The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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j r
$1 a Year
1 in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
NUMKElt tf
A. Splendid Premium
100 EigM-Day Clocks
. .To Be Given Away. .
Wo want to add 1,000 now subscribers to Tm: Cmr.r's list bci'oro the
first, (if Fobruary, 1007, ami to that end wo make the offer below. There
will be no disappointed contestants. This Is a plain business proposition
and every sohool district, every ohurch society, every lodge and every
individual can secure one of those splendid Regulators by sending in
ten now yearly subscriptions. rIJho retail price of this Clock is $7.00.
"'7irjK i
- rKHwaoiPTfc.
eh3- mi
II BP&H 11
Description of
Height :t7 inches.
Width lui inches.
Dial, diameter 12 inches.
Case Golden Oak.
Retail price 87.00.
Tun Cuihr has mado arrangements
Ifor procuring 100 of tho above hand
sotiio eight-day Regulators, and they
will bo given away absolutely free,
upon the following plan:
Each person sending in 10 now year
ly subscriptions to The Ciiikk will bo
entitled to one of tho clocks.
Each person sending in in renewals
to January 1, 1008, will bo ontitled to
one of tho clocks.
Nobody barred! School districts,
churches, seciot societies and individ
uals are ontitled to enter the race.
Current Turned On SaturtJay.-Plant n
Great Succcvs.
On .January l, tUOfl, thoj citizens of
Red Cloud voted bonds "u build and
operate a municipal electric lighting
plant. On Saturday, .lathinry 12, MX)7,
or one year and three day.-j later, the
current was turned on utJiho lighting
plant, and it was clearly uemonst rated
that the plant was a grand
residences and stores, and before an-1
other year rolls around the number
may possibly be doubled, as there are
a large number of merchants ami citi
zens who have delayed putting lights
Into their stores and residences until
they were assured the plant would be
a success.
Thcte is not a town in Nebraska
whose streets are So well lighted as
Business College Notes
Hoy Hutchison Is a new student this
(icorge I'helps Is the llrc-huihtcf
this week.
Everyone ought to attend the higfc
are those-of l!cd Cloud. The business s-hool concert tonight.
section is Hirhtcd bv the 1..VH) candle! Mr. Olmsted was in town Wcdut
" '
.Many well meaning perilous opposed I power arc lights, with one at the brow- day hunting a place for his daughter
the issuing of the bondftl and even of the hill near the depot. At every ' llertha to board while attending tin
after they were voted tho opposition ' street corner in the city there is an in- college. She enters net week,
to the building of the plant was kept i candescent street light, 72 in all. audi The, new term begins next Monday
up. owing to the inistnlyn idea that they make a brilliant showing. Some' and new classes will be lit
the money woidd be misappropriated i people feared the incandescent lights ' nil the courses. If you arc intending'
would not have sullleicnt, power, but tc enter this winter start now. as von
and the people swindled out of their
money, as they had been once before.
However, all the obstacles! were over
come, and, though there was consider
able delay in procuring some of the
necessary supplies, particularly the
generator, the plant was in full and
successful operation in a year from
the voting of the bonds. '
they are a success beyond all cxpccla
The power for the plant isfurnisned
by a l.'U-horse power Atlas Corliss en
gine, which is designed to run the big
three-phase generator. In order to
give the people some idea of what
they are paying their money for, it is
The city council was particularly only necessary to state that the plant
fortunate in securing tho services of is now running at only a third its full
ilohn Mart, sunerintendent of the . eanaeitv. In other words the iilmiL is
Seward municipal electric lighting . capable of supplying three times the lb-go lecture course, which Is to be
will li ml classes to suit you.
Ed Overing made the students a vcr"
instructive talk Monday morning tut
Hun Yourself." lie brought out
many things of interest as well as Im
portance to each of ns. Well, we need
only say "Mr. Overing talked," ami
you would all know that it was good.
All public school pupils will be ad
mitted to the next, number of the col-
next Wednesday, January till, for Lie.
This is a treat on the part of tlur
plant, to superintend thu work. Mr. amount of electric current now in use.
AIurtK brought with him an ellicient The wisdom of the city administration I
corps of workmen, at least one of in securing an engine and generator J college to the public school pupils and
whom will remain in Ited Cloud Oscar of greater power than is necessary for j f they appreciate aiid take advantage
lWirroughs, who has been appointed the present needs of the city is to be of it we may treat again,
light and water commissioner. j commended, as it Is highly probable' On account of the increased work in
Mr. Mart., who is fandli' with the that within the next decade the city ' the business :uege during the months-
lighting system' ' i, oitios will have nearly, if not quite, grown of January.'' nary and March, Prof.
i 4...... ,.r i h'ACSiiG i it .v.,1
HUM VWM ll.T Wl bit to jmv.i
Cloud is the best ifv'i town in iM-b-
Address all communications to
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Sale of Lots to Satisfy Judgment
Aftalnst F. tt M. Banking C.
Wednesday, at 2 o'clock p. in., at tin
east door of the court house. siherltV
Hedge sold the lots included in the
judgment in favor of the city against
the Farmer's V Merchants Hanking
Company. The lots sold much better
than was expected, bringing S721 in
cash above the taxes. Nearly all the
lte sold were subject to liens of oiie
kirtd or another, mostly for taxes.
