The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1906, Image 6

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    UM Jtrpgth -avmMt . WU.- -OsrtWt.j .
jRJRmH8Ctt .MiwMwnwiwntiiMwmM
'lone train robber captured
Robs Fifteen Passengers, but Is Ar
rested Before He Could Leave Train.
Kansas City, Nov. 26. A lono rob
ber, mnsltcd and armed, robbed fifteen
passenROts on eastbound Chicago and
Alton passenger train No. 24, nenr
Glasgow, Mo., early tills morning. Ho
was arrested before ho could lcavo tho
trnln and was taken to Glasgow and
placed In jail.
Tho train Is known as tho "early
bird." It loft Kansas City Sunday
night. At Slator tho robber, wearing
a mask over his eyes, boarded tho
rear car as tho train was pulling out.
After tho train had gained speed tho
man, revolver In hand, cntored tho car
and began a systematic robbery of the
passengers. Fifteen of them were
made to disgorge. As tho train passed
through Glasgow, at which point It
docs not stop, tho man was seen at
work by tho station agent, who wired
tho chief dispatcher of tho fact. Arm
strong, tho next station cast o' Glas
gow, was notified and officers woro at
tho station tbero to meet tho train.
No stop Is ordinarily made at Arm
strong nnd tho robber, ovldently satis
fied In tho belief that ho was secure
for this reason, suspected no hnrm
whon that point was rcachod. When
tho train stopped at Armstrong and
tho officers boarded It they caught tho
robber rodhanded. Ho was taken
without serious difficulty.
Tho description of tho robber fits In
a general way that of tho man who
robbed tho Rock Island overland train
on Nov. 9, and escaped.
Hli Return.
Ah, do you remember those halcyon day
When I went barefooted nnd you mnd
mud jiIch7
On many HtrnriBe nconcs lmvo I centered
my Btizo
Since you bnilo mo Rood-by with hot
tonrn In your eyes
I have lonmrd o'rr the world, nil ltd won-
dorH I've Bcntincd
And here, wheio wo lmrted, I'm holding
jour linndl
Ah, yes. I remember tho pies nnd tho
There was one of your toes which was
minus n nnll
It scums ns If yesterday thoro In tho
You left mn n child, In short dresses
nnd frnll;
And I wept, ns you say, when you bndo
mo Kood-byo,
And will you forglvo mo for wondering
The PrlmroBe Does Not Flourish
There Amber Hall of an Empress.
Russian air Is tenth to primroses.
Not a slnglo llttlo yellow bloom has
boon known to survlvo tho many at
tempts to mnko them grow at Tsar
skoe Solo, says tho Boston Herald.
Tho cowslip has bettor luck, for now
tho gardens nro purple with lilncs,
and tho golden frlngo of laburnum
hedges tho grass, Btarred by thou-
Is Not
British Officer Says Nature
the Sole Regulator.
To a recent Iesiio of tho British
Medical Journal Major II. F. E. Austin
of Imtnrfn, Malta, contributed a papor
on commonly ovcrlokod factors In
vocal mechnnlsm In which ho asserts
thnt the universal Idea thnt all natur
ally possess either good, bad or Indif
ferent voices Is wrong and contends
that nature Is directly responsible for
one nnd orly one of theno conditions,
and that the others must be attri
buted to man's unconscious departure
from nnturo's laws.
It will bo nowB to many that by
far tho greater number do not possesB
full control of the adductor muscles of
the cords nnd are thereforo unablo to
place and keep tho cords In tho most
appropriate position quickly. The
author asserts that It is surprising
what a number of professional volco
users, as well ns amateurs, fall in this
respect. According to his thinking,
the mnjorlty of voices are lost not
from overwork but as a result of im
proper emission.
