The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1906, Image 8

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1 fleaisy Notes prom Neighboring Toains
(From tho News Letter.)
Mrs. II. E. Rich roeolvod word n fow
days ago thtit. herdaughter, Mrs. Uatnp
ton, In Oklnhoinn hud boon Injured iu
an Bccldoiit by a runuwiiy earn.
Mr. and Mrs. Prod Wutt roturnod
tho f ro part of tho wook from tholr
trip to Idiiho, iiiid Mr. Wntt Informs us
that ho bought i meat murkot and
other proporty iu tho town of Cam
bridge, wlioro his sous aro located, and
xpoots to inovo thore hood.
Frnnk Fisher donutod n loud of corn
to tho H. Y. P. U. society on condition
thiit thoy gather it thom-olves, iiud on
Tuosday iiftornoon Mrs. Com Gurbor,
Mrs. Ed Moranvillo, Mrs. Cassoll nnd
tho Missos Clara Marsh, Sad ioVaughau
nnd Jessie MeC Horn wont out and
hnskcd tho corn nnd got a big load iu
n very short time.
MiinZim Pile Itumcdy put up in con
venient collapsiblu tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may he
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
Weeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
Sold by Henry Cook's drug
(From the Express.)
Tho body of Mrs. Ida B. VVobstor,
was shipped lioro for interment and
was buried today.
Miss Cecil Lofobor, formerly of this
placo but Into of Cuicago, is roportod
to bo married to a stock man from
Texas and hus gone thoro to inako her
Nearly nil tho young men horo aro
now possessors of llttlo rod covorod
books purchased from a smooth young
lady wearing a noisy hat who was
working tho town Wednosday. Wo
didn't bito too old. I
Wiiltnr Drew met with a painful ac
oidont Friday. Ho was cleaning up a
22 caliber rovolvor from which ho sup
posud ht had removed tho cartridges,
but in pulling the trigger while his
loft hand was over tho muzzle, discov
ered his mistake. Tho bullet wont
through tho palm of his hand and
struck tho ground about ten foot away.
(From tho Times.)
Does farming pay? A man
in two hogs this morning
brought him $51.10.
Chiis. Locko brought twonty-flvo
hogs to town Saturday which brought
him $488.10.
Tho Boll brothers, Nod and Dave,
shipped in about uino car loads of
cattlo from Denver to food this wintor.
Mrs. Maudo Loouard roeo'ved a
ChriBtmns present last wook from
Alaska, in tho shnpo of a fur of a rod
J. R. Illnohart and M. L. Dally camo
in last Monday from Vuynosburg, Pa.,
to rosumo operations on tho oil well
sonth of tho city.
"IMneules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for I'htddcr and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, 81. (tuarantccd to give satisfac- j
tion or money refunded, (let our '
(pun n tit it it itm twivt Ti tin ntMf ftfirtWu
drug store.
Floods the body with warm, glow
ing vitality, makes tho nerves strong,
quickens circulation, restores natural
vigor, makes you feel like one born
again. Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. C. h. Cotting.
(From the Citizen.)
J. II. Chevalier this wool; sold his
Uno rosidonco in tho oast part of town
to Ilelfrich Rutt, tho consideration
being $.'1,200.
Tho regular wintor social gathering
of tho members of tho local post G.A.R.
nnd tholr familios was begun Tuesday
evening at tho homo of .Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Burt, whoro thoy woro royally
outortained both internally and extor-nally.
Henry Janson, living near Upland,
bought a mauuro spreader last spring
and manured a part of his corn ground.
After husking tho corn he iluds that
this field has yielded fifteen bushels
por aoro more corn than when mauuro
was not used.
(Prom tho Leader.)
Ed Hass has purchased n new Roo
nutomobilo, which will bo shipped to
him immediately.
E. McBride loft. Wednesday for Law
lor, Iowa, whoro ho was called by tho
sorious illness of his father.
Mrs. Louisa Borcherdlng, wife of D.
Borcherding, passed away at hor homo
on Sunday morning, December 0th.
Died, tho eight weeks old daughtor
of Mr. and Mrs. John Pavolka, oight
miles south of town, Tuesday, Decem
ber 12th.
