The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1907, Image 5

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, '
"White kily"
Use the Best
Every sack warranted to
give satisfaction. Bread
that you could enjoy all
by itself; bread that has
a different taste than the
ordinary such bread is
made from "White Lily"
Flour. Try a sack and
convince yourself. For
sale by
All the Phones
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Dr. K. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damcroll
Glen l'hulps drove up to Rladen yes
terday Rev. IH11 was down from Innvale
. Homer Morgan is on the sick list
this week.
Logan Riggins of Itladen was in the
city yesterday.
Dr. Raines lias removed his oilice to
the Potter block.
Dr. Nellie Maurer was in Ksbon this
Treek on business.
Lee Coplen left Sunday morning for
. visit in Indiana.
Fditor Hale is still confined to his
koine with sickness.
Miss Ethel Cummings returned from
lieatrice last evening.
Presiding Elder Martin of Hastings
was in town Tuesday.
Horn, Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ot
tcrmau Ramey, a son.
D. W. Turnuro went down to Ches
ter the llrst of the week.
Clarence Lewis expects soon to open
ji restaurant in Guide Hock.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Teak were
down from Cowles Thursday.
John Doyle of Haigler, Nebr., is vis
iting relatives here this week.
.Mrs. Charley Leuzler is suffering
ivith an attack of appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Arnold were
flown from Hluo Hill Thursday.
Elmer McCoy and ltev. A. I). Farley
were down from IUaden yesterday.
Mrs. (ieorge Hollister and daugntcr
"llarie came homo Sunday from Lin
aln. Whenever you happen to think of a
news item, phone it to Hell 73 or Mu
tual 33.
Dr. N. II. Morrison is in Omaha at
tending a meeting of the State Dental
Ed ISuchcnau left for Custer City.
Oklahoma, Wednesday, where he miiy
make his homo.
Sheriff Walrath was down from
Hloomington the first of the week on
ollieial business.
Karl MeConkey of Revion, S. 1)., is
here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. MeConkey.
Mr. and .Mrs. C. K. Putnam went to
Norton, Kas., last Saturday for a vis
it with relatives.
Mrs. C. C. MeConkey and daughter
Ethel are both confined to their beds
with rheumatism.
(I. F. Lewis, district deputy organi
zer of the M. W. A., is in the city this
week on lodge business.
The .luninr Whist Club was enter
tained by the young men at Potter.s
hall Wednesday evening.
Married, .Ian. 8, by Judge Edson,
Mr. Frank Mcintosh and Miss Kininn
Ilarta, both of lied Cloud.
Kd Potter and wife of Wilcox, Neb.,
eame down Sunday for a visit at the
home of (ieorge Hutchison.
Fred Rordfelt left for Salina, Kan.,
Monday after spending the holidays
with his family at this place.
Leslie Stewart of Wilsonvillo visited
with Allen Tulleys the first of the
week, on his way to Hastings.
Mrs. E. 15. Smith has returned from
McCook, and reports her daughter,
Mrs. Alden Fly, as convalescing.
For Kent A large house, well loca
ted; city water, bath and electric
lights. Inquire at F. Newhouse's.
Messrs W. W. Peak. Kd and Ira
Paul of";owles eame down to the I. O.
O. F. installation .Monday night.
Glen Arnold, who has been attend
ing the business college, left Tuesday,
his destination being Wichita, Kan.
Mrs. W. A. Seeley of Guide Rock
fell on a brick sidewalk in that city
last Saturday, breaking her left wrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Goth are the
parents of a child, born Tuesday. The
mother is reported to be seriously ill.
A few of our subscribers squared up
the first of the year but there are. a
great many more who did not. We
need the money.
Don Clark and Jesse Null, two busi
ness college students, left the first of
the week to seek their fortunes in the
cold, cold world.
The Fraternal Aid Association will
have a public installation of oflicers
Jan. III. After the installation a ban
quet will be served.
The county commissioners have been
holding a session this week. A few
claims were allowed and other routine
business transacted.
F. W. Cowden, A. II. and Dave
Kaley went down to Superior Wednes
day to assist in initiating some candi
into the Masonic order.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goble went to
Hastings Monday for a short visit with
relatives before returning to their
home in Silverton, Colo.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Con
gregational church will hold a mar
ket on the forth Saturday of each
month, at's store.
Miss Richart and Miss Julia Rusheo
returned to lloldrege the tirst of the
week after a visit at the home of the
hitters father, C. W. Hushee.
Ezckiel Johnson, Jim Ruckles, .lake
Klllnger, Kd Seaton, Amos Gust, and
Will Koats shipped hogs and cattle to
St. Joe the llrst of the week.
Mark Parks was down from McCook
the latter part of last week visiting
UK parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Turks,
who are both on the sick list.
John Mart?, was called to Seward
Sunday by the illness of his son. He
came back to Red Cloud Tuesday morn
to finish the work on the light plant.