Major Austin contends thnt In or
der to obtain quickly tho thorough
control of any muscles or set of mus
t cles thoy should bo developed by brisk
First Season of "Debrutallzed" Game
Shown Decrease In Dead and Hurt.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Eleven dead and
104 severely Injured 1b tho record of
tho football season of 1900, according
to tho resume of the season's acci
dents In tin Tribune. These figures
nro comptred with tho casualties of
1905, when 18 players wero killed and
159 severely Injured, nnd, according to
tho Tribune, shows that "debrutallzed"
football has accomplished in a lur&o
degree tho object aimed at, In render
ing tho gnmo less dungerous to llfo
'and limb. Tho decrease in casualties
is especially marked among high
school players. In the season of 1905
11 eleven high school players wero
killed and 47 Injured. In tho season
just closed 7 woro killed nnd 25 wore
badly hurt. All tho college and high
school games this year wero played
under tho new rules drawn after tho
'close of Inst season to satisfy tho agi
tation for loss dangerous football
aroused hy tho long list of casualties
in tho season of 1905. Tho value of
tho now rules Is shown- In tho record
of tho big college games. This year
not one fatality has occurred In tho
games played by the larger colleges.
Tho Tribune cnrrlcs Interviews with
a number of collego presidents nnd
conches, east and west, in which tho
opinion is generally expressed that
tho now rules have achieved the elim
ination of much of tho hrutnllty and
dnngcr to life nnd limb that character
ized the game In former years and
that, above all, It has made the game
enter for high school boys.
sands of tho whlto and gold marguer-. r"Jlrrirh.i3r;f.Z
! a ...-it,... a 1. f..i .., ' movements, which fully contract then
"v. i vruiu uuntuuuo mitt leaiuuiicu
of tho cznr ns "enchanting." In tho
groat palaco which Catherine II built
Is tho far-famed amber hall. Tho
walls aro covered from floor to cor
nlco with mosaic work of different
kinds of nmbor. Tho furniture Is
formed of tho same beautiful material.
Hugo mirrors, framed In nmbcr, re
flect tho dolicato gradations of trans
lucent color. Few people nro awnro
how different In tone and tint nmbor
can be.
Soap Bubbles for. Weaklings.
Blowing soap bubbles for the de
velopment of the lungs of nervous nnd
anaemic children Is a treatment ad
vised by a Montreal physician, and It
has met with romarkablo and gratify
ing results. Tho Cnnndlan doctor,
who has dovoted himself to obstetrics,
has found In tho latter years of his
practlco that mothers In the fashion
able world object to crying babies,
and do not hesitato to sanction tho
ubo of opiates by nurses and tho
nurses give full and unqualified ap
provaland ho recites what Is well
known to every physician, that the
baby which Is lulled to sleep and not
permitted to howl and yoll becomes
deficient in lung power, and after
baby' ood is passed is a weakling. He
has undertaken the treatment of just
this class of children by tho simple
but original method of expanding and
contracting tho lungs by a pastime
which tho sickliest child will take
hold of with little or no persuasion.
He has devised a saponaceous mix
ture which will make "tough" soap
bubbles, so that in tho desire to In
crciBO tho size of tho thin-walled
globo tho little patient will exerclso
his or her lungs to tho fullest extent
and the slmplo little trick Is working
In tho caso of tho adductor muscles
of tho cords this can only bo done by
using tho voice In a most Inartistic
although physiological manner. That
is to say, words Bhould bo sung
or spoken quickly In acute pene
trating tones ("pat-n-wat-qunck" be
given ns an excellent phraso for
the purpose.) Tho voice should bo
oxt( nded up and down, note hy
noto, in this manner until tho limits
of tho compass are reached. Classi
fication into soprnno, hnrltono, etc.,
should not be attempted beforo this
has been done.
That Radium Clock.
Tho "radium clock" which is "guar
anteed to run 2,000 years" Is interest
ing. Unfortunately the news thus far
communicated to tho puhllc concern
ing it is too meager to answer even
tho natural questions which It sug
gests. Who gevo tho guarantee? Who
wanted It? How is it to be made
good? Does it carry with it a patent
able application of tho principle of
perpetual -motion? How are the ma
terials of which it is built to be pro
tected against wearing out in much
less time than that which the "guar
anty" covers? Two thousand yenrs Is
a long time. A piece of mochnnisra
needs to be very well built to keep
In motion that long nnd not he con
sumed hy friction, however perfectly
balanced and lubricated. The other
details aro negligible.
G. G. Martin Deputy Attorney General.
Lincoln. Nov. 24. Grant G. Martin
of Fremont has been appointed deputy
attorney general by W. T. Thompson.
Ho has been county attorney of Dodgo
Nebraska Bankers Elect Officers.
