The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1907, Image 8

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nuami uu uiujmi
v s s
c j""7 i?" Ef F- 'HP S IT A
UO'liJ I Hi
&JSJV ffi
YorJ-t r&M
l W .--". ?f.
IJ- -o'lS
Calumet makes
light, digestible
wholesome food.,
mtmwv9 .
4limM Economy
li.hQT made bythe'
Only one heap
ing teaspoonful
is needed for one
quart of flour.
No mnn bf.iHtifiil nor more acceptable Gifts can be found than
those we are siinwmu. A lew items only can we mention here. An
examination of our stock will show ou the largest, most complete
line of'Veliable, lown-to-ih- minute JEWELRY ever shown in the
city. Prices riuht m such that vou can not afford to buy elsewhere
.itnMMii i,uyuuUtiUi.iii JoliVitjiiMMlMlvlalnMlvlAlvlil fc.
Nenisy Motes :rom Neighboring Tomns
brido's homo In Hiawatha, Ktui., on
Wednesday, Hut; '2(5. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Sheldon, the
Ml'l 11 CENTER
(From tin' Messenger.)
Over in thu Suloin country 11 fearful noted Kansas divine.
epidemic of swine plaguo has been rag
ing this lull and winter. Very few
farmers cast, west or 1101 th for several
miles but what lost, heavily.
Yesterday afternoon a littlo girl
cumo running out of tho kitchen door
of t hu old Uryan house, yelling lustily
for help in a tone that, indicated that
it.!.... i,.....:i.l mini totritirr T1llf(V
MJIIItMIIUI LUI'IIWIU Mln Hninih .... j - -
Tliuso in tho immodliite vicinity nisliod "" parents oiou in uuruiuio
(From tho Lender.)
Mrs. II. M. Smith has commenced
tho eroction of her now house.
John F. Hush and daughter, who ro
.:.i. m..,i.. ..., t.i i?i.. Hill
iiliiu lll'lll; !. MV-'IU 111 JI.IVJ l... ;
last I'Viday on tho'ir way to Germany.
(old filled warranted eases,
with ISIuin or Walthum moo
meiits. .j?, n.r , tin anil up.
Niek(l-plH"l, Silveilni) and
Silver eased Watche-, .-U to S'20.
Fancy Kiiamelod Watche. i!
and up'. Smile liaraius in these.
f!old filled warranted cjiisos,
with Klsrln or Waltham movo
inents, ?(!. ?", and higher.
Silver, Sllverlno and Nickel
plated Watches, fiom VI U.
NMckfl-)lated, Silverino. Silver
and (lold Watches from SI up.
All Wiilehes thoroughly iruar-
anteO'l both as to quality and
M-rvice. An immense, lino to so
leet from.
Chains and Fobs
A Hue line from which to se
lect a Chain to accompany any
Watch you mny purchase. Prices
7c, 31 and up.
-2r' fb .'.V
- ju "-
Ll'A VJ'.A
Sold Oold iilwavs - no lllled or pla
ted Kds iti ur stock.
Iiaby IUuks, HOc, Toe, 00c. Plain
band, liutfravcil and set.
M Uses' Kind's. H. 'Jo, Sl.HO. $1.7i and
up; engraved and set rin .s. A lino of
Uirtlislone Uin;s at Sl.oO.
Fjadies' ltinas, band, euviaved and
sot, W to :!. Diamond 1 Jink's at low
est prices offered anywhere.
Men' Kind's, !. ., .?( and up. Noth
ing bettor anywhoro.
Remember, all are Solid Gold!
A most 11-e ul aid rlurablo
presiMi and we have Clocks suit
able for most ativoiif.
A (tun littlo L'nld. Plated f'lnck
for a lady'- dres-a'r, 1.7 to vi'0
A nice I'itinnioled M-in'el Clock
with ilt trimmlni!. .: to 1(1
A uiol serviceablt eh ck for
tho kitchen, f'J and im.
l-'or a school teacher, ono tf
our small Clocks at $1 orSl.W
(makes a uuiipiouift.
IPin. 11 liurd qlootior olio of our
j littlo "devih't-" at ..() or S'J.'.T)
maiccs a useiui piosem.
Others not so good. i.
into tho buitdliih' and found a youiiK
woman lying houseless 011 tho floor.
It appears that there has boon u quar
rel and Mis. Etta OMlarra, tho in.juro t
woman, had thrown 11 (latiron at hor
stop rather, Andy Cropper, proprietor
of tho hotel. Ho retaliated by throw
ing an etiamolod stowpan at hor. This
struck hor on tho head aud sho foil to
tho floor. Dr. KoHliau was called and
suecuedod In restoriug hor to con-clousuos-,
aftor throo hours' work.
