The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1906, Image 8

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Recommended by
Prominent Physicians
and Chemists
closed school for tho day ho saw a good
chance to got Bomo turkey for Thanks
giving und la trying to conceal thorn
timlor tho buggy neat, his broncho be.
cnmo frightened nud tniulo n got away
Never tho loss Qua iirrivod in town
with two turkey and tho rim of ono
Baking Powder
Perfect In Quality
Economical In Use
Moderate In Price
(From the Hentinel.)
Tho Athoim club gavo ti farowoll tea
to Mrs. John Barker Tuesday evening
at ho homo of Mrs Ayer.
Mrs. F. V. Barber and daughters re
turned last week from their far west
oru trip to Idaho and tho coast.
Oeur Burroughs is in town taking
care of a game knee, tho result of too
much sportincss in a gamo of football.
Street Commissioner L. Robinson is
loing 8omo good work on our streets
by calling out ovorp person liable to a
poll tax.
A quiot uoddiug took plaoo at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Lau Bach
in Franklin. Nov. 'JO, when Miss Pearl
Henderson and Mr. Chas.Kouyon wore
united in nmrrhigo.
1 I
3 !
flemsy flutes From fleighUing Tomns I correspowdeisce
(From tho Nows Letter.)
Tom Kinchorof Nordhoff, California,
is in Guide Rock.
Tho stock of goods traded by W. H.
Marcus for a farm in Missouri, was
ahippod out last wook.
Word was received hero of tho death
of Stephen Baylos at tho Soldior's
Homo in Milford Monday.
Terry Ralston last wook loft with his
family for Montana, whoro they expect
to make thoir future horn.
Kmost Hampton has bought tho
Charley Schultst farm ilvo miles west
of town on tho south side of tho rivor.
Work on tho Potors brick building
is progressing rapidly and another
wook of good weather will probably seo
it enclosed.
C. R Eddy ono day last wook pulled
tho fires under Ids seventeenth kiln of
brick, which is supposed to bo his last
for tho season.
congregation arranged Friday ovoning
last for a pleasant littlo surpriso, tho
occasion being tho good fathor's thir
tieth birthday, and during tho course
of tho evening ho was presontod with
a handsome gold watch nud chaiu as
a souvenir of the occasion.
(From the Times.)
Mrs. Will Leonard is on tho sick list
Two children of Bort Waruor aro on
tho sick list.
Mrs. Asa Tomlinson, who has boon
quito sick, is reported hotter.
A daughter of L. M. Allen, who has
boon sick, is reported better.
Glad to now of tho convalescence of
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County R.cportors
Miss Stella Morrill spent Sunday
with Miss Florouco Bond.
Etna Houghtaling is improving now
after so much doctoring for tho rheu
matism. Charles Hilton and Dug Davis aro
supplying tho Kansas City mulo
Mrs. Houghtaling and family spent
Thanksgiving day with Bon Gibson
and family.
'r. orrill will sot up his kingdom
on tho ridgo as soon as Mr.
leave f r tho west.
Frank Witt.wer and family spent
Thanksgiving with his wife's folks.Goo.
BoanKlee, in Red Cloud.
Howard Houghtaling and family and
old undo Win. Hawkins of Salom.
Alfred Hadoll of Rod Cloud. Nebr., B.Shannon vre up from .Towoll county
is in tho city this wook visiting his to vibit friends on tho ridgo on Sunday,
sistor, Mr-,. E. A. Myers. Mrs. Shannon and children ate
Frank Gilbert was agreoaoly sur Thanksgiving turkey with her daugh-
.1. S. Largont, who had his leg pretty priced last Thursday whon his neigh- toi-, Mis Howard Houghtaling, in
Bovorely injured last week by a horso bors gathered in and hulked his corn Jewell county.
railing witn mm, is getting arouuu. lor him. Han y Koats has tho record of shuck-
E. J. Gano of Summorfleld, Kan., ing 100 bushels of corn per day down
has rented the Mays buildings and will on tue riVHr bottom, while shucking
open about Fob. 1, with a now stock of for his grandfather.
men's clothing and furnishings.
again about as usual.
Tho work on tho now houses of Low
Ely and Win. Kirkpatrick is moving
nlong rapidly and whon completed
thoy will bo quito an addition to that
part of town.
Last week tho prism glass lights for
the uppor part of tho Crary show
windows arrived and woro put in plaeo
nnd a complete now gasolene lighting
plant was installed
In a St. Josoph papor of about tho
10th inst. there appeared under a Den
ver headline an item claiming that tho
couple longest married, living in tho
United States, had just celebrated
thoir sixty-fifth wedding anniversary
in that city.
(From the Leader.)
R. A. Simpson bought a 400 aero farm
in Rod Willow county.
