The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1906, Image 4

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The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes ; o new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Askyourdoctorabout it.
' I Iwd n Icrrllilo coM. unci nothing rallpvoil
mo. I trloil Ayor's Cliorry I'crtiiml iiml It
iiromiitly lirokn tip my rolil. Mnmiril my
roiiL'li.uiiil PiWi-il nvnry pnrt of my body. It
tlfl wonderful work for tno." Mit..r. F. lutz.
Toledo, Ohio.
Mde by.T.O. A7r Co., Lownll, LlMS.
Alio manufaoturora or
Koop tho bowola regular with Ayor'o
Pills, just ono pill each night.
Unnecessary Dr.lay In Closlni Up the
Mlclilftan Trust Co. Case.
Moru limn six months havo elapsed
since the mandate was received from
the supreme court nlllrming the de
cision of tho lower court in the case
of the City vs. The Michigan Trust
Co. and ordering the lots sold. Paul
S. Moon made a settlement with the
city so far as the Moon block was con
cerned, but there are between ISO and
200 town lots included in the judg
ment upon which no action has been
taken and which should have been
.old long ago. Why has the city ad
ministration made no move in the
Many of these lots have been trans
ferred by quit claim deed, and the
parties procuring them stand to lose
when the order of salo'issucs.
Others of these lots have been trans
ferred by tax deed, and their pur
chasers are thereby protected from
But there is a very large percentage
of the lots, many of them of consider
able value, that are still subject to
transfer by tax deed All the lots in
cluded in the judgment are subject to
nale by tho city under the order of the
tiupreme court and it is high time
boino action was taken in this matter.
The. New Court House.
The people of P.lue Hill and Cowles
are particularly bitter against the
proposition for a new court house
not because they do not believe the
county needs one, but because each
has for years nursed hopes that the
county seat might some day be re
moved from Red Cloud and one or the
other of those towns might stand a
chance of securing it.
Last Saturday night a meeting was
held in Cowles, at which it was de
cided that if the people of Red Cloud
want a new court house they must
build it themselves. On their part,
the people of Cowles agree to build a '
substantial court house, provided the j
county seat is moved to their town, j
Itluu Hill puts tip the same kind of a
talk. Why shouldn't they? Thev have
have nothing to lose and everything
to gain and talk is cheap.
The county court house belongs just
as much to tho people of Cowles, Blue
Hill, Rosemont, Itladen, Guide Rock
and Inavale as it does to Red Cloud.
They have just as many cases in
court, as many deeds, mortgages, etc.,
on record, and furnish their share of
attendance at the sessions of court.
Therefore they are as deeply interest
ed in having a safe, substantial build
ing in which to keep the records and
hold court as are the citizens of Red
Cloud. Some day, when there is a big
crowd in attendance like those which
were seen at the Barker trial, the
barn-llko structure which disfigures
tho court house park will collapse, re
sulting in great loss of life. Should
flro once get a start among the rotten
timbers it would burn like tinder, and
the valuable records in the old shack
would be destroyed and they could
never be replaced.
There is no more justice in asking
tho people of Red Cloud to build tho
new court house than there would be
in asking one county to build a prison
in which to confine tho criminals from
tho remainder of tho state.
Wo need a now court house and wo
nro going to have one, and Itluo Hill
and Cowles may as well gel in tho I
band wagon. Tliclr oners to build a
now court house show that thoy know
tho county needs one, and, as neither
of thorn stands a ghost of a show of
gottiug tho county seat, thoy should
'come iu out of tho wet."
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, No
vember 28, furnished by tho Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Theodore F Watt to Waldo F
Crowell, vd,lot a in 10-1-9 and
part lot 7 in 0-1-1), and lot 5 blk
8, Vance's add to Guide Rock. 3 1.100
Guide Rock Cemetery Ass'n to
I) Vollers, pt nol se4 3-1-0, wd
E J Ilabcock to N K Harvey,
mitl 1-1 ii2 UO-2-12, qcd
Robert It Payne to Noah B Har
vey, n2 nel 4-2-12, wd
Florence Weber to Andrew J
Guv, feel set 7-2-1), wd
W C Fralim Co Treas to ltomard
MoNcny, pt lot 3 in 10-1-11,
tax deed 21. (IS
John It Greonhalgh to Charles 13
Ogelvie, sel 12-2-10, wd 5000
Guide Rock Cemetery Assn to
Charles 13 Ogelvie, pt nel set
3-1. II, wd 8
.Tanna Rose to Andrew. Hubleiu,
lots S, 0, 7 and 8, blk IS,
inoiit, wd 200
Total S102D2
Mortgages filed; S8,0'.I5.
Mortgages released, SSI 72.
