The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1906, Image 5

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in Barrels
15he GR.OCER
All tho Phones
Straight from the La
dies on what they would
like for Xmas.
Burned Wood Novelties,
Back Combs,
Side Combs,
Powder Puffs,
Ideal Hair Brushes,
Hand-painted Sachet
Finest Variety Fancy
especially adapted for
Christmas Collars and
made up in any shape
free of charge.
Remember, your X
mas packages are not
complete without one
of those Xmas Holly
tags and enclosure
cards for sale at
Hair Dressing Parlor
lftf.ASFTTF.S 5
Mrs. L. II. Fort is visiting in I'oru,
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, DamcrcU
Moid Longtin is homo from Hot
Col. Winfrey is in Salem, la., on
Ike Myers was over from Lebanon
Wm. Stabenow was down from Blue
Hill Wednesday.
Jerome Vance is very ill at his home .
Jesse Ray has moved into the old
Mr. Willis property in thu south end
of town.
Sam Temple of Kansas City was
shaking hands with old friends here
tills week.
Itert Waldron of Beatrice, formerly
an attorney of this city, was in town
Mrs. Charles Hunter and Mrs. Davis
of Inavale were shopping in Red Cloud
Thomas Darnall of Lincoln will lec
ture at Rosemont Sunday, December
10, 7:30 p. m.
Mayor Catlier is still eonliued to his
home and there is little improvement
in his condition.
The people living in the railroad
district have named that part of town
"lMeasant Valley."
Oscar Burroughs "chaperoned" the
high school football team on its trip
to Franklin today.
Mrs. George Fairileld and ."Sirs. M. !
Fish of Guide Rock were shopping in J
lied Cloud Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. By Shepardson and
Mr. and Mrs. Cummings were down
from Riverton Monday.
County Treasurer and Mrs. W. C.
Frahtn are parents of a baby girl,
born Monday at lilue Hill.
Mrs. George J. Warren went to Blue
Hill Monday for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Ned Grimes.
Mrs. Fred Hummel left Sunday for
her home in Hot Springs, S. 1)., after
a visit with relatives here.
The teachers of the First Ward
school held a meeting at the home of
Miss Sherman last evening.
B. C. Allen came down from Oxford
Wednesday and joined the Bed Cloud
Aerie of Eagles as a charter member.
John O. l'arkison of Bed Cloud and
Miss Harriet A. Hastings of Goreville,
111., were married Wednesday by Judge
Postmaster Hacker is expecting his
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Parker, from Ohio, to spend the
The high school football team went
to Franklin today to play a return
game with tho high school team of
that city.
J. G. Overman and T. J. Chaplin
went to Kearney Monday to at
tend a state meeting of county com
missioners. Webster county's share of the state
school fund apportionment is 82,770.88.
There are 4,101 persons of school age
in the county.
The Congregational ladies' market
will be held Dec. 22, at Grifi'eth's store.
Eatables suitable for Christmas dinner
will be on sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Truoblood arrived
Thursday morning from McDonough,
Kan., and have accepted positions in
Bense'o restaurant.
Mrs. Emelino Morrison left yester
day for her home in Washington, la.,
after a visit with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. J. W. Warren.
Mrs. J. D. Crans went to Kansas
City Saturday morning to be present
at the celebration of her father's 80th
birthday anniversary.
Someone poisoned E. Welsch's dog
Wednesday, and, though he is still
alive and kicking, he has lost his voice
and is unable to bark.
Has your school or church a nice
clock? Better hustle up ten now sub
I scrlbcrs to Tin: Ciin:r and get one of
those eight-day regulators.
Old time prices prevail at Mercer's
barber shop, basement of Potter block.
Steam heat and all modern convon
ierccs. Try "The Brunswick."
Grant MeFarland of Omaha was in
thu city the first of tho week visiting
his mother, who is very ill at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Warren.
Mrs. DeWitt and daughter, from
near Logan, Utah, arrived Monday for
a visit at the home of I. B. Stanser.
They formerly lived near Guide Ilobk.
We Wish You a
Christmas comes and every heart overflows with Yuletide
What shall I give "Him" for
This is the same difficult problem that presents itself at '
every recurrence of the season.
We come to your rescue
and say: "Come here with
all your troubles and let us
show you."
We're in Holiday attire
and have the things a man
buys for himself and appre
ciates most. We can also
fill the Boy's stocking as sat
isfactorily as a Man's.
J It
rj ' ' '- Is
hJm i
ANf ' ft5!
V 1 5
Tho Houo of Kupponholmnr
We will lay aside your selection until Christmas and
we'll make any exchange desired after Christmas. Our
prices are fair and reasonable. No "hold up" here. Come early and avoid the rush
Copyright 1906
Th House of Kuppnhlmr
'(She Cowden - Kaley Clothing Gompany
First Door North of PostofTJce, - Red Cloud, Nebraska
Company is billed for the opera house
next Wednesday night, December 10.
This is one of the oldest "Tom" shows
on the road.
The football panic last Friday be
tween Superior and Bed Cloud high
schools resulted in a tie 0 to 0. Su
perior closed the season without being
scored against.
The P. K. O.'s will have some fancy
Christmas articles for sale at Mrs.
Uomford's millinery store, Friday Dec.
