The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1907, Image 4

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Have You
a Friend?
Then tell him about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
how It cured your hard cough.
Tell him why you always kecr
It In the house. Tell him to
ask his doctor about it. Doc
tors use a great deal of it for
throat and lung troubles.
I Im.l r, t.-rrlMn mid and mutrl. imil wn
tliriMli'iii-il witli iiMiiiii"M.i I .'.".V1 uiyr'.
fict n'-liff. II iorrlnll 11 Hint m-ihIohiiI
I11I.9, S IUV.
Hntlo by J. O. Ayir Co , T.cwcli, 3i.
Alto janiiinwui.B
7 r .tlollUOII I A
. " " """-
jLZers '.w.
II. K lNnitl; treasurer, M. II. MoNitt; ,
deputy, 0. H. Crone; superintendent, '
('. W. Springer: judge, W. A.
ghan; attorney, J. H. (Wham; surveyor,
I-'. A. Ueedj coroner, C. Sohonck.
, -.
onToTAyor 8 IM.Is at bf cltlrno w I
Hnslen recovery.
Gently la:atlvo.
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Yetrs Atfo
This Week v V "V
O Aat'W lnfJ 'Vvr'W 'W-'Vv' frfM &
'l'wenty degrees below zero.
Win. Foster lias moved back to town
Hoys are soiling this week at. le per
John Polnioky was a pleasant caller
this week.
.John (lurbcr's little babies have
been quite sick this week.
,1. L. Miller and C. L. Cotting have
moved into their new buildings.
II. Foight is going to bantu Fo, N.
M., where he will engage in the boot
and shoo business.
William liorgfeld, a farmer living
three miles west of IJuidc Rock, was
killed last Friday by the upsetting of
his wagon.
The members of Cmrflcld post have
accepted the invitation of Rev. (1. S.
Davis to attend a memorial service in
honor of the late (Jeneral John A.
Logan next Sunday at the Methodist
Twenty years ago the city otllciuls
of Red Cloud were: Mayor, Richard
Ij. Tinker; counulinen, F. R. (Jump,
A. Lauturbach, R. V. Shirey and C.
Ilusehow, treasurer, Robert Damerell;
clerk, Ij. II. Wallace; marshal, Roy
Hutchison; night watch, Win. Cropp.
The olllolulsof Webster county twen
ty years ago were: Sheriff, "Hank"
Scott; deputy, E. H. Smith; clerk,. liai
son Railey; deputies, L. II. Fort and
"Bilked" AAaln.
Porter J. White's "Faust" company
played to the largest uudieneo of the ,
season at the opera house Wednesday j
niirht. From a financial point of view
the entertainment was a success but
otherwise it most decidedly was not. I
Tliu people of Red Cloud and vicinity
have, by ilainboyaut advertising, been j
once more induced to part with the
price of seeing ti first class show only
to realize when It was all over that
they had been witnessing a fourth
rate production. j
The story of "Faustus" and "Mar-,
gucrlte" is one of the prettiest ever
staged, but when it is put on by a
comnnnv of only eight people it lias
the appearance of someone attempting
to bore an auger hole with a gimlet. I
Wednesday night's production was
more in the nature of a faice than
anything else. "Mephisto"' acted his
part well, but to those unfamiliar
with the words of the play his rendi
tion of his lines sounded like a jumble
of sounds issuing from the depths of
a cellar.
"Marguerite" was very weak-voiced,
and the charms she displayed consist
ed of some very thinly disguised wrin
kles and a superb showing of gold
lilliug in her front teeth.
"Faust" did fairly well witn ins
lines, and we have no fault to Hud ,
with him. '
The real star, however, was "Dame
Martha," and what little enjoyment
tin! audience got from the play was bv her. Her acting showed 1
that she has had.many-a very great
many years' experience on the stage,
and her cracked voice titled the part
While the scenery was appropriate
to the play, the electrical effects were
conspicuous by their absence, their
place being taken by a few foul-smell
ing pieces of red lire and a shower 01
Sam D. Cox 13 Shot in Cold Blood on
the Street at Mlnatare, Neb.
Mlnataro, Neb., Doc. 31. Sntn I).
Cox, editor of tho Sentinel and oho
of the most prominent men In west
ern Nebraska, was snot and killed by
I3. S. Kenlson, propricior of the Mln
ataro hotel. '
Tho killing Is regarded as coldblood
ed In every detail. It Is hinted, with
some degree of color, that it te the
outgrowth of a strong campaign on
tho part of Cox against tho liquor
Kenlson was playing cards and, a
few moments befoto the tragedy, los
ing several hands, remarked he was
going up the street and lick the first
man ho did not liko. lie walked Into
the White drug store and called Cox
outside. No one was near enough to
hear the conversation, hut they were
boon snillllnK and Kniison thou drew
u gun and fired three shots, Hie third
one entering Cox's left breast and ho
foil. He made but one remark to
those who came to his assistance, say
ing that he wns gone.