For the week ending December 1:
Jacob Ilotz to Henry Jacob
Rehre, nwl and w2 nel 18-3-l-
wd S 8100
Henry Hanson to Gust Ander
son, sel nel and nel be! 30-3-
12, wd
J O Hull to Jesse Arnold, pt nwl
swl 8-1-11, wd
Hugh I! Hunter to Pardon 13
Fairfield, lots 11, IS and 10,
blk 2, Guide Hock, wd
Total si 1, I2S
Mortgages tiled, 10,150.50.
Mortgages released, S200
First ThanksSlYlnft Service at Indian
Creek Church.
On Thanksgiving day Rev. A. A.
Cressman ami family went out to the
Indian Creek school house, where Mr.
Cressman held the first Thnnksirivimr
service sineo the organization of the
church, some nine years ago.
A thank oiforing for home missions
was taken. Mr. Cressman and family
took dinner at the home of Frank
Lee. The evening was spent at tho
home of Jacob Reigle, where the La-'
dies' Aid Society gave a supper and j
apron sale. A large crowd was pres
ent and meals were served until Fri
day morning at 1 o'clock. The ladies
realized about 30.
Rev. Cressman and family returned
home Friday forenoon. They report
a good time and fell in love with tho
good people of Indian Creek.
Fortieth Anniversary.
Forty years ago lust Saturday, De
cember 1, lStitl, Robert Wilson and
Mary J. Henderson were united in
marriage in Saline county, Nebraska.
Last Saturday night about thirty of
their old friends gathered at their
homo to assist them iu celebrating
their ruby wedding anniversary. The
guests were invited to partake of a
bounteous feast, after which the re
mainder of the evening was spent in
pleasant conversation. Mr. and Airs.
Wilson received several handsome
presents appropriate to the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were among the
earliest settlers of Webster county,
having come here iu 1873. They have
been blessed with four children, two
of whom Mrs. Martha Dedriek and
John Wilson are still livingand make
their home with their parents iu this
Little Opposition to New School House.
The one thing upon which the citi
zens of Red Cloud appear to be agreed
is that we need a new central school
building. The petition for a new
school building which has been circu
lated the past week has been signed
Fifty Years the Standard
A Craam of Tartar Powdar
Hade from Grapes
by nearly everyone to whom present
ed. Offers of a site in the west part
of town have been received, and tho
sentiment in favor of tho new build
ing is so strong there is no doubt the
proposition will carry by an over
whelming majority when presented to
tho voters.
Letter List.
List of loftera rotnaining uncalled
for at postofllco at Rod Cloud, Nob.
for the wook ending Deo. 0, 1900":
Chester W. Hills, G W. Kellogg, K. Aj
Those will In sent to tho dead lottor
ollico Doc. 'JO, 1900, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo pleaso
say "advertised."
T. C. IIackkic, Postmaster.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurse- in Now York
discovered au aromatic pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian-Loaf.
It is tho only corlaiu
monthly regulator. Cures female
weaknesses and backache, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or liv mail fill cents. Sample
free. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co.,
LoRoy, Xew York.
Big Birds Starve Rather Than Changa
Westward Course.
A correspondent of tho Emu, living
120 mites to tho eastward of Porth.
Western Australia, reports that num
bers of emeus are destroyed in his
district by striking against tho wlro
fences set to prevent the Invasion of
Tho birds appear to migrate at ono
time of year from east to west, re
turning at the commencement of the
dry season. When thoy strlko a rab
bit fence they hang on to It in tho
angles till they perish with thirst.
A boundary rider states that in one
section of about six miles some 50
dead emeus might bo counted, while
In a length of 60 miles tho total num
ber of birds which had thus suc
cumbed was estimated at no less than
In other district tho destruction U
reported to be even worse. On the
east side of the fonco a complete
track is made by tho emeus In their
endeavor to force a paBsago.
It is obvious that, unless some
flcient remedy for this state of affairs
is speedily found, the day3 of the
emeu In the Perth district will soon
be numbered.
Just Meandering.
A city girl writes: "It is a fond
dream of mine to become a farmer'
wifo and meander with him down
life's pathway.' Ah, yes, that Is a nice
thing; but when your husband mean
ders off and leaves you without wood
and you have to meander up nnd down
the lane pulling splinters off the fence
to cook dinner, and when you mean
der along In the wot grass in search of
the cows till your shoes arc the color
of rawhide and your stockings soaked,
and when you meander out across
twenty acres of plowed ground with
a club to drive the hogs out of the
corn field and tear your dress on tho
barb-wire fence, when you meander
back home to tho house, find that tho
hilly goat has hutted the stuflln' out
of your child and find the old hen with
forty chickens in tho parlor, you'll
put your hands on your hips and real
ize that mennderlng Is not what it is
cracked up to bo. Osborne (Kan.)
Riding the Marches.