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths Of) of a tube of ManZnn
you are dissatisfied. Return the bal
ance of the tube to your druggist, and
your money will be cheerfully return
ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold
by Henry Cook's drugstore.
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure lircnth, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
"- -- ' ,, M , .. . . mtn
No more beautiful nor more acceptable Gifts can be found than
those we are showing. A few items only can we mention here. An
examination of our stock will show you the largest, most complete
line of reliable, down-to-the minute JEWELRY ever shown in the
city. Prices ritfht and such that you can not afford to buy elsewhere
Gold filled warrontcd cases,
with Eluin or Walthnm movo
monts, 17, $0.50, 810 and up.
Nickel-plated, Silvorlno nnd
Silver cased Watches ?3 to $20.
Fancy Enameled Watches, $9
and up. Snmo bargains iu these.
Gold tilled warranted case,
with Klgln or Walthnm more
mnts, $0, $7, and highor.
Silver, Silvorlno and Nickol
pluted Wutchos, from $2 up.
Niekol-plated, Silvorlno. Silver
nnd Gold Watches from SI up.
All Watches thoroughly guar
anteed both as to quality and
service An immense lino to so
lect from.
Chains and Fobs
A lino lino from which to se
lect a Chain to accompany nny
Watch you may purchase. Prices
70c, 81 and up.
i M'r w-
a -N, B :
llli U ,.Il. kiSS .. sJl i
NX a. w r n ',w! (P
NJi ' Jl
ljo. .
v& .itf
',w!f t
itUIt ..
Sold Gold always no filled or pla
ted goods In our stock.
Baby Rings. fiOc, 7fo, 00c. Plain
baud, engraved and set.
Misses Rings. 1.25, 81. B0, 81.7"i and
up; engraved and set ritus. A lino of
Birthstouo Kings at
Ladies' Kings hum!, enirraved and
sot, S2 to !J . Diamond Kings at low
ost prices offered anywhore.
Men's Kings, fl, $.", $0 and up. Noth
ing bettor anywhere.
Remember, all are Solid Gold
A most mo ul ntd dnrablo
presen and wo have Clocks suit
able for most anyone.
A flue little gnld-pWod '""lock
for a lady's drnssor, t.7" to '.'0
A nlen Enameled Manfl Clock
with gilt trimmitiL's. 1.7r to 10
A good 8nrvicnablo clnck for
tho kitchen. $2 and nn,
lY)r a cplmnl tenehnr, ntio of
our small Clocks "t SI or sji.oj
makes a uniqnaenft.
For n hnr' s'roonr nno of our
Httloudevilor'.,, at l.nO or $2.'2fi
makes a uspful po.ent.
Others not so good. i.
"HU MMtertVolc."
Victor Gramophones,
Edison Phonographs
Either of these makes an ideal
present for tho whole family. A
comploto lino of machines, from
$10 to $60
nnd tho largest stock of records
in tho city, .'Ijc to 81 oach.
We will give only to those who register, a fine Cal
endar for 1907.
We are always willing and reay to show goods.
For the lady of the house or a
n presont to tho family, a piece
of our fine Silver TnMownro is
most acceptable. Not expensive,
Cnko Dlsher,
Rrpad Trays. V2 75.
Butter DWien. 2.2r.
Tea Set. sn 00.
Bilking Dishes ?.r.7").
Other pieces, all good, all use
ful, from fi(c up.
POOAfS-Rtlver plated Tea
spoons 1.7fi to Sterling Silver at
n-l per set. Dessert and Table
spoons to match, prico accord
ingly. Sou vonlr Spoons ond Forks,
solid silver, $1.25 to 8.1.75.
Knives and Fmrks, Berry
Snonns, Cream Ladles. Fruit
Knives, Nut Crocks and Picks,
an almost endless variety.
Novelties, such as Silver
Toilet. Manicure and Sowing
Seto, Brushes, Combs, Writing
Rets, etc. Small romombrancos
from 25c to 70c.
Ncwhouse Brothers,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
(From the Sentinel.)
Tho now brick which Brown tho pho
tographer is building is now practical
It completed.
