!w - V ; LOCAIETTES 1 C. I'1. Cnthcr is home from Wyoming. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damcrcll block. Hiss Ilcssic Dickenson is visiting in Hildrcth. John Kose was down from lllue Hill Saturday. Nebraska defeated Cincinnati yestor day, 41 to 0. Charley Moranvillc returned Friday from Lincoln. D. K. Whitakcr returned Monday from Colorado. W. K. Oeer and family spent Thurs day in Superior. William Ariirit was down from Hluo Hill Wednesday. N. S. Uants is able to be out after a very severe illness. Will Maekey is nursing a bad felon 4)D one of his fingers. ITiss Moore of Lincoln is the guest of Miss Vera Crabill. llrs. Ed Amack is visiting at her former home in Illinois. Will Sullivan returned to Houldcr, Col., the first of the week. C. W. Jlushee and family arc visit ing in Holdrege this week. Miss Villa Ross and Miss Zoc San son are visiting in Heatriee. Bnapp's orchestra played for the lance in Superior last night. The petitions for a new court house -arc being signed numerously. Dishwasher wanted at the Hurling ton hotel. First class wages. Kemp simply delighted his audience. Aurora (111.) Daily Express. Dr. and Mrs. Rice of Aurora, 111., are guests of Dr. J. S. Emigh. Carl Hirkner returned Sunday from . two months' stay in Kansas. Mrs. Leonard and Miss Agnes were lown from Iliverton Saturday. Karl Spcnce went to Bladen to eat Thanksgiving turkey at home. The Red Cloud Highs are playing a return game in Lebanon today. Walter Scott and W. S. Ashby were down from Uluc Hill last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Blackledge at tended ,the dance in Superior last night. Hen Williams and Miss Edna Wil liams went to llloomington Wednes day. Arthur MeArthur spent Thanksgiv ing with relatives in Long Island, Kan. J. O. Hutler and Will. Scrivner re lumed Sunday from their Colorado trip. Mrs. Mary l'otrio of Sheldon, Neb., is visiting at the home of John Kel- Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Fort are visiting their three daughters in Orleans this -week. George Van" Camp came down from Hastings Friday to see the football .game. Miss Florence l'otter went to Lin coln Wednesday to spend Thanks giving. Whenever you happen to think of a iicws item, phone it to Hell 72 or Mu tual 23. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warren and Hiss Ruth Warren spent Thursday in Superior. Oscar Hurroughs, water and light commissioner, , spent the week in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harlow left Tuesday for their home in Los An .gelos, Cal. Prof. Dudley went to Superior yes day to see the Franklin-Superior foot ball game. Don't forget the big football game next Friday Superior High vs. Red Cloud High. Mrs. Arneson and daughter Sara ate turkey as the home of Fay Arneson, in Walnut Creek. Mr. Kemp kept everyone laughing. Burlington Ilawkcye. Opera house, Monday night. A now switchboard was placed in the Farmers' Mutual Telephone ex change Sunday. Earl Roberts was arrested last night on an old warrant charging him with disturbing the peace. Prof. John Wecsner, principal of the Webber schools, came homo to eat turkey with his parents. Kemp is a clever reader -reader and impersonator. Hatavla (111.) Herald. Opera house Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Martin of Port land, Ore., visited old friends in lied Cloud the first of the week, Rev. Austin returned Sunday from Juniata, where he had been assisting in conducting a revival service. Mrs. Charles Milligan, son Charley and daughter Gertrude went to Ale Cook Thursday for a brief visit. George P. Miller, who was formerly in tlie cigar manufacturing business here, is now located at Humboldt. A. Brunor suffered a stroke of par alysis last Saturday and is reported as being in a very serious condition. The ladies of tho Christian church will hold their bazar at the F. fc M. bank building a week from tomorrow. A fi-year-old mare belonging to Frank Kudrna dropped dead near the State bank corner Saturday forenoon. Guy Hradbrook, "Cy" Hayman, Ev erton Foe and Hruee Frame took in the football gamu at Lincoln Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stine in Superior Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Pattie Jackson and Mrs. Juliet Walker arc visiting at tho home of Secretary of State Galnsha in Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Reed of Bladen were guests at tho home of their daughter, Mrs. George Newhouse, yes terday. Miss Winifred Perkins and Miss Winifred Sherman visited at the home of Dan Norris in Walnut Creek last Sunday. KCnneth Williams has resigned his position at McFarland's and loft on Wednesday for Lincoln, whore he has a position. Tone the liver, move the bowels, cleanse the system. Dade's Little Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's drug store. Mrs. Charley Whitakcr and baby arrived Monday from Holly, Col., for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hosmer. Are you troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you immediate relief. