The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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$1 a Year
in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
Commencing Saturday, December 1, Continuing to December IO
Skirts! Skirts!
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Tailor-made Skirts over 300 up-to-date
Skirts to select from. To re
duce this stock quick we will give
Per Cent Discount,
or 1-5 off on already cheap prices.
Postern Hats, Street Hats, Trimmed Hats
For Cent Discount,
or off. Now is the time and this
is the placeto,save money and get a
nice stylish Hat for a very- small
Ladles'. Hisses' and Children's
Per Cent Discount,
i-m otr
Wo have 200 Qloaks. Wo
are going to soil ovory Clonk
in tho store. That" is why wo
make tho big cut prico so
oarly in tho season.
We carry the largest stock of Grocesies in the city,
and lead in prices.
800 bushels Fancy Ben Davis Apples at 65 cents per
bushel. 60 cents in 5 bushel lots.
With each $2.00 CASH purchase during this sale we
will sell one bushel Ben Davis Apples at 50c; with a $3.00
purchase, a bushel at 45 cents; $4.00 purchase, 40c; 5.03
purchase, 35c. Only one bushel to each customer.
8 II
7 . 1 1
V I-JJr&JcW"
-gr u'.
Dress Goods!
Per Cent Discount,
or 1-5 off on all Wool Dress Goods
during this sale. Remember, this
price is for ten days only.
We have a big lot of Remnants
to 5 yd. lengths, all to go at
33 1-3
Per Cent Discount, 1-3 Off.
This moans that yon can buy thoso for one
third less than wo bought tho goods in tho bolt.
All COTTON REMNANTS, consisting o
Ginghams, Calico, Outings, Shirtings, Tickings,
oto., at yx off or 2& per cent dlscmunt.
A sample line of Fascinators, enough to supply all of
Webster county. Remember, the most of them are sam
, pies and already marked very cheap, but we are going to
let them go at
20 per cent Discount
Turnure Bros.
Complete Record of Proceedings of the
Last Term.
Following is tho record of the cases
tried before Judge Adams last week:
State vs. Pearl Wnulle, rape; dis
charged. State vs. Pearl Waufle, rape; nolle
State vs. Wm. Vest, assault; nolle
State vs. Albert E. Strohm, selling
liquor without license! g"Nty on two
counts; fino of 8200 and S100 costs.
State vs. Albert E. Strohm, selling
liqour without liccnbc; continued for
term, and recognizance bond placed at
State vs. James J. Ryan, appeal;
defendant enters plea of guilty and
fine of 810 and 875 costs imposed.
State vs. Ernest Moranvllle, forgery;
nolle prosequi.
civile DOCKET.
Etta E. Dewceso vs. Lucia Oulliford
et al., confirmation of sale; sale con
firmed. J. O. ITamel vs. Ciias. and Maggie
Saylor, attachment; clerk ordered to
pay judgment and costs; clerk ordered
to pay L. II. ltlacklcdgo's Hen of S75.
Henry Ilarty vs. 0. U. &. Q. lty,, ap
peal; dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
Charles Louzler vs. Sarah Leuzler,
divorce, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Joseph Schum vs. Joseph Wonzin
gcr, petition; defendant given 30 days
to file answer.
John N. Williams vs. Hcnjamin F.
Mizcr, appeal; judgmeut for plaintiff
in sum of S75.
Nebraska 15. & L. Ass'n vs. A. 0.
lTosmer; pending stay.
Henry A, Johnson vs. John II. Crary
and John II. Crary, administrator; re
plevin; judgment on verdict; defend
ant allowed -10 days to prepare bill of
Elmo Goos vs. C II & Q Ily Co, ap
peal; defendant given 40 days to plead.
Thomas McDonald vs. C 1$ & Q lty
Co, appeal; dismissed at cost of plain
tiff. .John II McCrary, administrator of
the estate of Henry McCormel, vs.
Sarah J Vaughn, appeal; judgment as
per stipulation, defendant to pay costs.
City of Red Cloud vs. Cliarles II
Potter et al, annexation of territory
to city; continued.
Sarah J Vaughn vs. John II Crary,
appeal; judgment as per stipulation on
Todd K Shigley vs. Austin C llag
well et al, petition; continued.
Daniel L Oroat vs. Harriet M Grout,
divorce; decree granted.
Empire Moulding Works vs. Al
bright Itros, appeal; continued.
Hen II Anderson et al vs. Robert
Dentoy et al, petition; continued.
Carolyno E lloggcss vs. A U Kaley,
appeal; continued, trial sot for llrst
day of next jury term.
1 A Thompson vs. Fred Foken nnd
Anna Fokei, petition; judgment for
plaintiff, defendant given -10 days to
present bill of exceptions.