The most valuable piece of property
in the list was the Farmers X Mer
chants Hank building, adjoining the
Potter building 011 the south. Tin
city hud been olVored S.tOUO for its
equity in this building before the sale,
and as the bidding was not very
spirited it was bid in by the city for
S-.TiOO. Thereat something over $70(1
in taxes against the building.
The city also bid in lot 8, block tl.
for S'.M). This lot is located just north
of the Moranvllle building, and there
is but about S20 in taxes against it.
As indicated by the plat of the city,
part of the Moranville stands upon the
Lots I to I. block Hi. were bid in by
(ieoorge .1. Warren for SIO.I. These
lots are located just north of the home
of A. C. Ilosmcr. oil Cedar street, and
are nice resilience lots.
Lots S to )8, block- '.'. (iarbcr's second
addition were bid in by Win. Wolfe at
5110. These are the lots in the block
in which the er-amery is located, and
there are SHU) taxes against them.
Lots 1, 7. S and u, and I. 'I to :.'!, bloc-kit,
same addition, were bid in by Mrs.
Henry Dledetieh for 17.
Lots I and .1, block (, same addition,
were sold to D. L. Oroat for h'i. Mr.
'(Smut already had a title to these lots.
Lots HI to 21, block ((. were brought
by II. W. iSulliford for S.
Lots 111 to 21, block 7, same addition
were sold to Win. Wolfe for $11.
Lobs 10 to 20, block 7, original town,
were bid in by E. .1. Overing Tor the
Congregational church at t?20."t. These
five lots are just north of the Congre
tional church.
Lots ir and Hi, block 27. were sold
to II. W. (Julliford for 810.
Lot 8. block 28, was bid in by (Julli
ford at 10.
Lots 20 to 21, block 28, also went to
Julliford for 10.
Lots :i and . block III, original town,
were sold to It. C. Cather fm- SI0.
These are the lots just south of the
Christian church.
Lots 17 and 18, block 21. were old
to lieruard McNeny for 10.
Lots 1 1 and 12, block .'10. also went
to McXeny for 31.
Lots (J and 7. block 17. were bid in
by E. l Overman for the Methodist
church at S17.'i. These lots are just
north of the M. E. church.
Undivided half interest In lots 2 and
.1. block . 'I. were sold to II. W. (Julli
ford for Sl.. These are the lots next
to the corner just north of the old Sul
livan lumber yard.
Several lots included in the judg
ment were not offered for sale, for the
reason that the city had m- title in
The original judgment of the city
against the I X M. Hanking Co.. was
for sJ.V.MH), and the interest has accumu
lated until it would now amount to
between 5-7000 and SOIIO.
On this judgment the city has al
ready 820011 in cash, and this sale, with
the proceeds from the bank building
when it is sold, will more than pay the
face value of the city's judgment. At
torney .Mc.N'eny has already received
his fee for conducting the suit and the
city will come out about even 011 what
at llrst appeared to be a total loss of
S.V.'liO. Atone time the city adminis
tration seriously considered abandon
ing the'suit, and was on the point of
doing so. but upon the advice of Mr.
McXeny the suit was finally carried
on to a successful termination.
up to the plant. 1 Dietrick ha -mid to decline to till any
The imnrovement in the annetirance mure b-oliirc dates i-M-i-nt tbnse Hint
raska. He does not say this because of lied Cloud within the last three have already been set. lie urged
he had charge of the installation of years is almost transformation. Krom 1 teachers to take this up h t fall, and
the plant, though he has reason to be a town of rotten sidewalkes, dark and many did. and he is sorr.Vhlo refuse;
proud pf his work. At all times he gloomy streets, we have emerged into ' now, but overwork is ntft.any bene
was given the hearty support of the a hcaiitifuT 1 title city with miles of nt to a person. ,
city administration, whose members cement and brick walks, streets bril- j-(f. Dietrick "ave a recital ('.'
placed implicit confidence in his judg-' liantly lighted with electric lights, and1 j,.s southeast, in Kansas, l-'rldnv
nient and integrity, and the result scores of handsome residences lining ' nj.ri,t, and another in the North
shows that their confidence was not the street. i llranch academy Saturday night. Ho
misplaced. The city adminstration j The work of the future lies in iiu-' ,l(j j-t,j 10uscsnt both places, ltotlt
and the people of Red Cloud stand Improving the water plant, building a ,lluijt,m.e.s were appreciative and at
ready to recommend Mr. Mart, to any sewerage sys'tem and providing better tt.ntivc. The professor was sorrv that
city that is contemplating tho the in- school buildings for the accomodation j,jh vojc.c. wtLS ; such poor shape, lmt
stallation of a lighting plant. j ()f our children. it wus worsi. Sunday, when he wii
From a financial .standpoint the in-1 l-et's stay awake, now that we are hardly able to speak above a whispi-r.-vestment
bids fair to be a paying one t last awakened. ( - . ...
for the city. There are already over (Jet one of those clocks we are giv-
2,000 "inside" lights installed in the Now is the time, to subscribe. ( ing away.
t .'' t'
Soda Craekers
Possesses wonderful medicinal power
over the human body, removing all
disorders from the system, is what
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes yon well, keeps you well.
:trc, Tea or tablets. C. L, Cottlng.
anything you choose milk for instance or alone.
At every meal or for a munch between meals, when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner, in ihe morning when you wake hungry, or at
night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else.
But as in all other things, there is a difference in sod
crackers, the superlative being
Uneeda Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat arc retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you.
1 .r
A . llIMHyMtMV 4MWVMIyt -XJ(