Mrs. Maggie McCord of Lebanon
came over this week to accompany her
daughter, Mrs. Walt Klliott, to Illi
nois, where the latter goes for her
Pine Salve Carbolized acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Kczenia, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
Dr. M. U. Thomas Juis purchased a
drug store at Memphis, Nebr., to
which place he will soon remove. Dr.
Thomas has made many friends here
during the past year who will regret
to hear of his decision to go to an
other location.
J?or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Blgnaturo of
4fi '
That's the house the doctor built, I
The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our
money. .
For we take llollister's Hoekv Moun
tain Tea. C. L. Co'tting.
A. L. Funk, formerly principal of ,
the high school, was down from Lin
coln Sunday. I
Again we wish to call uteention to '
.,... ,....,. ., ,, ,.,.., , i
i-m- liiuK oi a suiiuic piuce lor lariners
to hitch their teams when they come
to town. A system of hitch racks is
badly needed.
Mr. and Mrs. ltradfleld, who have
been visiting with the hitter's sister,
Mrs. T. C. Hacker, returned to their
home lu Custer City, Oklahoma, Wed
nesday morning.
Senator W. K. Thorne has been ap
pointed on the following committees:
Agriculture, chairman; enrolled and
engrossed bills, library, miscellaneous,
school lands and funds.
Misses Hertha anil Hernia Potter,
Norma Richardson and Helen Over
man and Will Overman and Kd Tay
lor returned to Lincoln Kuiiduj', where
they are attending school.
Mrs. W. II. Howe died at her home
northeast of Cowles last Saturday,
She came to this county with her hus
band In the early days. Her husband
and six children survive her.
John Yaple and Miss Yaple have re
signed their positions atTurnure Hros.
and left Tuesday morning for Mary
vil!e, Mo., where. Mr. Yaple expects to
go into the grocery business.
There has been some delay in secur
ing the incandescent street lights, and
for tills reason they will not be light
ed up when the current is turned on
the arc circuit tomorrow night.
All persons indebted to me are noti
fied that unless they settle their ac
counts with me on or before Jan. 1.1th.
same will be placed in the hands of an
attorney for collection. A. C. Slaby.
J. O. Ltndley has sold his restaurant
stock and fixtures to James Robinson
of Garfield township. Mr. and Mrs.
Lindley and their daughter, Mrs.
Swearinger, expect to move to Helling
ham, Wash.
Two days' treatment free. Wing's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fall to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
Huilds, up waste tissue, promotes ap
petite, improves digestion, induces re
freshing sleep, gives renewed strength
and health. That's what llollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea does. .'15 cents.
Tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher expect to
return tomorrow to their home in Nor
man, Okla., after a two weeks visit
with friends and relatives here. Mr.
Fisher expects soon to leave Oklaho
ma, and may re-locate in this part of
the world.
T. J. Mackey left for Concordia,
Kas., to bring home his son, Hernard,
who was operated on for appendicitis
last week. Hernard left here reunion
week with Lucky Hill's show, and re
mained with that organization until
the close of the season.
Possesses wonderful medicinal power
over the human body, removing all
disorders from the system, is what
llollister's Uocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes you well, keeps you well.
:t.1c, Tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Representative Win, Itenkel has
been appointed on the following house
committees: Constitutional amend
ment, county boundiarics, and appor
tionment. Representative Hesse's
committees are: Militia, iusane hos
pitals, and claims.
Marion Mercer has received a com
plete new outfit for his barber shoy In
the basement of the Potter block. The
new equipment consists of three hy
draulic chairs, a full length mirror
and casing for three chairs, a hand
some china and marble lavatory and
an extra largo mug case.
Italph MeConkey, son of C. C. Me
Conkey, is now an electrician on board
the United Ssates battleship Connecti
cut, having charge of the wireless
telegrapn apparatus. After leaving
Hastings, Ralph took an eight months
course of training at the Hrooklyn
Navy Yard Technical School before
entering upon his duties.
Well Improved farm of 320 nores- 3
miles from Red Cloud; 320 1 miles, and
several 100 acre tracts; three good r ve-
bottom farms of different sizes, as vol
as small tracts near town, three of
which would make good places to feed
cattle and hogs. For sale cheap, part
cash and balance on time. Call on or
address the Red Cloud Investment Co.,
Ited Cloud, Neb.
ManZan Tile Remedy put up in con
venient collapslblo tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
Your Timc Has Come)
to Buy
dkm M
per cent Discount on Men's, Boys' and
Children's 'Overcoats. A few Fur
Overcoats left at 20 perlcent off
? First Door North
t AmA, 'krJrl '
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving aliuoxt instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
Farmers Mutual Telephone Company
Takes Important Step.
The Farmer's Mutual Telephone Co.
held its annual meeting at the court
house in this city at 2 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon. The following olllccrs
were elected for the ensuing year:
President A. McCall.