!!1. Hot chocolate and wafers will be
served for 10c
A. A. lleinhold and two sons re
turned to St. Francis, Kan., Thursday
morning. They brought five car loads
of cattle hero which will be fed upon
the Miner ranch.
W. F. Conner, a brother of Mrs. L.
II. Uust, arrived Thursday morning
from Dallas. Texas. He is the south
western passenger agentof the Wabash
road at that point.
Extensive- preparations arc being
Of course you pay your money,
Hut you get your money's worth,
For what does money mean to you
When Roclcv Mountain Tea's on
earth? C L. Cotting.
Geo. !. A'arren returned from Lin
coln the latter part of last week, where
he had been on business connected
with the Nebraska Telephone com
Word was received hero this week
The subject of the discourse at the
Christian church next Sunday evening
will be "The Lion-Killers." The
young people of the city are especial
ly invited to be present to hear the
"Hill" llellhau, from over In Kansas,
got into trouble with Henry Williams
Wednesday night. The interference
of a number of outsiders prevented
Helihau from getting what he was
looking for.
We care not how you suffered, nor
what failed to cure you, Hollister's
Hocky Mountain Tea makes the puni
est, weukest specimen of manhood or
womanhood strong and healthy. 3.1c.
C. L. Cotting.
Kev. W. L. Austin left for Omaha
Tuesday morning to attend a session
of the board of "triers of appeals," of
which board he is a member, llishop
Wm. F. McDowell of Chicago, 111., will
preside at the meeting.
Road Overseer llurdick and his force
of men and teams have completed the
made for the Christmas tree and enter-1 ,, , .. ' , .. ., ,
imuiu ioi im- v,i grading of the road from the railroad
laiumciib m is m-- in - "" ....
school building under the auspices of
ucar Guide Koclc. tjmt Joe Qftrber had received a severe
Doctor Raines has removed his ofilco injury to one of his legs recently,
to the Potter block. i whlle working in a lumber mill at
A. II. Kaley and daughter Myrtle Scotia, Cal.
of Limon, Col., are in the elty. ijne Salvo Carbollzed acts like a
Mrs. Chris Zeiss is seriously 111 at poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively unknown to the authorities, were ar
her homo in the south part of the city, used for Eczoma, chapped hands and re8ted Monday and arraigned before
Whenever you happen to think of a'"ps. cuts. bm'ns- Sol(1 bY Henry Coolc'a Judge Keed. They pleaded guilty to
news item, phono It to Holl 72 or Mu-' store. a charge of disorderly conduct and
tual 33 I Mason & Dixon's Undo Tom's Cabin ( were ea'ilrfined 84.
the Sunday school.
The W. C. T. U., will meet with Mrs.
Austin next Wednesday afternoon at
2::i(), at which time they will give a
short program. It is hoped that all
members will be present.
Joseph D. Kenyon and Miss Maggie
Daugherty were united in marriago
Sunday evening by Kev. George Hum
mel, at his home. Tho bride is a
granddaughter of George Houehin.
Vaner McGinnis, who has been In
jail for the past "thirty days on the
charge of having sold a mortgaged
horse, was discharged from custody
yesterday on tho ground of insanity.
A man and a woman living in the
south part of town, whoso names are
to the river bridge and it is now in
good condition to withstand the win
ter snows and spring rains.
Rev. J. V. Ash, presiding elder, will
be in Iloscmont to hold quarterly con
ference Sunday, December 3. Services
as follows: Rosemont, 11 a. m.; Howe
school house, 3 p. m.; Rosemont, 7:30
p. m. R. I). Dexheimer, pastor.
Mrs. Walter Sherwood gave an oys
ter supper Monday evening for the
members of the high school football
team. All the regulars and substi
tutes were present except Hedge and
Ferguson, and an enjoyable time was
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
WtT4fj f
Tho Ministerial Union of Red Cloud
has arranged with Rev. Saml. W.
Gamble of Ottawa, Kan., to give
series of four lectures on the Sabbath
question. The first will be given
Thursday evening, December 20, in the
Congregational church. The places
for tho other lectures will bo an
nounced at that time. Mr. Gamble is
a lecturer of national reputation. The
lectures are free to all and everyone
should be sure to hear him.
At the Congregational church Rot.
Cressman will preach upon the follow
ing texts next Sunday: Morning, Mutt.
22:42, "What think ye of Christ?";
evening, Rev. 12:7, "There was war in
heaven." The following characteris
tics mark our services: Good singing,
plain preaching and a cordial welcome
to all. Come and see.
We have ordered the most expensive
calendars we have ever given out.
These will be given only to those reg
istering for same. No calendars given
to children. We want every house
hold to have one of these, so come in
and leave your name and address and
make sure of getting one. Tho quan
tity is limited. Soon as we receive the
calendars from tho factory we will
make announcement of same.
Nkwiiousi: llitos.,
Jewelers and Opticians. It. & Jf.
Watch Inspectors.
ShalllVc Tail Your Hide?
The averalie stock raiser hardly re
alizes the value of cow, steer and
horse hides when converted into fur
coats, robes and rugs. Get the now
illustrated catalog of the Crosby Fris
ian Fur Co., Rochester, N. Y. It will
bo a revelation to you. And "Crosby
pays the freight." janll
4 Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako Into your shoes Allen's Foot
Euse, a powdor. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
fttot. At all druggists and shoo stores
25 cents. Sample free. Addre
Alien S. Olmsted, Lelioy, N. Y.