Sho rolapsod into unconseiousuoss
uv,'ain last night, but is 11 littlo hotter
this afternoon. Mr. Cropper did not
deny striking hor, but told thoso first.
on tho scone that tho woman was fight
ing him and that ho struck her. Ho
was arrested, charged with assault
with intent to kill, aud was roloasod l$l',0M).
' 1
upon giving a bond of SoOO
and loft tin estate, and hisorrnnd there
now is to settle it up.
Mrs. Annie Rogers died at her homo'
in Hluo Hill Sunday, of cancor aftor an
illiuoss covering u period of several J
months. Sho has boon very low Tor
some timo and hopes for her recovery
had boon given up. Sho married Ed.
Rogers in 1875 and they woro ono of I
tho first couples married in Webster
county. Sho was 08 years 1 mouth and
1(1 days of ago.
For the lady of the houe or a
a preent to the family, a piece
of our fine Silver TnUowaro is
most acceptable. Not expensive,
Cake Dlshor, S2.H0.
Krpud 'h-avs, 'J.7.-).
Butter Di-hes $2.,."i.
Ten Sot. SO 00.
Baking bi.he, ?").7rj.
Other pieces, all good, all uso
ful, from .r)tc up.
SPOONS Silver plated Tea-
"His Mn-ttcr). Volco-
Victor GramoDiiones,
Edison Phonographs .f SStSTSfi
Either of these makes an Ideal l'M'oous io iniiiun, price aueoru
. n 11 i. i !!- A ! mrvlit
present lor me wuoie iiuiuiy. .
complete lino of machines, from
$10 to $60
and tho largest stock of records
in tho city, !$"ic to $L each.
(From tholleviow.)
C. A. Seaborg bought tho old True
blood farm last Saturday from Chas.
Buchanaii, tho consideration being
We will give only to those who register, a fine Cal
endar for 1907.
We are always willing and reay to show goods.
Souvenir Spoons and Porks,
solid silver, $1.25 to 8-'t.7o.
Knives and Forks, Worry
Sooons, Cream Dadlei, Fruit
Knives, Nut frncks and Picks,
an almost endless varioty.
Novelties, such as Silver
Toilet. Manicure and Sowing
Sets, Brushes, Combs, Writing
Sets, etc. Small remembrances
from 2ric to 70c.
Newhousc Brothers,
Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors.
f SV. tfmf-4fjf4SJfiJfrm'
last Wednesday night, the petition for
(From the Times.)
C. M.Scrivuerof Red Cloud, Nebr.,
iiMHiof'V. II. of this city, and his
friend. Oinor Butler of the World
Herald, Omaha, Nobr., camo in Friday
evening and boardod the train Satur
d ly morning for Iiimoii, C lo., where
th iy each h.ivo a farm. Mr. Sorivner ii
of tlio llrm of Scrivner contractors aud
builders of Rod Cloud and Mr. Butlor
is a son of Jas. Butler, the main liar
noss at, tho s.imo place.
Quito a littlo oxeitomont was stirred
up in town Thursday when word came
in from tho city well west of town
that some of tho workmen had become n..... I.., f ninniiiliiirfnii vvii ,1 unnninl iloition to vote upon thepro
in town Thursday and made this oflice position of water bonds was grantod
a call aud proceeded to show us how and the date for tho election fixed for
full ho was of law, bid, if wo were to .Ian. 22. The amount of bonds to bo
judge from general appearance and tho vote 1 is hi 1,000,
odor of his breath we would say it was
,)o00, oof. real I v mean
Monday ovoning Tom Sullivan was ut,nio-iliere of tlio 13 irber hearth has
lodged in jail for being drunk and (lis- i,eon t.aused by a genuine family row,
orderly. About midnight he proceeded i,, j( waR roalfy caused by the lid pull
to make things warm by sotting tho j,,,, nlf from a base burner that was
Mrs. Eddie Keeney has been iirer- The relief of Coughs and Cold-,
ingwith totisilitis tno past week. through hiMilivc influence nriginali-o
Tj. D. Wollsand two daughters left . with Hih-V LiiMitiri Cough Syrup. eon
Monday for their homo in Edmund, tabling Honey and Tar, a cough syrnr
Kansas, 1 containing no opiates or poisons. whieK
Mrs. G. A. Liittu and cousin left is tensivcly sold. Secure a bottle at
1 ... , . 11. n lis., f.. ,. ' once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
Mr I M Ra'rbor's black ovo does ' Wednesday ovoning tor l-rankliii for a h "
ilis. .1.1M. wn'iuii uiin.iv v. ..!... .' , if not fill lv satisfied with results, vour
tlmt tho domestic 'sliort visit. v n
1IIIIII, fc .1 III I'V II lllllllLll! .IV.III !.,
Henry Cook's drug store.
bud elothos and fixtures 011 lire. Had
it not been discovered just whon
it was Tom would have been no more,
as ho was already overcome by smoke.
