Iv ? IOf!AIF1TFS $ n Nvvrawiiuv m i f V I JEW YORK APPLES in Barrels ALL HAND-PICKED NO WINDFALLS McFARLAIND T5he GR.OCER All tho Phonos A FEW TIPS Straight from the La dies on what they would like for Xmas. Burned" Wood Novelties, Back Combs, Side Combs, Powder Puffs, Ideal Hair Brushes, (Imported) Handkerchiefs, Hand-painted Sachet Envelopes. Finest Variety Fancy RIBBONS especially adapted for Christmas Collars and made up in any shape free of charge. Remember, your X mas packages are not complete without one of those Xmas Holly tags and enclosure cards for sale at EMMA GRAVES' Hair Dressing Parlor Just Received, a Car of FLOUR AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the jlw Sfo-rf' Signature of LLOrff7UJute M. C. Sherman Is home from Lin coln. Dr. B. A. Thomas, Dentist, Danierell block. Dr. T. Albert Jones is home from i r Texas. Bd Garber was up from Guide Uoelc Thursday. One of B. V. Ross' best horses died Tuesday. Allen Tulleys will spend Christmas In Xaponcu Dr. Haines has removed his olllee to the Potter block. .1. A. MoArthur has five Berkshire male hogs for sale. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hayes is quite sick. Mrs. Lulu Matthews of luavale was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Cloud was down from Inavale Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. H. Skeen will spend Christmas in Kails City. Colonel Winfrey is home from his trip to Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Holiugrnin is visiting with her daughter in (itiide Hock. Mrs. Hartwell and Mrs. True were down from Inavale Monday. L. B. Tait was out in Red Willow county the llrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold were down from Mine Hill Saturday. Miss Alice Pope underwent an oper ation for appendicitis Wednesday. Christmas exercises will be held at the Christian church Monday night. Mrs. Fred Guthrie and sister were over from Belluirc, Kan., Wednesday. "Belt" Drown, tho Franklin photog rapher, was a Red Cloud visitor Sun day. Whenever you happen to think of a news item, phono It to Hell 7a or Mu tual 23. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark of Oxford are visiting with relatives in and near Ked Cloud. Ray Palmer will go to Hastings to morrow to spend Christinas with the Van Camps. Ancil Crabill returned home Monday from' a several months' stay in St. Joseph, Mo. Jack Doyle of Newberg, Ore., is visiting with relatives in lied Cloud and vicinity. There will be a game of football be tween the clerks and the high school on Christmas. Misses liertha and Itarnice- Potter are home from the State University for the holidays. H. It. Simons will spend Christmas with his old comrades at tho soldiers, home in Milford. S. O. Dayman of the electric light force goes to Grand Island tomorrow to spend Christmas. Miss Margery Stover of Edgar, Neb., will spend the holidays at the home of Mrs. Anna Tulleys. Mrs. Fred Peterson is very ill at her home in the south part of town, and her life is despaired of. C. L. Jones was down from Hastings the first of the week, and traded auto mobiles with Dr. Cook. D. S. Coombs suffered a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday and is in a very precarious condition. Miss Laura Sanson of Pontiac, HI., is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Ed Mc- Alister and Miss Zoe Sanson. Mason & Dixon's "Uncle Tom" show played to a fair sized audience at the opera house Wednesday night. The Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday (Christmas) night. All mem bers are expected to be present. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Heinlen and daughter Mary of Rueyrus, O., are guests at the homo of John Kellogg. W. F. Conner of Dallas, Tex., deliv ered an interesting address! at the meeting of Garfield post last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Houchln left Wed nesday morning for a visit at their former home near Howling Green, Kentucky. There will be a Christmas entertain ment by tho Sunday school at tho Congregational church Monday even ing at 7:30. Floyd Pitney, who farmed tho .Art Myers place the past season, loft the first of the week for Max, Neb., where ho may locate. Has your school or church a nice clock? Hotter hustle up ten now sub scribers to Thk Chikf and get one of those eight-day regulators. We Wish You a MERRY CHRISTMAS Christmas comes and every heart overflows with Yulutide Joy. What shall I give ''Him" for Ciiristnias? This is the same difficult problem that presents itself at every recurrence of the season. i 0m ft jfljl &$$.' $; '.$$m& . "' lip' Copyright 1906 The Houta of Kuppanhelmcr prices are fair and reasonable. No "hold up" here. Come ?5he Gowden i First Door North of While it is not expected the new Catholic church will be dedicated be fore Easter, services will be held in it on and nfter Christmas day. The county commissioners held a short session this week. The business transacted consisted chiefly of milking settlements with road overseers. Last Friday was the twenty-Hfth anniversary of tho wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. Reckwlth, and they cele brated the day in a fitting manner. