The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1906, Image 2

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Kntcred In the Foitofllce at lied Cloud. scb
as Second CIhm Mutter
Pawl C. Pharks
Qioroi Newmoubr
Prosecuting Attorney Refuses Any
Concession Prisoner Says Brother
Robbed Golden State Limited Tells
of His Movements Prior to Holdup.
Marshall, Mo., Nov. 27. Tho bandit
who held up the Chicago find Alton
train between Glasgow and Slater,
Mo., was brought to tho county jail
and immediately opened negotiations
with tho prosecuting attorney, offering
to make a full confession If the chnrgo
against him was mado burglary. In
Missouri tho oxtrcrmo penalty for
train robbery Is death, tho minimum
ton years' Imprisonment. Tho prose
cutor refused any concession, and tho
bandit then volunteered a statement,
as follows:
"My name is Claudo Randall; my ago
twenty years and nine months. I
camo from St. Louis to Mexico, Mo.,
on tho Wabash, and from Mexico to
Slater on tho Chicago nnd Alton rail
road. My brother was the ono who
robbed tho Golden Stato limited, andj
ho told mo that tho Golden Stato 11m-,
ltcd did not stop between Slater nnd
Mexico, and for that reason I camo
to Slater to get on tho train. I got in
tho smoking car and wont through it
nnd robbed two or three other cars.
I did not take any money from work
Jngmen or ladles, as I only wanted to
tako money from thqso that had mado
it caBy and could afford It. One mnn
on tho trnln, when ho heard mo toll
another passenger that I did not wnnt
any of his money because ho was a
laborer, Bald ho was a laborer also. I
did not bollevo him, and asked him to
snow me his hands. Upon looking nt
them I found them ns soft as a wom
an's. I then mado him dig tip, tak
ing from him IiIh $45 watch, which I
told him I would send to the St. Louis
Republic, where ho could get it, ns I
only wanted It to keep tlmo
by until I got to my destination. When
tho trnln reached Glasgow I got off on
tho platform, and ns tho train started
to movo I mounted It ngtln and com
menced to go through the passengers ;
in a sleeping car, where I allowed the
conductor to get too closo to me, nnd
ho grnbbed my pistol and my throat.
Ho then wrenched tho pistol from mo,
and I broke nnd rnn to tho back of tho
train. Many of tho passengers and
all of tho train crow rushed upon me
whllo tho train wns In motion, struck
mo upon tho hend with the pistol and
tried to throw mo overbonrd whllo the
train was running thirty miles an
hour. Tho trnln soon Btopped, and I
wns captured. I was born nenr Grant
City, Mo. I got about $1,500 and
about eight or ten watches from tho
passengers on tho train. I did not
want tills jewelry, but they forced mo
to tako It."
Such Is Opinion of Doctors on Stand In
Gillette Murder Case.
Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. 27. Two
physicians, who wero present at tho
autopsy hold on Grnco Brown's body,
went on tho stand at tho Glllotto mur
der trial and testified that tho girl
received blowB before entering tho
water that wero sufficient to cnuso
death and which, in their opinion, did
cause denth in this case I
Theso physicians, Dr. A. O. Douglas
and Dr. E. II. Douglas, both of Llttlo
Falls, but not relatives, declared un
der onth that Grace Drown was not
drowned. It was their opinion that
she died from blows which killed or
rendered her unconscious before her
body wns dropped into Nig Mooso
lake. They declared that thero was
not enough water In tho lungs of tho
body to warrant a theory of drowning.
Former Senator Mills, Gillette's senior
counsol conducted, tho cross-examination.
Ho spent sovoral hours In nn
effort to shnko tho testimony of theso
wltnesscB, nnd whllo ho succeeded In
confusing Dr. A. O. Douglas some
what, neither of tho physicians with
drew tholr opinion that Graco Brown
wns killed or rendered unconscious
before Bho wns immorscd In tho
wntors of Big Mooso lake.
Tho theory advanced by tho defenso
was that tho blows could havo been
administered nftor death and tho lino
of questioning Indicated n contention
that tho girl In drowning roso to tho
surface of tho water threo times, nnd
each tlmo struck 'o overturned skiff
nnd received tho injuries In question.
Sensational Charges In Connection
With Railway Ordinances.