A littlo girl came to brighten tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton,
last Friday.
Mrs. May Smith sold her rosidenco
near tho school house last woek to
Prof. Morilz.
Henry and Carl Goos unloaded 200,
The item came to tho 000 paving brick for tho city tho fore
notice of Squire Parker, who claims the
honor for Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Moran
villo of this place, they having, as the
dates on tho family record show, been
married about eight months longer
than tho oitimnhlo Denver couple.
(From the Express.)
Among the possibilities for tho now
your is a wholesale grocery house.
H. II. Muthiosnu had the misfortuno
tho other day to run a horsoshoo nail
into his knee.
More than two dozen houses aro in
courso of construction in Superior and
others aro contemplated.
C. K. Git tings lias resigned his posi
tion with tho II. H. Van Brunt Imple
ment and Carriage Houso aud will
retire from tho road.
T. II.
(From tho Citizen.)
Josoph Chevalier has sold his
est in tho implement linn of
Roulior & Co. to J. B. Laporte.'
G. V. Potter and family havo ro
moved to Mindon. whoro Mr. Potter
will engage in tho livery business.
Mrs. L. I). Moreior, living sovon
miles southeast of Campbell, present
ed her husband with twin girls Sun
day evening.
Sam and Fred Sears aro now in Red-
p ut of tho week.
Henry Groon left Friday for Parsons,
Kins:is, whoro ho will enter tho
je.velry business with his brother at
that place.
Peter Morton, .Sr. sold his residence
WediiOMhiy to Mrs. Adolado Kicck, of
Campbell, and expect-, to build a now
and larger house soon.
Wed Cloud says its present school
facilities are inadequate aud wants a
now school house. A good movo and
one that will benolit thoir community.
Another record lias been made lioro
in tho cornllold, tills timo by Otto
immorumn. In exactly eight hours
and forty minutes lie picked, weighed
aud cribbed 1120 bushels.
Miss Grace Leonard, who is attend
ing school at Rod Cloud, came homo
Wednesday for Thanksgiving with a
slight attack of tonsilitis.
Rumor had it that sovoral weddings
i woro to take placo in this locality dur
ing Thanksgiving, but no report to con
ilrm the rumor lias been heard of.
What is the matter boys? Was it too
Win. Tanquary is going to Red Cloud
in the near futuro to take charge of
tho branch line from Crabill's livery
barn to tho depot. Ho will bo tho
engineer, conductor and mail carrier,
all in one.
Mr. Houghtaling, Sr., is in Norton
county, where ho expects to locate in
tho mar future. Ho sold his farm on
OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction or
your money back"
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
A ways tuilling to show ottr goods
and compare prices zvith either local
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelors and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors
to havo ono? Well I should say? Bet
tor hurry up or you'll bo too late, only
fow more days till tho llrst number
will bo hero, and you'll want to herr
them. Who? The Salisbury Orches
tra, and Miss Abby Roso Wood of
Chicago. Say, thoy aro great enter
tainers. Don t miss them. There are
six numbers in tho course, all of them
Hue aud worth twice as much as it
costs to hoar them. Season tickets,
$1.50, on salo at Waldo's and Hunter's.
Canadian Government
MjMlc Cure fur ltlicumatlsin mid N'eiiruUla
rudlcnlly con h In 1 to.'tiluvH. Its iicllon upon
tlie Ktom 1h leninrktibta mid inyntcrlou. It
remnvcx ut onco the rniibi' mid tho dltcnsu lin
medlutely dls-iippi-ar. Tlio first doso KWiitly
licii IIIh, 7! n-tilHmid 1. Sold liy II. K.Oiuck,
OrtiSKis'. Kcd Cloud.
The Lmrn Mover.
The lawn mower is generally much
abused by the majority of those who
use it. When nicely adjusted and In
good working order it may be kept so
by a hair's breadth turn of the adjust
ing screws or bolts, and no one should
be allowed to meddle with Uicse parts
unless he fully understands them. The
blades of tho lawn mower strike the
cutting bar In such a manner as to be
largely self sharpening, and no ma
chine, If well oiled and adjusted, will
need sharpening unless it Is run into
stones or other hard substances that
may dull or bend the knives. The or
dinary machine oil used upon larger
machines than the lawn luower, on
wagons, etc., Is too heavy for the lawn
mower, except in very hot weather,
and should bo thinned with an equal
amount of kerosene. No machine will
keep In perfect working order for a
great length of time without cleaning,
and the lawn mower, which Is run
throutrii so much dust and dirt, should
VER 200,000
farmers who
have settled in Can
ada duringthe past
few years, testify
to the fact that
Canada is. beyond
question, the great
est farming land in
the world.
