The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1906, Image 7

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    wv f"r
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Food to work on is food to live on.
A man works to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
Uneeda Biscuit
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food made from flour.
Uneeda Biscuit
rtf?Arr ' " - VTttMi Uj'
MKBgTTi" "nil ill, i
This Beautiful Set
of Dishes FREE with
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for t?ivin2 vour opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors. Full particulars of the plan in
each package. It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st. but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend, we have therefore decided to extend it. This will
give everyone a chance to get a set. Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas. Remember, this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee. It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends. Ask the grocer.
I nurses was hnstlly made up at Valley
City and rushed to the scene of tho tno destruction ny nre or mo passen
NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened bj Oier-Woik.
Bryan Takca Issue With Root.
Llmcln, Hrc. 22.-William J Hry
nu. co iiiiictuiu on Secrutary of Stato
Hoot's lati'El ayt eh, outers his em
lil t piotiat to tho doctrine of con
trr ai.on, Wi.lch, he says. Mr. Hoot
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood
It used to he considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to bo
traced to the kidneys,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseased
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filtcf
and purify the blood
that is their work.
Farmer Ends Life.
Hnrtlngton, Neb., Dec. 21. E. I
MeGrcng.n, one of tho loading farm
ers and stock raisers of Cedar coum
ty, was tound dead in tho barn nl hla
Iced yards near the fair grounds. It
was a plain case of suicide by hang Therefore, when your kidneysare weak
lug, hut no motive can ho ascribed for or out of order, you can understand how
tho act. quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
Cars Needed for Cron Crop. ibUv.
Omaha, Dec. 22.-Throo weeks ago If you nrc sick or " ,"y"J,ctl
the elevator people were impatient be- iSfc.
cause tho Nebraska farmers would not ns your kidneysare well they will help
deliver corn. Now tho elevators all ftn the other orpins to health. A trial
ovor the stato aro full, and muHt stay wilt convince anyone,
full, because cars cannot bo obtained If you are sick you can make no mis-
to move the grain. At present the t"ke by first doctoring your kidneys,
farmers want to haul corn and cannot juij;l and 'J-fel
Uo ,t kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
. rhonl QtnfloUrB stands the liiclicst for its wonderful cure
, u-J?11"1'" ,,, of the most Stressing cases, and is sold
JUIUIII, WI.V. ... Mlv, .... v 0IJ js ,cr,ts J,y jH
irom tno report or sinto superintend- 4rujists in fif Ij'-ceiit
cnt McUrlcn show the total resources ft,i one-dollar sic
of ail tho school districts in tno stato bottles. You may
at tho pIoho of tho Hchool year July haven sample bottle tiomofBwamn.Root.
9, 190(5, amounted to $0,485,461.70, by mail free, also a piunphlet telling you
while tho expenditures for tho school fw find out if you .aye ki Iiicy or
.i r ,m nan nr mi.., bladder trouble. Mention this paper
year amounted o $5,452,289.05. Tho when wrUi l(J Dr Ki,iuer & c L,. i
number of school children In the stato ttlllloll Ni Y. Don't make nny mistake,
betweon tho ages of flvo and twenty but remember the name, Swamp-Hoot,
ouo years wbb 373,829. Ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the ad
Jress, llinghamton.N.Y.. on every bottle.
West Point Dean is Again President
of State Charities.
Oninhn, Dec. 22. Tho stnto confer
ence of charities nnd corrections elect
ed tho following ofllcera: President,
Dean Joseph Housing, West Point;
first vlco president, S. P. Morris,
Omaha; second vlco president, Dr. I'.
C. Johnson, Lancaster; treasurer,
John Davis, Lincoln; secretary, J A.
Piper, Lincoln; mei rs executive
committee, Mrs. O. Corbln of Tecum
soh, Dean G. A. Beechor of Omaha,
Mr8. W. H. Clemens of Fremont, Mrs.
Joseph TlbbcttB of Ilcntrice, Mrs.
Mary R. Morgan of Omaha, H D Way
ward of Kearney.
The meeting next year will bo held
In South Omaha.
ThIrty-seVen Injured in Accident at
Enderlln, N. D. Rescuers Work
Just in Advance of Fire, Which Con
sumes Wreckage.
Enderlln, N. D., Dec. 24. Loaded to
its full capacity with people going to
their homes in tho east to spend the
Christmas holidays, tho .southbound
train on tho Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Sault Sto. Mario crashed into a switch
englno in the west end of tho i ail
road yards at this place at 2; ID a. in.
Eight men wero killed outright and
one has since died of his Injuries.
Thirty-seven wero seriously Injured
nnd It is likoly that the death list
will bo added to. All of tho fatalities
occurred In the smoking car, whicu
was completely telescoped by the bag
gage car and only two of the occu
pants of this car escaped Injury. Tho
car was crowded and as the whistle
had just sounded for Enderlln, almost
veryono was on his feet when the
crash came ami tho dead and wounded
wero piled Into a great heap with the
A rescue party soon was formed
nnd the work of taking out tho dead
and Injured was begun at once and
The wreckngo took flro from tho
overturned cars, and thero was a race
between tho passengers nnd the
flames. By almost superhuman means
the uninjured were enabled to fight
off tho flames until tho injured were
removed, when the cars wero allowed
to burn.
