The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
RED CLOUD, X IS It It ASK . DI2CHM1U2H 11, 1!M)0.
NUM15ER 50
I Subscription
I $1 a Year
1 in Advance
or II r
Commencing Saturday, December 1, Continuing to December 25.
Skirts! Skirts!
Ladies" Misses' and Children's
Tailor-made Skirts over 300 up-to-date
Skirts to select from. To re
duce this stock quick we will give
for Cont Discount
or 1-5 off on already cheap prices.
Pattern Hets, Street Hats, Trimmed Hats
Rcr Cent Discount
or one-fourth off. Now is the time
and this is the place to save money
and get a nice, stylish Hat for a very
small investment.
Ladles', Misses' and Children's
per cent discount, 1-5 off
Wo have 200 Clonks. Wo aro
going to 60II every Cloak in tho
store. That is why ,wo make the
big cut prico so early iu tho season.
1" .'fl
. F
We carry the largest stock of Groceries in the
city, and lead in prices.
800 bushels fancy Ben Davis Apples at 60c per
bushel. 50c in 5 bushel lots.
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699 JgjjEJ--
Dress Goods !
Par Cont Dlsconnt
or one-fifth off on all Wool Dress
Goods during this sale. Remember
this is the price until the 25th only.
We have a big lot of Remnants
to 5 yd. lengths, all to go at
for Cont Discount, 1-3 Off
This means that you ran buy theso for ono
thlrd lbss than wo bought tho goods in tho bolt.
All COTTON REMNANTS, consisting of
Ginghams, Calico, Outings, Shirtings, Tickings,
etc' at H off or 25 per cont discount.
A sample line of Fascinators, enough to supply all
of VVebster County. Remember, the most of them are
samples and already marked very cheap, but we are
going to let them go at 20 per cent discount.
At my farm 5 miles west and 1 mile north of
Mankato; 5 miles south of Burr Oak, and 2
miles east and 2 miles south of Otego, on
Commencing at 10 a. m., the following:
32 Head of Registered
Eleven cows, 3 3-year-old heifers, one 2-year-old
heifer, 4 i-year-old heifers, 3 heifer calves,
7 bull calves, one bull 1 year old, 2 old bulls.
Florest J. No. 158,565, my herd bull, is one of
the best of the breed.
A good time to buy good cattle at your own
price. All good, serviceable cattle not fat,
but in good breeding condition. The only
reason for selling them is that I have no pas
ture, so cannot keep them and must sell.
Remember the date, Wednesday, Dec. 19.
Free Lunch on Ground.
W. E. Johrvson.
COL. JOHN BRENNAN, Auctionoer.
TERMS 12 months at 8 per cont.
Excursion to Llmon, Colorado.
A. IT. Kaley has returned from Ll
mon, Colorado, where he has lately
engaged In the land business of loca
ting homesteaders and helling land, and
has .some choice lands for sale at from
81.50, SO, S7.50 to S10 per acre, not far
out from Limon, Colorado, a growing
town that offers many opportunities
in different lines of business. There is
a great opening for a restaurant and
bakery, also livery stable, as the one
there can not accommodate half the
conveyance demanded. A well borer
and windmill man, if on hand soon,
could make a small fortune. A good
newspaper is very much iu demand to
advertise the many audvantages of
that country and the many bargains
it has to offer. A farm and loan com
pany would do well; another barber
shop is needed; another lumber and
cement company would do excellently,
as the present parties are overcrowd
ed. There are two first class hotels
and they can not meet the demand,
and a good second class hotel a 81.25
a day house would do a rushing busi
ness. Limon has two railroads mak
ing a junction at this place and a
roundhouse employing 128 men daily.
Eighteen mail pouches are changed
there daily. Tho Hock Island runs
four passenger trains each way daily
and the Union Pacific three passenger
trains each way daily, making quite a
heavy tralllc in business. People nre
coming in from almost every state
looking for land, and it can not be
long until cheap land will be of tho
past. There will bo an excursion
leave lied Cloud December 18 for Li
mon. Tho round trip will cost you,
by Denver, SKI, which would be well
spent In seeing the country If you buy
no land or take no homestead. There
has quite a number been outon former
excursions and bought lands and taken
homesteads, and they have Invariably
been well pleased with the country
and their purchases of land. There are
many good bargains left yet that I
would like to see my friends take ad
vantage of. There is yet time to get
in on the llrst and reap the benefits.
I hope to see many of you take the
train next Tuesday evening, as that
may be the last excursion for some
time. Do not fear a cloudy day, or a
little cold weather, or threatened
snow. You will not suffer In the cars,
and when you arrive in Limon you
will have good hotel accommodations.
Closed carriages and other convey
ances will take you free over land to
see and show you country and lands,
and the finest of wcathr may bo there
on your arrival, as southeastern Colo
rado lias not the cold weather that
Nebraska has. So come along and
get In the procession while you can.
A. If. lv.vr.iiv.
A Minimum Water Rate.
The minimum water rate, for which
this paper has so long contended, is
at last about to become a reality. The
city council, at a meeting held last
Thursday night, passed an ordinance
which provides for a minimum water
rental of SO per annum, the following
being the graduated rate for water
service agreed upon:
Less than 100,000 gallons monthly,
20 cents per thousand.
From 100,000 to 200,000 gallons per
month, 15 cents per thousand.
From 200,000 to 100,000 gallons per
mouth, 12 cents per thousand.
From 100,000 to 500,000 gallons per
mouth, 10 cents per thousand.
Over 500,000 gallons per month, 8
cents per thousand.
The minimum rate for water service
is based on the size of the feed or sup
ply pipe, and is as follows;
For ) Inch pipe, SO per annum.
For 1 inch pipe. 812 per annum.
For l( Inch pipe, 818 per annum.
For 1?4 Inch pipe, 821 per annum.
Where the amount of water con.
sumed exceeds the minimum rate, tho
excess shall be paid for at the gallon
Among other things, the ord!nanco
provides that those who do not wish
to buy meters may rent them from tho
city at 25 cents per month; that no
one but the water commissioner, hln
assistants or a licensed plumber be
allowed to make water connections,
under penalty; that where water haa
been shut off by water commissioner
for any cause a fine of 825 shall be Im
posed upon any unauthorised person,
turning same on.
.MunZan Pile Remedy put up tin con
venient collapsible tubes with no.lo
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
"Pinoules" (non-alcoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for Madder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, 81. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or money refunded. Oct our
guarantco coupon from Henry CookVj
drug store.