J. S. Boll consummated a deal Tuosday
night whoroby he bocomos tho owner
of tho brick building in which ho has
boon conducting his hardware store
Tho trial of Miss Lena Leo on a
ohargo of intoxication, continued from
last wook, was concluded Thursday
whon hor caso camo up boforo Pollco
Judgo Pock and a jury of six mon.
Couuty Attorney Byrum conducted
tho prosooutiou, Attorney Short do
fondlng. Tho trial lastod most of tho
uftoruaon, ending about six o'clock,
whon tho jury consisting of Kogor
Boon, John Wilson, Potor Cochrano,
John Garrett, II. J. Murray and John
Irvin, retired for their decision. Thoy
woro out only about fifteen miuutos
nnd brought back 11 vordlct of guilty.
To nn onlookor it appeared as if hor
own witnossos woro tho ohiof ombarass
mont to tho defendant's side of the
caso. Sho camo beforo tho magistrate
this morning and rocoivod thoscntonco
of a flue which tho court assessed at
$10 and costs, tho lattor amounting to
820.55, Hor counsel immodhitolygavo
notice of appeal.
(From tho Review.)
Mrs. William Paulson diod last
Saturday morning December 8th. about
2 o'clock, after being sick about ton
Mr. Dobrunor mot with quito a sori
ous accident one day this week. While
untying a horso it. suddenly pulled
back catching tho front finger between
tho rope and tho post and manglod it
to such a condition that amputation
was necessary.
Thursday morning sheriff Walrath
camo down to our town with warrants
for Emmet Clark and Miko Llchter.
Tho complaint being proonted to
County Attorney) Uyrutn by 0110 of tholr
neighbor women whom they called on
and insulted Saturday night about
Miss Elma Squires entertained tho
J. J. Club last Friday night. A very
pleasant evening was passed.
II. E. Pato loft for Heartwoll, Nob.,
Friday evening. Ho had charge of tho
Burllnuton station while Mr. Lohr was
on his vacation.
Stryckor :
Interesting Items Gathered
s by Our County Reporters
J. L. Fuller was in Rod Cloud Satur
day. W. W. Peak went to Franklin Tuos
day. Wallaco Vnnco was in Rod Cloud hist
Albert Woodsido was in Bluo Hill
Mr. Lohr camo homo Friday aftor a
week's vacation.
Tho Cowlos school has a two weoks
vacation this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boron woro in
Kod Cloud Thursday.
Morris Mills and Charles Bouuett
wont to Kansas City Monday.
John Barker is running tho mall
routo while Wallaco Vanco is having
his vacation.
Frank Ilouchin has just roturnod
from Kentuchy.
Frank A mack has a valuable horso
sick at this writing.
Tho Ash Crook M. E. church was
rosoatod Wednesday.
Mrs. John Barber is still on tho sick
list aud is not improving very fast.
Tho Ladies' Aid Society mot at tho
homo of Mrs. Elma King Thursday.
Mr. Jennings was sholling corn for
Garfield farmers tho last of tho week.
Mrs. Louisa Ailes is visiting with
hor daughter, Mrs. Kato Fisher, this
Ellas Ilouchin and family left Tuos
day night for a visit at their old homo
In Kentucky.
Jesse Wagoner will join his wife in
Missouri this week for a Christmas
visit with hor parents.
James Beauchamp has his threshing
machine in repair again and is now
shelling out tho grain.
itod at tho homo of Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews spent
Sunday at tho homo of thoir uncle, H.
B. Boyd, south of town.
Mr. Colletto is in Omaha this week
buying the furniture for his now sa
loon, which is almost completed.
Mr. and Mrs. August Borkmeyor and
children and Miss Ida Nuley loft Fri
day for Hickman, to speud tho holi
days. Herbert McCoy has resigned his po
sition in II. Feis' butcher shop und
accepted a position iu tho butcher
shop at Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ale
Coy moved to Lawrence Tuosday.
The relief of Coughs and Coldw
through laxative influence originated
with lice's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons.whicli
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
j once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
I if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded, bold ly
Henry Cook's drug store.
Wc have ordered the most expensive
calendars we have ever given out.
