The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1906, Image 1

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    ' K-
1 Subscription
I SI a Year
I in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
Jwwti'jn'v urn
Shot Herself Through the Heart Mon
day Nlftht.
Mrs. Cora Wiseearver, wife of Hump
WiHcearvor, was fonnd dead in bed
Tuesday morning, ut her home three
Joor north of the high school build
ing. Everything indicated that she
had been dead for several hours.
It seems that Mrs. Wiseearver told
ker husband Monday evening that she
was going to the country. Husiness
kept Mr. Wiseearver down town until
after midnight and when he went
home he was accompanied by a young
man who had been working for him
in the restaurant. Upon arriving at
the house they found the door locked
and, as Mr. Wiseurvcr's key refused to
work in the lock, they forced an en
trance through a window. Upon en
tering the room they found it in dis
order, some of the chairs having been
overturned. They thought nothing of
this, however, and retired to Hump's
room, which they occupied together
luring the remainder of the night.
Late Tuesday morning when Mr.
Wiseearver arose he had occasion to
pass his wife's bedroom, and upon
glancing in saw her lying upon the
bed with her clothes on, and it im
mediately Hashed upon him that some
thing was wrong. He called his com
panion, and when they entered the
room they saw that Mrs. Wiseearver
was dead.
As there were no signs of struggle
in the room it was surmised that bho
boil either died of heart failure or
taken poison. At the imruebt held
Tuesday afternoon only a superficial
examination of the body was made,
and preparations were made for an
untoysy to bo hcl:? 'Jluef.d?y " to
determine the cause of death.
This was rendered unnecessary, how
ever, for when Undertaker Kd Amack
went to prepare the body for removal
to bis uiidertakinir establishment he
discovered a revolver lying by her
side. Upon a closer examination of
the body it was found that she had
been shot through the heart, and the
corner's jury returned a verdict that
she came to her death by her own
hand. The only evidence contradic
tory to the suicide theory was a ram
bling note left by the deceased which
showed her mind to have been slightly
that "Will and Sam" be summoned,
and that no one touch her until they
arrived, and also stated that "he will
kill me in ten minutes." The vague
character of the note, which was
written on the back of an old en
velope, plainly hhowed that it was the
product of a disordered mind, and it
had no influence with the jury.
The Iowa College Glee Club
lEIWMBiJr bIKJ&Jt iVH'Bf-''iVE-iH
PC'BflHMli Mm rW Ktl Pts flMF ':, v'Mflfll
Id InHk 'Ilea IIBr ' -flflrc'1 BBn?i flKU kaflflff
A BWcMMMMMc!FMMMMMfc WBaMr& W Ty MflflwMlllV
A- UmIV" HHM' flH bHV IHlr HVf 'HH
lllllllllllt H L ft MllllllMBBlt flflflflflflflflflfln
M IBH 1 ' I
Opera House, Wednesday, December 26.
who died about two years ago. She
Is survived by two sisters and a bro
ther, Mrs. Louis Kellogg of Norton,
Kan., Mrs. Peter Hansen and William
Holmes. Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock and
hiterihLiit vas in the Pleasant Prairie
Business College Notes
Broke His Wrist.
15. F. Mizer broke his right wrist in
a rather peculiar manner last Sunday.
Mr. Mizer is the owner of a gasolene
engine, which furnishes power for a
feed grinder on his ranch. The engine
is of the pattern that requires the
turninir of a crank to start it. These
School closes today (Friday) for one
week, beginning again Dec. 31.
s Miss Correll, the college stenograph
er, wns on the sick list Monday.
Saturday evening. The lire broke
through the roof near the Bouth side
of the building and had gained con
siderable headway before the depart
ment arrived. The damage amounted
to about 8100.
James F. Jones of Smith Center,
Kan., and Maggie H. Woodruff of
Lebanon, Kan. Married by Judge Kd-
engines sometimes start with a jerk,
and, as happened in tins instance, me ci,m.0, 8 mi1(,s m.t, 0f nstwiek
jerk came with snch force as to break K(lUml,iy tr tllCi. 1)nrt on tl district
Mr. Mizer's wrist. We have one of SllII(illv s(.i,00i ,m,irram in the nlaco of
In this note she requested ( the same kind of engines in this olliee t,u, floj(1 SL.c.,.etliry, Professor Steidley.
-. . i .1 1 l ! 11.. !. .i.liti.
The (irinnell College C.lee Club will
The students had a social at
college rooms Thursday evening.
nlxt. Wi.octii.i- Mi'i. Miiiilli. Minn
""" "-" - ' - son.
Mary Peterson, Kd. Overing and Mrs. Kllwirtl C( Wilson of Line precinct
Harlow, were visitors this week. i aml Sophm M. llL.SHman of Illuo Hill.