Mr. Cox graduated from the State
university In 1S8.0. Up was city editor
or Hie State Journal rrom 1882 until
1R85. From 1SSS to ISO I he was en
gaged in the publication of the Lin
coln Daily Call. He loaves a wite,
who was formerly Miss Laura S.
Thompson of Lincoln, and his parents
live at Humboldt, Neb.
,SJ 25 Ta J L2S 12 '-IS .S --Si '-Tft '-IS 'T "000 ! ? rm.
s. T. l- ' U ff T T TT ? M T Ito. ..ta. .h Av W .aM. AAv . JW A-ta. -"- ' W
Tpffm''' '' 0K -. K.,i..r.k.s:.v',v.v'
Qy r w t r-v w- - - A . 7ft
smirks from a "flower-pot" lirccraekor.
The probabilities are- that wnen a
good show does come along it will
play to a light house.
Harness Ihlcvcs at Work.
Will Kent is minus a set of single
liarness, which was stolen from his
barn sometime between Christmas and
last Sunday. After using tho harWs
on Christmas he carefully hung it in
its customary place, but when lie went
to get it again last Sunday it was
gone. No clue to the thief.
A Certain Cure for CliHblnlns.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It euros chilblains,
frostbites, (lamp, sweating, swollen
feet. At all druggists and shoo utoros
2," cents. Sample free. Addreoa
Al on S. Olmsted. Loltoy, N. V.
An Odd Siiiit'i-xfitlim 'Hull Dnlcs Uncle
lo urU-ut Times.
A curious modern attempt to ration
alize one of the oldest of superstitions
Is to be found In Kipling's "Llfe'rt
Handicap." There Mulvaney cheeks
the author from stirring the fire with
Orlheris' bayonet on the ground that
fire takes the heart out of the steel.
The real reason Is much more mysteri
ous. It was one of the maxims of
Pythniroras "not to stir the fire with
a sword," and to this day the wander
ing tribes of North America and of
northeast Asia hold It a sin to take
up a burning ember for a pipe light
with the point of a knife. The ex
planation Is undoubtedly given by Jo
hannes de I'lano Carplnl when he tells
us that one of the Tartar superstitions
concerns "sticking a knife Into the fire
or in any way touching the fire with
a knife or even taking meat out of tho
kettle with a knife or cutting near the
(ire with aiv ax, for they believe that
so the head of the lire would bo cut
This Is evidently connected with the
ancient Idea that fire is a living crea
ture, a sacred animal, which must not
be wounded by its human owners in
case it should be annoyed and deprive
them of Its valuable services. Is this
In any degree more Irrational than the
belief still existent among housekeep
ers that a feeble lire can be made to
burn up by laying the poker across It.
London Outlook.
If you need an Overcoat, and
come in and wo will bo glad
to show somo of them. (Jan
sell you Men's Coots as follows:
waut to soo somo good values, jus t
A black Kersey
Dress Coat for. . ,
A black or groy
Kersey Coat fur.,
A black Dross Coal, 11
"d.uidy," for
better Overcoats,
612.00 to
Fur Coats in Dogskin ncr
and Russian Calf at. .tDll
Boar Coat-. Hoavor s.fA
I'mumed, at JpAH!
CSiiHoway Coats,
S2." to
Fur Linnd Co.its
up to
Roys' Overcoats,
82.0(1 to
Dot tec ones,
up to
Corduroy, sheep
Corduroy Suits,
7.K' to
Not Afraid to
S1010 ' lim
J'ffiF? ' WSk to
W mMi to
wm mw to
iMv.Wv? Ttl "
J I If' I
9 OWaVlAAVfl ..'V
TAl .
No Longer an
Tho idea that has becomo general that first class building material
could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you tuko a
look at, tho comploto lino of clear Soft l'ino Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders BrotKers
of Ked Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to tho buyers of Lumber
and building material is tho fact, that their prices are reasonable,
and they guarantee a SQUARE DE AL. Thoy 11N0 Imvo a nico
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Seo their Shin
gles. Vou can not help but aduuro them.
Tho niembors of this enterprising linn, assisted by plonty of
excellent help, are always glad and tako pleasure in showing to tho
public this nice stock.
- -AT
Thursday and Friday, Janu
ary 10 and 11.
1:30. Alfalfa- and the Grasses,
. Wm. Moiu.iht. Falls City, Neb.
2:30. Care of the Dairy Herd,
. . KX-(iovr.iixoii Poy.ntku, Lincoln, Neb.
7:30. (Irowing Fruit . . . Mit. Mom,i:it
8:30. Some Essentials to Successful Farm
ing Mil. I'OYN'IT.K
10:00. Kcouonile Pork Production
. . C. M. Li:wr.i.t.iN(i, Ueaver City, Neb.
11:00. Care of the Pure llred Herd
. W. D. McKki:, Polo, Mo.
rtuiiAY ArrintNooN sision.
1:30. (Jrowing, Selection and Care of Seed
Com .... Mil. Li:vi:i.i.iNo
2:30. Tho'jFoederTypoof llecf Steer, Mn. MoKui;
Oilier valuable addresses by local speakers.