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients und those needing glasses properly fitted, at Dr. Damerell's oilicc, Tuesday, Jan uary 1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelser and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smclser have re turned to Red Cloud from Cortland, Kan., and expect to remain here this winter. l'ine Salve Carboli.ed acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for Eczema, chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Charles Whltaker arrived from Colo rado the first of tho week und in com pany with his father and brother Dave left for the west again Tuesday in search of a new location. C. 1. Stewart of Oxford assisted Snapp's orchestra at the club dance Wednesday night. Mr. Stewart was formerly director of tho Fourth Regi ment Rand of St. Joseph, Mo. Tho Nebraska Telephone Co. has opened a down town business oflice and public pay station in tho frame building across the street south from tho Mutual telephone exchange. Royd and John Harrington and Mrs. Mclntyre left last Saturday for a visit with their aged mother In Pennsyl vania. She is 73 years of age, and re cently suffered a stroke of paralysis, J. S. Johnson, past grand master of tho Nebraska grand lodgo of Odd Fel lows and for nineteen years grand receiver of tho A. O. U. W., is dead. Funeral services wore held at Superior We come to your rescue and say: "Come here with all your troubles and let us show you." We're in Holiday attire and have the things a man buys for himself and appre ciates most We can also fill the Boy's stocking as sat isfactorily as a Man's. A FEW SUGGESTIONS. OVERCOATS, RAIN COATS, SUITS, TROUSERS, FANCY VESTS, SMOKING JACKETS BATH ROBES, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, UMBRELLAS, SHIRTS, We will lay aside your selection until Christmas and we'll make any exchange desired after Christmas. Our - Kaley Clothing Company ALWAYS RELIABLE. PostolKce, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Johnson was also vice president of the Citizens' Rank of Superior. Fred IHUis, wife and child, of Groen castle, Ind., visited at the home of J. O. Caldwell the first of the week. They are returning home from u trip to Vancouver, R. C, and Portland, Ore gon. W. A. Holmes, traveling salesman for the Mlllikan-Mulloney Saddlery Co., will remove his family from Washington, Kan., to Red Cloud as soon as ho can find a house for them to live in. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puni est, weakest specimen of manhood or womanhood strong and healthy. 35c. C. L. (Jotting. Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson, east of town, are preparing for a big family reunion of tho Robertson and Serl families, to be held Christmas day. Eighty-two members of tho two fami lies are expected to be present. T. L. Rridgeman, state inspector of high schools, paid a visit to the Red Cloud schools yesterday, and his re marks concerning the management of tho schools were very complimentary to Prof. Dudley and his assistants. If you miss the Grinnell College Glee Club at tho opera house Decem ber SO, you will miss the best thing of the season. The club consists of 20 members, and Red Cloud is its only stop between Denver and Kansas City. Reserve your scats now at Mitchell's. There will bo a Christmas sermon at tho Congregational church next Sunday morning at 10:30, with special Christmas music by tho choir. The church will bo appropriately decora ted for tho occasion. All the Sunday school pupils are expected to be pres ent. Good homes are wanted for orphan and destitute children of all ages by tho Child Saving Institute, 1800 Ohio street, Omaha. Over 300 children pass (ft Copyright 1000 Tlio Hounoof Kuppontiolmor COLLARS, CUFFS, MUFFLERS, CAPS, REEFERS, SWEATERS, SUIT CASES. early and avoid the rush Red Cloud, Nebraska through tho institute to homes and care in a single year. From forty to sixty constantly on hand. If lntesest ed write, inclosing stamp for reply. The Red Cloud high school football team went to Franklin last Friday and trimmed the high bchool team of that place by a score of 20 to 0. The boys report a nice clean game and royal entertainment by the Franklin boys. It is also said that Jake Kellogg got lost from the bunch and did not show up at the hotel until after midnight, and for a time It was feared he had been kidnaped. A series of lectures on the Sabbath question is being given by tho Rot. Samuel W. Gamble of Ottawa, Kan. Tho first lecture was given last night at the Congregational church. To night Mr. Gamble will speak at the Christian church, and Saturday night and Sunday night at tho Methodist church. The lectures begin at 8 o'clock and admission is free. Everybody should hear this gifted and talented lecturer on this all important subject. Mrs. William Giwit., formerly of this city, died at her home in Pattons burg, Mo., Saturday, December 15, age 70 years. Sho is remembered by many of our older citizens as awomau of strong Christian character, faithful to her family and her church. Her husband, who died In this city sov eral years ago, is buried in tho Red Cloud coiriotory. Sho leaves three sons, all grown to Manhood Murray, of Col if or niu; Rev. C. E., of Omaha, and Fred, of Pattonsburg, Mo, Clyde Whltaker Breaks Left. Clyde, tho 10-year-old son of D. 11 1 Whltaker, broke his right leg below tho kee yesterday evening by falling upon the cement walk at tho high school building. After school was out several of the boys were kicking a football about the grounds and in run ning after tho ball Clyde tripped on tho edge of walk and fell with great violence, breaking his leg.