(From tho Now.s Letter.)
Tho condition of .leromo Vance at
bolu sot in place, tho same striking
airs. Darbor injur tho oyo.
entomlierl. They were tunneling from Inst reports is very critical. MissUna
one well to another when the bank Vauco has also been quilo sick lor
..i.,.,., I ,(!' Arii.t llinin Ml (In. mnii i hO01lll OaS,
escaped without injury with tho ok
liJ. S. CJarbor has taken a position
(From tho Citi.en.)
Married-Ou Sunday, December 2.'J,
ut tho home of the bride's parents, near
Campbell, MIsH Bmmii Koch to Mr.
Gottlieb Binder, Uov. Gout', ollloiating.
A haoov oveiitoccurrod Wednesday
night, tho 10th Inst., whon almost all
,' escaped without in ury with tlio ok i'J. . uaroor nas iiikou a piiiiiuu - lii..,lnMin nlrl
H coption of Win. Sparks who was buried with tho Blue Valley Fruit Co., of the young people and. fo of t .00
,i i,.,.,hf,.r..rf.,,il ,.,. ..d will move to that, nlaoo "j nieuibeis ol ,ion isoiiviMii"
ntulxr about four t'eot. of mot hor earth. Beatrice and will move to that, place
A'l tho available rigs were put into with his family next week.
Mrs. I. B. Hampton ami tno siren-
use an, I it wasn't long until a large
crowd gathered. Kvorybody rendered
all tho assistance possible and in a
short tlmo Will was on torr.illnim but
with his shoulder quit badly hurt and
no irly exhausted.
nous littlo Teddy arrived in Guide
Rock Tuesday evening, and will visit a
while with relatives hero and elsowhoio
in Nebraska
i .iiMini-mi ehnrch. surprised their nun
Utor Row II. L. Berg, on hislHth birthday.
Alec Monroe is currying a hand 011-
Mrs. K Kiuitson sind-iuully of Gilt
ner, Nebr., have been visiting lelalhos 1
horo the past wool;.
The young folks woro entertained at
tho homo of Mr. and Mm. G. A. Jjtittu
last Friday evening
Mrs. Bjnnett, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Ijii'i.!, returned to her homo
in Lincoln Tuesday.
Miss Maggie Heal or Rod Cloud has
boon visiting at tho home, of Mrs-.
Latta tho past week.
.iiss Mary Wallor entertalnod tho
.1. ,1. J. club Monday evening so that
they might havo tho pleasure of watch
ing tho old year out and tho Now Year
Sheriff's Sale.
Xoilcc Is lioruby given, ilint tinder nnd by
vlrltiH of 1111 order of Mile ibMa-d from the ofliue
of KrnrKO'W. Hut lilt-on. clerl; of tlio District
Court of tlio Tenth .1 uillcinl Distriot, wlthla
uiiil for WuIjsIlt County., upon 11 do
cice in an nciloii iicihIUik' tticroln. wheioln the
t'itj of lied Clou.l, Nclirndkn. In ihtlntilV, iiml
npilntt Tnu Knrnicrs it Mrrehnuls UmiUtiB Co.,
.loha o. Yelhcr ft ul.. defuiidiintN, I hlnill oll'cr
for tuile ttt imlillo vautne, to tlio 1 1 1 h e f-1 bidder
for ensh In hunt), ul (he fust loor of thu Court
Ileum, nt litil Cloud, In uitld A'thster County,
Nebrutku. (tlmt beltii; the IuiIUIIiik wherein llie
lnst term of nld court whs holden), on liiu lCtb
day of .Tunuury, A. 1). 1!7. nt two o'clock p, 111.
of tu Id tiny, thu following dcM'rlbed property.
to-wlt: i.ot iwotity-one (aij, 111 oiock uiirty-
...... 4I-. In Itn. 1,1-1 1, it in I 1l. tun n.iwr fMtv r.f ll...f
Tho I. O. O. F. boys of Cowlos aro j cinud, Webttr, Counij. Nrluni-loi.
I nlaiitiiim for a big timo at tlieir public 1 Given under my unmi this 1:1111 any or ue
comber, 1W0.
o. i). lir.noi:, sheiiff.
planning for a big timo at their public
installation which will take place on
Thursday ovoning, January 17th. Tho
Alec .Monroe ,s c r y . k '-,-" , ,,. B. mdios will serve supper.
. . ,;.,..: ..II . ii, ,-osult of a I Tho sad news was received horo of
suai iui:tiiiiii, -
(From the Sentinel.)
Oollio BovVers of Iloldrogo is in tho
city, callo I hero by the koi-Ious Illnoss
of his father, 1. H, Bowers.
While Mrs. Kessler aud her daugh
ters woro at. church Sunday, Mis.