Thoy Are the I'Iiikih-m of the Annum
Ten RttriieiiN.
Every animal and plant lias its para
site, and from this general law, it
seems, the tea plant Is not exempt.
Two Insects are described as spending
their Hes In tea drinking. They are
the plague of the Assam tea gardens
and are known as the tea bug and tea
Tho mites spend their entire lives on
the tea plant and are never known to
attack any other leaf. They live In
families and societies on the upper
side of tho full grown leaf and spin a
delicate web for a shelter. They then
puncture the leaves and pump out the
liquid In the plant veins.
They seem to become very dainty In
their tastes, for a sprinkling or mud
dy water over their tloor.and tea table
is the only remedy known to check
their ravages, liven this is not al
ways effectual.
Tho tea bug Is still more destructive
and Is evidently possessed of an ap
preciation of the best kinds of tea,
since It always attacks those of a
mild and delicate flavor. Such as af
ford harsh and rasping liquors are al
most entirely free from its attacks.
London Chronicle.
Annual Statement
of the condition of the Red Cloud In
vestment Company of Red Cloud, Ne
braska, at the close of business De
cember 31, 1000:
Hills receivable and atrcncics.S 03S7 (i.'i
Current expenses paid -1877 00
Furniture and fixtures 7 (i.'i .10
Sundry accounts 401(1 .18
Cash on hand WM .10
Total S'-MO". 23
Capital stock S .1000 00
Sale commissions .. 810017 83
Loan commissions.. 47.1.1 30
Sundry commissions 7(10 21
lti70 4ft
Sundry accounts 20177
82107.1 73
I. II. IIoi.mks, President.
A. H. Snt.i.Aiss, Secretary-Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this third day of January, 1007.
(Seal) h. II. Four,
Notary Public.
These meetings are held under the auspices
of University of Nebraska and the Cowles Fann
ers' Institute Association, and are free, to all.
Farmers, come and bring your families.
C. B. PUTNAM, Secretary.
I.eiivliiK Security.
.lohann Sleberllch Is by nnturo sus
picious; but, says the Albany Journal,
he appreciates a reasonable proposi
tion. A traveling butcher came Ida
way one day and bargained with him
for eight head of fine cattle. The price
being satisfactory, the butcher felt In
his pocket and found ho had not
brought his wallet.
"I have not tho money with me," ho
said, "but I will .drive tho cattle to
town and send tho money back to
'Noln!" said .lohann emphatically.
"That goes not goot. You shouldt
bring do moneys first."
"Well, I tell you what I'll do," said
tin' butcher frankly. "I'll drive only
six of them In, and I'll leave the otlior
two as security for tho debt."
Johanu studied a moment and then
his face lighted.
"All light," ho said. "Dot Is cliust
so goot. Von you loavo dose two you
lint bought den It Is sure you cornea
back und pays mo."
Council Meeting
The council held a meeting last night,
but little business was transacted.
The council transferred some funds
left over from last year to the electric
light fund, authorized Commissioner
Tomllnson to go after the insurance
comminies who have not paid their 8.1
tax to the fire department fund, and
reimbursed City Treasurer llutler for
tho cash he had paid out to city em
ployees. HAURUGES.
January 2 Elmer E. Mellno and
Miss Ella Ciouldie, both of Smith coun
ty, Kansas. Married by Judge Edson.
January 2 Earl Trueblood of Mc
Donald, Kan., and Miss Pantile II.
, Lambert, Uiverton, Neb. Married by
Rev. I. W. Edson.
argaln No. 1
2.72D Hcrus (emi mute tills ".000 iicres), I
miles from county seM. level Miiooth, rich
farm lntil bi"t of whoot, corn, utulni'h
biiK'ir beets imil bath wllil niul imtUe liny
liunl, great for melons, nine, millet, br lim
Brims; shallow to wnter, only from IJ0 to W)
feet, no nlknli, pure noft wnter.
Improvement: A Rood frunie uwnllliiK
house, lnrce bonnl nml frnme hbcdH for.'lOO
to IImi cuttli or liurbca. about 1 1 miles of
KOO'l new wire fence, nml two of the best
block wells hi tho county, with InrKu wind
mills niul htoniKO nml ifrhiklni; t.iuks. n id
innny other needed und eobtly Improve
incuts. Will boar closest mid most crlilcnl
Inspection and Is mi actual simp at $10 per
nero enslt or fll.Ml per nuro nnlf r.ash, bnl
mice hi 1, '1, mid 3 yearn nt G per cent lutor
Oflice of Co. Atty. L. II. Itluek-
ledge. Phone 48.
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Brlcc Henry France.
Hrico Henry France of Cowles, aged
, 7, died Monday from acute rheuma
tism and was buried January 1, in the
Elm Creek cemetery. Itev, Dcakln
preached thu funeral sermon. Mr.
i France was a veteran of the civil war.
Come to McPherson
County, Hansas
Fino river bottom well im
proved farms and ranches,
good towns, schools and
churches; no saloons. Call
on or address
E. E. FACKLER, Marquette, Han.