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Miss Inez Clark returned to her home in Smith county, Tuesday, after a visit with her brother, Don Clark, and Miss Nita Argabrlght. Wanted A second cook and a dish washer; 820 per month, board and rtfohi." Bon Ton Bakery and Restau rant, W. S. Bense, proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson have issued invitations to a supper tomor row evening in honor of the fortieth anniversary of their marriage. Old time prices prevail at Mercer's barber shop, basement of Potter block. Steam heat and all modern conven iences. Try "The Brunswick." In every clime its colors are unfurled Its fame is spread from sea to sea; Be not surprised if in the other world You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Russell Shields, the new editor of Early Ohio Potatoes ! 85c per bvxshel 75c in 5 bushel lots McFABLAIND 15he GROCER All the Phones the Blue Hill Leader, denies that he is a relative of F. P. Shields, formerly of this city. We stand corrected, bro ther. The arc lights were hung on Web ster street Tuesday and present a line appearance. The balance of the street lights are being hung as rapidly as possible. Elmer Doughman, living north of Guide Rock, was adjudged insane bust Friday and was taken to Lincoln Sat urday morning by Sheriff Hedge and Win. Finney. Superior High vs. Red Cloud High next Friday, November 7. In the game at Superior Red Cloud was de feated, 13 to 0, but they expect to do better next Friday. Rudolph Kublck and Miss Florence Galbrcth were married last Saturday and left the same evening for Repub lican City, where Mr. Kubick is fore man of the roundhouse. A. E. Strohm, the Invale druggist, was last Saturday sentenced to pay a line of S200 and costs, amounting in all to about 8000. In default of pay ment he is confined in jail. Mrs. Duerr, two sous and daughter, were in Red Cloud Tuesday on their way home to Flathead, Mont., after a visit with Mrs. Duerr's sister, Mrs. John Peterson, at Cora, Kan. Superior High defeated a mixed team from Franklin yesterday, 10 to 0. Positive assurance was given Prof. Dudley yesterday that Superior would be here for a game next Friday. Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest eurative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or tablets, 35c. C. L. Cotting. Rev. N. A. Martin, presiding elder of the Hastings district, was in Red Cloud Tuesday night and Wednesday morning on his way home from con ducting quarterly conference at Guide Rock. Miss Orclla Goble of Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Newhouse Tuesday. She was on her way home from Los Angeles, Cal., where she has been taking a post-graduate course as a nurse. A. J. Waskom, who has been hold ing down a job at Hazard, Neb., has been appointed agent for the Burling ton at Ilalsey, Nob., and his many friends hero will bo pleased to hear of his promotion. '' Some persons are circulating reports that, because the county has no avail able cash, it is deeply in debt. When the Burlington tax suits are settled the county will have "scads" of money provided we win. Every 'school district, every church and every lodge room in the county should own one of those handsome eight-day regulators now being given away by Tiik Ciuiii'. Ten new sub scribers will secure one. Henry W. Wiggin and Bertha M. Kent were married yesterday noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ida Kent, Rev. 0. W. Hummel oillci ating. None but the immediate rela tives of the bride and groom were present. Secret Service Oilleer Harry Barlow is nursing a broken arm, received while shucking corn. It appears that corn picking is a more dangerous occupa tion than tho pursuit of murderers, bandits and burglars In this part of the world, at least. Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Watson of Logan township died November 13. Tho child pulled the stopper from tho wushing ma chine, which was full of hot water, and was scalded bo badly that it died from the effects. Smith County Mes senger. A. J. Lepinski of Hastings, deputy state organizer of Fraternal Order of Eagles, has been in Red Cloud this week with a view to establishing an "aorio" here. He secured more than fifty signers to the petition and the lodge will be instituted in tho near future. City Clerk Fort came inlo this office Wednesday and let out a "Whoop 1 Hurrah !" Cause: Ho had just received word from tho Westinghouse people that tho generator for the electric light plant had been shipped on No vember 27. This means light before January 1, if the railroads