Omaha. Nov. 23. Tho Nebraska
Bankers' association elected the fol
lowing officeis: President, Dr. P.L.
Hall of Lincoln; now members of ex
ecutive council: Victor B. Caldwell of
Omaha. H. S. Freeman of Lincoln, C.
E. Burnham of Norfolk, Frank Mc
Giverin of Fremont, T. M. Davis of
Beaver City.
Liquor Drummer Victim of Long Un
used Section of Stocumb Law.
Lincoln, Nov. 2C After lying dor
mant for nearly twenty years, tho antl
treating section of tho Slocumb liquor
law was revived at the village of Dor
chester. A representative of a Kansas City
liquor house named Mitchell, who
treated somo of his customers and
others, was arrested and fined $o0 and
costs. It was tho first conviction un
der tho statute.
Burlington Decides to Cut Off Grain
Hauling to Relieve Fuel Stringency.
Omaha, Nov. 2C Tho Burlington
railroad Is about to cease hauling ull
grain until tho coal famine In Ne
braska has been relieved. Tho car
congestion has become so serious that
several towns aro without a ton of
coal in reserve Tho situation de
mands immediate remedy. Tho Bur
lington officials say thoy cannot pos
sibly supply tho demand for freight
cars for grain and coal at the samo
time. As tho coal demand is Impera
tive and grain can wait awhile, they
will turn Uielr attention toward re
lieving the coal famine.
Case of Pie Versus Tart.
Usngo alono must decide tho Issue
between "plo" and "tart," which has
returned to us with tho gooseberries.
Philology, at any rate, draws no clear
distinction. It only traces back "tart"
to tho Latin "tortus," twisted tho
pastry being the twisted part, of
course; while It Is very doubtful about
"pie." On tho whole, Skoat's conjec
ture that this expresses tho miscella
neous nature' of the contents Is per
suobIvo. All tho "pies" seem to' go
back to tho original ono, tho magplo
In I.ntln,' "pica" from whose black
and white aspect come "pied" and
"picbnld." The old ordinal or service
book was called "pica" or "pie" be
cause of tho appearance of tho black
letter typo on tho whlto page; and tho
edible plo, having equally mixed con
tents, mny lmvo been christened after
this by mcdlaval humor. Printers
lnngungo retains both "pica" for a
kind of typo and "plo" for typo all
jumbled up. London Chronicle.
Promised Much for Balloon.
An English newspaper published on
June 13, 1824, contained the following
paragraph: "A Dr. Thornton has pro
jected a hnlloon and solicited sub
scribers at 10 guineas ($50) each to
patronize- his scheme. Ho describes
his new vehicle as having wings nnd a
tall, worked by a steam engino and
mechanical powers; mn'do to ascend
and descend at pleasure, to travel 100
miles within an hour in any direction
and to carry letters nnd persons to
nny distance." The performance did
not equal the promise.
The "Blood Bible."
A famous Bible, known ns the
"Blood Bible," has been sold by public
auction at Breslau to tho descendants
of Frederick von Tronic, its original
owner, tor $200. Frederick von Trenk
was imprisoned nnd confined in chains
by Frederick the Gient for his temer
ity In making lovo to tho King's sis
ter, Princess Amnlia. During his in
carceration Von Trenk inscribed 200
blank pages in this Bible, a present
from the princess, with love sonnets
in her honor, every word of which
was written with his own blood.
Forcing Thoughts Into Different
Groove Better Than Rest.
"Thoro is probably not a slnglo med
ical man in any of tho &refct cities
who is In general practlco who can
not number many among his patients
suffering from brain-fag. Tho malady
seems to nffect old and young people,
tho patient complaining of feeling
kcedy,' 'played-out,' 'lack of energy,1
uul 'general rostlossness.' Tho Indi
vidual who has to work hard with his
rnlns," snld a doctor, "doesn't seem
to realize that tho mental organs wnnt
'xorciso. Tho prevailing opinion ia
'hat ono suffering from brain-fag only
'equires complete rest to effect a
uro. I don't say that rest is not a l
"rent ndvnntngo in somo enses, hut
moro often than not brain o'-orolse
"tires braln-fng. An intrlrnto r" "Je,
a game of chess or checkers, or ardo
anything which will excrri the
mind in a different sphoro to ' lly
groove wil act as a lo, nd,
coupled lth good oxercl i the
open air, speedily nffect u i ' ng
cure." London Answers.