Pittsburg, Nov. 27. C. S. Cameron,
president of tho Tubo City railroad,
and William A. Martin, a member of
tho common council, woro rearrested
hero following a meeting of tho coun
cil in connection with tho recent
charges that thoy wero trying to do
fraud tho railroad out of $70,000. Tho
two men wero first arrested last
Wednesday and held first In $80,000
ball, which was later reduced to $10,
000. Tho charges woro made by C. It.
Richardson, a stockholder, who
charged "grafting" in connection with
a number of ordinances now pending
boforo tho Pittsburg councils. Sensa
tional charges aro mado regarding tho
Tubo City rnllroad ordinances, which
provide for a proposed rnllroad line
from McKecsport, with Pittsburg ns
tho terminal.
No Favor for Patrick.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 27. "Tho state
ment that I hnvo promised or Inti
mated to anybody that I will commute
the sentence of Albort T. Patrick is
laboolutcly and unqualifiedly false,"
said Governor Hlgglns.
Military Secretary Says Too Great
Leniency Is Shown Offenders.
Washington, Nov. 27. Desertion is
on tho Increnso In tho United States
army. The annual report of tho mili
tary secrotary shows that In tho year
ended Juno 30 there wero 0,258 deser
tions, 7.4 per every 100 soldiers In tho
nrmy. From 1895 to 1904 tho averngo
of desertion wns only 0.1. From 1895
to 1901 tho averago of desertion was
only 4.5 per cent.
Whlto Holdiera showed a desertion
averngo of 8.4 per cent, whllo tho ne
gro soldiers showed nn averngo of
only 2.3 por cent.
Of tho men who desorted ln.lOOG,
813 havo been apprehended and 240
surrendered to tho military authori
ties. Tho total number of deserters
convicted of desertion, sentenced to
confinement and dishonorably dis
charged was 628.
"Tho number of dcsortlons," snys
General Alnsworth, "doubtless will bo
decreased if tho military authorities
themselves cen30 to exerclso tho len
iency with which they have heretofore
treated desortors who havo been ap
prehended end returned to military
Wife of Sioux Falls. Brewer Denies
Murder of Agnes Polreis.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 27. A plea
of not guilty was entered by Mrs.
Emma Kaufmnnn, wife of tho wealthy
brewer, Moses Kaufmnnn, when sho
was arraigned beforo Judge Jones In
tho stnto circuit court on a charge of
murdering Miss Agnes Polrols, a six-teeu-year-old
domestic who was In
Mrs. Kaufmann's employ. Notice was
ghen that arguments would bo mado
for a continuance to a further term of
court. Tho proceedings wero dovoid
of sensational features.
Death of Herman Kountze.
Omaha, Nov. 22. Herman Kountze,
aged seventy-three, a pioneer and ono
of tho wealthiest men of Omaha, died
suddenly at Wntkins Glen, N. Y.,
whero he had gono about two months
ago for his health. Ho had been sick
for nearly two years, but his death
wns unexpected, and only his wife
was present nt Ills bedside. Mr.
Kountze was president of tho First
National bank, a member of tho firm
of Kountze Bros of New York and
Denver, and ono of tho largest owners
of real estato in Omaha.
Explosion In Wilburton Mine.
Wilburton, I. T., Nov. 27. With a
record of nineteen horrible deaths
during tho past year, the Deganon &
McConnel coal mine No. 19, at Wil
burton, blew up with frightful force
Six men in tho shaft miraculously es
caped. Tho mine had been on fire sev
eral dnys. It cannot be determined
whether any lives wero lost.
Murderer Escapes From Mine.
Linton, Intl., Nov. 27. A search of
Tower IIIH mlno disclosed tho fact i
that Louis Shulley, who shot, and fa-1
tally wounded W. A. Watson, had gone
through a passage Into a connecting
mlno with tho Midland mine nnd had
then escaped through a manholo.
Cholera Virus Kills Ten.
Manila, Nov. 27. As a josult of ex
periments with cholera virus at Billbld
prison, ten prisoners out of twenty
four who woro inoculated have died.
Complaint Based on Recent Birth of
Forty-thlrd Child by Fifth Wife.
Salt Lako, Utah, Nov. 24. Joseph F.
Smith, president of tho Mormon
church, appeared in tho district court
beforo Judge Rltchlo and pleaded
guilty to a chargo of unlawful cohabi
tation and a fine of $300 was Imposea.
Tho chargo under which tho Mor
mon prophet was arrested and fined
wnB based on tho recent birth of
President Smith's forty-third child,
lorn to his fifth wife.