Only a few pnssongors In tho day
coaches wero wounded, and in the
sleepers, none of which left the track,
thorn were no casualties.
Tho dead: Charles Backus, Bergen,
N. D.; N. .1. Volkerlng, Anamoosa, N.
D.; John Sattorburg, Anamoosa, N.
N. D.; N. J. Volkerlng, Anamooso, N.
D.; John Sattorburg, Anamooso, N.
Hosonbaum, Vclva, N. D.; W. J. Dan
lelson, Sheldon, N. D.; A. O. Anderson,
Starbuck, Minn.; unidentified man.
Tho train which was wrecked waB
tho southbound accommodation run
ning between Moose Jaw, Canada, and
St Paul. Minn. It wns nearly three
hours lato. Tho engineer was run
ning his englno at a high rato of
speed In an endeavor to make up tho
lost timo. A switch engine was shift
ing a cut of boxcars In the western
I ger steamer Strathcona. That no lives
were lost is duo principally to tno He
roism of the engineers and tlrcmon,
who stuck to their posts until the
steamer was beached and everyone of
the 380 passengers landed. In less
than nn hour after the benching of
the steamer, she was burned to the
water's tdge.
When the cry of flro was raised tho
wildest contusion prevailed The
passengers, most of them clad only In
their night clothes, rushed on dcrk
nnd mnde a dash for tho life boats,
but tho crew prevented a panic. The
boats were not launched, but were
mndo ready for use In case the flames
completely enveloped tho steamer be
fore land could bo reached. The terror-stricken
passengers wero huddled
together In the bow of tho ship, which
was headed for Port Dufforln, the
nearest place on the treacherous coast
where the steamer could And a harbor
While tho Strathcona was driven to
wnrds land nt top speed the sailors
tried to fight back the flames with
streams of water. Tho draft caused
by the steamer's rapid progress, how
ever, fanned tho flames Into greater
North Platte Girl Who Shot Lover
Who Threatened Her Is Released.
North Platto, Neb., Dec. 24. Miss
Myrtle Clark was discharged In tho
county court after her preliminary
hearing on tho charge of murdering
John Leonard on Dec. 10. The testi
mony showed thnt Leonard had fol
lowed tho girl from Vancouver to
press his suit for marrlago, she re
pelling all his advances.
On tho night of tho shooting Leon
ard was pressing his suit, and threat
ened to kill tho girl if sho would not
marry him. Sho followed him into tho
yard, where tho shooting occurred
without witnesses. Tho discharge was
on account of tho insufficient stato's
evidence. Miss Clark Is twenty years
Obeyed Orders of Terrorists.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 21. The news
papers report that several arrests
have been made among the troops at
Tsarskoo Selo A number of the
Union of Russian People hnvo tele
graphed the widow of Count Alexis
Ignatloff, condoling with her on the
death of "tho heroic champion of our
Ideas " The assassin of Count Ignntl
eft is still unidentified. Ho admits
that ho carried out the orders of tho
extremo section of the revolutionists,
who recently resolved to take tho
lives of tho highest personages in tho
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. s. BENSR. Proprietor.
Do You
Meat ?
When you nro hungry tnd
want somethig nice in tho
meal lino, drop iuto my
nmrkot. We liavo thb nicest
kiud of
and moats, fish, nnd game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo ran
pleaso you. Give us u
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
rf i,,v.viitii(ujwtitaa(iiUiaivtuauaiiviiU(U(tviJiiVvi(Uiivata(vixfci(a(U(U(ia4t'
continued throughout tho night. Tho swtoh englno nnd passoBnger train.
end of tho yards and had just pushed fury, and In a short time tho entlro
them on the siding ns tho accommoda. after portion of tho vessel was or. flro.
tlon train suddenly swung In sight Down In tho englno room tho engi
around the curve. The siding was not ' neera and firemen stuck uravely to
long enough to allow tho boxcars and their posts, although tho flames bad
inn tn Hnnr tho main track and ' begun to surround thorn. Not until
a head collision ensued between tho tho keel of tho steamer grated on a
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
torial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices average lower, or nt
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but iikoause wo tako especial caro
of and protect, all can bo classed as
Coal. Lumber.
Hini(finmrh7'jMpiri TTTTTTI't' T1'i'(M1!(r,(fTU'MV
City Dray and Express Line.
Httlo hospital was soon crowded with
thoso hurt and tho hotels wore made
Into emorgoncy hOBpitnls, where tho
wounded wero cared for. There woro
but four physicians in Enderlln, and
a. Bpoclal train with physicians and
reef a mile from tho entrance of tho
linrbor did they abandon their danger
ous positions nnd rush to the deck.
Then the boats woro lowered and all
Averts Loss of Life. I of tho passengers, logoiner wun uio
Halifax N. S.. Dec. 21.-Word was! thirteen mourners or tno crew, iouuu
Both locomotives wero practically de
rerclvc i
'here from i'oit Dufforln of salety on shore.
Goni4 t r!hvrd to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the LowesS
Residence 188
Office 119