l and Nephew Uncle Sam should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda crackers, because they are the one food with which all of them are familiar. Uncle Sam has Riven out figures showing that soda crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements, properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers, and much more for Uneeda BlSCllIt, because they aro soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked better more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly. The damp, dust atid odor proof package retains all tne good ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people. His people have shown that they think Uneeda BiSCUit the best of that food, nearly 400,000,000 packages having already been consumed. Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY riar , ' " mAnii, . W5S TOT This Beautiful Set of Dishes FREE with DEFIANCE TEAluid COFFEE No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free for oiviner vour opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world to a few friends and neighbors. Full particulars of the plan in each package. It was our intention to withdraw this offer October 1 st. but so many people have said they did not realize the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of some friend, we have therefore decided to extend it. This will give everyone a chance to get a set. Many ladies are securing sets to present to friends at Christmas. Remember, this is not a premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee. It is a present to users of these beverages for making new friends. Ask the grocer. y f...... :-.. h-riifrL. x ltF j&'3J?''-C&iZ-ZZ!a CSrSN.Xy-'-arWw iV J- v t ilifWi !--riTJ!l. ,ZL K7J kTJ"tVkO -r-.O .-ftf V T-V- 'TV '.J'. ? . Kl SV 'ft JVnP TOMSt " IKFitt JYU r.W wr tw . l. . .....a -7 , -&i '.Tinyi-.-'j v kfrrC.'A i ,.. vi :y 3feaar i&gm&r jp& ve: Wk (SiIMO-jv &$ wmg& toj LETTS-SPENCER GROCER CO. - ST. JOSEPH, MO. ElllIP AMEND LAND LAWS'S!- '"!" J"K" "'r!"',a UlUk lb uumuuuo ... .. -.- That provision which permits assign ment before patent should be repealed and tho entryman should bo required which great natural resources must re main closed. The law should rIvo in dividuals mid dorporattlons under proper government regulation and con trol tho right to work bodies of coal land largo enough for profitable de velopment. My own boiler Is that there should bo provision for leasing coal, oil ami gas rights under proper restrictions. If tho additional force of special agents and mining experts I recommend Is provided and well used, tho result will be not only to stop tho lnnd frauds, but to prevent delays In patenting land claims and to conserve tho Indlspensablo fuel resources of the nation. ' Government Control of Grazing. The control of grazing in tho na tional forests Is an assured success. The condition of tho ranges Is tmprnv Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. lJill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; nscdimentorset tliugiudicalcsati unhealthy con ditiouof the kid neys; if it status your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desiie to pass if or nam 111 II1C IKICK IR nlso convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder ate out of order. What To Bo. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's lw I flS?S?5.::Ji ssirt"!' v iM.tiHtyfl wndiiiiti i ii ii i i ( irmiii I'liMiiiir riiiiiiMi i' Uik rapidly, water Is being developed, ? '..:'" 'Y.'? "r V... ,i J,' rnngo controversies aro settled, oppo . .;, Ua.i)MC,:) kiiltieys, liver, liliultlcr nltlon to the grazing fee Is practlcallj nU(I BVcry .,arl of t)ll. urj,mry jms,snge. at an end. and biockihoii an- ruriii-Ht- u cortects inainiiiv to noui ly supporting the forest service. Tho situation on tho open govern ment range Is strlulngly different. Us carrying capacity has probably boon reduced one-half by over-grazing, and Is still falling. Range controversies in many places are active and hitter, and life and property are often In danger. The Interests both or tho live stock Industry and of the govern ment are needlessly Impaired. The present situation Is Indefensible from any point of view, and It should bo ended. I recommend Mint a bill he enacted which will provide for government control of tho public rnngo through the department of agriculture, which alone Is equipped for that work. Such a 1)111 should Insuro to each locality rules for grazing specially adapted to its needs and should authorize the col lection or a reasonable grazing fee. Above all, tho rights or tho settler and home-maker should be guaranteed. Much or the public land can only ho used to advantngo for grazing when fenced. Much fencing has boon dono for Mint reason and also to prevent other stock owners from uBlng land to which they have an equal right un der tho law. Ueasonable fencing which promotes the use of the rnngo nnd yet interferes neithor with settlement nor with other range rights would he thoroughly desirable if It were legal, yet the law forbids It, and tho law must and will ho enforced. I will see to It that the illegal fences aro removed unless congress, at the pres ent session, takes steps to legalize proper fencing by government control of tho ranges. It con cots inability to hold water nnd scalding juin tit passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and ovei comes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to j.;o often during the dav, and to get tip many times during the night. '1 he mild and the exlraot dtiiary effect of Swamp-Root w soon tealicd. