The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1906, Image 7

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The Backbone
of a
Mighty Nation
is good food food for brain, tood for Drawn, food that is
strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper
appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise
to greatness.
As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and
more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000
packages of U need a Biscuit, which have come to be recog
nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known.
And so Uncoda Biscuit will soon be on every table at
every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people,
thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation.
11 Uh&Xjr . fcf(SV3
YES, ;i SggSg KVSSu V
This Beautiful Set
of Dishes FREE with
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for erivinp- vour opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors. Full particulars of the plan in
each package. It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st. but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend, we have therefore decided to extend it. This will
give everyone a chance to get a set. Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas. Remember, this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee. It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends. Ask the grocer.
m-A mwTswMm
tho Standard Oil conumny of Olifo ar
gued tlio motion to dismiss tho pe
tition In error because It Is claimed
tho common pleas court has no Juris
diction to review tlio proceedings of
tlio probata court In crltulnnl cases.
Tlio petition In error raised tho
question among otherH of u (''clinical
character thnt the probate court baa
no jurisdiction to try capes under tho
Valentino anti-trust law. The outcomo
of tho arguments will ilotermlno
whether John I"). Rockefeller and the
three indicted Standard Oil directors.
J. M. Robertson, M. O Vilas and 11.
P. Mcintosh of Cleveland, will bo
brought hero to pload to the indictments.
VyJamMJMM rf
11 IMS
Chapter Housa of Chi Psi Fraternity
Burned to the Ground and Four Stu
dents and Three Volunteer Firemen
Lose Their Lives.
Ithaca, N. y!, Dec. 8 Smoko is still
drifting across Cornell campus from
tho ruins of the Chi Pal fraternity
bouse, tho burning of which was at
tended with a loss of llfo that has not
only thrown tho whole university, but
iho city into mourning. Tho dead
number soven. Of these, four were
students and the others prominent
townsmen, who bad responded to tlio
alarm in tho capacity of volunteer
Among the students who escaped
death In tho flames, soven wero In
jured, and of theso C. J. Popo of East
Orange, N. J., It Is feared, will not
long Burvlve.
Tho dead are: Attorney Alfred S.
Robinson, volunteer fireman; John C.
numsey, hardware merchant, volun
toor fireman; B. J. Landon, salesman,
volunteer flreman; P. W. Grollo of
East Orange, O. L. Schuiuck of Han
over, Pa.; W. H. Nichols of Chicago,
James McCutcheon, Jr., of Pittsburg.
Tho Injured nro: U. S. Decamp ot
New York, Henry M. Curry of Pitts
burg, It. It. Powers of Atlanta, W. W.
Goetz of Milwaukee, 11. A. Uihloin of
Milwaukee G. It. Sailor of Pittsburg.
C. J. Popo of East Orange.
Death and Heroes Fight on Campus.
Tho heroism of tho volunteer lire-
men who died attacking the flro was
matched by tho heroism of Schmuck,
who re-ant ored tho burning building in
a futile ettort to savo Nichols, bis
roommate, and who died later from
ilia Injuries, and tho conduct of Mc
Cutcheon, who remained in tho flames
until badly burned to assist his com
rades to escape. Pope, tho freshman,
received his injuries while seeking to
roHcuo other members of tho frater
nity, and tho record of tho Injured cor
responds nearly with that of the men
who tried to help their fellows.
Aninnir those earliest on tlio sceno
the legislative session passed several
bills and received trom the committee)
on appropriations the legislative, exec
utive and judicial appropriation bill.
That bill was made a special order for
Monday, no day having been fixed for
the vote on It. Tho bill contains a pro
vision barring "simplified spelling" in
documents authorized by law or or
dored by congress.
By a practically unanimous vote
tho house passed tho bill limiting the
regulation of Interstate commorco be
tween tho several states In aitlclcs
manufactured by convict labor or In
Prosecution Says Investigation is Not
to Be Confined to Nebraska Alone,
but Will Be Broadened to Take In
Other States.
Lincoln, Dec. 12. Taking of testi
mony In the suit of tho state against
the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' assoeln.
atlon. alleged by Attorney General
Norrls Brown to he a trust In restialnt
of trade, was postponed until l'ob. 2B.
The motion for delay was innilo by tho
state, and Judge A. M. Post, tho ref
eree appointed by tho supremo court,
coneuned. Attorneys for the prosecu
tion announced that tho Investigation
is not to bo confined to Nebraska
alone. It Is proposed to examine man
ufacturers and wholesalers In Minne
sota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and other
states. It is thought that these deal
ers will be able to give testimony
which will havo an Important bearing
on the case and that they will have In
their hands correspondence and docu
ments which will prove of value to
the state. It la the allegation or tho
Btato that in attempting to restrict I
competition and cut off tho supplies
of Irregular dealers, or those who dis
obeyed the rules of tho association,
Secretary Crltehllold of tho Nebraska
association wrote letters to manufact
urers and wholesalers In other states,
and It is desired that thete letters bo
placed In evidence. It is tho intention,
therefore, to probe from without as
well as make a thorough examination
Has Fewer Convicts In Proportion to
Population Than Other States.