Vice-President Wm. Kngles.
Secretary-Treasurer Henry Gilliam.
Directors First district, Wm. Kn
gels; second district, Win. Crabill;
third district, J. W. Melntyre.
The session was the most impor
tant yet held by the Farmer's Mutual
Co., over one hundred representatives
of 'the twelve companies and town
subscribers being present.
After considerable discussion, the
delegates decided to incorporate into
one company. It was also decided to
purchase the bui'ding in which the
company is now located, provided it
can be bought for a reasonable price.
Another important step taken by
the new organization was the decision
to lease phones to parties in the city
instead of compelling them to buy
their phones, as has been the practice.
No delinite rate has been decided up
on, the intention being to make the
rate as low as possible, the majority
of the members favoring a rate of SI
per month for both residence and bus
ines phones. The action willundoubt
ly result in largely increasnlg the
number of country phones In use in
the city. '
The companies included in the Fann
ers Mutual Telephone Co. are: Kast
Garfield Co., Garfield Co., Dutch Flat
C)., Lebanon Co., Koontz Co., Indian
Creek Co., Rutin Co., Crooked Creek
Co., Dry Creek Co., Amlniy Co., the
Short Line Co., and representatives of
the city subscribers.
When the reorganization is complet
ed and the. incorporation effected, the
company will be a very strong one
and improvements mill move along
much more smoothly than heretofore.
m m
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, Jan
uary 8, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. H. Fort, .Manager.
Harriet M. Smith to Richard D.
Moritz, lots 1, 2, 3, .Hlk. 21,
Hluo Hill, wd MOO
Richard D. Moritz to L. F. Stod
dard, lots 1, 2, 3, Hlk. 21, Hluo
Hill, wd lfiOO
Rrlce II. France to Frederick E.
Rillliii.'ton, lot 0, Hlk. 21,
Cowles, qcd 175
Frederick E. Hillington to Chan.
C. Hennctt, lot 0, Hlk. 31,
Cowles, qcd 200
Clothing Go.,
of the Post Office
' 'WW A-W '
Nicholas J. Turner to Alfred S.
Turner, 1-.1 of mv 2-1-11, wd..
D. C. Roland to (ieorge K. Thomp
son, part lot 2, Robert's add to
(.aide Hock, wd
Herman II. Trubold to Henry F,
Meyer, mv 31-1-13, wd. .......
.Martha Fonts to N. L. D.
Smith, pt lot 3, pt ne mv 10-1-II,
wd fl
Lyra C. Garber to L. L. Horen,
et al, lots (1, 7, Hlk. 17, Red
Cloud, qcd
John W. Stratton to Ollu Gr.i- 18-1-10, wd
Daisy Chrisman to JohnSehultz,
sw 28-2-t), wd
Isaac Shepards.m to Rep. Val. R
R. Co., pt s3 nw, 0-1-12, wd..
Charles K. Hicks to Mary Kropp,
lot 1), bile 2, Hladon, 2d add.wd
Klera Ralph to J A Dice, lot 32.
Patmor's add to R C, wd 40t
Lincoln Land Co to J R Hcele,
lots 8 to 13, block 7, (J R, wd 11
Tol,ll S2.179ti
Good homes are wanted for orphan
and destitute children of all ages by
the Child Saving Institute, 1800 Ohio
street, Omaha. Over 300 children pas
through the Institute; to homes and
eire in a single year. From fortv to
sixty constantly on hand. If intesest-
011 write, inclosing stamp for rcply.f
IIIAIi School Concert.
The High School Glee Club will giye
a concert Friday night, January 18.
Miss Josie Igou has been training the
glee club for several months and th
entertainment promises to be interest
ing. Following is the program:
iMiir Ji
Glee Club "Wonders of the Farm" .
Piano solo "Marcho Hongroise" (Iv-
walskl) Vernon Storey
High School Chorus "Fairies' Danes"
Vocal solo "Honey Town" (Weidei-
inan) Clara Austin
Glee Club "Take Hack tthe Heart"
Glee Club-".Mim in the Moon"..Fearln
Piano duet "Fairy Ojiecn" (S. Smith)
Iva Crabill and Glen Walker
Vocal solo -"Marguerite" WhlU
Zella Taylor
Vocal duet "Slumber Sea" Chisholn
Florence Potter and James Ferguson
Glee Club "Serenade" Fellers
Reserved scats will be on sale Mon
day at Mitchell's jewelry store. Price
Shall Wo Tan Your Hide?
The averalle stock raiser hardly re
alizes the value of cow, steer and
horse hides when converted into fur
coats, robes and rugs. Got the new
illustrated catalog of the Crosby Fris
ian Fur Co., Rochester, N. Y. It will
bo a revelation to you. And "Crosby
pays the freight." janll
t'WrV-WLt'&Jf. ? -