Sadie Williams vs. Fred Williams,
divorce; dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
First National Hank of Uluo Hill vs.
C Koehlor, petition; dismissed .without
prejudice at plaintiff's cost.
Jacob Huss vs. C It & Q Ry Co, ap
peal; judgment for 832.55 in favor of
Onno Goos vs. C It & Q Ry Co, ap
peal; defendant given 30 days to plead.
William Hulsehue vs. C It & Q Ry
Co, appeal; defendant given 30 days to
Farmers Creek Telephone Co (I no)
vs. Allen A Cooper, injunction; judg
ment for defendant, plaintiff allowed
10 days to file bill of exceptions; de
fendant lined 81 and costs in contempt
proceedings for violating temporary
injunction. '
Frank Vavricka vs. Emma Vavricka,
divorce; decree granted at plaintiff's
Gravenor Stanscr vs. C F Catherct
al, injunction; dismissed, plaintiff ex
cepts, given 40 days to present bill;
motion for new trial overruled.
Tho Ladsman Hirschheimer Co vs
Alfred Iladell ct al, appeal; contin
ued. May M Perry vs Lloyd J Perry, di
vorce; continued.
Win II Fisher vs J J Ryan, appeal;
verdict for plaintiff; motion for new
trial continued for term.
Mischauka Woolen Mfg vs neury
Diederich, appeal; settled and dis
missed. Mary A Killough vs Mark M Milton,
petition; defendant given 30 days to
J E Hiucs vs Joseph It Tlngley, fore
closure of tax Hon; decree and order
of bale.
Cliarles F Guild vs Cliarles Levara,
potition; L H Itliickledgo appointed
refqreo; report received and confirmed;
referee ordered, to bell land.
Ulric Henry vs Mabel Henry, di
vorce; decreo for plaintiff.
Cliarles F McKcighan vs Johnltrush,
appeal; dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
In io application of L W Means for
license to .sell real estate; continued
for term.
Venora Gress vs Henry E Gress, di
vorce; continued for term.
Clemma E Ellwangcr vs Edwin II
Funk et al, petition; plaintiff given 00
days to file amended petition and
plead petition of intervention.
In re claim of J R Mercer vs Estate
of Harry McCormel, appeal; judgment
by agreement for plaintiff for 875.
Thomas J Itodgers vs Loretta Rodg
ers, divorce; continued.
In the matter of tiie road petition of
of William J Lippincott et al and
claim for damages of Richard J Skccn,
appeal; settled and dismissed.
John F Cotner vs C 11 & Q Ry Co,
appeal; motion to dismiss overruled,
plaintiff given leavo to Hie petition in
stanter, defendant allowed 30 days to
answer or plead.
Qliurnham, Hanna, Munger Co vs
Alfred Iladell & Co, appeal; continued.
William N Richardson vs R It Rum
mer et al, foreclosure; decree ordered;
by agreement, stay of ten months.
Fisher "Machine Works Co vs R it
Kummer, appeal; settled and dis
missed. Wesley A Howard vs Andrew M Tal
bot et al, petition; decree as prayed
for at plaintiff's cost.
Cliarles F Gund vs J J Richardson
ct al, petition; decree of foreclosure
and lots ordered sold separately.
Holly II Moore vs Amos Gust, ap
peal; dismissed as per stipulation.
City of Red Cloud vs Michigan Trust
Co, mandate; judgment on mandate.
Nellie Manker vs Harry E blanker,
divorce; decree for plaintiff.
Ahuon W Cox et al vs William Mor
row, appeal; defendant given ten days
to file allidavit against motion to dis
miss, plaintiff given 20 days to ilia
counter aflldavits.
In re Warren Denney vs Estate of
Robert Denney, deceased, nppeal; judg
ment for plaintiff, 820.
Gilbert Denney vs Estato of Robert
S Denney, deceased, appeal; verdict
for defendant; plain ft II' excepts, given
40 days to prepare bill of oxceptipns.
Wm J Reed and John W Reed vs
Henry Shelton ct al; continued.
.John II Crary, adm'r, vs W II D
Scarl, petition.
Nebraska Central It & L Association
vs Lena Walters and A M Walters,
foreclosure; plaintiff given 10 days to
give security.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, a
pasty complexion and other conse
quences of a disordered digestion are
quickly removed by the use of Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat
ment free. Sold at Henry Cook's
drug store.
m i
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York,
discovered an aromatio pleasant herb
euro for womou's ills, called Austral-ian-Lonf.
It is tho only certain
monthly regulator. Cures fomalo
weaknesses and backache, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 00 cunts. Samnlo
froo. Addross, The Mothor Gray Co.,
LoRoy, New York.