Judgo Rltchlo imposed the maxi
mum flno, but omitted tho jail sen
tence of from ono day fb six months,
which ho might havo Imposed under
the Utah statute.
Is Deeply Impressed With United
States Navy, With Panama and
Porto Rico Isthmian Canal Will Be
Subject of Special Message.
Washington, Nov. 27. Completing
a romarkablo trip to Panama, during
which ho traveled Bovoral thousand
miles by sea and visited not only the
isthmus, but Porto Rico as well, and
voicing IiIh thorough enjoyment of tho
entlro voyage President Roosevelt
returned to Washington last night.
Tho trip up tho Potomac on tho con
verted yacht Maylower, to which ho
and his party wero transferred from
tho Louisiana at Plney point, was
mado without special incident. As tho
Mayflower pulled into tho dock at tho
roar of tho oflleo of the commandant
nt tho navy yard, Miss Ethel Roose
velt, tho president's daughter, and
Miss Hagnor, Mrs. Roosevelt's secre
tary, were waiting to greet tho party.
Miss Roosevelt Immediately rushed
on board as soon ns tho gang plank
wns laid and affectlonntely greeted
her father and mother. Thero was
also at tho dock to welcomo tho presi
dent Captain McCoy nnd Lieutenant
Commander Kay of tho marine corps,
tho president's nldos, and tho com
mandnnt and other officials of tho
navy yard and the Uruguayan charge
d'affaires. Tho president Inndcd with
in ten minutes after tho arrival of
tho Mayflower. To those who met
them ho stated that he had had a
delightful trip and that ho was feeling
flno. Tho president and Mrs. Roose-J
veit lmmeuiateiy proceeueu to mo
white house. As the president alight
ed from his carriage, he shook hands
with all tho attaches and others wait
ing on tho portico.
Speaking of his trip, tho president
eald: "Wo had a very pleasant, very
enjoyable time, and I am deeply Im
pressed with the United States navy,
with Panama and with Porto Rico."
The Panama canal, it was stated by
tho president, will be a subject of a
special messago and consequently
on that subject tho president will say
nothing at this time.
Nebraska Bar Association Elects.
Omaha. Nov. 24. Tho Nebraska Bar
association elected the following offi
cers: President, T. J. Mahoney, Oma
ha; vlco presidents, C. C. Flansburg,
Lincoln; W. V. Allen, Madison, and C
L. Richards, Hebron; secrotary, Ros
coe Pound, Lincoln; treasurer, A. G.
EUIck, Omaha; member of executive
council, S. P. Davidson. Tecumseh.
Fall From Wagon Proves Fatal.
Holdrege, Neb., Nov. 20. An acci
dent occurred In which Emll John
son, a drayman living at Loomls, lost
his life. Ho came to Holdrege for a
load of lumber and on the way back
his team became scared and started
to run, while ho and his cousin,
Charles Johnson, were walking behind
the wagon. Emll climbed to the top
of the load In order to get hold of tho
linos, and in some way fell so that
'the wagon ran over him and crushed
his chest, killing him almost Instantly.
Secretary Miller Announces Winners
of Recent Contest in Nebraska.
Lincoln, Nov. 23. Of tho nlntey
seven -boys who entered tho state corn
contest authorized by the state board
of agriculture, fourteen made final
Secretary Miller has announced Roy
R. Johnson of Burchard winner of tho
first prize, $50, for producing 8,535
pounds of corn on a single aero.
Henry W. Olderog of Gretna won tho
second, $40, with an acreage of 8,290
Baltimore Man Wanted for Kidnaping
at Grand Island.
Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 27. Sher
iff Dunkel will leave today for Balti
more to secure possosslon of a twelve-year-old
boy named Bruner, alleged to
havo Been kidnaped by a traveling
man named L. Winakur. Tho mother
of the boy, acting with tho sheriff,
has had Winakur held on a charge of
kidnaping, and requisition papers for
him woro issued. A letter received
from tho boy urged tho mother to
make hasto and rescue him.
Chancellor Andrews Orders Expulsion
of Students Who Chew.
Lincoln, Nov. 27. Tho chewing of
tobacco must censo at tho Stato uni
versity. Denn Pond of tho law school
posted a letter from Chancellor An
drews ordering tho expulsion of stu
donts who chow. Dean Pound an
nounced that tho rule would bo rigidly
Moro than a yonr ago smoking was
tabooed on tho campus. Now tho
smokers adjourn to a place south of
TT'"c:L .lzr- ""'
m v , w i w u inn jwiii w wa f
Under Arrest at Alliance for Trying
to Kill Car Repairer.