Prof. Dietrlck gives one of his enter-' Married by Rev. (I. W. Hummel,
tainment at Nettie Harvey's school to-1 i.I'JKXHKS.
night (Friday). There will be a basket! Charles F. Wehrly and Mabel (1.
supper after the entertainment. Itykur, both of Heaver Creek.
Paul Dietrick went out to Heulah Hugh L. Hyker and Myrtle (.. ,cig-
Mrs. Russell Made Elmer Foftft "Takt
to the Woods."
Mrs. H. I). Russell, accompanied by
her husband, came down to Red Cloud
Thursday from their homo on Farmers
creek, northwest of Inavalo, in answer
to a telephone message informing her
that a warrant had been issued for
her arrest. She was taken before
Judge Heed, where she pleaded guilty
to the charge of having threatened
Kliucr Fogg with a revolver, and was
bound over to Hie district court In the
sum of 8100. She gave bond and was
released. It appears that there Is a
private road running across the Rus
sell farm, which is used by some wf
neighbors as a shortcut. Last Sun
day, as Fogg was passing along thH
road, Mrs. Russell came out with a
gun and chased him as far as t lie home
of Noah Harvey, where he took ref
uge and persistently refused to re
spond to her Invitation to come out of
the house. Yesterday's arrest was the
outcome. After the trial, both parties'
served written notice upon each other
to keep off their land.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell are newcomer
in this locality, Mr. Russell having
come out here from Chicago last April,
his wife following him later. They
like the country very well, but they
have met with very some puzzling
phenomena which they are at a losi
to explain. For instance, their hogs
have a habit of mysteriously disap
pearing and never more being seen or
heard of. Several of their choicest
porkers have disappeared, the disap
pearances having occurred in the dark
hours of night, they having apparent
ly vanished Into thin air evaporated
as It were. Diligent Inquiry has failed
to reveal any trace of them, and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell have been forced to the
conclusion that there is something iu
the atmosphere which causes their
hogs to "melt" back Into the universe.
This phenomenon certainly is interest
ing and would be a fit subject for Investigation.
ler, both of Heaver Creek.
Now would be a good time
after one of those regulators.
to go
and It occasionally causes the editor
to do some startling acrobatic stunts.
Cora L. Holmes was born in Stans-
Andrew Arnold Injured,
Andrew Arnold of Inavalo suffered
a severe injury last Friday which it
is feared may prove fatal. Mr. Arnold
was on horseback "rounding up" some
hogs, when one of the larger hogs
suddenly turned and horse and rider
fell over him. MrT Arnold was caught
bury, Va., June 10, 1800, being 37 beneath the horse and ins sliouiuer
years and 0 months of age at the time , and neck were, badly crushed. Medl
of her death. She was married to leal aid was summoned and it was
Hump Wiseearver September W, 1300, 'found that Mr. Arnold's injuries were
and to this union one son was born, found to be very dangerous.
The Wonderful Growth
Is due to Its
Perfect Quality
Moderate Price
Used in Millions
of Homes
be the best musical that will come to
Red Cloud this season. SO members
compose this club, which will sing at
the opera house, December 'M.
Quite a number have expressed their
intention of starting the New Year
right by closing the old year with an
enrollment In the Husiness College.
All who are thinking of starting this
winter ought to start Dec. Ill, if pos
sible. Miss Peterson, who is aGregg writer
and holds a nice position in Seward,
was surprised to see our Chartior class
write with the short time they have
studied the system. It will pay you
If you are thinking of taking short
hand to visit this class. The more we
write the more we believe that the
Chartior is thu speedy system, and
then to think of only 10 weeks work
instead of t or 0 months to master it.
Those from the business college who
attended the basket supper and enter
tainment at Miss Fsther Peterson's
school last Friday evening were: Ray
Palmer, Miss Heckwlth, Miss Harlow,
Don Clark, Frank Watson, Jesse Null,
i?red Spence, James Correll, 1 1 albert
Thomas, Clarence Kshelman, Hans'
Nicholson, Kdwin McDonald, Clarence
Carpenter, Misses Hines, Myers, Cor
rell, Ilormauson and Mefl'ord. The
school, with the help of Prof. Diet
rich, gave the eutertainment and Ray
mond Palmer acted as auctioneer.
The baskets were a very pretty set
and In all brought about S25. Did wo
have a good time. Ask Homer Clem-mons.
Holland House Ablaze.
.Fire caused by a defective Hue- gavo
the management and guests of the
Holland House a slight scare early
amBaking Powder
Has a dietetic value greatly be
yond the conception of any one
who has not used it It will
make your food of a delicious
taste, a moist and keeping
quality and a digestibility not to
be obtained from any other bak
ing powder or leavening agent
But more important than all else,
Dr Price's Baking Powder carries
only healthful qualities to the food
As every housekeeper can understand,
burnt alum and sulphuric acid the
ingredients of all alum and alum
phosphate powders must carry to
the food acids injurious to health.
Avoid the alum powders study the label