestead Regu lations. During the present year a large portion of New Wheat-Growing Territory has been made accessible to markets by the railwuy construction that has been pushed forward so vigor ously by the three great Railwny Companies. Grain growing, mixed farming and dairying are the great specialties. For literature and Information address Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa, Cauaila or the (ollowlnfr authorized Canadian Government Agent, W. v. nr.NNnTT 601 New YurL. I.tlo rulldtog Omiiliu, .Nib. Mention tbU pnpor. EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono AondliiK n nkct rli nrnl ctccrlpt Ion wnr qutrkly nsrortnln our opinion frou ulictlicr m tnvontlnu la prntmlily pntcntnlilo. Coniinunlni tlonnMrlctlyrotttimmtltil. HANDBOOK onl'atcmr, scut fron. Oldest nuency fortu'i-uriui; patcntx. I'.itctilH tiiliun tlinnik-li Alunn A Co. rccctvt tptrUil notice, without chnn;o, In tlio Scientific American. A hnndsomoly IllmtrnttxJ wppkly. l.rccnt clr. dilation .if uny xcleotllln Journal. Tonus, (J n. your: four muntks,fl. Bold byull newsdRalcri". MUNN & Co.3B'B'oada New York Jlrancu utllco. t5X V Bt., Waiblmiton, V. C. I HAVE Six Companies 800 policies represent ing over $2,000,000 in surance in Webster county. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon. O. C. TEEL9 Insurance and Notary. Telephones Boll, No. 98. Country, No. 3G; m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy olones and Windstorms, soo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho host in- I' or t roup. Whooping lough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels, (luaranteed. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. m Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the syhtem, good for lazy livers, makes elear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Hi . ikkAAAj 60 YEARS' iBjjpjra u t ' j&ffivtti.,. L- iiBUiAtttf&AAl nxAi mmwfntw"1 yMw'"ww"