Alliance, Neb., Nov. 23. Louis
Montgomery, night switchman in tho
Burlington yards hero, was arrested
en tho chnrgo of attempting to murder
W. J. Durklrt. a car repairer. Mont
gomery was drinking and profuse with
nbttblvn language, which resulted In a
quarrel with Durkln, in which Mont
gomery drew a knire, Inflicting a six
Inch wound across tho abdomen of
Durkln. Prompt medlcnl attention was
given and it Is believed no serious re
sults' will occur unless complications
set In.
Henry Hablg, Veteran Engineer, Is Ac
cldentally Shot by Son-ln-Law.
Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 27. Henry
Hablg was shot and Instantly killed
while hunting along tho Platte river,
a gun In tho hands of his son-in-law. '
Arnold Fehrcnkamp. having accident-1
ally discharged. Hablg had tlmo
only to say: "Arnold, you've klllfi:
mo." Ho thereupon reeled nnd foil
before Fehrcnkamp, who did not know
that, his own gun had been discharged,
could cover tho tei steps between
them. The body was lmmediatoly
brought to the city in a hack, Hablg,
Fehrcnkamp nnd Chauncey Hablg,
son of tho dead man, liavlng gono
down on a handcar over the St. Joseph
and Grand Island, or which Hablg wns
a local engineer.
Declares Charges of Grafting Are
Work of Political Enemies.
Omaha, Nov. 27. Cartooned before
the world as tho meanest man In it,
on the basis of tho indictment of the
San Francisco grand jury, which pro
nounces him nnd his politicnl coad
jutor, Abraham Ruef, guilty of steal
ing thousands of dollars sent to the
earthquuke nnd fire sufferers and per
petrating a system of graft off tho
dlvokeepers of the stricken city, Eu
gene E. Schmltz, mayor of San Fran
Cisco, towering In his six feet two, Tit
Union station, proclaimed his Inno
cence and declared that ho was tho
victim of political persecutors.
"It's all politics, politics," exclaimed
tho men who was sent from the lead
ership of a theater orchestra Into the
mayor's chair of tho metropolis of the
Pacific coast. "I am only surprised
In ono detail and that Is they have
started In rnther early this tlmo. Th.
usually Walt until nearer election
time. As soon as I reached the other
side and heard of their charges I Im
mediately turned around and hastened
for homo that I might face my ac
Members of Coming Legislature Have
Numerous Railroad Measures.
Lincoln, Nov. 2G. Reports brought
In by members-elect of the stato legis
lature aro to the effect that numerous
bills will bo introduced giving power
to the state railway commission to do
business nnd some apprehension has
been expressed lest tho multiplicity of
bills result In tho defeat of tho ob
ject aimed at by all of them. Those
who havo expressed themselves desire
a measure, plain nnd to tho point,,
which will leavo no doubt of the In
lent of Its provisions.
During tho last session of tho legis
lature Senator Gcorgo L. Sheldon, now
governor-elect, Introduced n bill cre
ating a railway commission, to bo
composed of tho governor, tho attor
ney genernl and tho stato treasurer,
and defining tho duties of this board.
Bccauso of the great power conferred
upon tho commission tho railroad lob
by fought the bill to Its death. As a
basis for n bill to bo Introduced this
coming session it has been suggested
tho Sheldon bill is a good one. At
this tlmo Governor-elect Sheldon
would doubtless suggest Borne chnnges
In the details of tho powers given tho
commission In his own bill.
Holdup Men Kill Proprietor and Shoot
Janitor of Kentucky House.
Kansas City, Nov. 2C In an at
tempt to hold up nnd rob J. FranK
Emory, proprietor of tho Kentucky
house, a second rate hotel In Kansas
City, Kan., Emery was shot and killed
and Leo Simon, a negro porter, was
shot in tho shoulder and slightly
wounded. Charles Rumble, an Iron
molder from Independence, Mo., one
of tho would-be robbers, was shot In
tho cheek by officers who pursued him
and Sam Hutton, a nogro, down Min
nesota avenue, tho principal street In
tho city. Rumble's wound is not serl
ous. Both Rumblo and Hutton wor
Canada Abrogates Postal Convention,
Washington, Nov. 24. As tho re
sult of friction over publishers' priv
ileges in tho two countries, tho Cana
dian government has notified this gov
ernment that tho postal convention
between q two countries will bo
abrogated on May 7 next.
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