The Bachelors of England.
Under our present system our men
emigrate but leave our delicately nur
tured women at homo. Families of
grown-up, unmarried daughters, dis
contented and restless, aro far too
numerous nmon'g us, and all tho while
In far-off places of tho empire, thoro
nro men by tho thousand hungering
for tho sight of an English lass. Wo
do not exaggerate. Tho flag of Brit
nln in too many parts of tho earth is
flying over a generation of bachelorB.
Boy and Girl.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of
and has been made under his per-
TS?as sonal supervision since its infancy.
f-CC4CUM Allow no nn tn flnnnivn vnii In tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that triilo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Flie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
can be greatly Increased by giving
special care to the health of every
animal and fowl on the farm.
Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs,
horses, etc., depend on their livers
to keep them well
SriA Am
Stock and Poultry
keeps thflr livers working and
therefore keeps them well.
Black-Draught Stock and Poul
try Medicine is a pure, natural,
vegetable, blood purifier, and acts
by regulating the ttomach, live
and bowels.
It prevents and cuies Hog Chol
era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis
temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa
tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite,
Wasting Away, and all tho com
mon stock dKeass.
It Is a perfect tmllclne for gen
eral farm use. Try it
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is Specific;,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, henln, nnd protects the
diseased. luemhrnne. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the I Toad quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taate and Smell.
Easy to uko. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Sizo, fiO conts at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial Sizo, 10 conts by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.
Price 25c for a largr.cant at
all druggists and dcolcts
Morton h. 11111. of Lebnnon. Ind.. ay; "Mj
wife had Inllnrnrniitorv Rheumatism In overj
muf.cle nnd joint: dor MiirerhiK waH terrible
nnd her bmly and face were swollen almost be
yond recognition: had been In bed nix wo
and had eight phyrtrlaiiH. but received nr
benefit until Hho tried the Mystic euro foi
Rheumatism. It save immediate rollot ano
he watt nblo to walk about In three days. 1 an
sure It saved her life." Sold by H. E. OriP'
DruKKlxt. Red Cloud.
A Cuarantecil Cure for Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding
nilns. Drnirtrlsts nro authorized to
refund money if Puzo Ointment failb
1 to cure in 0 to 1 1 days. CO cents.
I This Morning?
. A Gentle Laxative I
And Appetizer I
iaocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Jasy Medicine for Btny Feople,
Brlnga Qoldoa Health and l'onowed Vigor.
A uneclflo for Constipation, Iwllpostlon, I.lvo
ltoiioich. n
Irentli. Blue
uul HndMclie. It's Rooky 1
HVllt 1. I.t.lflt. PHHAiiUfun lllmnln. Cn lAmn Tmv.A
n ,h.t...v iiuiiuicn. I IIIMIIU. l-i III , III,Ui
nood, uan iireath, Rhurelsh Uowcis, Hiwiucno.
ho. It's Kooky Mountain Tr mtao
't form. 85 enitR n hnx. OonuinB i lo by
foLLismn Druo Company", Mndlson, V
r nfif w ""v T"" EurBir
MOST vL.n Cr
j ally r"lii:v uv:
?RrgjJTO2fc The medicinal virtues of tho crude ju'ai3 and resins
WT?vvVJ nMHnnil from tlin M.iMvpTMnn havnhnpn rr-rvxriiirrfl
by the medical profession for centuries. Piuu-ulea
Contain the virtues of tho Native Pine thatare of value iu reliev
ing Backache, Kidney, Blood.Bladder and Rheumatic Tioubles.
0) Ajj
iuuu iiuutir-uuiauv, JLJUUU1C3.
To Cure a Cold in Or
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
seven wimon poxbi owi " " """ w. - .,
Cures Grip
la Two Days.
w. every
Jwirt Mt. 35c,
. Mwwtojlfti!
WWf , ,vMWi .mmmmrn
??( ytt4m-
& wt n tv-v A.Wi' farV fc MV -' &-,',, Jis4 X. jiiJUfcj!