These will be given only to those reg
istering for same. No calendars given
to children. We want every house
hold to have one of these, so come in
and leave your name and address and
make sure of getting one. Tho quan
tity is limited. Soon as we rccolvotho
calendars from the factory wc will
make announcement of same.
Nhwiiousi: Biioh.,
.Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M.
Watch Inspectors.
J. W. McCoy spoilt Tuosday in Law
rouco. Tho Misses Stewart spent Sunday
visiting homo folks.
Wash Ueod mado n business trip to
Hastings this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Colllor of Campbell
woro iu town Sunday.
Byrd Kilo has accepted a position
in 11. Fois' butchor shop.
Henry Myers and wife visited at tho
homo of Herman Feis this weok.
Frank Rood and family spout Sun
day at tho homo of his brother, Ernest
I Mrs. McNeor and Mrs. Prestou vis-
Shall Wc Tan Your Hide?
The averafie stock raiser hardly re
alizes tho value of cow, steer and
horse hides when converted into fur
coats, robes and rugs. Oct the new
illustrated catalog of the Crosby Fris
ian Fur Co., Rochester, N. Y. It will
lo a revelation to you. And "Crosby
pays the freight." janll
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shake into your shoos Allen's Foot
Ease, ft powder. It cures 'chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating,
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Ik hereby (jlvrn. Unit under and by
virtue of an order 01 tnlu issued from the offlco
of (iuorgo V. II nt IiIhoii. clerk of the District.
Court of the Tenth Judicial DIMrlct, with hi
mid for Webhter County. Nebraska, upon a !
crec In an notion ponding therein, wherein (Iks
1 Ity of lied C'louJ, Nebrtibku, Is lihiltillir, and
aK'alliht Tne Kannere & Merchant KuiikliiR Co.,
John O Yelter et nl dufcndiiutK. I hhall offet
foraalo at public vendue, to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, at the enht door of the Court
IloiihO, Ht Ited Cloud, In Mild tVtbttter County,
Nebraska, (that beliiK the building wherein tike
last term of Mild court whs holdeu), 011 the 1UU
day of January, A. I). 1Q07. at two o'clock , r
of tald day, the following described property,
to-wlt: Lot twenty-one (Si), la block thirty
0110 (31). In tho original town, now City of lie
Cloud, Webi-tor, County, Nebraclta.
Given under my hand thin l.'lth day of Da
ceuiber, 1000.
O. I). IIKDOK, SheillT.
Iltrnard MoNeny. rialntlir'H Attorney. Jantt-
Application for Pardon.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles I). M
Mlllan. convicted on October ill, 1903, iu tho
District Court of ltcd Willow County, Nebraska,
of tho crime of manslaughter, will on Thuri
day, December L'0, 11)00, nt IU o'clock n, in., nmtro
application for n pardon to tho Governor of
Nebraska, at his ofuco In tho city of Lincoln,
Mystic Curo for Ithctimatlem and NeuralgU
radically caws In 1 toDdayH. Its action tipoa
the system 1h icniarkablo and mysterious. U
remove at once the runse and tho dlseaso Im-
swollen WMb'Uely dlmppcaw. The tlrst dose greatly
I t.n... .ltu "TR u.i.a .1,1.1 All Qnlil ! If 1 .,.n
A I ..II .1 Icf. ,1 ,. uf-.c uiir,r, ." ..I... .. -w.w u ""'""'.
ti UK lIlllKKinkn uiivi diimu nwiun
23 cents. Sample free. Address
Alloa S. Olmsted, LoKoy, N. 1.
Of course you pay your money,
Hut you get your money's worth,
For what does money mean to you
When Hoclcy Mountain Tea's on
earth? C L. Cotting.
druzglst, lied Cloud.
lis $5
Cltcnn! nnd bcauliritl the htr.
l'ruinotel luxuriant growth.
Novcr Failn to Ilfntoro Oray
Ilnlr to lta Youthful Color
Curti ictlp dlifnici tc hair tolling.
t0ciid$l.Uiat Drucfriiu
qjVtifMj;-iiiMVtiU c-i
..-. .tK.
ffldT-Mr rt'