Boeder, the mother of Mrs. Kesslor,
who is 81 j ears old, was Htriolion with
paralysis in tho left side.
mimii .. t..,.liithnf Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Graves'
D. Jones was iiloasautly surprised 5"t?irTvH T?iotiiiik' lincl boon tilled so baby. Mrs. Atkinson, sister of Mrs.
Christmas day by a visit from Levi ?. u Ulllt t illi("i rim over, and tho man Graves, returned homo on tho after-
uoou.oi isaponeo, a man wno worKou , . , nt.Klo0lOll to screw on noon tram 10 00 present, at uiu iuuue
I tor linn in tho rem
camps a matter of forty years ago.
They had not mot, each other sitico
that time.
tlio can. As a result when tno gouoi
utor was touched off some very intor
.,!.... a.... tvint'ct ''ol lowed. Aloe "car-
'.. .1 .!. i.iSKw. uinvrt ititn tho stroot. 'iii.r inoriiing and was hurried in
nun uiu uiiimi(i. .-.vw.v, ,"' "
Mr. B. Fiance died at Ills homo, pno
and ono half milos north of town M.011-
but one of his hands was badly burned
In consequence,
(From the Advocate.)
Ono day last week Jonathan Spicer,
carrier on 'route No. 2. suffered a st roko
1'. n..:i U...111. ii... c,, r .ini.n 'of paralysis that, laid him up a fow
III! vyUUM Ulllllll, Wli,. J... .., ' -
Groon aud Mattio Smith, was born In ly. He in now able to bo up and
Fr.inklin, Neb., Octobor II, 1S03, and ( "round and is fo.ding much bettor,
died at tho homo of his parents in. ' A quiet wedding occurred on tho 27th
11. ..1.11.. i-v Iv.v. Of .wr.l i)iktnti uf nf tlirt linntih r4' f ltit ltrlii nncf nf
rraiiKiiiif JUfuouiwui -i, h"11 nuuii ii. ""' ,. w..w w. wM ijiw.Tt
years, two month., and 20 days. town at which time Chas. B. Williams " "'- ....,.
From an announcement received ' Miss Mary Shlvoly were united for Mrs. R)l Boner vis, ted at tho homo
this morning wo learn that Mr. F. M.,Hfo. Rev. , las. Leonard performed tho of Mrs. Koonoy, Moudaj
Richard, tho editor, and Miss i3i0 ceremony. Mrs. A. L. Hllclroth returned to hor
Jvlino Moyor woro murrlod ut tho I At a mootlug of tlio village trustooa homo in Fairfield Woiluosilay.
Cowlos cemetery Tuesday uiornliig at
ton o'clock. Ho has been an Invalid
for several years
W. W. Pojik was in Red Cloud Mon
day. Mrs; G. A. Wells In among tho sick
this week.
Georgia Good has returned to hor
Here Is Relic? for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York
discovered tin aromatic pleasant herb
euro for women's ills, cnllod Austral-ian-Lonf.
It is tho only certain
mouthly regulator. Cures fomalo
weaknesses and baokaoho, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample
froo. Addross, Tho Mother Gray Co.
LeRoy, New York.
Herimrd IcNetiy. 1'Juluilirn Attorney. Jnngr
Notice of Tax Sale.
Notice Is hereby (.Iveu Unit thu ituderMinicit
on the 10th day of April. 10or, purelmxed of the
county treasurer of Webster county, Xcbruhka,
ut private Mile, the following described real
ci-tntu hold for delinquent taxes for the yearn
J!K)l, l!Htt and lWi. uud jjltuntcd In lied Cloud.
WuhKtur couiiiy, Xebrunkn, to-wlt: South 15
feet of lot ten (10 nud nil of lot eleven (II). In
bloek four (11. ttullroml udditlou to the cltv of
' lied cloud, Webster eountj. Nebrusku taxed le
1 1 lie imino of Mrs. iTuiuch Veltch. Tho itbove
I iiiiuii'd 1 or 11 und nil others who claim an In
I tcrcht In the above laud will take notice that the
I (Tine of redemption of sulci land trnm suul tax
i Mile will expire on the Itlli day of April. A. I)
1!W. after which I tuny apply far n tax deed for
' all of thealiovo laud thnt In not redeemed,
I Dated thin 20th day of Deeember, toivi.
detCSo hll.As A. riXcllEH.
Mnlo Cure for Ithtumntbm and XeuralKU
radically cures In 1 totliluyH. Its action upon
tho system Ih remarkable and niyMerloiih. H
removcH at ouco the caiiKe and thodUeavo im
mediately disappears. Tho first dose j;reily
betr lib), 7.' centH nnd II. Sold by II. IC.Qiiicb,,
drugb'lstt Ited Olotid." ,,