do their part. Red Cloud is sadly in need of hitch- CASTOR r A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bignaturo of (MJe7&&d6& JTWKSGlVlfl The day when we go back to the old home to feast on the home-fattened Turkey and the pies that mother makes; the day when Friend meets Friend. The man who goes visiting as well as the man who entertains will, of course, wish to appear at his best. We're ready to strengthen .any weak Spots in the wardrobe and place a man in condition to appear well on Thanksgiv ing day. I Suits Overcoats Hats Ties Gloves Anything that's wanting can be found here. The style will be right, the prices will be right, and the man we dress will have something to be thankful for. Gomden-lfaley Clothing Go. t J I ALWAY9 RELIABLE '.' First Door North of PostotTlce, Red Cloud, Ncbr. i ing racks. On Saturdays and other da-s when there are more than the average number of farmers in town many of them find themselves without a place to tie their teams. One of tho leading merchants has volunteered to contribute 35 to relieve the situation. Who will be the next? Temperance Sunday was observed in this city by a big union meeting at the Methodist church, under the aus pices of the W. C. T. U., last Sunday evening. Short addresses were deliv ered by Revs. Davis, Crcssninn and Austin of the local churches, and Rev. Strawn, one of tho field workers in the Christian church. The music fur nished by the union choir and the male quartet was of an exceptionally fine order. f Monday was the thirty-second anni versary of the wedding of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Cressman. They were as quiet about it as possible, but some way tho gaiety of tho day thirty-two years ago became too much for them and in an unguarded moment one or the other of them gave the secret away. The Junior Endeavorers found it out and went, fifty strong, to the parsonage in the evening, completely surprising the reverend gentleman and his gracious wife. At their meeting Monday night the Odd Fellows elected tho following of ficers for the ensuing term: Noble grand, Charles Grout; vice grand, 12 r nest Welseh; secretary, O. 0. 'IJeol; treasurer, Joseph Fogol; trustee, J. C. Saylor. The lodge is in a very pros perous condition. Last spring it pur chased about 8300 worth of regalia and paraphcruulia, and has .recently ordered 100 worth in addition. When this, arrives it will be ono of tho best equipped lodges in the state. A petition has been drawn up and is being circulated, asking for a new school house. Wo certainly need one. The First Ward school building should have been abandoned long ago, and while the high school building has soon its best days it could still bo fixed up for high .school purposes, What vyo need is. a central grammar school building, located in tho west central part of town, where all tho I GI i i i pupils up to the eighth grade ean at tend. Tills would enable the teachers to give half again'as good service as is now given. It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in tho treatment of diseases of tho bladder and kidneys. SuiYerors from back ache and other troubles due to faulty action of tho kidneys find relief In tho use of Pine-ulcs. SI buys 30 days treatment. Sold at Henry Cook'n drug store. - i FIVE YEARS FOR GRACE AUEN. Ncftrcss Who Robbed Gcorftc HeatM Gets Seven: Sentence. From Wednesday's Star. Five long, weary years must pass before Grace Allen steps from the doors of the state penitentiary a free woman. Dear was tho price she paid for the momentary fondling of George Heaton's purse, and the jury was not long in finding her guilty of larceny from tho person. Her trial occurred some weeks ago and Judge Holmes this morning imposed tlie sentence. Grace is a colored girl, tall and wil lowy. During fair week, shois charged with having enticed Georgo Heatou, a venerable man from Red Cloud, into an alloy, where she took his purse. Mr. Heaton saw her receding figure and started in pursuit, racing through the crowded streets while they were at their fullest. He captured her and clung to her firmly until the arrival of tho police. In police court tho woman pleaded that she was in company with her ' bosom friend, Viola May, who had done whatever wrong there was. Viola started to run, and Grace thought the police were coming and likewise ran. That Mr. Heaton captured her instead of tho real guilty person was an acci dent, sho declared. The usual storm of tears followed tho sentence of the court. Storms of tears are frequent with Miss Allen, whoso sorrowful eyes drip every timo she is arrested or receives a sentence for crime. Her visit to the peniten tiary this timo will be like a visit home she has served previously be hind tho big gray wall. 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