Over Ninety Million
Bushels of Wheat
from the harvest of 1006
means good money to the
farmers of Western Canada,
when the world has to be
fed. Cattle Raising, Dairy
ing nnd Mixed Farming
are also profitable callings.
Coal, wood and water in
abundance; churches and
easy of access; taxes low.
Forllteratureand Information addreii Ilia
Superintendent nflmmicratlon
Ottawa, C'unada,
Of the following authorized Canadian
aoierament Agent
801 New York J.tro Building
Orauhu, Neb.
be taken apart once or twice every sea-
.i i.i.... ...... if hi .....i i,on,i biiii. each part carefully cleaned and
town property in Almoin, last week,! wlll and then ollc.l ' ho ma
, ' .' , ,, . . I chines with large wheels and ball bear-
mid reacuoM noine on ouuun.y hum uuik
while good people were still in bed,
having walked pari of tho way fiom
Salisbury orchestra, December Mth.
II. G. Sawyer is in Kansas City on
business this week.
Dr. Philip ami wife woro Frank I'm
visitors tho toro part of tho week.
C. A. Waldo roeoivod two loads of
potatoes from Rod Cloud this weok.
Glon Olmstoad has his now houso
nearly done and will soon bo ablo to
movo in.
Mr. Gilroy is roportod as some hotter
though ho is still in a very orlticial
lugs run more easily than many of the
older patterns, but the latter If kept in
perfect order will run with compara
tive case and will do good service for
many years. Suburban Life.
1 w
i Lame9
(From the Review.)
Soino ono onterod R. L. Tilers' collar
Friday night aud sorted out thirty
quarts of tho best canned fruit therein.
Wednesday ovoning tliroo or four t5on,Htlon
local chicken thievos nmdo a raid on Thoro was a medicine show in town
Steven Taylor's lion roost so that thoy lll3t wook. Thoso who attended say it
might havo a feast on Thanksgiving WIS vory com1'
day. This is tluo weathor for Docombor,
About throe wooks ago Albert Sea- ml tho 'nrmoi-s aro gotting thoir corn
burg was thrown from a car in tho iu tlioerib as fast, as possible,
yards at South Omaha and seriously I uavalo is not going to havo a Christ-
injured. Ho was taken to tho hospital mas troo this jour,
aud an operation was necessary. Ho Prairio Sunday school
Wonderful I'iiIiiIIukh.
It may not be generally known, per
haps, that tho highest price paid for a
picture lias not been In modern times,
but was at so remote a period as that
' of Alexander the Croat, who gave
Apelles a sum equal to .11,000 for
nnlntliiL' his nortrait. Tho klnu was
represented holding thunder, which,
I'liny says, was so lifelike that the
hand seemed to come out of the pic
ture. Alexander was delighted with
j the portrait, had It placed In the tern
I pie of Diana, at Ephesus, and forbade
any ono but Apelles thenceforth to
draw his likeness.
Apelles attempted another portrajt,
which at first sight did not please his
royal patron, but while It was being
inspected, says the veracious Pliny, a
horso passing by neighed at the horse
represented In the piece, supposing it
to bo alive, upon which the painter re
marked that tho horse was a better
Judgu of painting than the king.
is visiting at homo at present but is
lands, Oil., where Hewers aro blooming still under the doctor's care
and where the thcuuoniutur seldom
touches tho freezing point.
A number of Row Fathor Tastovin's
Last Tuesday ovoning Gus Iverson
liitd an accident which might havo re
sulted quito seriously. After ho had
The Pleasant
is preparing a
program and will havo a tree. Thoy ,
nlhO expout to havo ono at Now Vir-'
Say, havo you got a ticket for tho
lecture cour&o? What! Aro wo going
Ctanmi anil toin;iies tl. lialr.
lriiuiilrn u luxurUiit Fruwtli.
Keer Julo to llu.itoro Ovty
Hlr itfl YoulufHl Color.
Cw.'ti 'i) dUifti A. hair tailing.
it.u..ilHi(.at DrimtrlUi
Can bo cared only by
a remedy that will
removo tho cnuso.
Tho oftcner you
stop it with lieadacho
powders or pills tho
quicker will it return.
Gonernlly, licadaclio $
comes from a dis- X
turbed ntoinach or
irregular bowels, nod
almost invariably X
s Family I
(a tonic laxative) will euro bond-
aclio iu short order by repainting 2
tho bowels aud reinvigoratiug tho J
It is a jreat blood medicine
nnd the favorite laxative of old X
aud young.
At druggists', Sac. and GOc. S
Six Gem SMsfe
8oo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Bund Wagon.
sura Etna inn
Insurance and Notary.
Country, No. .1(1;
Reii, No. as.
'K)Oi'1l "1" f
;?. W. X."
- - - ; f