The ceremony known as the "Riding
of Langholm Marches" took placo
yesterday. At half-past flvo a drum
and flfo band summoned tho inhab
itants from their beds, and preceded
thorn to Old Hlllhead, whoro thoy
witnessed a hound race of six miles,
which was covered in 19 minutes. A
man bearing aloft on a polo a barley
bannock and salt horrlng, nnd fol
lowed by the elected comet for tho
year, with somo 60 horsemen then
perambulated certain streets and tho
steep sides of a neighboring hill, tho
party bolng refreshed with bannocks,
herrings and whiskey. On their re
turn to the town sovoral hundreds of
children carrying heather besoms
joined the procession, and a monster
Scotch thistle was born aloft. LonD
don Globe.
Figuring Out 100 Sons-ln-Law.
A few years ago, In the town of Lit
tleton, N. H., lived a man named Don
Flske, who was the typical New Eng
ender. One day a visitor at his house
asked him If ho had a large family.
"No," ho replied, "I havo only thro
girls, but I have 100 sonsinlaw."
"How Is that?" asked the stranger,
"Well, stranger, it is this way. My
oldest girl married a pretty good sort
of a man. He counts one. , Tho other
two girls marrlod good for nothing
men. They are nothing but ciphers.
As 1 and two ciphers make 100, jrou'r
got it"
If you need an Overcoat nud
como in and wo will bo glad
to show somo of them. Can
soil you Men's Coots as fol
lows: A black Kersey mmj fA
Dross Coat for. . . ,!fiUU
A black of grey co ae
Korsoy Coat for. . .9f"t)U
A black Dross Coat, n m-as.
'dandy," for ....$10
Bettor Overcoats, tnA
12.00 to $20
Fur Coats in Dogskin -cork
and Russian Calf at. .$"
Boar Coat. Beaver me .
Trimmed, at $s4
Galloway Coats,
125 to
;i Fur Lined Coats
'.! ? up to
"5 Boys' Overcoats,
f) $21,0 to
ff Hotter ones,
H P to
;Ii Corduroy, shoop
'.T. lined
f(f Corduroy Suits,
m aw.oi' to
(t Not Afraid to
JJJ Show 'Evi
fJTAUL, 5IUKLY, Clothier &
No Longer an
The idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longor bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at tho complete Hue of clear Soft Tine Finish und Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Red Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to tho buyorsof Lumber
and building material is tho fact that their prices aro reasonable,
and thoy guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. Thoy also havo u nico
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Seo their Shin
gles, i'ou can not help but admire them.
Tho members of this enterprising ilrm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, aro always glad and tako pleasure iu showing to tho
public tins nice stock.
Christmas Greeting
Wo aro horo again with a well selected stock of Holiday Goods
nnd invito your inspection.
For the Ladies
Books Fino China, Cut Glass. Toilet Sets, Manicures, Music
Rolls, Hand-Bags, Card Cases, Pictures, Fino Stationery, Jewel
Cases, otc. '
For the Men
Books, Smoking Sets, Cigar Cases, Pocketbooks, Stationery,
Safety Hazors, Traveling Sot, Shaving Cases and Mirrors,
Collar and Cull Boxes, Fountain Pens, Cigars, otc.
For the Children
Picture Books, Fancy Goods, Porfumos, Biblos, Pictures, Toys,
Games, Doll Cabs, Rocking Horses, Balls, Drawing Books, otc.
Come and kcg.
Ctias. I. Cctting, s? Druggist
No Immediate Prospect for the Rock
1). W. Turnure, secretary of the ex
ecutive committee of the Red Cloud
Commercial Club, has been investiga
ting the rumors that the Rock Island
intended building through this county.
Through the courtesy of .1. M. Guild,
commissioner of the. Omaha Commer
cial Club, tho matter was placed be
fore the Rock Island otllcials, and the
following reply was received by Mr.
Guild from General Manager J. 13. Utt
of the Rock Island:
"Referring to yours of November 10
in regard to the alleged new line of
the Rock Island through Webster
county, would state that our higher
ollicials inform mo that they arc not
contemplating any additional con
struction in this part of tho country
at the present time."
Frel&ht Thieves.
nardly a day passes but there aro
complaints of boxes and packages of
freight broken open and articles taken
out. Tho rnllway company employs a
corps of detectives, and there are fre
waut to seosomo good values, just
mMMWmwBm 'R
mWMmm w
$30 ISiMM $ W
wo Immmm
$t5 tiMjmitt
...$6.50 Wrwl ''
:: y m: .. ' -: w
quent arrests of freight thieves, but
in spite of their eirorts tho stealing
goes steadily on. Not long ago a box
supposed to contain household good
was received hero from Norton, Kan.,
but it was empty. A box which should
have contained twelve cartoons of
smoking tobacco held but one. Whisky
seems to be a favorite article with the
thieves, numerous jugs and enses of
whisky having been stolen. Nearly
every day boxes of dry goods and gro
ceries uro received horo that havo beea
broken open and part of the content
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
foot. At all druggists and shoo store
25 cents. Samplo free. Addrea
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
T Cure a Ctld li Day.
TakoLaxatlvo Bromo quinino tab
lets. Druggists refund money If it
fails to cure. B. W. Grove's signature
is on eaoh box, 25 cents.