Lincoln, Dec. 12. Nebraska has
fewer convicts in proportion to Its
population than any other state in tlio
union, according to Warden Heomer's
bienninl report. The per cent of illit
eracy among the inmates of the peni
tentiary Is also smaller than that of
any other slate. Warden Beemer asks
that the funds earned by convict labor
during tho last two years and during
tho coming blennlum bo appropriated
for tho uso or the penitentiary and
believes that this will bo au entirely
sufllclcnt sum.
Of the 37-1 Inmates of tho Institu
tion, 2J:J admitted their guilt of tho
crime charged, while 131 declared
they wero innocent. Married men
seem to be less susceptible than sin
glo men to tho mlcrobo of crime, as
the proportion of inmates for two
years has been 104 married men to
270 slnglo men. Eighteen only woro
unable to read and w,rlte, seven wero
unablo to read only, wbllo 349 could
both rend and write. Tho temporate
men incarcerated numbers 133; tho
moderate drinkers, 14; tho intemper
ate men, 227.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There Is n disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so ilccep-
iive. Many sudden
deaths arc caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy arc often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble in
allowed toailvnncc
the kidney-poisoned
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrli of
tlte bladder, or tlio kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
IHadder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of Hie kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by n proper
treatment of the kione vs. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking I)r. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to bold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
eftec, of Swninp-Rool is soon realimf.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swnmp-Koot is pleasant to take and is
sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent and
oiic-doilar si.e bottles. You may have n
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent ftee by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., lliughamtou, N. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
oITer in this paper. Don't make nny
mistake, but remembertlicuame,Bwamp
Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, und the
address, Iliughomton, N. Y., on every
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and '
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSR, Proprietor.
Among tnose earnest on u . .. ; , Qr rcfonnatory. Tho bn,
and who contributed most of tho work WflB ntrn,hiC(,a hy nnt (M()i) n prnc,
of rescue from the flames, which had Rtnnomn ' 1Inilnr .ho Wilson
already converted tho first floor ot
the doomed dormitory Into an Inferno. J
wore soveral Cornell football men. j
All did effective work. It has been do-1
dared that tho work of Sam Halllday.t
the old fullback, and of Earlo and Gib-'
son, the halfbacks or tho season just
ended, united with that of tho Chi'
prI mmi who risked their lives tnai
tlcal stonemason. Under tho Wilson
bill, which beenmo a law In 1800, con
vict lobor-mado goods may enter Into
active competition with tho evaoda
manufactured by "free" labor and un
der this federal law a state could not
pass a law that would prevent tho
Bhlpplng into the state or prison-mado
goods of other states. Thonow law
Do You
Meat ?
When you evo hungry end
want somethig nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. We havo tho nicest
kind of
and moats, fish, and game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo can
pleaso you. Give us u
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
. . . . . Tut i.l ,.iii , r.l abrogates interstate commorco law ns
tholr brothers mlgl 11, will be re- q
mnnilioroil lone lu the annals of Cor- ' ,, ,''-.,,. . .,. .,,
gooas, moreuy nuoruiug 10 inu iiuu-i'
niombered long lu tho annals
Tho causo of the fire will probably j
never bo discovered. Tho building Is I
a wreck. Tho lodge was built In 1831 1
by Jennie McGraw Klske, at a cost ot ,
$130,000. Tho daughter of tho lumber
king, John McGraw, who was one of
Cornell's early groat benefactors,
never enjoyed her palaco and entered
it only after denth. ,
Provision in Legiclative Bill to Have
it Required In All Printing.
Washington, Duo. 8. Tho house ad
journe! r."':i Monflay, having during
ont states and territories the right to
Inhibit tho shipping of convlct-mado
goods within tho confines of any stato
or territory.
Tho sovereignty of tho state was
tho subject of earnest debate, grow
ing out of tho consideration of a bill
to establish a gamo proservo In tho
Olympic rorest roservo, In tho state
of Washington. Tho 'bill was passed
without division.
Standard Attorneys Attack Renulnrlty
of Proceedings In Ohio,
Fiudlay, O., Due. 8. Attorpp"i for
Do you know that It will pay YOU, ns
woll as US, to buy your Building Ma
torial and Goal ah our yards? Not only
that our prices aveuaoe lower, or at
loast as low, as those of our competit
ors, but iieoause wo tako ospooial caro
of and protect all can bo alassed ns
Coal. Lumber.
,''' t"'ii'!i"OTWnni'H7 nnpr)'?"f WHTiTf MfTTW1t'r''P
ity Dray and Express Line.
-H I hilivt'.n'i tn any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
R jl rice '
Office 119