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the wost dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent anil one-dollar sizes. I You may have a sample, bottle and a I I. .1 . ...II.. ..II . ' , IH'OK UIUI ICIIS lilt about it, both sent free i ! bv mail. AddicssDr. Kilmer & Co., lling- MMIIltotl. N. Y. Whetl tlomsof Swmip-Hoot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, aucl the address, liiuuhamtun, N. Y. OYSTERS in every style. Ca tering to parties anrl dances a specialty. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candy and Cigars. The Bon Ton W. S. BEN SI:. Proprietor. Gold Discovery In Australia. Melbourne, Dec. 19. Several big gold nuggets were discovered recently near Tarnagulla, and two were found i weighing respectively 9G7 and 373 ounces, tho Inrgest seen In Australia in forty ycam. I Patcrson Opera House Burns. Paterson, N. J., Dec. 19. Flro that originated In tho Butler opera house destroyed Mint building ns well as tho two adjoining structures, causing a i loss of about ?250,000. Death Halts Land Trial. Omaha, Dec. 15. Ticcnuso of the death of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corn stock's Infant at tho Millard hotel, Judge Mungor announced that tho land trial In tho federal court would bo postponed until Monday morning, nut for tho Interruption the prosecu tion, with only two or three witnesses, would have rested Its case. PRESIDENT URGES MUCH-NEEDED LEGISLATION. Laws at Present on Statute Books In Many Instances Open the Door to Fraud and Congress Is Asked to Give Them Overhauling. Washington, Dec. 18. Tho message of tho president dealing with public land questions was read In congress. In part it is as follows: Tho developments of tho past yea. cmphaslzo with increasing torco tho seed of vigorous and immediate action to recast the public land laws uud adapt them to tho actual situation. Tho timber and utone act has demon strated conclusively that Us effect Is Laws Responsible for Frauds. I am gravely concerned at tho ex tremely unsatisfactory condition of tho public land laws 'and at tho prev alence of iraud under tneir presum Farmer Linstadt Dangerously Hurt. Tlldon, Neb., Neb., 19. The team or Carl MiiHtadt, a prominent fanner southeast of Tlldcn, arrived at his homo without buggy or driver. Ills Bona found tho bujrgy in a wrecked condition in a nolglfbor'B pasture nnd a dlstanco from tho buggy their father, who was terribly Injured about tho head. Ilia recovery Is very doubtful. Do You Bat Meat ? Wlion j-ou r.vo hungry una want Homothig nice in tho meat lino, drop into my marknt. Wo have tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, flab, and gunio in season. Wo think, and almost know, that wo an pleaso you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. tn turn ovur tho nubile timber lands to great corporations. It has douo living at homo on tho land for three enormous harm, It Is no longor needed j years should bo required before coin- to live for not less than two years at ' provisions. For much of MiIb fraud home on the land before patent Is-' thB pr0scnt laws aro chiefly responsl cues. Otherwise tho desert land law ble There is but ono way by which will continue to assist speculators I tho fraudulent acquisition of these and other largo holders to get control I ianas can bo definitely stopped, and of land and water on tho public do- J therefore I have directed tho socre main by indofenslblo means. tary of tho Intorlor to allow no patent Tho commutation clauso of tho to 00 jssu0(i to public lands under any homestead act serves, m a majority law untu oy an examination on the of cases, to defeat tho purpose of tho grounii actual compllanco with that homestead act ltsoir, which is to facll- law has ueen f0llnd to exist. For MiIb itato settlement and create homes. purpose an Increase or special agents In theory tho commutation clauso1 ln tho general land office Is urgently should nsslst tho honest settler, audi reaired; unless it Is given, bona fido doubtless in some cases it does. Far i woui,i.0o settlers will bo put to grave more often It supplies tho means by inc0nvenlence, or elso tho fraud will which speculators and loan and mort- ln larR0 part go on. Tho present coal gago compaules secure possession of lnw limiting the Individual entry to tho land. Actual not constructive 1C0 acres, puts a premium on irauu SAY, niSTER! - - Do you know that it will pay YOU. as j I woll as US, to buy your HuilditiK Ma ' 9 terinl and Coal atouryards? Not only ft- flint, nnr nrii'nn AVCliAriK lnwnr. or nt J ...... ..... j-. .ww. ........... ......, . ... m. 9 I f 9 I i ifiifi'fw'n'f'f','i'T,''nT'r(iv't'r'r!r'Pi Do you know that it will pay YOU. as woll as US, to buy your Building Ma terinl and Uoal at ouryards? Not only that our prices avkraoe lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but heoauhe wo tnko especial oaro of and protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coat. Lumber. I I I t C ity Dray and Express Line. F. W. 6TUDEBAKKR, PROP. and It should bo repealed. Tho desert land act results so fre quently In fraud and so comparatively mutation, unless wiser to repeal clauso altogether. it should appear tho commutation by making it imposslblo to develop certain typos of coal fields and yet comply with tho law. It is a scandal to maintain laws which sound woll, but which make fraud tho koy without Goods Delivered to any part ofvihe city. Ohat&es as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. Residence 188. TELEPHONES, Office 119